Shuchiin, Hanako's Allied Forces' Meeting Room

"Maomata hasn't responded for two days. Does anyone know what her current situation is?"

"No news, he must have been caught."The subordinates replied

""Oh, another one has been caught."

Hidechiin Hanako sat in the highest seat, holding a pipe in her hand, with an unhappy expression on her old face.

""They all make me worry!

I said I was going to perform an investigation, but why can't I control my hands!

I have to kill people!"

Hidechiin Hanako stood up and grabbed a stack of information on the table.

It was the scene where Hizumaki witnessed Nekomata being killed that day.

"The cat couldn't help but attack the human, but was discovered by the human and killed by Kamiya Shuran who rushed over.

He didn't last more than 5 minutes in Kamiya Shuran's hands!"

Hidechiin Hanako threw the information on the ground, very angry

"It's really that each generation is worse than the previous one. They can't even perform such a task of collecting intelligence!

They have to show off their strength and fight with Kamiya Shuran. You are just a high-level monster, can you beat a special-level exorcist?!"

Hidechiin Hanako sat back in the chair, took another puff of cigarette, and asked:

"Who else can take on this important task?

Remember, this is to collect intelligence, not now is the time to go to war with Shen Gu Xiu Ran!"

"Sir, I have a plan that will definitely gather intelligence without being discovered."


The evil spirit rubbed his hands and said slowly:

"Now that the weird has revived, humans have a natural resistance to demons and monsters, but, especially smart monsters, as long as they show up, humans will definitely kill them.

So, we might as well do the opposite.

Send a human to approach Kamiya Xiu Ran and stay by his side.

It is best if it is a beautiful woman. There is no man who does not fall in love with beautiful women.

As long as time passes, Kamiya Xiu Ran will definitely fall, and then he will take the initiative to tell us his cards. What we monsters lack the least is time.

At that time, we will design a trap, use undercover agents to trick Kamiya Xiu Ran out, and wipe him out in one fell swoop."

What do you think, sir?"

The evil spirit fumbled with his hands, with a flattering face.

"Good suggestion." Shuchiin Hanako nodded.

Kamiya Shuran was a smart man. It was not easy to send monsters to gather intelligence.

They would probably be killed as soon as they showed their heads. It would be better to send humans.

"Do you have the right person?"

"Of course, I just controlled the old man of the Shigong family.

Letting the Shigong family send someone to approach Kamiya Xiu Ran can be regarded as a waste of Shigong family."

"You controlled the old man of the Shinomiya family, so the people sent out are from the Shinomiya family.

Well, even if that kid Kamiya Shuran can read memories, he won't know that it is our demon's plan.

This plan is fine.

What's your name?"

"The villain is just a vixen."

"Heh~ Tamamonomae's people? Why are you here?"

"If adults recruit talented people, the younger ones will naturally come."

"Well, if you gather important information, you will be rewarded handsomely after you succeed!"

"Thank you, sir."

The vixen twisted her body and left the special space of Shuzhiyuan Hanako.

She changed from a fox to a human and instantly arrived at the Shinomiya family.

She stood in front of the old man of the Shinomiya family and poked his head with her finger.

The head of the Shinomiya family sat up, his eyes blurred, and he was completely controlled.

"You sent someone to approach Kamiya Shuran......"

The vixen told her plan.

After hearing this, the head of the Shigong family called his son and his youngest daughter who was in high school.

"Father, is there anything wrong?"

Seeing that the head of the family, who had been bedridden for a long time, suddenly called everyone to a meeting, several people came quickly.

"This person is very important, so make sure you have a good relationship with him."

The head of the Sigong family took out a photo of Shen Gu Xiu Ran and placed it on the table.

"Father, who is he?"

"Kamiya Shuran, an exorcist"

"Exorcist? Why should we approach an exorcist?"

Kaguya Shinomiya suspected that her father had been in the hospital for too long and began to believe in ghosts and gods.

Why should she approach an exorcist?

She basically didn't use a smartphone and only read books, so she didn't know that the Anti-Demon Public Security had been established for more than ten days, not to mention those weird things that didn't make the news.

As a result, Kaguya Shinomiya knew nothing about the weird revival. The second son immediately understood what the head of the family meant.

He was well-informed and saw everything that happened in society.

In recent times, the most important thing is the newly established [Anti-Demon Public Security].

It turns out that there have always been weird creatures in the world, but there were not many of them before, and they were all secretly cleared.

Now, the weird revival is increasing in number, and the government can no longer sit idly by, so the Anti-Demon Public Security was established.

After that, there are more and more weird things. Whoever has more exorcists will be the boss.

This can be regarded as a nuclear weapon between countries!

""Father, I am willing to go!"

The second son immediately patted his chest and promised.

However, the head of the family shook his head.

"Men, no, I want women."

The head of the family stared at Shinomiya Kaguya.

As the daughter of the Shinomiya family, it was time for her to contribute to the family.


Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly became extremely nervous. Why would they send her to approach a stranger?

She had no relevant experience!

"Father, although Kaguya is a girl, she has been in school for a long time and has poor interpersonal relationships.

If I go, I might anger that demon slayer."

"Kaguya also has a maid, right?"

"yes.....Yes, her name is Hayasaka Ai"


The owner said briefly

"Father, I really can......"

"The meeting is adjourned."

The head of the family waved his hand and asked everyone to leave.

The three sons were unwilling and had no choice but to leave.

Shinomiya Kaguya was extremely confused. Why did such a task fall on her? It was really too strange!

However, Shinomiya Kaguya was still somewhat fortunate.

She was just going to make friends with a boy. It was not a political marriage, nor was it a marriage. She was just making friends.

This task was not too difficult.

Shinomiya Kaguya returned to her room, and Hayasaka Ai came over to ask

"Sir, what's wrong?"

"Hey, there is a troublesome matter."

Kaguya said what she just heard.

Hayasaka Ai listened silently, stroking her chin, and said after a few minutes:

"It seems that Lord Shinomiya has finally taken this step."

A family as big as the Shinomiya family, Hayasaka Ai knew that there would be a lot of political transactions, but she didn't expect it to come so early.

Kaguya is still in high school. She is still a few years younger than the marriageable age.

"Did Lord Shinomiya only say that he wanted to make friends with Kamiya Shuran?

Was there anything else?"

"Just let me become close friends with him and bring him to our Shinomiya family."

"Becoming close friends is not easy.

Sometimes, even a husband and wife relationship cannot be close."

Hayasaka Ai felt a little headache, why was she given such a difficult task?

She could only take it one step at a time.

"Let’s go collect basic information about Kamiya Shuran first."

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