The Nekomata's soul rushed towards Yukino's body. It was just a few centimeters. Even if you, Kamiya Shuran, were so powerful, you couldn't catch me!

Kamiya Shuran watched Nekomata suddenly break his neck. He thought that cats had nine lives, so Nekomata was going to give up one life and use the rest of his life, but he felt something was wrong.

He saw that the Nekomata's soul did not dissipate, but rushed towards Yukino's body.

This was not the soul escaping, but it was going to take over another body!

He stretched out his left hand, trying to catch the Nekomata's soul that had left his body, but the Nekomata was too close to Yukino. After just a few centimeters, Kamiya Shuran was still a step late.

The Nekomata's soul entered Yukino's body.

Yukino felt something appear in her mind, but she couldn't feel it in an instant.

"that.......Xiu Ran, you are......"

Yukino was still stunned where she was, at a loss as to what to do.

The Nekomata had clearly taken her hostage just now, so why did he suddenly end his own life?

Yukino looked at the corpse of the Nekomata lying at her feet.

She had just broken her neck, causing blood to spurt everywhere.

Yukino wiped her face.

Kamiya Shuran pressed Yukino's head with his left hand, trying to pull out the Nekomata's soul directly, but the Nekomata's soul had already attached to Yukino's soul, and it was not that easy.

In order for the Nekomata to take over a human's body, it needs to attach its soul to it, and then assimilate the human's soul.

Once the assimilation is completed, the human is equivalent to being dead, and the Nekomata has taken over the body.

However, assimilating the soul takes some time, and the host needs to remain calm.

Obviously, the Nekomata did not have the time at this moment.

"Xueno, come with me, this matter is not over yet"

"No end? What do you mean?"

"What this means is that the Nekomata's soul is now in your head.

If you don't get her out, you will be possessed by her."


Xueno opened her eyes wide.

Although she liked cats, she didn't want to be possessed by a cat, let alone a cat demon!

""Well, Shuran-kun, what should we do?"

Yukino shook her head, trying to shake out the Nekomata's soul.

This looked very funny, as if she was shaking the water out of her head.

"Don't panic, I have a way."

Kamiya Shuran held Yukino down, and the two of them fell directly into the mirror world.

"In the mirror world, is there a solution?"

"No, because there is no one in the mirror world, so it is convenient to carry out the plan."

Kamiya Shuran took the rope beside him and asked Xueno to sit on the chair.

"I'm going to use ropes to tie up your hands and feet so I can cast a spell later."


Yukino swallowed her saliva, feeling that this was not a Taoist priest performing a ritual, but rather an interrogation of a spy!

Yukino looked at the red rope, and always felt that it was made of blood.

But when Kamiya Shuran tied up Yukino with a rope, the idea of interrogating a criminal disappeared.

Why was her body tied up like this!

Isn't this what they say on the Internet, bondage play!

How does Shuran know this technique?

Yukino wanted to move, but there was nothing she could do. She could not move at all.

Her hands were tied behind her back, and her legs could not move.

However, she did not feel any discomfort, and her blood circulation was normal, which showed the superb skills of Kamiya Shuran!

"Um, Xiu Ran-kun, how are you going to cast the spell?"

Xue No's heart was beating wildly. She felt that it wouldn't be a simple method, otherwise she wouldn't have tied herself up like this, right?

It was the same plot as FBI Warning!

"It's very simple. I just want to make your heart beat faster and your emotions excited, so that Nekomata's soul can't merge into your soul. Then I'll take the opportunity to pull her out."

"So that's it......."

Yukino nodded. Just listening to this plan, it seemed very simple. She should not be hurt.

Yukino felt relieved a little, but when Kamiya Shuran put his left hand on her forehead, Yukino was shocked!


"Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Shen Gu Xiu Ran paused for a moment.

"No, it's not......"

Xueno's face flushed. She knew exactly what had happened to her!

So this was how the spell was cast!

No wonder she had to tie herself up, otherwise she would have fallen to the ground.

"Go on."

Kamiya Shuran pressed Yukino's forehead again and passed the effect of [Soul-Stirring Hand] to her.

Yukino's heartbeat became faster and faster, she became emotional, and her face turned from snow-white to fiery red.

Nekomata, who was lurking in Yukino's head, suddenly felt uneasy.

Her soul and Yukino's soul could not be glued together, and she was still being pushed out.

If she continued like this, she would probably be pulled out!

Nekomata was unwilling to be caught like this.

She was a high-level monster, how could she die in the hands of a high school kid!

She tried her best to stick her soul and Yukino's soul together.

Kamiya Shuran also noticed Nekomata's fierce resistance, so he had to increase his strength.

In order to succeed in casting the spell, he could only make Yukino suffer.

"Xueno, it's a bit difficult to deal with. Just hold on. I'm going to increase the power of the spell."

"Um......Xiu Ran, please continue. I can still hold on."

Yukino nodded reluctantly. She was still able to control her body.

Kamiya Xiu Ran cut Yukino's clothes with a light stroke, revealing the white intelligence underwear inside.

Kamiya Xiu Ran stretched out his left hand and pressed it on Yukino's lower abdomen.

【He continued to activate the Soul-Stirring Hand, and at the same time, he also opened the Mangekyō Sharingan!


"Meow meow meow——"

The Nekomata struggled to fight against the [Soul-Crazy Hand], but this was a rule-based skill after all, and a mere high-level monster was not enough.

After 10 minutes, Yukino's heartbeat had reached its fastest speed, and the Nekomata could no longer cling to her. Her soul was shaken and floated away.

Kamiya Shuran grabbed her and threw an illusion at her.

The Nekomata's soul froze in place, with lifeless eyes.

This high-level monster was finally solved.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for solving the high-level monster】

【Get a premium product exchange voucher】

【One chance to win a prize】

——Exchange for the Mangekyō Sharingan (Shinwei) first

【The exchange was successful, and the power of Kamui has been installed in the host's Sharingan】

——There is also a chance to win a prize, which I also used.

【Ding, extraction successful】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the five chakra attributes】

【The five ninjutsu corresponding to the chakra attributes can be used as long as the host learns them】

【Note that bloodline limits and bloodline elimination are not included.】

——Five chakra attributes, not bad,

——I have the Sharingan, which is considered a very powerful bloodline limit.

——As for the bloodline elimination, wait until you kill a few high-level demons later, and then you can exchange them at will.

Kamiya Shuran stroked his eyes, and a pair of rotating black patterns appeared in his eyes.

Now that he has obtained another pupil technique, it is easier to deal with those evil spirits.

Just walk around, grab the body, and throw it into the Kamui space.

After dealing with the Nekomata, Kamiya Shuran came to check on Yukino.

At this time, Yukino was very weak and leaned weakly on the chair.

She felt that she couldn't even breathe.

It was only a short ten minutes, but in Yukino's eyes, it was no less than a month!

It was too long!


Xueno said weakly. She was severely dehydrated.

Kamiya Shuran untied Xueno and passed some vitality to her to make her feel better.

After a few minutes, Xueno blinked her eyes, and the uncomfortable feeling in her body finally disappeared.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Um......"Xue No nodded, a little afraid to look at Kamiya Shuran, after all , her reaction just now was really hard to talk about.

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