The three of them came to Yuigahama Yui's home, and her mother just came back from work at noon.

Seeing Kamiya Shuran coming to visit, Yuigahama's mother felt a little better.

She took Kamiya Shuran's hand and said:

""Shuran-kun, you are here, go and persuade Yui.

I don't know what's wrong with her. She has locked herself in the room all day and won't let me in."

Yuigahama's mother was a little worried.

What's wrong with her daughter? She suddenly locked herself in the room and said she wanted to take a leave and not go to school, but she didn't tell me the reason.

Even her mother wouldn't let her in. I really don't know what she is doing.

So, now she can only put her hope on Kamiya Shuran.

"I understand."

Kamiya Shuran nodded and walked in, followed by Yukino and Himeno.

Yuigahama's mother looked at Yukino and Himeno, one was a cold iceberg beauty, the other was a lively and enthusiastic big sister, both of them were following behind Kamiya Shuran.

From this point of view, the chances of her daughter finally achieving success are not high~

Kamiya Shuran walked outside Yui's room and knocked on the door gently.

"Yui, it’s me. How are you now?"

"Xiu Ran is here?!"

Yuigahama Yui covered her head with a quilt. She looked outside in horror.

A thought came to her mind

: She must not let Kamiya Shu Ran see her like this!

How can she meet people like this?

If she is seen, her image will be completely ruined!

This morning, Yuigahama Yui found that a pair of horns appeared on her head! The slender horns were coiled on her head and could not be taken off at all. Even if she wore a hat, it could not be covered at all!

Yui was completely shocked!

She originally wanted to ask Kamiya Shu Ran for help, but she thought that if she was seen by Kamiya Shu Ran, wouldn't her pure image be ruined?

I have heard that beauties don't let others see them before they die, just to keep the last fantasy.

So Yui locked herself in the house and didn't want to go out.

As for what happened later, she was in no mood to think about it.

Until Kamiya Shu Ran came to the door.

Kamiya Shu Ran knocked on the door again and said:

"Yui, you must have changed.

Don't worry, I have a way.

And Yukino and Himeno have also changed, you are not alone."

In order to comfort Yui, I had to bring Yukino and Himeno out to take the blame.

"Xueno and Himeno-senpai also......"

Yui slowly raised her head. It seemed that unfortunate things always happened one after another.

Not only was she affected, but also Himeno and Yukino....

Is it because of the beef from that farmhouse?

If I had known, I would not have gone to that restaurant. The food is very expensive.

Yui's mood calmed down a little.

The appearance of Kamiya Shuran always made her feel safe.

She stood up with the help of the wall. She was still not used to the pair of horns on her head, and her center of gravity was a little unstable. She stood at the door, took a deep breath, and her heart was beating non-stop.

Finally, she plucked up the courage and opened the door.

The door opened, and Yuigahama Yui was standing behind it.

She was wearing white pajamas and slippers.

"Yui, your head......"

"It's ugly, isn't it?......"

Yui lowered her head sadly.

"No, it's not ugly."

Kamiya Shuran looked Yuigahama Yui up and down.

There was a pair of horns on her head, but they were not the kind of sharp horns that went up vertically. Instead, they coiled from the back of her head to the front, just like the horns of Nel in Genshin Impact.

If you don't tell them, no one would know that this is real and would think it was cosplay.

In addition to the horns on her head, there was another part of Yui that changed, which was the same as Himeno's, that is, her chest.

Yui's chest has grown a lot, and it is completely different from before.

However, because of the pair of horns on her head,

Yui has no time to feel happy.

"You only have extra horns, is there anything else?"

"Yes, I feel that my shoulders are hurting."

Yui pointed at the suspenders that were deeply embedded in her shoulders.

It seemed that the weight was much heavier, so it hurt.

"It would be ok if it was just horns, the impact would not be big, and I will go and solve this problem today."

When he first heard that Yui would not come to school, Kamiya Shuran thought that Yui was going to turn into a minotaur.

But it turned out that only a pair of horns appeared on her head.

It was not that serious at all.

It was just Yui's weak heart that increased her fear.

The pair of horns on her head is at least much better than the tail behind Yukino's butt!

Moreover, it is equivalent to a breast augmentation.

Himeno and Yukino, who were standing behind Shuran, saw that there was only a pair of horns on the head, and their uneasiness subsided.

It seems that the three of them have no big problems, and they will not be turned into calves and slaughtered by the restaurant.

Yukino looked at Yui's body and felt as if there was something extra.

She glanced at Himeno again, and then she realized the situation!

What's going on? Why are the two...

Everyone's breasts have grown bigger!

And a lot bigger!

Only I haven't changed at all!

Yukino clenched her fists silently.

The devil treats people differently, right? Even though she knows it's only temporary, at least she can experience the benefits of gathering people's hearts!

Yukino's little lips are about to be bitten by her!

Damn bull-headed demon!

Since Yui has come out of the house and everyone has discussed it a little, Kamiya Shuran decided to go to the farmhouse immediately to find the bull-headed demon hiding and cancel the curse.

In order to cancel the curse as soon as possible, Yukino raised her hand and said that she must witness the death of the bull-headed demon in person.

This is the first time that Yukino, who is usually not interested in weird events, has taken the initiative.

"Then let's go."

Shen Gu Xiu Ran snapped his fingers, and several people entered the mirror world.

The next second, they felt the world turned upside down. Several people walked out of the mirror world and stood at the gate of the farmhouse.

"We're here." Shen Gu Xiu Ran said. He turned around and found that the three beautiful girls all had frowns on their faces.

The dizziness caused by the fast shuttle made the three of them start to spin their eyes.

"This feeling.......It's worse than if I drank ten bottles of wine......."

Jiye squatted on the ground, holding her stomach.

Yui and Yukino also barely supported their bodies, looking uncomfortable.

"Next time, I'd better take the bus and come here obediently."

Kamiya Shuei thought.

He walked towards the inside of the farmhouse and first went to interrogate a few staff members.

He went straight to the reception desk, his eyes had already switched to the three-magatama Sharingan

"Welcome." The receptionist smiled and looked at Shen Gu Xiu Ran, their eyes met, and she was under an illusion.

"Where is the Minotaur?"

"I don't know what a bull-headed demon is."The receptionist replied woodenly.

——Don't know about the Minotaur? How can you keep the information so secret?——

"Where do the cows slaughtered every day come from?"

"There is a cooperative company that provides us with meat.

We only kill cattle occasionally, and the rest are purchased from wholesalers."

Kamiya Shuran thought that the front desk might not be important and knew very little information, so he went to find a few more staff members, chefs, and the person in charge.

As a result, their answers were similar.

The beef was taken from the wholesaler.

The beef slaughtered on site was not sold, but transported to the boss.

The meat eaten by customers was all wholesaled.

"What was slaughtered on the spot was not a cow, but a human.

But the meat was eaten by the boss, which means that the boss knew that the cows were transformed from humans, or that the cows were transformed by the boss using humans.

Is the boss a bull-headed demon?"

Shinya Shuran gave his own conclusion, found the boss, and the problem was solved.

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