"Tail? What's going on?!"

"I......I am not sure as well........"

Yukino's face was full of anxiety. She was like this when she woke up in the morning. She had no idea what was going on.

Until now, Yukino had not told her parents. She really didn't dare to. How could a girl like her suddenly grow a tail behind her butt ?! Yukino was about to cry! After finally making it to lunch break, she hurried over to find Kamiya Shuran. Kamiya Shuran turned on his [X-ray Eyes] and looked Yukino up and down. There were no other changes to her body, but a tail had emerged from behind her butt. It was a cow's tail! It was long and thin, like a rope.

"When did the accident happen?"

"This morning, I woke up like this"

"No other symptoms?"

""No." Xueno shook her head, looking frustrated.

Xueno had never encountered such a thing before.

Before, she thought that supernatural events were pure nonsense and unscientific.

The day before yesterday, the anti-demon police was established. She also felt that these things were far away from her.

But who knew that this morning, she was directly hit!

Is this the consequence of disrespecting supernatural events?

It directly attacked me, punishing me!

"What should I do? Kamiya-kun"

"in this situation....

To be honest, this is the first time I've encountered this."Kamiya Shuran was thinking about countermeasures.

It seems that his suspicion about the farmhouse was correct.

The cow that died that morning was indeed problematic.

Could it be that the cow was also in the same situation, eating beef, and then turned into a cow, and was eventually taken back and killed by the people in the farmhouse?

Wouldn't that mean that many people turned into cows and were killed?

No, that farmhouse has so many guests, hundreds of people go there to eat every day.

If they were all turned into cows, it would have been an international hot search long ago, and it wouldn't have caused such a disaster until now.

A minute later, Kamiya Shuran gave the result of his thinking.

"Xueno, don't worry. I guess not everyone will turn into a cow. There are a lot of guests at that farmhouse.

Even if one in ten guests grows a cow's tail, there will be at least several thousand people.

If there were so many people, it would have been on the news.

However, there is no such thing in the news, so don't worry too much."

"I hope so."

Seeing Kamiya Shuran's answer, Yukino calmed down a little.

"By the way, am I the only one showing symptoms?

What about the other three?"

Yukino looked at Kamiya Shuran, who looked fine.

"I don't have any information yet, but Yui didn't come to school today.

I suspect that she must have had some physical changes like you."

"Where is Senior Ji Ye?"

"I don't know. I called her but she didn't answer."

"So that's it......

What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to solve this problem today."

"I'll go with you!"

Xueno was determined and clenched her fists.

The devil was bullying her. If possible, she would also like to give that devil two punches.

"Okay, when the time comes to relieve your symptoms, you may need to be present in person. It would be best if we can go together."

Kamiya Shuran went to ask for leave from Hiratsuka Shizuka.

When Hiratsuka Shizuka saw Kamiya Shuran and Yukinoshita Yukino coming to ask for leave, she was very surprised.

Could it be that this rascal had won over the flower of the high mountain - Yukinoshita Yukino?!

I can't believe it!

This guy is so charming?!

Hiratsuka Shizuka approved the leave for both of them.

"Ding ding ding, sorry, the number you dialed is busy, please try again later."

Yukino hung up the phone and shook her head:"Yuigahama-san still didn't answer the phone."

"Let's go find Himeno first, and then the three of us will go directly to Yui's house to find her."


The two took a car to Jiye's rental house.

They knocked on the door, but there was no response.

Kamiya Shuran crushed the door lock, pushed the door open and walked in.

Yukino was speechless. Kamiya Shuran was so strong? He crushed the metal directly!

The two walked into Jiye's rental house. It was clean inside.

Although Jiye looked very rambling at ordinary times, the house was still very refreshing.

Washed clothes were hung on the balcony, white, pink, black, and various small underwear were hung on it. There were also many small vests, which seemed to have been washed together after being piled up for a while.

Kamiya Shuran pushed open Jiye's bedroom. She was still lying on the bed, snoring.

There were many beer cans on the bedside table. No need to think, she must have drunk too much and slept until the afternoon.

"Senior Ji Ye hasn't woken up yet."

Yukino stood at the door, waiting for Kamiya Shuran to take action.

"Just wake her up."

Shinya Xiuran turned on his [Perspective Eyes] and scanned Jiye's body. He also turned her over to check if there was a tail behind her buttocks.

In the end, he found that Jiye had no horns or tails, and her hands and feet were normal.

The only difference might be Jiye's chest.

Through visual inspection, it seemed to have grown a lot.

Shinya Xiuran pinched Jiye's nose. After a few seconds, she started coughing and woke up instantly.

"Cough cough cough.....What's wrong?"

Ji Ye slowly opened his eyes and leaned on the mattress.

"Ah, isn't this Xiu Ran? Why are you here at my house?"

Ji Ye looked around the house.

"Why is Yukino still here?

Why are you two here to see me so early in the morning?"

"It's afternoon now, and I came to see you for something."

"Is it afternoon already?"

Ji Ye stood up from the bed, took off his pajamas, and changed into a white shirt.

"What's the matter? Tell me."


Yukinoshita , turn around.

Why do you want me to turn around? Can't I just express it verbally?

"Ahem, Himeno-senpai, it's like this, Yuigahama and I have some health problems."

"what is the problem?"

"I have an extra tail"


Ji Ye opened her eyes wide, and her confused brain suddenly became clear.

She walked behind Xue No and saw that she was wrapped tightly, with a slight bulge behind her buttocks.

"Do you really have a tail? What's the reason?

The beef the day before yesterday?"

"Um......"Yukino nodded.

"That.....Yui, is she also showing symptoms?"

"It should be. Yui didn't come to school today and didn't answer the phone. I think her situation is more serious than Yukino's, so she doesn't dare to reply me."

"Yui's luck is so bad......"

Himeno still has a good impression of Yuigahama Yui, after all, she is so carefree, innocent and cute.

Himeno was originally such a person, but the cruel life made her become smooth and she lost her previous purity and kindness.

Therefore, she still cares about Yui.

"Let's go, Yui should still be at home."

The three of them took a taxi and headed towards Yuigahama Yui's home.

At Yui's home, she locked herself in the house and never came out.

Her eyes were filled with tears, which kept falling. She dared not accept the reality.

Asking for flowers and evaluation votes.

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