Kamiya Shuran came out and told the information he had obtained: the owner of the farmhouse might be the bull-headed demon in hiding.

The cows slaughtered on site were eventually transported to the mountain behind, where the owner lived.

If the owner was dealt with, the curse should stop.

Ji Ye admired Kamiya Shuran's speed. It only took five minutes for him to obtain so much information.

He really made the right choice!

"Well, classmate Xiu Ran, why do changes occur in our bodies?"

"This is not very clear, it may be the work of the Minotaur.

Just like the zombie demon turns humans into zombies.

The Minotaur may have put something special in the beef they eat."

"The beef we eat is not human flesh, right?" Yui said in a low voice.

If she ate human flesh, she would probably never eat any meat again in her life.

"It's not human flesh. I asked several people and they all said it was beef."

"Phew~ Fortunately. It seems that I won’t feel sick when eating in the future."

Several people walked towards the small mountain village behind the farmhouse.

There was a small villa surrounded by green water. Usually, no one lived there.

Only the employees of the farmhouse sent the slaughtered beef to the boss to eat.

Apart from that, there were few people.

When they arrived in front of the small villa, Shen Gu Xiu Ran opened the [Perspective Eye] and looked around. He found a secret room behind the small villa.

"There is a secret room at the back. Come closer to me. The Bull-Headed Demon is probably inside."

Kamiya Shuran opened his Mangekyō Sharingan, and a small Susanoo appeared, wrapping up the other three.

Yuigahama Yui and Yukino both approached Kamiya Shuran.

"The devil is in this......"Yukino swallowed and encouraged herself.

Since she had made a promise to face the devil in person, she had to stick to it and not quit halfway!

In this world where demons and evil spirits have revived, in order to survive, one must have the courage to face the devil.

Several people came to the secret room at the back. Susanoo punched and broke the iron door open.

A strong smell of blood came out from inside.

There were many bones on the ground, all of which were cow bones.

Of course, if Kamiya Shuran's speculation was correct, these should all be cows that were transformed from humans.

"So many bones, are they all human?"

It was the first time that Xueno encountered such a situation.

It felt like a slaughterhouse.

Jiye looked at the surrounding walls. It was relatively clean, just like the slaughter area of a vegetable market.

At least it was much better than the zombie demons last time! There were no disgusting maggots.

"Um, Xiu Ran, is the bull-headed demon in there?"

Yuigahama Yui was a bit timid and had already grabbed Xiu Ran's sleeve.

"It should be inside. I can feel a huge vitality inside."

As they walked further inside, there were more and more cow bones around, at least more than a hundred.

So many people died. Did the government not care?

Finally, they walked to the back of the secret room, where pots, pans, knives and forks were placed.

"I didn't realize that this bull-headed demon eats in a unique way. He knows how to eat in a human way."

"Hannibal in the Minotaur"

"Humans, come to this place, then I will not be polite!"

The voice of the bull-headed demon suddenly came, and a huge bull head suddenly popped out from the corner, it opened its bloody mouth, and it could bite several people in one bite!


The bull-headed demon bit Susanoo's head.

The hard armor broke one of the bull-headed demon's teeth, but Susanoo only had a small hole. The energy supply kept up and the hole was instantly restored.

"It's blocked, quite interesting."

The bull-headed demon wiped his mouth, and his body appeared in front of several people.

It was a demon with a bull's head and a human body. It was not the white bull in Europe, nor the bison in America, but the most common buffalo. It was a very docile livestock in the countryside. If you only look at its appearance, you probably wouldn't have thought that such a guy was actually a demon who ate countless people!

The bull-headed demon took a white handkerchief and put it on his collar.

This was a gentleman's etiquette when eating a formal meal.

Except for the bull's head, the rest of the bull-headed demon was dressed like an old European aristocrat in the 20th century.

He wore a suit and a big tie, and his feet were still polished leather shoes.

The tablecloth was made of snow-white silk, and there was also high-end red wine on it.

"Are you the Minotaur?"

"You can call me that.

If you have any questions, just say it.

I always believe in letting food go clearly."

The bull-headed demon took a knife and fork and sat elegantly on the chair.

It seems that the metaphor just now made by Kamiya Xiuran is really appropriate.

The bull-headed demon is the Hannibal of the bull world!

The attitude of the bull-headed demon made Kamiya Xiuran very unhappy.

A beast actually pretended to be like that!

He really thought humans were vegetarians!

"Remove the curses of the people behind me, kneel down and surrender, and I will consider sparing your life."

"I am a cow, not a dog!"

The Bull-Headed Demon was instantly furious.

For so many years, these damn demon hunters had all called him a dog.

He was a noble cow, how could he be a pet like a dog?!

"Go to hell! I'm going to eat raw meat today!"

The bull-headed demon suddenly jumped out from behind the table in an instant.

"Bull Demon Elbow Strike!"


Susanoo retreated a little, then stabilized. Kamiya Shuran did nothing but looked at the bull-headed demon. His expression was full of disdain, as if to say: That's it?

The bull-headed demon became even angrier, and its anger value continued to soar. Its veins bulged all over its body, and its body grew from three meters tall to six meters tall.

"Human, you are too arrogant!"

"Bull Demon Flying Kick!"

The Bull Demon stepped on the spot, accelerated instantly, and hit again.

Kamiya Shuran grabbed Yukino and Yui by the collar and led them to the side.

The Bull Demon kicked them sideways, and his huge body smashed the table into pieces.

"The speed is still too slow, you can't do it."

Kamiya Shuran mocked, and Susanoo slapped it and directly knocked the bull-headed demon into the wall.

The damage was not high, but the insult was very strong.

"Human, you are too arrogant!"

The Bull-headed Demon was really angry this time, ready to take real action and show his true colors!

I saw its body suddenly became bigger, the suit on its body was all torn, and its head became unrecognizable, and it instantly expanded more than ten times.

The Bull-headed Demon suddenly soared from 6 meters high to 10 meters high, and then 20 meters.

Its body continued to grow, and its body filled the secret room, and then the small villa.

Its body rose from the ground and directly broke the small villa built outside!

Shen Gu Xiu Ran jumped out of the secret room with a few people, standing on a small mound of earth, and the Bull-headed Demon stood up.

The complete Bull-headed Demon was 40 meters tall!

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