When Shuran looked at Goto Ichiri, he found that the strange aura on her was a little stronger, and perhaps the strangeness would pay attention to her for a few more minutes.

At present, Kamiya Shuran could not judge what kind of strangeness could actually shuttle back and forth like this.

But since Goto Ichiri, this special target, appeared in front of him, he still had to ask a few more questions.

Goto Ichiri stood there stupidly.

She wanted to chat with Kamiya Shuran, but she found that Kamiya Shuran was staring at her! He didn't take his eyes off her!

He didn't dare to chat at all.

Why was Kamiya staring at her so intently!

It's been more than ten seconds, and his eyes haven't moved away. Did he feel unhappy about the guitar he played just now?!

But he also said it sounded very good!

Goto Ichiri's calves have begun to tremble.

"that.......Kamiya-kun, I I I oh I oh I......I'll leave first. I still have to go have lunch."

Yili turned around and prepared to leave, but her shoulder was held by Shen Gu Xiu Ran.


"What? What's going on?......"

Beads of sweat have begun to appear on Ichiri's face!

What happened? I actually had physical contact with a boy!

Although Kamiya-kun's left hand was wearing a sports glove, this still counts as physical contact, right?

Ahhh, I finally had physical contact with a boy. Does that mean I'm about to transform from a girl into a woman?

The first person I had sex with was Kamiya-kun. Although I didn't know him very well, he was the first high school classmate to talk to me.

Ah, it's not that I can't, but.......

Goto Ichiri stood there, his head started to have crazy fantasies again, and his whole body was about to start to twist again.


Kamiya Shuran said loudly, and then she calmed down.

The reason why he used his left hand was that he thought that Guiyi might have possessed or hypnotized her.

But seeing the twisted and fantasy look of Ichiri just now, there was no doubt that it must be the real Goto Ichiri.

Guiyi couldn't imitate her twisted and crawling abstract appearance.

""Oh, sorry, sorry!"

Goto Ichiri turned around immediately and bowed frantically.

She thought she had caused trouble for others again.

Seeing Ichiri like this, Kamiya Shuran didn't know what to say.

It was estimated that in her current state, he would definitely not be able to get any information.

She was not strong, and the whole person was introverted and gloomy.

There shouldn't be any weirdness trying to take over her body, right?

"Sorry, please go have lunch. I was abrupt."

"Ah? Okay, okay."

Goto Ichiri nodded like crazy, not knowing why Kamiya-kun suddenly called her, but she did nothing.

She put the guitar back into her bag and ran away.

Although Goto Ichiri left, Kamiya Shuran's vision followed her until she disappeared from his sight.

"If the strange target is not Pochi-chan, then the clue is interrupted again."

Kamiya Shuran wiped his left eye gently, and his [Perspective Eye] was turned off.

He packed up his lunch box and returned to the classroom.

After lunch break, classes resumed as usual in the afternoon. Everything was normal.

Kamiya Shuran could still feel the breath, but it was erratic and moved quickly.

For a moment, he felt that the strange breath was in the classroom, but he could not locate it specifically, as if there was a shield that isolated it, or in other words, it was a four-dimensional space, not a three-dimensional space.

He could only feel the breath and could not find the specific location.

"It seems that this weirdness is not simple. What is its medium?"

Shinya Xiuran is ready to continue investigating the weirdness that appeared in the school.

If he doesn't deal with it, he won't be able to relax in school.

He regards the school as his own pure land, and he will enjoy his high school life that he has never experienced before. He must not let the weirdness mess up!

Time passed quickly and it was afternoon after school.

He wandered around the campus with his schoolbag on his back, continuing to look for strange smells.

He heard the sound of a guitar coming from the classroom.

Judging from the sound of the song, it should be Goto Ichiri.

Passing by the corridor outside the classroom, Kamiya Shuran saw that Goto Ichiri was sitting in the classroom playing the guitar.

There were several girls next to him. They were watching and recording videos with their mobile phones.

Ichiri was very nervous, with beads of sweat on her face, and her little white socks were soaked!

She had planned to take advantage of the empty classroom and play for more than ten minutes before leaving, but who knew that a group of girls would leave and come back!

Ichiri was very embarrassed, but she didn't stop playing the guitar.

After a few minutes, the song ended.

""Pa pa pa~"

The girls watching all applauded Yili.

"You play it really well!"

"This is so beautiful. Can I use this song as my wake-up call?"

"Is this classmate interested in participating in the campus singing competition? You will definitely win a prize!"

Hearing the praise from his classmates, Goto Ichiri was extremely happy and felt very happy.

"Hehehe, it’s not as great as you say~

I just started playing guitar when I was young~

I just have a little talent~"

The classmates around heard how hard Bochi-chan practiced guitar and praised her even more.

Bochi-chan was so happy that she almost went to heaven!

"It seems that Pochi-chan has changed."Kamiya Shuran said in his heart.

He walked outside the classroom and continued to look for the strange breath.

A bad thought came to his mind.

Maybe, that strange breath will take action today!

"It should be Ichiri. I'll go ask her later."

Kamiya Shuran stood outside the classroom waiting.

Now that the weirdness has revived, he doesn't have a demon illustrated book at hand. Everything has to be explored by himself.

Maybe he can ask Gojo Satoru for a demon illustrated book?

Wait until this matter is resolved before going.

Kamiya Shu was waiting silently outside the classroom. After more than ten minutes, Ichiri had played four songs. The girls who were watching thought it was enough and left.

They saw that the handsome guy Kamiya Shuran was actually standing at the back door of the classroom, as if he was still waiting for someone. They were a little surprised for a moment.

Is he waiting for me?!

"Kamiya-kun, who are you waiting for?"The girls surrounded him.

"I'm waiting for Goto Ichiri."

The girls looked over. Ichiri had let her bangs down. Her hair was messy and her eyebrows couldn't be seen. They didn't know why Kamiya Shuran would wait for that ordinary girl.

"See you tomorrow~"

The girls knew they were not waiting for her, so they walked away.

Goto Ichiri packed up her guitar and found that she was the only one in the classroom. Kamiya Shuran was standing at the door.

Her body trembled for a moment.

Why would Kamiya wait for her here?!

Was he confessing his love?

Or was he going to do something bad to her?

Ichiri stood there, her mind started to imagine randomly again.

"Is not you going home?"

"Uh, ah, I'm going home."

"Come together, I have something to ask you"


Yili carried her guitar and walked beside Kamiya Shuran.

She looked up at Kamiya Shuran, who was so handsome.

Why would such a handsome guy pay so much attention to her yesterday and today?

Could it be that he was attracted to her?

Yili blushed and her head began to steam!

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