Arriving at school, Goto Ichiri ran towards the classroom like a gust of wind, her face full of joy, she was so happy!

Some classmates who passed by her were shocked!

"Oh my god, what is this? His face is so white and red, it scares me!"

"Is this a prank?"

"I feel like I'm shooting a funny video. I heard that bloggers like to shoot school-related topics nowadays."

The classmates around were talking about it, but Yili didn't pay any attention to it. She just wanted to get to her classroom quickly!

Finally, she pushed the door open and walked into the classroom!

The sound of her opening the door was so loud that all the classmates around looked over, and then a burst of suppressed laughter came

"Oh, what's going on? Why aren't there the cheers I imagined?

Where are the admiring eyes?"

Ichiri was stunned, not knowing what was going on. Why was it completely different from what she imagined?

No, it must be that these people can't appreciate my beauty!

Ichiri walked straight towards Kamiya Shuran.

Kamiya helped her yesterday, so he must be able to appreciate my beauty!

Goto Ichiri walked to Kamiya Shuran's side, and she saw Kamiya Shuran's eyes suddenly widened, and then returned to normal.

"Um, Kamiya-san, today, today......"

Yili stood in front of Kamiya Shuran, rubbing her hands back and forth.

She suddenly remembered that she and Kamiya were just ordinary classmates.

It seemed unreasonable to come to him and ask him questions about her dress.

"Um, Goto-san, your outfit is really a bit"

Yuigahama Yui, who was sitting next to Kamiya, couldn't help but wonder why Goto Ichiri painted his face red and purple, like a comedian.

"Huh? What's wrong with my outfit? Isn't it pretty good?"

Goto Ichiri took out a small mirror and looked at herself. Her face was white and red, and there were some purple circles.

She didn't see anything wrong. Isn't it a common problem for makeup novices?

Because she didn't pay attention to her appearance for a long time, Goto Ichiri's aesthetic sense had a big problem!

"Yui, please help her deal with it a little bit."

Kamiya Shuran tried to stay calm. It was very difficult to hold back laughter! Yuigahama

Yui came out, holding Ichiri's sleeve, and walked to the back of the classroom.

"Goto-san, your makeup today is not suitable. Do you have any cosmetics? I will help you fix it."

""I brought it."

Ichiri took out a bunch of things from her schoolbag.

Yuigahama Yui first cleaned the paste on Ichiri's face, then washed off the excess, and then cleaned it again, applying light makeup, which was very suitable for Ichiri's youthful personality.

After more than ten minutes, the makeup was finished.

"Okay, Goto-san, take a look."

Ichiri looked at herself in the mirror and her eyes widened.

It turned out that she looked so good after lifting her bangs, changing her hairstyle and putting on light makeup!

Her makeup method just now was completely wrong!

Yuigahama Yui was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that Goto Ichiri, an inconspicuous little transparent person in the classroom, would be so beautiful after changing her hairstyle and putting on a little makeup!

She was even cuter than Miura Yumiko!

She had never noticed it before!

"Oh, let's show it to Shuran-kun, he will definitely be surprised."

Yuigahama Yui pushed Goto Ichiri to Kamiya Shuran's seat.

""Shuran-kun, look at what Goto-san looks like after putting on makeup!" Kamiya

Shuran looked at Ichiri. Her bangs were neatly styled, with a cute bun on top.

Her skin was fair, with a little blush on her cheeks and light eyeshadow around her eyes. She looked incredibly beautiful!

It was like Cinderella turning into Snow White!

"quite pretty"

"Right, I was saying, Goto-san would look really good with a little bit of dressing up!"

"Hehe, it's not that good~"

Goto Ichiri scratched the back of her head, the excitement in her heart was about to burst out!

She was so happy! Give her a few more compliments! Hehehe~

After a while of chatting, the class bell rang, and Ichiri returned to her seat.

Her long-lost deskmate also chatted with her for a few words, probably saying things like"You are so beautiful."

Goto Ichiri was so happy that she felt so high!

She took a small mirror, looked left and right, and found that she had really become beautiful.

She closed the mirror and was secretly delighted.

But she didn't notice the strange smile that flashed in the mirror.

The mirror girl is a strange creature that lives in the mirror.

She knew nothing about the outside world at first, but now she has collected a lot of information and has some understanding of humans, so she can start plundering immediately.

Her target is her host-Goto Ichiri!

Replace this girl and live her life!

During the lunch break, Goto Ichiri went to the rooftop with her guitar on her back.

She was going to record her own YouTube video.

Although Ichiri is just an ordinary high school student, she has 30,000 fans on the YouTube platform!

If she updates more frequently, she can survive on advertising fees!

However, because Ichiri is not confident in her work, she has never accepted any advertisements. She is doing this completely for love.

Standing on the empty rooftop, Ichiri put on headphones and played the guitar silently.

She was intoxicated and quickly got into the mood.

This was her favorite moment. Music can capture people's hearts the most.

After a song was played, Ichiri took the bread and started to eat.

She ate in a hurry and choked.

"Cough cough cough......"

"Do you want some saliva?"

"Oh, thank you."

Yili took the mineral water and realized something was wrong. Wasn't there no one on the rooftop?

She looked up and saw that it was Kamiya Xiu Ran!

Why was he here? When did it happen?

No, no, he must have heard her guitar just now!

"Well......Um, Kamiya-san, when did you get here?"

Yili held the bottle of mineral water, lowered his head, and didn't know what to say!

"I'm here every noon."

"That......My guitar just now......."

"It sounds very good. You must have practiced for a long time, right?"

"It hasn’t been long~"

Yili scratched his head with a smile, and the embarrassment in his heart disappeared immediately.

Kamiya-san is really good at talking, always praising me, making me feel a little embarrassed

"Um, Kamiya-san, why are you on the rooftop?"

"The scenery here is nice, you can see the school, I like to stay in such a spacious place."

Kamiya Shuran stood on the rooftop, actually looking for evil spirits.

He sensed a strange breath today, which came from a strange creature.

It was just strange that it came and went without a trace, and could shuttle back and forth!

Even if the [Perspective Eye] was turned on, it was difficult to find it in the first time, so Kamiya Shuran came to the rooftop and prepared to conduct a large-scale inspection of the entire school area.

But he had just started for a few minutes when he saw Goto Ichiri walking up with a pair of milky white balls.

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