On the way home, Goto Ichiri tightly grasped the strap of her schoolbag.

She lowered her head, not knowing what questions Kamiya Shuran would ask her.

Over the years, no boy has ever taken the initiative to find her and said he wanted to go home with her.

As far as I can remember, Kamiya-kun's home is not here, right?

Goto raised her head and looked at Kamiya Shuran's profile.

She just glanced at him twice, and then quickly retracted her gaze.

She always felt that such a handsome guy was not on the same channel as her, which would easily create a sense of gap.

"Yili, have you felt anything wrong recently?"Shinya asked

"No, no~"

Goto Ichiri's body trembled, and the questioning began!

It felt like a police interrogation of a criminal!

She couldn't help but straighten her back, letting her good figure stand out from the sportswear, forming obvious wrinkles.

"You don't have to be so nervous. Think carefully about whether there is anything wrong recently."

"Oh, yes........"

Ichiri tried to regain his usual sense of relaxation and recalled what happened in the past few days.

Before talking to Kamiya Shuran yesterday, his school life had always been repetitive.

No one talked to him. He wandered around with his guitar on his back all day and practiced in an empty classroom.

Until yesterday, when he didn't bring his pencil case, Kamiya Shuran borrowed a pen from him and talked to him for more than a dozen words! Then this morning, he brought his mother's cosmetics to the classroom, and in the afternoon, he was praised by several unfamiliar classmates for playing the guitar!

When he thought of being praised, Pochi-chan's cheeks flushed.

It felt so good to be praised~

Goto Ichiri told him everything that happened in the past two days.

Because his daily life was repetitive before, Ichiri remembered it very clearly, and even told him about picking up a mirror at his doorstep.

After listening to Ichiri's story, Kamiya Shuran temporarily had an opinion.

Picked up a [mirror].

Generally speaking, ghost-like monsters must meet a trigger to harm people.

For example,"seeing", or lingering around for several days, or eating away a part of the vitality.

In short, ghost creatures don't act immediately.

They will observe for a few days before taking over someone's body.

Yili picked up a small mirror after school yesterday. Shen Gu Xiu Ran sensed a strange aura today.

Combined with the urban legend of the man in the mirror,

Shen Gu Xiu Ran can basically be sure that the strange person who appeared in the school today is her!

The longer you delay dealing with evil spirits like the mirror girl, the harder it will be to deal with them.

If you wait until she turns all the mirrors around her into her own shuttles, it will be troublesome!

"Yili, how many people are there in your family now?"

"My mother, sister and I"

"Where is the mirror you picked up yesterday?"


Yili handed the mirror over, Shen Gu Xiu Ran untied the glove on his left hand and held the mirror.

There was only a faint strange smell, it seemed that the mirror girl had left the mirror.

He wrapped the mirror with his own aura, and the mirror would not be controlled by the mirror girl for the time being.

"How many mirrors do you have in your home?"

"There is one in my mom's bedroom, and then there is none."

——When dealing with the mirror girl, the fewer mirrors the better. If there are too many mirrors, she will keep moving back and forth, and you won't be able to catch her.

——The medium of the mirror girl has been replaced by the small mirror in Pochi-chan's hand.

——However, she regarded Pochi-chan as her prey after all, so she should be living in other mirrors in her house.

——As long as the real body is captured, everything will be solved.

Kamiya Shuran prepared to have the Goto family kill the mirror girl, but what reason should he give?

Goto Ichiri definitely didn't know that the ghosts had revived, and she hadn't experienced those horrible things yet.

If he told her, she probably wouldn't believe it.

Just as Kamiya Shuran was thinking about the reason, a beautiful middle-aged woman called out.


Goto Ichiri turned around and saw his mother, who was walking towards him gracefully with vegetables in her hands.

"Mom? Why are you here?"

"I got off work early today, so I came back early.

If you don't talk about me, why are you here?

Who is the boy next to you?"

Goto's mother smiled, her daughter finally got it, and found such a handsome boy!

All the years of precipitation before, now finally handed in a satisfactory answer!

"I am very satisfied with this boy~"

Goto's mother whispered in Ichiri's ear

""What?! Mom, stop talking nonsense!" Yili was so anxious that she was like an ant on a hot pot.

She had always been alone, so how could she stand being teased by her mother like this?

Her head was almost cooked!

"Hello, Aunt Goto, I'm here to talk guitar with Ichiri."


I thought you were here to learn how to play the flute.~"

"What is the flute?"Yili was confused, not knowing what instrument this was.

"Haha, since we have met, let's go back together.

I'll cook, and you two can have a good exchange of music."

Mother Goto patted her silly daughter on the head and pushed her forward.

She couldn't let her silly daughter run away with such a boy!

Just like that, Kamiya Shuran followed the mother and daughter into her home.

Her younger sister Goto Jiri was already playing with toys at home.

"Ah, my sister is back with my mother!

And there is also a strange big brother!"

Goto Jiri put down the toy in his hand, ran over, stood at Kamiya Shuran's feet, pulled his sleeve

"Big brother, who are you and why did you come back with my sister and mom?"

"Erli, don't be naughty~ This big brother is your sister's classmate, and he's here as a guest."

Goto's mother took her little daughter's hand and went straight into the kitchen to make room for her eldest daughter, hoping that she would not let her down!

Come on, Ichiri, I've done everything I can for you!

Goto Ichiri took off his shoes, put on slippers, and then didn't know what to do.

He was just passing by, so how did he suddenly become a guest at home?

No friends had ever been to his home before!

Ichiri didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing at all.

What do you do when friends come to your home? Should you serve tea and water?

It seems that there are different ways to deal with boys and girls coming to your home?

Or should I show Kamiya-kun my breasts and let him leave quickly?

Goto Ichiri stood there, at a loss.

"Where is your mother's bedroom?"

"Over there."

Kamiya Shuran strode towards Goto's mother's bedroom.

Since there was a mirror there, it must have been tampered with by the mirror girl.

Ichiri followed and put down his schoolbag and guitar bag.

"Kamiya-kun, what are you doing here?"

"I know. Didn't I just ask you where the mirror is?"

Shingu Xiuran's left hand condensed spiritual energy. He glanced inside the room and placed his left hand on the large mirror in the room.

"There was a"zizizizi" sound, and ripples appeared on the surface of the mirror. Waves of strange power drifted out.

Shen Gu Xiu Ran's left hand reached directly into it.

"Hey! What's going on!"

Xiu Ran scratched with his left hand. The world in the mirror was very empty.

Then, he stuck his head in.


Goto Ichiri opened his eyes wide, and was completely stunned!

How could he just stick his head in there!

When did a secret door appear behind the mirror in my mother's bedroom?

No, even if there was a secret door, how did Kamiya know about it?!

Ichiri stood there, looking left and right, not knowing what to do.

Kamiya Shuran's left eye glowed, and his [Perspective Eye] was activated.

He searched for the trace of the mirror girl, and the strange aura was like a thin line, extending towards the nearby area.

"Found it!"

Shingu Xiuran jumped directly into the mirror and ran towards the mirror girl.

The world inside the mirror is exactly the same as the outside world, except that the directions are all out of order, just like walking in space.

There are many glowing points in the mirror space, and those are mirrors.

The mirror girl can jump out of each mirror.


Shen Gu Xiu Ran ran very fast and came directly to the side of the mirror girl.

"Damn it, when did they find out?"

The mirror girl quickly retreated behind her.

She had been planning to replace Goto Ichiri today and then take her place in life!

But then a ghost master suddenly appeared!

Her luck was really bad.���Messed up!

The mirror girl looked around at the flashing spots nearby, wanting to jump out of the mirror world, but there were too few mirrors in Goto's house, only the one in the bedroom. If she wanted to jump out, she had to jump out of the neighbor's mirror, but Kamiya Shuran was chasing her closely, so she was too late!

"Are we going to have to confess here today?!"

The mirror girl searched for the glowing spot, and finally found a small mirror in Goto Ichiri's schoolbag.

It was Ichiri's mother's dressing box, which had a very small mirror inside.

Although it was small, it was enough.

The mirror girl turned around, passed by Kamiya Shuran, and ran out from the glowing spot in an instant.

Kamiya Shuran followed and ran out from the glowing spot, but the situation outside made it difficult for him to distinguish: the mirror girl who jumped out completed the transformation in an instant, and she turned into Goto Ichiri's appearance!

The hair, clothes, and the blush on her face were exactly the same.

Even if Goto's mother came over, she might not be able to tell the difference!

"Hey, what's going on? How come there is someone like me next to me!"

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