"No, nothing found, nothing found.......This didn't find me...

Can't everyone see me?

Or is it that I am not good-looking, so no one wants to pay attention to me?"

Goto Ichiri was completely broken down, with tears flashing in her big eyes.

Her mouth was opening and closing like a puppet. It has been so long since high school started, and she doesn't have a single friend. She must be considered a Guinness record holder in some aspect, haha!

Goto Ichiri hugged her body with both hands, wishing she could scream to the sky!

Damn it! I deliberately walked between the two talking classmates, but the two classmates didn't even notice me and didn't care about me at all!

Even if you curse me, it proves that I exist!

And my deskmate, Why did it take so long, and she only said one sentence to me at the beginning of the school year?

Goto Ichiri hugged her head, her whole body twisted like a maggot, but even so, the people around her didn't care about her at all, as if she didn't exist.

Why did I have such a sense of existence!

Goto Ichiri lay on the table, boredly watching the classmates in front of her who were laughing and chatting.

She envied Miura Yumiko very much, and wished she could be a socialite like her.

She buried her little head in her arms and silently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Just got it~ Yili, you are the best, oh oh oh, you are the best......"

Goto Ichiri cheered herself up with her unique way of cheering herself up.

This was how she got through the sad period of junior high school alone.

"I didn’t expect that I would have to spend my high school life like this?"

Goto Ichiri searched for his pencil case in his school bag, but couldn’t find it!

"Oh no, I forgot to bring my pencil case when I was doing my homework yesterday!"

After searching in the schoolbag for a long time, I finally found a pencil of my sister.

Goto Ichiri was as if facing a great enemy! After all

, if you don’t take notes in class during your student days, you are not a student!

You only have one pen, so you must cherish this pen.

If you don’t have a pen, you have to borrow it from your classmates, and you need to talk to classmates you are not familiar with!

Pochi-chan remembered the time when she asked her classmates to borrow a pen. She hesitated for a long time and couldn’t say a word. Her body shook as if she was electrocuted.

In the end, it was her classmates who guessed that she wanted to borrow a pencil and borrowed the pen!

So, Goto Ichiri will never let that happen again!

She held the pencil tightly to cheer herself up!

Then, because she used too much strength, she directly broke the pencil!

Goto Ichiri:!!!!

It’s over!

Goto Ichiri covered her face with both hands, like an abstract painting!

"What to do, what to do?! Go home to get it?

No, class is about to start!

Ask mom and dad to bring it over!

No, they are both at work!

Then, let my sister bring it over!

No, no, she doesn’t even know the way to school!"

A lot of ideas popped up in Goto Ichiri's head, but he immediately denied them.

So, to outsiders, Goto Ichiri seemed to be"having the fever", shaking his head and feeling depressed, and the whole person was not normal.

Ding-ling-ling, the class bell rang, and the students returned to their seats.

"Well, there is no way out now. Goto Ichiri's heart finally died.

She sat there dejectedly, feeling hopeless!


A pen flew in front of her.

Goto Ichiri's delicate body trembled slightly. Where did this pen come from?

She shook her head left and right, and saw Kamiya Shuran throwing a pen in front of her.

He waved his hand, then turned around and continued to listen to the lecture.

"Wow~ So there are classmates who know me!

And they even gave me a pen!"

Goto Ichiri held the pen tightly, as if it was some great treasure.

She stared at Kamiya Shuran's back. He was the top student in the class and the top student in the grade. He was handsome and kind to others. He was someone she looked up to!

I wish I could be like him.

Pochi-chan thought so.

The get out of class was over, and Goto Ichiri came over with a pen.

"That is......

Well.......Oh, much.......I.......That's it........."

Goto Ichiri stood in front of Kamiya Shuran, hesitating for a long time, unable to say a complete sentence!

What's going on? Is it so difficult to talk to people?!

If I had known, I would have quietly returned the pen after school in the afternoon!

Goto Ichiri turned her head away, not daring to look at Kamiya Shuran.

She was worried that the light on Kamiya Shuran was too dazzling and would swallow up her little loneliness!

"Yili, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, no, no, it's not true!"

Goto Ichiri quickly shook her hand.

"I came here to say thank you."

Goto Ichiri rubbed his hands together, looking unsure.

"We are all classmates, so we should help each other."

"Um......Anyway, thank you very much!"

Goto Ichiri came and got off the seat directly.

This was the only way she could think of to express her gratitude!


Kamiya Shuran was speechless. Pochi-chan's method of kneeling down when a disagreement occurs is not acceptable.

He quickly helped Ichiri up.

"A verbal thank you is enough."

"Ah, uh, yeah, got it.

Then I'll go back! Kamiya-san."

Goto Ichiri felt as if there were ants crawling on his body, itching all over.

What on earth did he do just now to kneel down directly!

Fortunately, no classmates saw it just now, otherwise it would be hard to explain!

Ichiri returned to his seat and buried his head in his arms.

"However, Kamiya-san seemed to call me [Ichiri]-san just now.


Goto Ichiri showed the same expression as Crayon Shin-chan.

After school in the afternoon, Goto Ichiri came over to return the pen to Kamiya Shuran, and said a lot of things by the way. She almost had to kneel down again.

Fortunately, Kamiya Shuran was quick-witted and grabbed her hand, otherwise she would have to kneel down on the spot again!

But in order to express her gratitude, Ichiri still bowed, a ninety-degree bow.

When she bent down, the wide collar revealed part of her 36D hidden under the sportswear.

Don't look at Pochi-chan wearing sportswear all day and being autistic in her heart, she actually has a super good figure!

After thanking Kamiya Shuran, Goto Ichiri was so happy.

She talked to her classmates today, and said so much, more than a dozen words!

A big victory!

She hummed a little song and went back with her schoolbag.

At the door of her house, she saw a small makeup mirror lying quietly on the grass

"Hey, where did the mirror come from? It's right at the door."

Goto Ichiri didn't intend to pay attention to it, but she remembered that her mother often asked her to pay attention to her image and look good at ordinary times.

Then she thought of Kamiya Shuran's handsome cheeks. If she didn't take care of herself, she would lower his image when talking to Kamiya! Goto

Ichiri finally picked up the mirror, put it in her schoolbag, and went home humming a little song.

But she didn't notice that a cold and strange look flashed in the mirror!

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