Ever since Zhang He escaped into the underground stone room, there was an undetectable presence in the beating heart in the center of the altar, and he has been paying attention to him.

The illusion that Zhang He is facing now also comes from his hands.

He's been trapped here for too long, and now he's finally waiting for a living person to come here, and he wants to take the opportunity to escape.

It's just that he doesn't quite understand that the illusion he has set up is already extremely realistic. Why is this kid still unmoved?

So under his control, Zhang He saw the women bathing in front of him, and his actions became more daring, which was simply unsightly.

For performances of this nature, Zhang He does not know how many he has seen in his last life. He has seen more intense and engaging performances than this, and he does not know how many.

At this moment, there was no turbulence in his heart, but he watched with a critical eye.

He even felt that the level of the director was not very good, that the plot and action design were too silent, lacking imagination, and not bold enough.

"This expression is too fake, and this voice can't be called too straightforward, you have to suppress it a bit, and then cooperate with the heavy breathing to make the voice a little longer!"

"And how can this body type be the same?"

"That's not right either..."

Anyway, Zhang He was looking at the illusion in front of him at the moment, and he had already possessed the keyboard warrior and turned on the spray mode, with a look of disgust.

At this time, the mysterious existence hiding in the heart on the altar was irritated by Zhang He.

If he hadn't been sealed by the formation for ten thousand years, he would have slapped this talkative human boy to death long ago.

The undead demon king ten thousand years ago was admired by all demons. As long as the name of his undead demon king was mentioned, even the Nascent Soul of the human race would tremble. How could anyone dare to say nothing to him.

It's just that now the tiger has fallen into Pingyang, and he is still counting on deceiving the other party and taking himself out of this ghost place. As a last resort, he can only be wronged.

The undead demon king made some adjustments to the phantom array according to where Zhang He sprayed.

It is a pity that he is a dignified and immortal demon king. How could he ever do such a salty thing, but even though he had been wronged and sought perfection, he was still sprayed by Zhang He.

I can't bear it any longer. His undead demon king is not good at seduction. Seeing this situation, it is useless to use illusion. It is better to come directly.

Zhang Hezheng squirted vigorously, and suddenly all the phantoms in front of him disappeared.

He was still in a stone room with only an altar, a beating heart, and a few stone pillars.

Seeing this, Zhang He couldn't help but feel a little regretful. According to his previous life experience, the first was the beauty trick, and if the beauty trick could not be surrendered, he would have to be severely tortured later.

I don't know if it's too late to escape now, but thinking of this, he has already flown through the crack when Yu Jian always came, ready to escape.

"Boy! This deity is an immortal demon king. I have a great fortune for you. I guarantee that you will be reborn and become a hero among people, admired by thousands of people."

Zhang He, who was preparing to escape, heard such an old voice in his mind.

"Thank you for the kindness of the old senior, the younger generation is too weak, I am afraid that I can't bear too much good fortune, and I will leave today.

The junior should go back to eat a few large tonic elixir first, and then trouble the senior when his body is a little tougher. "

Saying that, he has already fled to the crack in front of him.


Zhang He used the earth escape technique, but he slammed his head against the stone wall, almost knocking his head into a flower, and a large bag had already swelled on his forehead.

He has never failed since he learned the earth escape technique and escaped like a duck in water.

Zhang He looked at the crack in front of him and was swayed by him.

It turned out that this crack was fake. He hit the stone wall and didn't know where the real crack was.

"Hahaha... boy, what about this illusion? But there are still shortcomings?"

The undead demon king was in a good mood now, and finally let out a bad breath.

"Senior's illusion is naturally good. The younger generation is ignorant and makes the senior laugh. I also ask the senior to forgive me."

Zhang He can't escape for a short time now, and he doesn't know what other means the other party has to use on him.

At this time, he seemed very humble, obviously a good young man who knew good manners and knew how to respect the old and love the young.

At the same time, all the consciousness was released, secretly investigating, trying to find the crack in the illusion.

"Hahaha... The kid is quite sensible, and Ruzi can be taught."

"I don't know what good fortune gave the seniors? If the seniors have the secrets of the practice of the human race, it would be good to reward the juniors casually."

There is only one heart left in the stone room, and he can still play the fantasy world with a lively dance. His previous strength should be very strong. If he can give himself a few exercises, he will not refuse.

"What's so difficult about the mediocre exercises? Come over here. It's no problem for the deity to create an excellent exercise for you."

"It's enough for the seniors to teach them like this, and the juniors must listen carefully."

Zhang Heke didn't dare to approach, what if the other party seized the house?

"The little guy is cautious, and the deity is too lazy to play with your juniors. To tell you the truth, I really need you to help me with one thing, and then I will give you the exercises you want."

The undead demon king made his words clear at this time, but it made people feel a little more at ease.

"I don't know what the senior needs the junior to accomplish?"

Zhang He cupped his hands in the direction of the altar and asked, at the same time his consciousness was still searching inch by inch in the illusion.

"This matter is not difficult. You only need to take a drop of my blood out of this stone room, and the transaction will be concluded. This deity is faithful and will never harm you."

Hearing this, Zhang He felt that this matter was too easy.

"What about after the blood is brought out of the stone chamber? How should the junior act?"

"You just need to take it out of the stone room, and then dispose of it as you like. You can discard it in the wilderness at will, or you can sell it for a considerable amount of spiritual stone. I really don't like it. It can be used for alchemy or utensil refining."

Zhang He pondered for a long time, this matter doesn't sound like it's dangerous~www.wuxiamtl.com~ However, when dealing with this kind of existence, with his foundation and cultivation base, how can he predict other people's methods.

But he doesn't seem to have the capital to refuse now. So far, he still hasn't been able to find the crack when he came.

The illusion in front of him may not be perfect, but with his divine sense, it cannot be penetrated.

"I don't know what kind of secrets the senior can give to the junior?"

Zhang He thought that since he couldn't refuse, he should agree first and make a profit.

As long as you can find an opportunity to leave here, it will be much easier to face a drop of blood than to face such a big heart.

Even if there is a risk, it should be better than staying here.

"This deity observes that you are majoring in cultivation techniques. It should be a very **** earth-based cultivation technique. I will teach you another "Xuanyuan Magnetic Pole Technique"."

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