Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 191: .Infinite resurrection

Zhang He felt that countless information poured into his sea of ​​consciousness out of thin air. The amount of information was so large that it made him dizzy.

Only then did he really realize that if the heart in front of him really wanted to kill him, he would just use a lot of information to break through his sea of ​​consciousness.

It seems that bringing this drop of blood out of the stone room is of great significance to the undead demon king.

It's just that although he was reluctant, he didn't want to die in the stone room, so he could only try to destroy this drop of blood after he got out of the stone room.

When the influx of information stopped, Zhang He shook his head and sorted out the information in his head a little.

This exercise is called "Xuanyuan Magnetic Pole Exercise", and it can be practiced until the Nascent Soul Stage.

The undead demon king's shot is really arrogant, and it is just a practice that can be practiced to the Nascent Soul stage.

In the entire Lu country, only the Lu Bo family has heard about this level of practice, and other families either don't have it or hide it from it.

"Okay, the exercises have been passed on to you, and it's time to fulfill your promise."

The undead demon king only said a word, and then saw the heart tremble on the altar. After a long time, a bright red blood floated out of the heart and filled Zhang He's hands.

"It's over, you go!"

As the voice fell, the scene in front of Zhang He changed again. The stone house was still the original stone room, but the location had changed a lot.

"Thank you, senior, and I say goodbye."

Zhang He bowed his hands towards the position of the heart, but the heart did not answer him.

He felt that something had changed after the heart had separated a drop of blood. Although it was still beating regularly, he always felt something was missing.

But now, it's better to leave first. When he left, he glanced back and found that there was still a line of writing on the altar.

"In the 132nd year of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the general suppressed many demon kings' hearts here..."

Zhang He quickly flew to the crack in the stone room, and then quickly escaped from the crack.

Only when he escaped from the stone room did he finally breathe a sigh of relief.

In the process of escaping back, Zhang He also filled the crack with soil and stone by the way to prevent others from entering by mistake.

Back in the mine again, Zhang Hecai picked up the drop of blood in his hand and observed it carefully.

After watching it for a long time, I felt that this drop of blood looked similar to ordinary blood, but it was heavier in my hand.

And there is a lot of spiritual energy in the blood.

At this moment, a flame appeared in Zhang He's hand, wrapping the drop of blood in it and burning it.

However, he burned for a long time, but this drop of blood did not respond.

The flames that are enough to melt gold and eliminate iron have no effect on this drop of blood.

He had long guessed that it was such a result, otherwise the undead demon king would not have given it to himself so confidently.

In desperation, I could only pack it in a jade box and put more than ten seals on the outside before putting it in the storage bag.

When he used the escaping technique to escape along the collapsed mine tunnel all the way to the mine tunnel in front, all the wounded he dug up earlier had been removed.

In an open space outside the mine, there are many miners lying about, and only half of the miners who survived the earthquake this time.

Ye Xing scolded and scolded, and a large group of miners died, which was another loss, and it would also delay the mining process.


Stone and several black water soldiers saluted Zhang He.

"It's okay, you guys continue to rescue some wounded."

Zhang He arranged the stones, and then got into his stone house again.

Because his stone house was protected by a formation, it did not collapse in the earthquake.

At this time, he was in his stone house, his consciousness entered the space, and among a pile of old books, he finally found a copy of "The Great Anniversary".

I began to search for the answer in the book, turned to the year 132 of Dazhou, and found a line of records.

The undead demon king was in chaos and was beheaded by the generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

However, due to the special bloodline of the undead demon king, it seems that it cannot be completely killed. In the end, it can only be divided into several pieces, and then they are suppressed in large arrays to various places.

According to the records of the Great Zhou Chronicle, if this undead demon king does not suppress him and continues to drain his spiritual energy, any of his limbs will have the ability to regenerate.

Seeing this, Zhang He thought of the drop of blood he brought out.

Limbs can be reborn as human beings, and blood can also grow back into an undead demon king.

Thinking of this, Zhang He shuddered, and this time he brought out a time bomb.

At this time, he took out the drop of blood again to check. Sure enough, in this short period of time, the spiritual energy in the blood was much stronger than the beginning.

If he is allowed to absorb spiritual energy, sooner or later, this drop of blood will reappear in the world as an undead demon king.

So Zhang He tried his best to destroy this drop of blood in the stone room, but all came back in vain.

From the beginning of the undead demon king's tone, he was never afraid that he could destroy the blood.

Since it can't be destroyed, then extract the spiritual energy from his body. If there is no spiritual energy, how can he resurrect the undead demon king.

Thinking of this, Zhang He walked to the corner of the house, took out a spiritual stone that provided spiritual energy for the formation, and placed the drop of blood in it.

However, it was of no use, and the large array could not absorb the spiritual energy from the blood.

In the next few days, Zhang He still failed to find any effective method.

Today he entered the space, took out some spiritual stones and threw them in the space ground to replenish the space with spiritual energy.

He threw copper ore into the space spiritual spring every day, plus the consumption of watering the ground, so the spiritual energy in the space was also consumed quickly, and he had to replenish spiritual stones almost every day.

Watching the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone being quickly absorbed by the land, Zhang He suddenly thought of something.

Is it possible to take a drop of the blood of the undead demon king and try it, maybe the space land can absorb the spiritual energy.

Immediately he left the space and quickly brought in the jade bottle containing the blood of the undead demon king.

He directly buried the jade bottle into the space soil.

Since it can't be destroyed, then extract the spiritual energy from his body. If there is no spiritual energy, how can he resurrect the undead demon king.

Thinking of this, Zhang He walked to the corner of the house, took out a spiritual stone that provided spiritual energy for the formation, and placed the drop of blood in it.

However, it is of no The big array cannot absorb the spiritual energy from the blood.

In the next few days, Zhang He still failed to find any effective method.

Today he entered the space, took out some spiritual stones and threw them in the space ground to replenish the space with spiritual energy.

He threw copper ore into the space spiritual spring every day, plus the consumption of watering the ground, so the spiritual energy in the space was also consumed quickly, and he had to replenish spiritual stones almost every day.

Watching the spiritual energy in the spiritual stone being quickly absorbed by the land, Zhang He suddenly thought of something.

Is it possible to take a drop of the blood of the undead demon king and try it, maybe the space land can absorb the spiritual energy.

Immediately he left the space and quickly brought in the jade bottle containing the blood of the undead demon king.

He directly buried the jade bottle into the space soil.

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