Cultivation Starts From Planting Sweet Potatoes

Chapter 189: .Underground stone room

Zhang He lived in the stone house outside the mine for more than a year. During this period, people occasionally came to spy on the mine, but they didn't make a move.

A year ago, he recruited a few more clever soldiers from the Black Water Army, and stayed here to be responsible for the daily chores such as registration of the spirit mine. It saved a lot of trouble, and he could practice with peace of mind.

At this moment in the stone house, Zhang He took a black pill made of essence grass and began to cultivate his consciousness with the shadow magic technique.

Now that he has Essence Essence Grass to replenish Qi, Blood, and Qi, his progress in cultivating Spiritual Sense is much faster.

Divine consciousness spread out, like a rushing river, but moisturizing things silently, sending and receiving freely, it has already surpassed the level of spiritual consciousness in the later stage of ordinary Qi training.

At this moment, Ye Xing was sitting cross-legged on the stone bed and practicing. Zhang He's consciousness swept over him several times, but he didn't notice it.

Ye Xing, like Zhang He, was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, and his realm was even higher than Zhang He, and closer to the later stage of Foundation Establishment, but Zhang He's consciousness had far surpassed him at this moment.

Zhang He just wanted to test the strength of his own consciousness, and naturally he didn't want to spy on other people's privacy.

His consciousness continued to spread to the distance. He tried to manipulate the consciousness so that the consciousness could spread to the periphery in a circle, or it could be concentrated into a bundle to probe further away.

All the divine consciousness was collected into a bundle at this moment, and probed into the underground mine.

In the mine, there were many miners with withered faces and numb expressions, who were knocking on the walls of the cave.

When Zhang He's consciousness touched the cave wall, he encountered great resistance when he wanted to continue to penetrate into the cave wall.

With the strength of his divine consciousness, he can only penetrate more than one foot deep into the wall of the mineral vein.

His divine sense explored the mine for a long time, hoping to find a piece of copper essence.

I don't know what it will look like if I put the copper essence into the spatial spiritual spring, but the copper essence is really too rare. He has been searching for it with his spiritual sense for a month, and so far he has not been able to find a single one.

Just as he was about to withdraw his consciousness, he suddenly felt a slight vibration on the wall of the cave, and the vibration was getting bigger and bigger.


The ground suddenly shook violently, the earth and rocks in the mine fell one after another, and many places began to collapse.

"It's not good, run! The earth dragon has turned over!"

The miners in the mine had long been frightened by the sudden change, and they threw down their tools and fled.

It's just that the mines are narrow and crowded, so the efficiency of traffic is even lower. After some people fell, they were trampled over by people, and many more people failed to escape in time, and were buried in the mine by the earth and rocks of the landslide. in the hole.

Zhang He flew Yu Jian into the air as soon as the earthquake occurred, and found that the whole earth was shaking.

At this time, Ye Xing's stone house also collapsed in the earthquake, and Ye Xing could only fly into the air with his sword like Zhang He.

Only when Yu Jianfei was in the air did he realize that not only was the ground shaking during the earthquake, but the spiritual energy in the air was disordered, and he was shaky when flying in the air.

After another moment, the earthquake finally subsided, and the ground was already mourning.

Zhang He went down to the ground to check. One of his Blackwater Army soldiers was also injured. His leg was crushed by a falling rock, but he had no fear of life. Taking a single pill of bleu Dan can fully recover as before.

The miners were the most injured, and the ones who could escape at least saved a small life, and many more miners have been buried in the mines.

"Stone, take someone to rescue these miners, and I'll go to the mine to see."

Shi Shi was the leader of this Black Water Army team, and upon Zhang He's order, he immediately took someone to check on the miners on the ground.

"I'll come with me if I'm not injured, and go to the mine to save people."

Zhang He shouted at the group of miners, no longer waited, and drilled into the mine alone.

The miners behind him saw that Zhang He had rushed in to save people, and also stood up in twos and threes, followed behind Zhang He, and walked towards the mine.

Now that the earthquake has started, aftershocks may occur at any time, and they will be buried again.

But many miners are not alone, and relatives or friends are buried in the mines.

After Zhang He rushed into the mine, he encountered a few miners who were escaping and were crushed by falling rocks.

As a master of foundation building, it is not difficult for him to move some rocks, and he has rescued dozens of people along the way.

At this time, the landslide in front of him had completely buried the mine, and some miners with weak breath were pressed into the earth and stone of the landslide.

Zhang He immediately used the escape technique to escape into the earth and rocks of these landslides, and carried the miners who were crushed out of them.

His escape technique was very difficult to escape in the solid mineral veins, but it was much faster to escape in these landslides.

As he went deeper, he encountered buried miners again, and there were very few living ones.

"Huh? What's going on??"

At this time, Zhang He found a very wide crack in the ground, and there were traces of violent aura emitting from it.


Zhang He encountered the chaos in the Sui Kingdom before.

This violent aura reminded him of the monster beast he encountered that time, but this aura was stronger and more violent.

How can there be a demon clan here, and they have never appeared in the world of immortals before.

Immediately, Zhang He cast an escape technique, followed the crack and escaped downward.

Now the ground is very loose due to the earthquake, and it is much easier to escape in it.

This crack is very deep, and he fled down for a long time, only to realize that there is something special in the depths of the ground.

There is a large stone room with an altar in the center of the stone room.

There are many strange runes carved on the altar. Anyway, Zhang He is almost illiterate now, and he can't recognize a single rune.

What attracted Zhang He even more was that there was a big heart still beating on the altar at the moment.

This is definitely not a human heart. This heart is about the size of Zhang He's head, and a human chest can never fit into such a big heart.

After Zhang He entered the stone room, a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and the scene in the stone room changed.

The altar and the heart that I saw earlier have What emerges in front of me is a meadow with a pool in the middle of it.

What attracted Zhang He's attention the most was that there were actually a group of beautiful girls in the pool at this moment.

These girls were wearing transparent gauze, and they were playing in the pool, and their bodies were looming under the gauze.

Zhang He looked at the image in front of him and was a little stunned.

This...this is too realistic!

Every woman's expression is vivid. Before watching it on the computer, pausing, zooming in, etc., compared to the front, it was weak.

It made him have to sigh once again that the cultivators are clever, and even the small movies are better than those on Blue Star, and as expected, the cultivators have a brighter future.


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