Zhang He squatted in front of this Thunder Spirit Grass and observed it carefully for a while, and found that the Thunder Spirit Grass was a lot higher than the surrounding area, and a pattern similar to thunder and lightning grew on the leaf veins.

The mutation of this Thunder Spirit Grass should not have been completed yet, and it is still absorbing spiritual energy.

In order to make this elixir mutate more smoothly, Zhang He dug up all the ordinary Thunder Spirit Grass around it and transplanted it elsewhere.

Then Zhang He poured some spiritual spring water on this Lei Lingcao, and then he could only wait for it to mutate slowly.

He patrolled the space again, and there were still three seedlings of Essence Essence Grass in the space, which had to be watered continuously for sixty or seventy days before they could barely be used as medicine.

As soon as Zhang He left the space, he found that Ye Xing was knocking on the door outside, and immediately greeted him.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, there have been quite a few copper mines harvested in the past two months. If fellow Taoist has time now, we can allocate these spiritual mines."

Zhang He heard that it turned out to be a sub-spirit mine, and nodded quickly.

The two walked to a stone warehouse, where a lot of copper ores had been stacked, and all the ores mined during this period were stored here.

Ye Xing took out a ledger and recorded the daily harvest quantity, which was also counted and put into storage under the supervision of two people.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, there are currently 12,300 catties of copper ore stored in the warehouse. Please take a look."

Ye Xing said and handed the ledger to Zhang He. Zhang He scanned it with his divine sense and confirmed it was correct.

Then the two were allocated according to the total number, Zhang He accounted for 30%, and 3,690 catties of copper ore were allocated.

At present, the price of copper mine on the market is almost a pound of one spiritual stone, and he has earned 3,690 spiritual stones in just over two months.

With such a big profit, it is no wonder that the surrounding forces are jealous, and Zhang He is also jealous.

However, mining also consumes. At present, the biggest consumption is miners. More than 80 miners died in this month.

Even if you buy a slave for 500 cents, 60 will cost 40,000 cents, or 40 taels of silver. Compared to the spirit mine, the consumption of these miners is insignificant.

In addition, it is necessary to buy some food for these miners to eat, and to replenish some worn-out tools, which also cost a little silver tael.

On the contrary, the consumption of some supervisors and guards is more than that of miners.

The total cost cost about one spirit stone, which was previously paid by the Ye family, and Zhang He naturally needed to share 30% of the cost.

However, compared to the harvest of more than 3,000 catties of copper mines, it is already negligible.

Zhang He moved the allocated copper ore to the stone house where he lived, but unfortunately this time he could not find the copper concentrate.

The quality of red copper is higher, and it is a material that can be used to refine magic weapons. The price is hundreds of times that of ordinary red copper, and the supply is in short supply.

It's just that the content of copper concentrate in the ore vein is relatively rare, and it is not often able to be dug.

The Ye family had set a rule for the miners before. If any miner could dig a piece of copper essence, the Ye family would set him free and reward him with money.

Therefore, the miners in the mine are still very attentive to find copper essence, and sometimes even because of the copper essence mined, many miners will fight each other and die.

These spiritual mines are temporarily left here. He has sent a message to Heishui Town and asked Magan to organize a caravan to transport them.

However, the value of the items being transported this time is relatively large, and the news cannot be hidden. Having them escorted by a group of qi cultivators is equivalent to a child carrying gold bricks through the downtown area.

Therefore, he also asked Gu Liangyu, the county magistrate of the foundation-building period, to come out and **** him with the team.

At this time, Zhang He took a piece of copper ore and threw it into the spiritual spring of space.

Space Lingquan can upgrade low-grade instruments to mid-grade, and upgrade black iron to black iron essence, which should have the same effect on copper ore.

After the copper mine was thrown into the Lingquan, I carefully observed it with my divine sense, and I could find a trace of strange aura in the Lingquan that was slowly infiltrating the copper mine.

Zhang He was overjoyed, as he expected, he left the space in a good mood.

After a few days, the copper mine stopped absorbing the spiritual energy, and Zhang He just took it out of the spiritual spring.

At this time, the copper mine has changed greatly from the previous one. The purple is still glowing with golden light, and it has become much heavier in the hand.

Zhang He was a little excited at the moment. According to the knowledge of artifact refining he had mastered, he could naturally tell that this was already a piece of copper essence.

From red copper to red copper essence, the value instantly doubled hundreds of times. During this period, it was just consuming some space aura.

He roughly estimated that this copper mine weighed about a pound, and the spiritual energy consumed should be replenished with ten spiritual stones.

Zhang He packed this piece of copper essence in a wooden box, and then threw a few pieces of copper into it.

Then he sprinkled some spirit stones into the space land, and then he left the space.

Half a month later, Gu Liangyu arrived at the mine with the caravan, and Zhang He handed over 3,000 catties of copper mine to them and asked them to **** them back.

Leaving more than 600 kilograms of copper ore, Zhang He prepared to use the space spirit spring to convert it into copper essence, which could be sold or kept for his own use.

"Sir, what should I do with these copper mines after they are transported back?"

Now that Zhang He is not in Heishui Town, they don't dare to take control of this kind of thing.

"After you have transported the 3,000 catties of copper ore back, you can put a part of it for sale in Fangshi, Zhaoling County.

In addition, your caravan can also look for sales channels, and the wholesale price can be 20% off. "

Zhang He made some arrangements for the disposal of these copper mines.

Although there is a small refining shop in Fangshi, Zhaoling County, with the little business in Zhaoling County, it should not be able to sell a few kilograms, and a caravan needs to find sales channels from other places.

"In addition, there are two bottles of Peiyuan Dan here. You take it and take it as a reward for your trip."

Zhang He said that he took out three bottles of medicinal herbs from the storage bag and threw them to the hemp pole. Now there is a serious shortage of talents, he has to find opportunities to cultivate more.

This made Gu Liangyu on the side look hot. He was trained as the successor of the Gu Liang family since he was a child.

With just one escort, it took more than ten days to go back and forth. Zhang Heyi shot three bottles, at least 30 capsules, and everyone in the team could get at least three capsules.

He decided that the next time he had the opportunity, he must send the young people from the clan to Zhang He's command~www.wuxiamtl.com~ so that he could have a future.

At this moment, Zhang He took out another wooden box and handed it to Gu Liangyu.

"Fellow Daoist Gu Liang, there are five 3-turn True Pills here. As your hard work for this trip, I will try to accept them."

"I...I have it too?"

Gu Liangyu's heart beat a little faster, he was not under Zhang He's direct line, he was recruited temporarily, and he was able to get such a heavy reward.

And this box of five three-rank Zhenzhen Dan is worth 20 spirit stones each, which is equivalent to half a year's salary income.

"Gu Liang Daoist is in charge of the entire caravan, and he has the most credit. How could he not have it? Please pay more attention on the way back."

Zhang He shoved the wooden box into Gu Liangyu's hands involuntarily. In any case, Gu Liang is doing things for himself now, and he must reward his subordinates equally.

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