After Zhang He lived in the stone house, he took out a small array and arranged it around the stone house.

This small formation was a gift from the Mo family to Zhang He when they asked the Mo family to refine the protective formation.

Known as the small three talent formation, it can isolate the inside and outside, protect privacy, and also have a certain defensive effect.

For the next period of time, Zhang He lived in this stone house and lived in seclusion.

Zhang He also visited the mine in the first few days.

The environment in the mine was harsh, and the earth and stone around the copper mine became extremely hard due to the influence of the ore veins.

Miners need to repeatedly strike more than ten times with a hammer and iron drill to chip away a small piece the size of an egg.

Under the heavy physical labor day after day, most miners have very short lifespans, and they will live longer if they live in their thirties.

As for the origins of these miners, they were all slaves purchased with money. Generally, in famine years, only three or five hundred pennies can buy a slave.

Miners are very cheap, equivalent to consumables. When they die, they are dragged out, and they can be thrown into a ravine without even burying them.

Almost every two or three days, a new batch of miners will be sent down, and a batch of corpses will be dragged out at the same time.

If Zhang He and his son were sold as slaves by Wanjia, it should have ended like this.

Zhang He can only be regarded as a minority shareholder now, and he is not qualified to change anything for the time being.

In the days that followed, except when he was finishing work every day, Ye Xing would invite Zhang He to count the harvested ores together, and Zhang He would huddle in the stone house for the rest of the time.

He asked for some spirit wine koji from Ye Xing, and according to the recipe, the first batch of spirit wine was brewed with spirit peach, which is currently being fermented in the space.

The brewing of spirit wine takes a long time, ranging from a few years to tens of hundreds of years, or even longer, which requires patience.

During this period of time, apart from cultivating the "Thick Soil and Longevity Technique", Zhang He's main energy was still cultivating his spiritual consciousness with the secret method of the Shadow Demon tribe.

In the world of immortals, there is almost no cultivation technique for spiritual consciousness. Only a very small number of great nobles have such techniques in their homes, and they are also kept secret, and even ordinary clansmen are not qualified to see them.

Only an insubstantial race like the Shadow Fiends can possess so many secret techniques of divine consciousness.

However, this is a Demon Clan technique after all, and the flaws are extremely obvious, that is, the consumption of the physical body is too violent.

At this moment, Zhang He was running the Shadow Demon Clan Cultivation Technique, the qi and blood in his body burned, and wisps of spiritual consciousness were generated under the transformation of the cultivation technique and merged into his Primordial Spirit.

The consumption of qi and blood caused Zhang He's complexion to quickly turn pale yellow, and the muscles on his body were rapidly shrinking.

But his spiritual consciousness was growing rapidly, and the spiritual consciousness spread out from the stone house, and every grass and tree outside the stone house was clearly reflected in the spiritual consciousness.

In the other stone house, Ye Xing was clasping his feet with his left hand, while his right hand kept grabbing the melon seeds on the table and throwing them into his mouth.

Suddenly, his hair stood upright, and there was a feeling of being peeped at by a strong man, as if everything about him had been seen through by the other party.

Ye Xing threw the melon seeds in his hand and didn't even have time to put on his boots, so he rushed out of the stone house with his sword in hand.

He could feel that the other party should be stronger than himself, but he rushed out without hesitation, raised his sword and looked around, but couldn't find the other party's position.

Zhang He just wanted to test the strength of his divine consciousness during his training. The divine consciousness spread to several dozen meters away, which had already exceeded the average level of the middle stage of foundation establishment, even if it was similar to the later stage of foundation establishment.

It's just that he passed through Ye Xing's stone house when his consciousness was withdrawn, and found that the other party was unresponsive, so he tried to observe it intrusively, and then immediately aroused the other party's alertness.

Zhang He could only withdraw his consciousness immediately, temporarily stop practicing, and took out a black pill from his storage bag and stuffed it into his mouth.

After beheading Ye Jun and his party last time, he found a seedling of Essence Essence Grass from the Lingtian of the City Lord's Mansion in Dehua County.

It was transplanted into the space by him, and after careful cultivation, this Essence Grass has grown for more than 100 years, and it can barely be used as medicine.

He kept the seedlings propagated from the roots of this elixir in the space, and he cut off the elixir that had grown for more than a hundred years.

However, although he knew that this elixir had the effect of replenishing qi, blood and essence, he was unable to refine it into elixir due to the lack of a medicinal formula.

He can only prepare some auxiliary medicinal materials by himself, and rub these medicinal materials into the simplest pills to take.

If he has a lot of essence grass in his hand, he will definitely be able to refine the medicinal herbs after repeated trials, but he can't afford to waste it now.

A black pill was swallowed and melted in the abdomen. The medicinal power that slowly radiated nourished the flesh, and Wa Huang's face regained a trace of blood.

After his body recovered a little, Zhang He began to mobilize a large amount of spiritual consciousness. In the sea of ​​​​knowledge, an inch-long knife was forming like a condensed smoke.

This is also the secret technique of the Shadow Demon family. It is called the Sword of Slaying God. It needs to be condensed into a knife with divine sense, driven by divine sense, invisible and invisible, can be gathered or dispersed, and can kill people in the invisible.

Driven by Zhang He, this small knife flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness in just one thought and hovered three feet in front of him, but under the naked eye observation, it was completely unaware, as if it did not at all. exist.

Then Zhang He thought about it, and the Zhan Shen Dao flew out and went straight through a wooden table that was blocked in front of him, cutting a deep mark on the stone wall with a "ding" sound.

However, the wooden table that was pierced by the Zhan Shen Dao was intact, leaving no traces.

The God Slaying Sword is entirely composed of divine consciousness, which is originally an intangible thing, and can naturally penetrate all tangible bodies with ease.

Theoretically speaking, as long as it is an item that can be penetrated by consciousness, the Zhan Shen Dao can easily penetrate without leaving any traces.

This will be a big hole card for Zhang He to face the enemy in the future, and it will not be used easily.

After practicing for a while, Zhang He slowly stopped his work, and his consciousness entered the space again.

The spirit wine he brewed is still a long time away from turning into wine, and he is now stacking it in a corner of the space.

Xiao Skull was carrying a bucket and was diligently watering the When he saw Zhang He coming in, he quickly waved to him. He doesn't sleep much now. Skeletons have also gotten a little bit smarter.

The space now mainly focuses on cultivating the elixir needed for the foundation-building stage. There are also several trees, and more than ten thousand-year-old elixir have been cultivated.

Zhang He turned around in the space, and suddenly found that there was a Lei Lingcao that was different. It was much taller and stronger than other Lei Lingcao that grew normally.

Lei Lingcao seeds were his main method of killing enemies during his Qi training period, but since he advanced to Foundation Establishment, he seldom needed this thing.

The power of this thing is only one-third of the ordinary fireball technique, and it can't use tens of thousands of kilograms at a time like gunpowder.

Even with his current strength of divine consciousness, he could only provoke dozens of pills at a time. An attack of this level was really not enough for a foundation-building cultivator.

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