Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 414: Demon God Meeting, Frigh10ed Bloodshed! 【Subscription】

Azazle tried to use the source of pollution in front of him in exchange for the forgiveness of the Demon God.

Therefore, even if there is an indescribable strange feeling in his heart, he is also clear that by now, he has nowhere to go and nowhere to go.

If you don't find a good reason for yourself.

The status of the disaster general was dismissed, just a small matter.

The more serious consequence is to become fertilizer in the eyes of other gods.

Azazle won't let this kind of thing go on...

"Even if there is any problem, relying on the strength of the Demon God will not affect him in the slightest. 55

Thinking of this, Azazle never hesitated again, and ripples suddenly appeared around his body.

next second.

Azazel and the source of contamination that he had imprisoned disappeared in place.

The scene in front of me began to change.

Everything seems to be fixed at a certain moment.

This is the place of eternity.

It is also the place where life "five zeros" is forbidden.

Even the humblest devil who comes here will gain infinite life, because the rules here have long been changed by the [Stalwart].

"This is what you found?"

In the void, a voice suddenly came.

Azazel, who possessed middle-level divine power, did not even have the courage to raise his head, but knelt directly on the ground.

Asazle was about to speak, and he was strict about everything.


At this moment, a strange sound came from the endless sky.

The tone was like seeing something that surprised the other party.

The existence of high-level demon gods has already reached the realm of no sorrow and no joy.

It is because of this that Azazle is so afraid of each other.

Because He knows that all the emotions in the world cannot be affected in the slightest, there is no shock, and there is also no mercy and goodwill.

In the eyes of the devil, there is only value.

This is also the main reason why Azazle tried to tell the other party about the pollution incident, because Asazle couldn't be sure at all.

Will the Demon God blame himself for his own failure and punish him with death?

However, what Azazle did not expect was that the Demon God showed such a strange scene at such a time.

Is it...

This source of pollution, as he imagined, has the ability to encroach on the realm of the gods?

If it weren't for this, it would be hard for Asazle to think of anything else that could make the Demon God be so rude.

Azazle had so many doubts in his heart that he couldn't help but look up at the sky.


A screeching sound.

Azazle only felt that his eyes were scarlet, and after a second, the unbearable pain began to spread into his brain.

No matter what, Azazle could not have imagined, but just out of curiosity, trying to peek at the facial expression of the demon god at the moment, he was actually punished so horribly.

Immediately, a dead voice came to Azazle's ears:

"What qualifications do you have to witness my true face?"


Azazle still wanted to beg for mercy, but the next second, he was thrown into the space crack.

The whistling wind in the space was like a knife, constantly cutting Azazle's body.

Rao is that Azazle has middle-level divine power, and in the past there was no need to fear these gust of wind knives, but just escaping from the dead, it still made him feel panic.

So much so that he was in a hurry and spent countless energy before he found the way back to the realm of the gods.


Azazle stood on the familiar ground, panting desperately.

The shattered and bursting eyes, at this time, kept squirming like crawling with maggots.

The power of high-level demon gods has the ability to corrode.

In the past, having endured the current predicament, it didn't take too long, just a few minutes, Azazel could make his eyes grow again.

But today is different.

suffered the wrath of the devil.

Azazel's whole body was in a state of loss of energy and blood, so it took a long time for the two black and white pupils to reappear in the pupils!

look around.

It was not until he found out that this was not the sea of ​​​​blood underworld, that Azazle was relieved.

"I'm alive.

For Asazle, this may be the only thing he is happy about.

After a short period of fear, Azazle's heart was filled with endless doubts.

"What is the source of that infection? Even the high-level demon gods were shocked by it. 35

For a time, Azazle was in a state of turmoil.

He didn't even know whether it was right or wrong to dedicate the opponent to the Demon God.

At this moment, Azazle raised his head and stared at the sky, only to feel that Baator Purgatory had never been as thick and dark as it is now.

Blood Grabbing stared at the source of infection in disbelief.

As a high-level demon god, blood-grabbing has dominated Baator's purgatory for countless years. It can be said that whether it is power or vision, it is far from ordinary existences that can imagine 0...

Even when he was attacking the God Realm to communicate with the Demon Clan and the Zerg Zerg, the Blood Grabbing was as indifferent as before, without the slightest gaffe.

However at this moment...

This demon god with high-level strength seems to have encountered some kind of unspeakable shock event, so that the energy of the entire kingdom of God boils.

Countless believers in the kingdom of God were instantly in a state of amazement and panic.

As the kingdom of high-level demon gods, there has never been such a chaotic sign here in the past.

Therefore, countless mad believers began to pray, trying to learn from the blood-looting mouth what happened to the kingdom of God.

And at this time, Blood Grabbing had no interest in replying at all.

As far as He is concerned, all of his attention at this moment is on the source of infection in front of him.

Obscure, weird, evil, grievous.

The aura that filled the opponent's body made the bloodthirsty think of the supreme god that he saw by mistake because of the sacrifice.

The dark world seems to be the end of life.

Countless planets that have lost their breath of life, like glass balls, are scattered throughout the void.

In the endless ruins, there was a figure sleeping that could not be described in words.

The opponent's size is boundless, and it is more stalwart and terrifying than the hundreds of gods combined.

"Supreme God!"

Blood-grabbing will not perceive errors, and the source of infection in front of him suddenly has an evil aura that is exactly the same as in the world of nothingness.


Originally attacking 0.4 people, it was a plan or something.

So now, after discovering the traces of the supreme god, the blood grabbing questioned the mission of the dark army for the first time.

A terrifying, indescribable thought immediately appeared in the blood-grabbing mind:

"Could it be... that the supreme god who exists in the void world has already set his sights on the human world one step ahead of us?"

For a time, the demon god, who usually has thousands of thoughts, plundered blood and fell into petrification.

If all this is true.

So what he has to do is not to increase the gods and cast more soldiers of the dark army, but...

Quiet the Drum Yan flag.

After all, it is impossible to be sure that if the war continues, the supreme god who is above everything will impose divine punishment on them.

Thinking of this, Blood Grabbing couldn't hold back any longer. He knew what he was going to do next, and that was...

Start a new round of Demon God Conference!.

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