Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 413 Space cascading, from the at10tion of the devil! 【Subscription】

Azazle has all the memories of the clone.

That weird picture, like an indelible haze, permeated every cell in his mind.

Therefore, at the moment when he heard the voice, Rao had already arrived in the kingdom of God, and Azazle still instinctively shuddered.

And at this time, He lowered his head even more and looked at his own abdomen.

in memory.

The place where the strange pollution appeared was his stomach.

At the moment of observation, the energy of Azazle's whole body has already begun to run, and once he sees some kind of terrifying picture, he will immediately solve the trouble.


The position of the abdomen is still flat, and there is no sign of heresy life.

But despite this, Azazle did not let up.

There was no problem with his hearing.

Just now, He clearly heard those two words that contained pollution.

"Is it because of the auditory hallucinations caused by the fusion of memories?"

Azazle calmed down and tried to analyze the situation.



In the next second, a crisp sound rang out again.

Azazle's eyes, like two sharp knives, instantly looked towards the direction of the voice.

outside the gate.

That's where the believers move.

And believers who can serve Azazle's left and right are naturally mad believers with pure faith.

Fortunately, it dissipated, and an ominous thought slowly grew.

The believers standing at the door are Asazil's true henchmen.

Over the years, he has fought in the north and south, and the housekeeper at the door with the blood of a succubus is responsible for taking care of his home here.

Over the years, there has not been a single mistake.

In the past, without Azazle's order, the other party would be responsible for listening at the door.

But now...

Azazle heard clearly that the harsh [hug] came from the door.

Without any hesitation, Azazle spread his palms, and the next second...

A golden beam of light rushed towards the gate.


The gate made of an unknown substance, without even the strength to resist, was instantly pierced.


Immediately, a body collapsed to the ground.

The owner of the body is pale, as if there is no blood all over his body, full of unimaginable and strange situations.


Not now, but a long time ago, the other party had already died.

The round eyes seemed to prove that the other party suffered some kind of unbearable shock before his death.

"how can that be?"

Azazle couldn't even believe what he saw.

The succubus housekeeper possesses the abilities of low-level gods, and as a confidant of Asazle, the other party even possesses a secondary artifact.

In Azazle's kingdom of God, the other party can even mobilize a part of the energy to attach to himself to fight the enemy because of his loyalty.

It can be said that in this kingdom of gods, the [Creator] paid special attention to convenience.

Not to mention the gods of the same rank.

It is the middle-level god, the disaster will go here, and it is impossible to kill the opponent without knowing it.

However, at this moment, right under Azazle's eyelids, the other party died so incomprehensibly.

At this time, Azazle stared at the confidant's body motionless, and after a while, said in a gloomy tone:

"It's coming!"

For the death of his confidant, Azazle didn't seem to care at all.

Instead, his eyes were all focused on the other's stomach.



But at this moment, the other party's stomach kept surging, as if something was about to be born from it.

"Pfft." 9

With a burst of sound.

A creature with dislocated facial features but with a pair of succubus horns crawled out of it.


different from memory.

At this moment, the mouth of this monster with wrong facial features is growing on the top of the head. Between the opening and closing of the opponent's mouth, the impact of the visual field alone is unbearable.

Seeing this, Azazle's body instinctively shuddered.

His memory was not wrong.

The curse that pervaded the world actually followed him and came to the kingdom of God!

The heretic murmured and hugged, but in the next second, he began to run wildly towards the position behind him.

This look is full of unpredictable risks!

"Can't let the other party leave! 39

Azazle has been paying attention to each other's every move.

The memory from the human world made Azazle realize that the other party has a strong instability and terrifying pollution ability.

Once the other party breaks into his own kingdom of God, it may not have any effect on him, but for the believers, it can be said to be a fatal blow.

"Leave it!"

Azazel secretly ruthless, unlike the human world who sits and waits for death, the next second, He appeared directly in front of the other party.


Looking at the distorted face in front of him, Azazle's face turned hideous one after another.

0... ask for flowers 0・・・

At this moment, the past that the world has encountered has completely erupted.

New hatred and old hatred count together!

Azazel handed out a punch, and a layered structure like a space wall appeared around him.

Azazle couldn't let the pollution escape his sight.

In the kingdom of God, Azazle has absolute control, and even if the source of pollution wants to escape, there is nothing he can do.

"Caught! Toto

A gleam of excitement flashed in Azazle's eyes just now.


But in the next second, He felt a terrifying pressure, and he vomited blood to the extreme.

As expected by Asazle, the punishment from the Demon God had already come to him.

Fortunately, Asazil is not without evidence.


The source of pollution in front of him is his best rhetoric.

Therefore, even though he was punished, Azazle did not have the slightest hatred on his face. Instead, he said to himself humbly:

"Devil, I am guilty, but this time there is a reason.

"I have encountered pollution that shouldn't have occurred on human territory.

"He even followed me into the kingdom of God, and I have captured it, and I will bring it over now for you to check. 39

The mighty Asazle is already despicable to the extreme at this moment.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Azazle didn't even have the courage to raise his head.

"Come here. 35

After a long time, with a hoarse voice, Azazle breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he focused his gaze on the source of pollution in front of him.

The parasitic succubus butler, and thus the curse that was born, seems to be very curious about Azazle as well.

Therefore, the other party also tilted his head at the moment, showing a twisted smile.

Azazle thought that after being imprisoned, the other party would be furious and angry, but he never thought that the other party would show this strange expression.

An ominous omen began to breed in my heart.

Azazle even wondered if it was right for him to bring the other party to the Demon God.

But in an instant, Azazle dispelled this ridiculous idea.

"How could there be an accident.

"The existence of my allegiance is a true high-level demon god!"

Thinking of this, Azazle firmed up his thoughts. He stared at the source of pollution and said to himself:

"There will be no problem.

"Definitely!" Four.

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