Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 415 Desperate accusations, corrupted by double gods! 【Subscription】

"A corpse...a corpse...or a corpse..."

The tentacles in his eyes recovered all of Wei Xun's power after swallowing the heresy born from the body of the Heretic God.


Compared with the past, the strength has also taken a step forward.

At the realm of Wei Xun, every step was extremely difficult.

The road to becoming a god is difficult to ascend to the sky.

Even if it was only one step, he did not know how many demigods of the same rank would be left behind.

After Weisson defeated Asazle, he began to consolidate his manpower.


Because the shuttle was interrupted, more than 600 night watchmen rushed from Lingzhou City to all corners of the city.

Even if Wei Xun searched with the fastest speed, the result was still unsatisfactory.


There were only over a hundred familiar faces around Wei Xun.

Most of the rest are still missing.

And besides that...

Wei Xun and his party also found many mutilated bodies.

Some are still identifiable.

Some have been turned into skeletons.

Disgusting bugs and demons gnawed on their flesh and blood, and it was hard to imagine what kind of terrifying experience the other party had before they died.

It was different from the elated vigils when they came.

At this moment, their faces were covered with a haze that was difficult to dispel.


Only when they really faced 03 did they know what the so-called battle meant.

Kill, die.

For some of them, this is clearly a road of no return.

"I want to go home!

"I'm going home now!"

"I don't want to be a savior, I'm only eighteen years old, I've just gained supernatural power, how could I die in such a place. 99


At this moment, there was a loud noise in the team searching for survivors.

However, a young man with glasses suddenly shouted loudly.

Pang Tianyu.

Like most of the new night watchmen, the other party became a night watchman under the opportunity of God's blood.

This time, help the Moon Dragon Alliance.

In order to establish prestige, Pang Tianyu also took the initiative to sign up despite the dissuasion of his family.

But never thought...

The collective action that was originally winning but was in control, accompanied by the wrong shuttle, has undergone such a sudden change.


"Body everywhere!"

Pang Tianyu's inner world was originally on the verge of collapse, and at this time...

After seeing countless corpses, he could no longer restrain the fear in his heart, and immediately fell into madness, and even his mind became abnormal.

"You calm down."

At this moment, Cheng Lu, who was walking aside, kindly discouraged her.


After hearing Cheng Lu's voice, Pang Tianyu, who was only roaring, his face was completely distorted, and the blue veins were like poisonous snakes, filling the position of his neck.

Pang Tianyu stared at Cheng Lu viciously, his voice hoarse, like a death bird above the cemetery:

"It's all you!"

"All these disasters happened because of you! 35

"We trust you so much, but what about you? But let us all go away!"

"Dead, everyone is dead!"

"Why don't you die, you bitch!"

People instinctively look for beams of light when they are desperate.

And for Pang Tianyu...

Blaming others is undoubtedly the best outlet.

Cheng Lu has always obeyed orders, and with Wei Xun's support, helped the team to shuttle again and again.


What Cheng Lu couldn't believe was that the last time he shuttled back and forth, the surrounding space wall had undergone a terrifying reversal.

The strong mental collision even made her fall into a coma.

But when Cheng Lu woke up, it was too late.

More than 600 people were placed in all directions of the city.

She is undoubtedly lucky.

Because the energy of successive Wei Xun turned to appear next to the other party, and because of this, he lived to this day.


Most people don't know what to do now.

For a few days, Cheng Lu felt guilty too, because even her own sister was among the missing.

But now, being accused in public by Pang Tianyu, for Cheng Lu, it is undoubtedly tore open a wound that has not yet healed.

For a time, Cheng Lu felt bitter in her heart. She wanted to explain that all this was not her fault, but when the words came to her lips, they were overwhelmed by tears and stagnant.

Cheng Lu kept shaking her head:

"No, I didn't mean to."

"I don't want this to happen either. 55

But Pang Tianyu has already been caught in the endless loop of the heart labyrinth at this moment.

"It's all because of you!"

"If it wasn't for your fault, everyone wouldn't be facing this predicament."

"I won't forgive you, everyone won't..."


Pang Tianyu wanted to say something even more exaggerated, but at this moment, a sound like the explosion of thunder appeared in the ear of the other party.

For a while, Pang Tianyu seemed to hear the chorus of the beasts, and immediately knelt on the ground.

"Team... Captain."

The next second, a shadow shrouded Pang Tianyu's face, he raised his head, and the chaotic emotions were swept away.

Because his pupils were already occupied by Wei Xun.

Under absolute fear, Pang Tianyu's mind went blank.

Wei Xun looked down at Pang Tianyu and said in a cold voice:

"We are a group and anyone trying to divide the group should be damned! 35

"I only say this once. Cheng Lu's shuttle did not go wrong. What was wrong was that the space was distorted by a certain powerhouse.""

"I don't want to hear your nonsense again, if there is a next time, I will personally..."

"Kill you!"

Wilson understood a truth.

Heart is not cruel, stand unsteady.

The same is true for restraining subordinates.

If you can't stabilize people's hearts, even more than a hundred people around him may die.

Wilson wasn't joking.

He can't accept the black sheep who wantonly disturb the peace of the team, and at a critical moment, he will really kill the opponent.

Pang Tianyu woke up like a dream, and quickly apologized to Cheng Lu. His handsome face was now extremely embarrassed.

Wilson's eyes slid across everyone's faces:

"I don't want to see infighting until the battle is over. 35

"There is no more chance."

"If anyone wants to challenge my authority, they can naturally give it a try."

Wei Xun shocked all 500 people.

Cheng Lu burst into tears. Obviously, Pang Tianyu's apology did not heal the other party's heart.


And just as Wei Xun was trying to comfort the other party, there was a terrifying collision in the distance.

"You're stationed here, I'll come and see.""

At this moment, I have no time to pay attention to Cheng Lu.

Wei Xun did not hesitate at all, and immediately urged his extraordinary power to rush towards the place where the voice appeared.


And just as he was approaching, Wei Xun clearly felt a slight obstacle.


Wei Xun clenched his arms tightly, like a king of beasts, his fists slammed out, tearing a gap in the air.

He tried his best to get in.

But see where there is still a little bit of the city around?

Instead, it directly turned into an Asura ghost.

Countless corpses were scattered aside.

Most of them are humans, and in addition, they are Zerg, demons and devils.

Right in front of Wei Xun, at this moment, a huge monster was being severely suppressed by two beings who possessed the demigod realm.

One of the enemies is like a beetle walking on the ground, and the other is full of madness and fury!

Zerg and Demons!

The suppressed monster had a dog-like figure and three twisted and infiltrating heads.

It's just that the three heads of the monster on the neck have been smashed to pieces at this time, and red and white things are scattered all over the ground.

Wei Xun looked forward in disbelief, and muttered to himself:

"This guy is...


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