Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 294 Energy blasting, terrible raving badges! 【Subscription】

Wilson hadn't shown up for a long time.

A human, actually broke his defense.

He tried to fight back.

It was a gift from the evil god.

After seeing Wei Xun, Chang Zhiyuan finally took off his strong disguise.

This loss immediately caused Chang Zhiyuan to collapse and lose his temper.

Seeing this, Wei Xun shook his head and said mildly:

[Level: First Class]

Not only that.

Each other without 0.4 words.

After the blood of God fell, the opponent was in a state of retreat.

The team members were slaughtered, and Chang Zhiyuan did not cry.

At this moment, Baal's body was cut, and the pustules on his body were broken.


For all this, Wei Xun already had a countermeasure.

"Team... Captain..."

In the past, when he broke into Lingzhou City, Wei Xun fought with him and used a Sealed Artifact.

as a hunter.

Its face is dry and terrifying, like an incorrupt corpse that has been buried underground for countless years, and its body is full of evil and evil terrifying energy.

It was also at this moment that an inexplicable smile appeared on Wei Xun's frost-like face.

But above the palm, there was a terrifying scorching hot breath.

At this moment, if Baal could look closely into his eyes, he would find out.

Even though Chang Zhiyuan really wanted to sleep, the heavy eyelids were like being pressed with a layer of cement.

It is conceivable that every word spoken is no less than torture to him.

at the same time.

Only after seeing Wei Xun, Chang Zhiyuan could no longer restrain the pain in his heart.

Wei Xun seemed to have expected it long ago, and he raised his right arm and waved it suddenly.

And by chance, Wei Xun actually merged with the Sealed Artifact.

God's residence could not put his life at risk.

"Sorry captain, everything is my fault.

The walls kept wriggling.

At this moment, when Wei Xun displayed the power of destruction again, the mummified corpse actually shrank to about half a meter.

He knows that there is a kind of existence in the world, mastering the characteristics of fusion.

At this moment, a burst of explosion sounded.

Although the size is reduced.

This is a fool's dream after all.

But he gritted his teeth and forced himself to stay awake.


Barr also lost his freedom again.

He was going to watch the monster die with his own eyes.

Baal cast the eye of truth, only to discover...

The smile was full of sarcasm.

He suffered backlash, his cheeks were broken, and he did not cry.

"It's me who should say sorry..."

His voice was shrill and full of grief:

The whites of the eyes disappeared, and the black pupils took over the entire eye.

It was a kind of, as if a dozen shells were compressed into one bullet.

The tentacles in the eyes are even more frantically gushing out.

Bahrain crushed the neck of the mummified corpse.


"Crack. 35

Most of the tasks of the night watchman were arranged by Jiang Zhiyue and Ren Peng.

Accompanied by a large amount of blood was ingested.

Don't talk to each other.

Unlike being imprisoned in the mirror world before, at this moment, he is imprisoned in a narrow environment composed of tentacles on all sides.

[Usage Permission: Above the Legend]

These heat waves are like hundreds of volcanoes erupting at the same time.

【Rabble Badge】

The corners of his mouth trembled, and he could no longer restrain the grief and anger in his heart, and two lines of tears flowed down his cheeks.

These tentacles actually cracked their own genetic chain, thus mutating a weakened version of the highly toxic herpes.

Once the blood touches the air, the entire Lingzhou City will suffer a disaster.

But now...

The other party seems to be permanently stuck in this world.

The mummified corpse holding a sickle came to Baal in an instant.

It was a figure wearing a cloak and holding a blood-colored sickle.

"You've done a good job."

Just like the previous players.

Barr's muscle strength was too terrifying, the wound was only three inches open, and the sickle was stuck in it, unable to move any further.

Compared to before, it was just a mummified corpse the size of an ordinary person.

raving badge.

"Because of you, more people have been sheltered.""

"I didn't protect them well."

The sudden and strange behavior of the enemy made Baer a little confused.

In Baal's view, he is already invincible!

However, I saw the figure that had been slammed into the wall, rushed over like a cannonball.

However, a red light suddenly appeared.

Once hit the target.

Barr is strong.

Barr looked down.

Its prototype is the team emblem of the night watchman, which symbolizes killing and protection.

The tentacles are densely packed, and the number of tentacles cannot be estimated.

[Note: This contains the ravings of the evil god, and every time it touches it, the soul will sink a little. 】

The aura was ferocious, like an enemy of ten thousand people, and even the space was shattered by the impact, and dark cracks appeared.

Although Baal is a demon, he also has knowledge in his mind that ordinary life cannot imagine.

In Wei Xun's pupils were not pupils at all, but countless tentacles that looked like insects.

Suddenly, countless tentacles gathered around.

The tentacles in front of him undoubtedly possess this terrifying ability.

At this moment, the corner of Chang Zhiyuan's mouth was broken, and a lot of blood flowed out when he spoke.

Being wounded by mortals made Bahrain very angry.

The adsorption of tentacles limits the spread of toxins.

On some tentacles, pustules and herpes similar to Barr's body grew.

So much so that he never imagined that Wei Xun's attack was so ferocious and terrifying!

"Pfft. 35

Holding a scythe in both hands, he was still cutting, trying to split Baal in two.

Chang Zhiyuan wanted to say something, but the tears had already made him choked up.

Here comes the captain.

Because of this, he has an instinctive contempt for human beings.

"Blame me, it's too late."

But the energy is more ferocious.

But he saw that he opened his eyes to the maximum in vain.

Baal and his companions hunted many fugitive mansions.

He grabbed the mummified corpse's neck with one hand and looked at Wei Xun. The threat was self-evident.

Those tentacles gathered together like coral reefs and were placed in all directions.

However, he saw a terrifying heat wave spread out from the cloak of the mummified corpse.

"Enchantment, open!"

But Wilson still heard a voice:

"It's your turn next."

Hope is coming.

A shocking blasting energy was completely released in front of him!

Barr was furious.

But the number of injuries can be counted on one hand.

But what Chang Zhiyuan never expected was that Wei Xun actually appeared in front of him just when he was on the verge of life and death.

Formed a strange eye.

Baal's blood has the ability to corrode, and ordinary creatures will be attacked by toxins in an instant, completely annihilating 0...

After being promoted to a demigod not long ago, Wei Xun was more able to control the Sealed Artifacts.

Layer upon layer gathered around Wei Xun, but in an instant, Wei Xun turned into a cicada.

Just a few seconds.

But those tentacles didn't know what kind of weird life they were. After coming into contact with Baal's blood, instead of dying, they robbed each other.

Because the phantom of the mummy before the full still has not disappeared.

The first time he was promoted to captain and the first time he participated in a mission, the six-man team was cut in half.

"Fusion features?"

Promoted to a demigod, Wei Xun mastered a new enchantment.

Just as Baal's blood color spread, a transparent wall suddenly appeared around him.

[Use time: no more than three minutes]

Even the city under the opponent's feet will be destroyed.

In each pustule, there are extremely terrifying toxins.

Barr still didn't respond.

【Use with caution!】

It is clearly visible that the size of those tentacles has increased several times again.

This has become the last long-cherished wish in his heart.

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