Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 293 The regiment was killed and buried, and the reinforcements arrived! 【Subscription】

The endless hunger made Baal furious.

It is different from the free bondage of Chang Zhiyuan and others.

Baal was not affected by the mirror image at all.

He took a step forward.

Visible to the naked eye, the body began to swell and bulge.

In an instant, it turned into a terrifying-monster with four meters in length.

Nearly bald head has a few messy short hair, and there are five irregular horns on it.

The dense eyes converge on the neck, cheeks and even the arms.

As for the waist, there is also a cover that looks like human skin.

Where is this polluter?

It is simply a nightmare from out of reality.

The types of demons in the bottomless abyss are as numerous as the stars in the sky.

Worms, cowardices, needles.

These are nothing but the existence at the bottom of the pyramid.

Baal, on the other hand, is a demon at the top level of the pyramid.

Fighting Demon.

This is a bloodthirsty and aggressive race of demons.

They inhabit the vast swamps, swamps, and waterways of the Abyss.

The long-term harsh environment has changed its function, and the skin has terrible toxins.

At this moment, as the body changed, the other party was covered with toad-like, dense disgusting herpes.

Once the herpes is broken.

A distance of several meters will be corroded by life in an instant.

Not only humans or animals will bleed to death due to corrosion.

Even the ground will be barren, and it will take a decade or more of precipitation to completely dilute the toxins.

Moreover, the opponent's fist is the size of a grinding disc.

The sturdy arms are like lamp posts.

A mad war demon with legendary strength slams it down with one punch, and it can unleash a few days of power.


How terrifying will the mad war demon punch who has been promoted to the realm of gods?

One punch.

It can be completely crushed by meteorites that fall from the sky.

Even though, because of the dimension wall, Baal cannot exert his true power of God.

But He is also the human world who came to the peak state.

The strength is many times more terrifying than some evil gods.

The terrifying coercion was attached to Chang Zhiyuan and his teammates like this.

"team leader……"

Accompanied by a shrill sound.


The team members on the side actually exploded.

It's like an egg being heated in the microwave.

burst directly.

Scarlet blood and broken internal organs filled the entire restaurant.

Chang Zhiyuan clenched his hands tightly, even if his nails pierced his palms deeply, he didn't know it.

Because of the blood of the gods, some lucky ones became superhumans.

And the girl who just died is one of the new superhumans.

The other party is only nineteen years old.

Several years ago, Lingzhou City suffered a polluter attack.

At that time, as a child, the girl lost her parents.

From a happy family to a poor orphan.

The seeds of revenge were buried in the deepest part of the opponent's heart after that.

Therefore, after becoming a superhuman, the girl was almost the first group of people to sign up for the night watch.

Chang Zhiyuan still remembers what the other party said to him when he joined:

"Captain, I want to be a great night watchman and avenge my parents.

"You said, can I?"

Except for a few night watchmen with a strong sense of justice.

The rest of the night watchmen have an unforgettable past.

They rely on guardianship to atone for their past cowardice.

Although those pains were not brought to their loved ones.

But they still blame themselves, why can't they become superhumans earlier?

It is precisely because of this complex emotion that after becoming night watchmen, they hate polluters and terrifying monsters even more!

Looking at the expectant eyes of the other party, Chang Zhiyuan nodded:


"Captain promises you."

The girl smiled.

With extraordinary power, join the Night's Watch and fight against the polluters.

The sudden change seemed to make the girl's dusty heart regain its brilliance.

But who would have thought...

The first time he officially participated in the pollution mission, the opponent died without a whole corpse.

In just a few minutes, the two team members beside Chang Zhiyuan died tragically one after another.

Self-blame, guilt, and anger came together, and Chang Zhiyuan only felt that blood began to flow into his mind.

Seems like the next second.

The head will burst open with extreme anger.

But this...

But it's a start.

Not for Chang Zhiyuan's rampage, the devil Baal's face was filled with a frantic smile at this moment.

Killing is the same as food.

Without food, He relied on this method to calm his mind.

"Guys like ants, they all deserve to die."

"Die! 35

A harsh voice came from Baal's mouth.

An old team member with legendary strength just glanced at Chang Zhiyuan dully, his whole head shattered like a watermelon hit by a hammer.


"Another one died? 99

Ascend Epic.

New companions join.

Chang Zhiyuan changed from an ordinary member of the God Squad to a captain.

He still remembers the oath he made with Wei Sen on the day he was promoted to captain:

"I will train them and make them the mainstay of guarding Lingzhou.

But how high-spirited at that time, how helpless and embarrassed at the moment.

He didn't do his duty as a captain at all.

The entire team plus myself, there are only six people.

But now...

The three team members died tragically in front of him in such a terrifying way.

Chang Zhiyuan only felt that his spirit was beginning to become disordered.

Soul Corruption!

This is the torture technique used by demons.

Unlike the cunning devil who will lure souls into purgatory.

The devil's methods are more pure and straightforward.

It ravaged the soul and made Chang Zhiyuan's soul completely shattered.

That was Barr's purpose.

Killing fresh lives one after another did not satisfy Barr.

He stepped forward and walked to the wall beside him.

Brought here by an inexplicable force, a team member was even imprisoned on a painting on the wall.

Barr's purpose at this moment is to shred the picture scroll in front of him.

Chang Zhiyuan's eyes bulged, and the capillaries that filled his pupils seemed to be broken, which seemed particularly terrifying.

0... ask for flowers 0...

He couldn't just watch the rest of the team get killed.

Therefore, he spent all his strength, looked at Baal's back and said:


Once again, Chang Zhiyuan used the ability to break the mirror.

Due to the fact that Dongzi was broken, countless scars were cut all over his body.

Therefore, this ability also applies to the monster in front of you.

But a strange scene appeared...


With a burst of sound.

It wasn't that Baal's body was torn apart, but a terrifying wound opened at the corner of Chang Zhiyuan's mouth.

The wound was like a centipede, making Chang Zhiyuan look extremely ugly.

The pain in my heart is stronger than the pain in my body.

"how is this possible?"

"how can that be?"

Chang Zhiyuan couldn't believe what he saw at all.

This is clearly the world he created, but when he issued the order, he was fatally affected.

"What kind of monster is the other party?"

Up to now, Chang Zhiyuan has long known that the other party is not a simple polluter.

It is a terrifying powerhouse above the epic.

Although Chang Zhiyuan's order did not cause any harm to Baal, it still managed to affect the opponent's mood to a certain extent.

Barr turned around slowly and looked down at Chang Zhiyuan:

"Do you want to die before them?"

"I can satisfy you. 99

After saying that, he walked towards Chang Zhiyuan.

Chang Zhiyuan was completely desperate.

It was as if he had fallen into a dark cave.

There is no hope of life at all.

At this moment, Chang Zhiyuan's only hope is to die happily.

Epic can make this sense of powerlessness.

The opponent's strength...

Eternity? Or demigod?

Chang Zhiyuan only felt that his head was unusually heavy, and his soul was being separated from his body.

You don't even need to shoot the monster in front of you.

Chang Zhiyuan's life has come to an end.



He heard heavy footsteps beside his ears.

Chang Zhiyuan didn't even have the slightest fear, instead he felt a sense of relief.

"Captain, I have made atonement for you.""

Chang Zhiyuan blamed himself for the death of the team members.

His eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, just when his consciousness completely returns to darkness...

"Dog thing, do you dare to be wild in Lingzhou?

An angry rebuke, like a thunderbolt, appeared in Chang Zhiyuan's ear.

next second.

It was the sound of trains colliding.


Chang Zhiyuan tried his best to open his eyelids.

There are no restaurants around anymore.

And came to the place where he used to work.

"The mirror is broken."

"We're finally out!"

Chang Zhiyuan panted weakly, and he saw the monster that was knocked into the wall. In addition, there was an unusually tall body.

"Team... Captain?"

Chang Zhiyuan also has his own idols.

The man in front of him, for a long time, belonged to the souls of the night watchmen.

The visitor is none other than others.

It is the only captain in the hearts of all night watchmen.

Wilson! Four.

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