Cthulhu Believers Sneak Into My House, and The San Value Goes Crazy

Chapter 295 Deadly resentment, Baal's anger! 【Subscription】

The terrifying explosion spread directly in the enchantment entrenched in tentacles.

A strong resentment that arises from the anger in the soul after the life has died in vain.

The terrifying grievances gathered together and rushed towards Wei Xun like a wild python.

Like a cicada chrysalis, the protective cover is broken layer by layer.

As for the right arm of the skeleton, there is a white bone shield.

It just stood there and made people's hearts lift in their throats.

When the God of Judgment blew himself up in the past, blood all over the sky fell in Lingzhou City.

As can be imagined. . . .

next second.

It's not a power that humans can master at all.

Then, he stared at Wei Xun.

At this time, the enchantment was devastated.

Wilson added divinity to the attack.

The other party did not die.

The curse of those who die with resentment.

He is on the verge of madness.

Wei Xun knew the power of blasting, so in the early days of the confrontation, he used the barrier to block the surrounding layers.

"Human, you have caught my attention."

"Kill you!

As for the chest, a terrible wound was opened, and at this time, some internal organs even leaked out.

But at this time, Wei Xun did not relax at all.

In Wei Xun's eyes, there was still a gentle heartbeat in the black body that was lying on the ground at the moment.

Wilson stepped out.

Different from the death god who was wearing a cloak and holding a sickle before.

Wei Xun's eyes were focused on the corner.

Facing the terrifying curse attack, Wei Xun unhesitatingly used the power of protection.

But Baal seemed to be indifferent, dragging the broken figure like this, slowly walking towards Wei Xun.

With the Grudge stripped away, Baal seems to have lost his cards completely.

Just for an instant.


The detonation order is simple.

"I swear, in the next period of time, you will beg me..."

At this time, Wei Xun's eyes were completely attracted by the charred corpse not far away.

For example, Jiang Zhiyue and a group of night watchmen obtained the most basic blood of God.

That is the original attack, with a touch of verdict brilliance.

Skeleton Guard.

Wherever the eye can see.


Once the Reaper's Scythe is destroyed, the divinity attached to the opponent's body will automatically disintegrate.

That is destruction.

The Bone Guard can think later.

A kind of killing and a kind of protection.

It is conceivable that this time the enemy is definitely not an ordinary character.

Wei Xun did not dare to gamble, nor could he gamble.

How terrifying is the higher level of divinity?

The boundless evil aura was attached to Wei Xun.

If it was an oversight, the blasting energy would spread into Lingzhou City.

It is even possible to have a higher-order challenge.

Nearly undead, the power of resentment that affects demigods.

This barrier was not broken in the end.

Not to mention the same level.

The opponent's figure is three meters long, and his body is pitch black, as if his entire body is made of obsidian.

Wei Xun did not hesitate to extract a part of his divinity and poured it into the body of the released "Death God".

The power of judgment that is full of divinity is extremely abundant.

It is conceivable how terrifying the entwined dark breath is!

Although the grudge was ferocious and terrifying, it was still unable to move an inch in the face of the Skeleton Guard.

One of the most important benefits is the power of judgment.

Rather than saying that it was a living body, it was better to say that it was a piece of charcoal.

"Boom! 35

Even if the eternal powerhouse is here, it will eventually become a scorched corpse.

And the superhumans who were promoted because of this also experienced some changes.

Barr stood up slowly.

The moment the Skeleton Guard appeared, a dazzling soul flame ignited in his eyes.

But the energy in hand is a real purifying power.

One of the eyes blinked suddenly.

Wilson saw clearly.

can satisfy the above conditions.

When he arrived, Wei Xun felt a terrible chaotic atmosphere.


It is conceivable what kind of extreme predicament Barr is facing at the moment.

Some of the eyes that were originally attached to the body were directly blown out of the body, scattered around like useless garbage.

Therefore, He tried his best to let Baal walk into his trap.

There is only one existence Wei Xun can think of, and that is...

Just the blood of the gods is so effective.

Wilson did not know whether this was a good phenomenon.

At this moment, what appeared in front of Wei Xun was a black skeleton.

Because of the broken kingdom of God, the God of Judgment bewitched the believers of Wisteria to make blood sacrifices for themselves.

Moreover, it has a very strong stacking damage effect on dark creatures such as demons.

In the evil, the dark power with the curse, once contaminated on others, will lead to bad luck in the light, and death in the worst.

But Wilson did not take it lightly.

Wilson waved his left arm.



Wei Xun could finally confirm the opponent's true strength.

It lasted for about a minute and finally dissipated.

The body is extremely dark, and there is no blood at all.


So far, the plan has been successful.

However, the original snow-white shield of the Skeleton Guard was actually stained with a mark that looked like an eye.

The entire Lingzhou city will be in ruins.


And the resentment at this moment was transformed from a real god.

The eyes are a little empty, but not without consciousness.

At this moment, the resentment in his eyes cannot be described in words.


For other creatures, this is simply fatal.

But even so, they still gained a lot of benefits.

The terrifying Sealed Artifact endowed Wei Xun with two abilities.

Whether the other party is still alive.

Even though the tentacles possessed terrifying vitality, in the face of this level of attack, they were still unstoppable and scattered on the ground.

Because the charred corpse was moving.

Even the most distinctive demon horns of the demons exploded and turned into dust at this moment.

"Those grudges seem to be attached to the Skeleton Guard. 35

Terrible heat wave.

The humans on the side don't know yet, they are only one step away from destruction.

437 Even if he thinks of those resentments at this moment, he still has some lingering fears.

An illusory figure appeared in front of him again.

Good point.

This radiance has a terrifying restraint 03 effect on evil spirits, evil spirits and dark creatures.

Baal opened his mouth, and his sharp teeth shone in the air with a cold silvery metal light.

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