CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 192 Little devil, let’s do our best!

"Damn it! Matched to the north!!"

Danking said excitedly to the camera in the live broadcast room.

[Father and Son Bureau Father and Son Bureau]

[Why can Danking smile so happily? 】

[This one is going to be tortured to death]

[Can Faceit match North and Zaiwu? 】

[That guy from the north doesn’t play FPL and uses Faceit to fry fish? 】

Danking didn't pay attention to the questions raised by the barrage in the live broadcast room, with a confident smile on his face, "I'm going to take a big bite out of him today!!"

The North had just withdrawn from the TS voice channel, and Danking started bragging.

"No, damn Danking, I want to win!" The kid quickly persuaded him, trying to get Danking to stop setting up a flag.

Danking, as Xu Beifang's old double platoon teammate, may not be aware of his strength yet.

But Xiaogui has been playing in FPL for nearly half a month, and his head was smashed by Xu Beifang. He clearly understands his dominance in the ladder, and he knows that this one will be very difficult.

The map is a lost city in the desert.

Danking was recently promoted to the main team and is now very confident. Hearing what the kid said, he said nonchalantly: "Xu Haowen, what's the matter with you? What you need to play CSGO is confidence!!"

"What does a mere Xiao Xu mean? Even if S1mple is matched with the other side, I will still score his points today. I just have to be confident!"

"Besides, I know about the North. When we were in 5E duo queue, my data was often better."

At that time, Xu Beifang was still in the growth stage, and he was shooting rifles, so his statistics were definitely not as good as yours!

The kid complained in his mind.

As if aware of his teammates' doubts, Danking continued to increase his pressure, "Don't worry, I'm sure this one will be C. Let them see the strength of Tianlu's deputy sniper!"

Entering the game, Danking's defense starts first.

During the 20 seconds of preparation, his teammates also recognized Xu Beifang on the other side.

Although he does not appear frequently in various competitions, in the FPL clips in the community, Xu Beifang is already about to become the fourth instructor-level figure in FPL.

He was quite familiar to passers-by.

"There is a professional guy on the other side, so everyone needs to take it seriously." said a passerby teammate.

Danking started learning English very early under Xu Beifang's reminder, and now he can barely communicate in basic English.

This is part of the reason why he was able to join the home team this time.

At this moment, he opened his mouth to calm down his teammates: "Don't worry, we also have professional players. Someone and I are both top professionals. Let's see how we kill the opponent this time!"

At the beginning of the pistol round, Danking entered the VIP directly and held the gun directly at the mouth of the gangster.

But soon he heard an arch smoke explode in zone A. He was worried that his teammates could not withstand the pressure, so he hurried over to cover.

But as soon as he reached Jungle, a flash flash completely blinded him. When he vaguely regained his vision, he saw bandits from three different angles in his field of vision.

[ZywOo used P250+Nice flash grenade to kill Danking with a headshot]

[ZywOo used P250+Nice flash grenade to kill with a headshot...]

Two hits killed him in an instant, and Danking took a breath of cold air.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they also ridiculed him unceremoniously.

[This wave of three pulls on the opposite side was defeated by a flash bomb. It’s already good to fight like this. Come on, you’re useless! 】



[This synergy is a bit scary]

[Area A melted instantly]


Xu Beifang, as the bombardier in this round, managed to score successfully without even participating in the frontal battle. He didn't even see anyone.

But judging from the red dot on the radar, he was still a little confused.

Why is this Danking standing in the middle of the road and shooting?

How about playing?

After successfully winning the pistol round, Xu Beifang played a fully armored Galil equipped with props, and continued to charge towards the middle.

Zaiwu helped throw a VIP cigarette at the gangster's house, so that Xu Beifang would not be at a disadvantage for the first time.

Hengla entered the sandbag and made sure that there was no one in the middle immediately. Xu Beifang didn't stop.

The purpose of playing Faceit is to relax. Naturally, they will not control the map by default like they do in the game, and consider the information of the whole game.

I walked all the way to the arch. After a brief peek, I saw a policeman holding a Sand Eagle on the right side of the arch. I shot him in the head and killed him.

In an instant, someone pulled out from the left side, and Xu Beifang turned his gun around and fired.

The first wave of strafing did not hit the head of the man on the left, but then he fired a blank shot at the wooden board between the arch and the platform.

[Nice used Galil to pass through the wall and kill Danking]

"Damn this shooting!" Danking sat up straight, "There's no need to fight at all!"

The kill message in the upper right corner floated by, and the kid in area B almost died again when he saw area A.

"What's going on?" Xiaogui asked Danking from the bottom of his heart.

"I can't hit an unarmored pistol!" Danking said helplessly. He thought this was a problem with the firearms. He was an unarmored Sand Eagle, and if he missed the first shot, he would basically have no chance in the follow-up.

"It's okay, Brother Gui, I'll wait for you. I can't do it now because I have a firearm disadvantage."

As long as he saves enough money to buy a spear, the situation will get better.

Xu Beifang didn't know what the Tianlu duo was thinking. He just felt that the passers-by on the opposite side were playing very casually, so he could easily push it flat.

Entering the long gun game, a passerby teammate called out a tactic of playing B at the second time.

Xu Beifang and Zaiwu had no objections. They had an offensive idea in the passerby game, which was convenient for them to launch.

But one of A1's teammates still refused to listen. He planned to find an opportunity in A1 and pulled him out without asking anyone else to cooperate.

Then Xu Beifang saw a kill message from Danking appearing in the upper right corner.

It started 4 on 5, and it felt familiar that he was coming.

Xu Beifang gave VIP smoke to the middle lane, assisting Zaiwu to take control of the middle lane.

After throwing away the props, he followed Zaiwu's footsteps, and the two of them fought in the middle for a while, waiting for the other party to get sick and come out to find someone.

But the opponent is very cautious and does not give them a chance to operate.

"I'll give you Gongmen cigarettes and VIP fire, and we'll get a dozen at B's?" Zaiwu asked.

Xu Beifang thought for a moment: "You take them to area B for a flanking attack. I'll stay at the arch for a while."

A set of props was given in the middle, and Xu Beifang quietly hid in the arch, waiting for the opportunity to attack head-on.

Zaiwu took the lead and got a kill in the small black room through preview.

Seeing this, Xu Beifang listened to jungle's retreating footsteps in the smoke inside the arch, and touched the platform.

The sudden increase in pressure in area B caused the defender to recover very quickly.

But passers-by behind the scenes had no idea that someone had entered the platform.

After Xu Beifang defeated the jumping enemies, he instantly understood the current situation in Area A based on the previous information.

"You can transfer directly from the sewer to point A. There should be no one at point A now."

After hearing the judgment of the professional brother in the team, the others quickly started to change their points.

Danking returned to the supermarket early, but a point suddenly dropped in area A, which caught him off guard.

He knew in his heart that jungle might have been occupied. At this moment, he opened the VIP dog hole with his mirror open, and was on guard against possible enemies.

But half a leg suddenly appeared in the field of vision, and the opponent rushed in.

Danking immediately relied on his own reflexes to press fire.


But before the bullet was fired, his helmet was blown open.

[Nice used SG553 to kill Danking with a headshot]

Looking at the kill information in the upper right corner, the kid pressed TAB and glanced at the scoreboard.

"Tiedan! Why is it 1-3! Where is the person who promised you C??"

Danking rubbed himself against the gaming chair and said, "I was caught by the North for timing and shot early. It's okay. I'll wait until I find some touch. I'll be ready in ten minutes."

The kid is helpless, this area A has been broken through, how can he play back defense every day while he is guarding B?

"Where are the Northerners?"

"Stuck in the jungle."

Seeing this, the kid gave up the idea of ​​returning to defense, "The north is at C!"

After saying that, both of them laughed.

10 minutes later……

When the big sniper he was holding was torn apart by Xu Beifang's AK47, and the kid failed to win the game, under such high pressure, one teammate had already chosen to be a deserter and left the game.

Looking at the metaphysical score of 7:1 above my head.

Danking comforted his teammates next to him: "It's okay kid, let's do our best."

Faced with this situation, the kid could only sigh.

Then this game, in the eyes of friends in the live broadcast room, he lost as expected.

Even though Xu Beifang and Zaiwu were 2 and 3, they combined for 43 kills in 20 rounds, and their heads were cracked.

[Why is there no picture 2? Why is there no picture 2? 】

[Sure enough, it’s a father-son game haha]

[The kid told him not to raise the flag before the game, but he just didn’t listen. He must be stupid now]

[The head was smashed. Sure enough, this is the difference between the house manager and the anchor! 】

Danking looked at the data after the game and sighed: "Damn it, the North and ZywOo are so awesome!"

"I was very angry after being beaten. The two of them are worthy of being the top players in FPL. They are so fierce!"

After facing the last time, Tiedan realized that there was a reason why Xu Beifang was able to achieve such good results.

He could clearly feel that Xu Beifang was not playing rigorously, but there were still no big flaws and he would not make any unnecessary mistakes.

Long-term systematic training has made Xu Beifang's movements very rigorous.

Relatively speaking, he is less accustomed to staying up late in a domestic environment.

I still have a long way to go...

After a game ended, Xu Beifang felt refreshed.

Originally I just wanted to play casually, but unexpectedly I met two people from Danking, which piqued their interest.

Xu Beifang entered Danking's TS voice and said with a smile: "What's going on? You can't do it today either!"

Although he was a little convinced in his heart, Danking was still very tough, "What can we do? Our teammates just retreat in the middle of the fight, otherwise this ironclad decision will be overturned for you."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! That's not a small tone."

"Why can't we overturn it? The two of us also killed nearly 40 heads in the headwind game. It wasn't because our teammates quit, but it was really overturned by you. Don't be arrogant!" Tiedan and Gangzi have been playing in 5E for a while. Team platoon, now the mouth is getting tougher and tougher.

The kid tried to turn the opponent's eldest brother into a friend, and asked: "Do you want to fight back to the platoon together?"

Xu Beifang refused: "I just played a game of Faceit to warm up. I will go to FPL with Zaiwu to call people. There are some passers-by whose competitive level is a little lower. The Major will start soon. I have to improve my condition."

When the kid heard this, he turned around and glanced at Danking in the battle room. He suddenly wanted to abandon Danking and play FPL.

But he still didn't say those words after all. Although the kid kept his head high, his emotional intelligence was not low.

Moreover, they couldn't play more than a few games, and they would have to review the game later, and there would be a training match after lunch.

When Tianlu came to Serbia for training, his time was very tight.

Left Danking's TS voice.

Xu Beifang switched the mode and entered the FPL channel and started matching.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the barrage on the secondary screen.

[Danking’s mouth is still as hard as ever]

[Can he play in the Major now? It seems like stickers will be issued directly]

[The house manager is very arrogant after his recent promotion and suggested that Xiao Xu torture Tiedan in the Major. 】

The system prompt sounded again.

【drop! 】

[I received a suggestion to torture the iron egg in the Major with a difficulty level of 5 stars. After completion, you can get a C-level treasure chest. 】

This suggested task is still a bit difficult.

Tianlu's current strength is not weak, because they did not participate in any major competitions at the beginning of the year, and their world rankings have declined.

But he was also a member of the legendary group in the last Major, and his strength is still remarkable.

Xu Beifang is still confident about torturing Danking. After all, Danking is participating in a large-scale competition for the first time and has too little competition experience.

But in the next Katowice Major, Little Bee may not necessarily match Tianlu. This is a problem!

This may be why the difficulty of this suggested mission is 5 stars.

However, he himself is actually looking forward to playing against this new Tianlu team.

But is it really the right decision for MO to leave and be led by BnTeT?

Xu Beifang was very doubtful about Tianlu's decision.

Xu Beifang practiced his reaction moves in the mini-game while waiting for the game to start.

It wasn't until the passionate FPL ended in the afternoon that Xu Beifang finally heard the system remind him again.

【drop! 】

[Suggested task: play the Faker reaction mini-game. The total time today has reached 1 hour, and the reward is a D-level treasure chest...]

Xu Beifang suddenly became interested and opened the treasure box directly to try to see if he could transform into a motorcycle with a single draw.

[The D-level treasure chest is being opened...]

[Congratulations to the host for listening to the advice and getting a value of +134]

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill - Extraordinary Concentration! Description: This skill is an active skill. When turned on, it can improve the host's concentration, at the cost of making the eyes more susceptible to fatigue. How to turn on: Keep your eyes within 20cm from the screen. 】

Seeing this skill, Xu Beifang suddenly thought of the table postures of Xantares and Kuang Ge. They basically had their faces pressed against the monitor.

There was a joke in the past life community about their approach - they were trying to smell the game with their noses.

This posture is in sharp contrast to Elige Chicken.

Elige is nicknamed the E-Sports Civil Servant. He is on the other extreme. He can move the monitor as far as he wants during the game.

In the game camera, you can never see Elige's monitor, the cameraman has to find an angle to take the shot.

Xu Beifang didn't expect that he would actually get such a skill.

But will it cause eye fatigue?

He planned to try it again after dinner to confirm the specific function and effect of the skill.

Although it has negative effects, if it can be used appropriately, it can still be of great help.

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