CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 193 Who is in C at the 2018 London Major?

Over the next week, Xu Beifang's life gradually became monotonous.

I do basic training in the training room every day, and then have a full schedule of FPL training, and occasionally explore some new props in running chart training - the schedule is very boring.

However, he is a person who can endure loneliness. He clearly understands that the key to growth is those efforts outside the public eye.

Zaiwu is also accompanying him in the base these days.

In order to thank him for his company, Xu Beifang also took the initiative to cook a few Chinese dishes for Zaiwu. Some of them he liked, and some of them were not suitable for his taste. However, the relationship between the two of them has obviously become more harmonious. .

During these days, Xu Beifang also experimented with the cost of using the skill 'Extraordinary Concentration'.

When the distance between his eyes and the screen was no more than 20 centimeters, Xu Beifang could clearly feel that he had entered that state of concentration. He was able to enter the state very quickly, and the speed of receiving information increased a lot.

It's a bit like S1mple's game state, where he would be startled after sniping his opponent and knocking him out.

But being too close to the screen and working intensively on your eyes will also make it easier to get tired.

He had tested it and found that in that state, his eyes would become sore in about an hour.

Therefore, if this skill is turned on, it may only be used in BO1 games, or in key rounds of BO3.

But usually, Xu Beifang prefers to play games in a normal sitting position.

After all, it’s not pleasant to have sore eyes.

Xu Beifang and Zaiwu became two Internet-addicted teenagers in the base, and the veterans in the team slowly returned to the team.

Their status has changed to the naked eye. They are all refreshed and full of fighting spirit for the next Major.

After the entire team was ready, Little Bee got on the plane to Katowice, ready to start pre-match training before the Major.

The city of Katowice is an insurmountable word for e-sports.

As one of the transportation hubs in Europe, Katowice, a coal city in Poland, has completed its transformation into e-sports very early.

Starting in 2014, Katowice’s name began to appear in the names of well-known e-sports events such as CSGO, LOL, and StarCraft.

Little Bee came to participate in the IEM Katowice European Qualifiers in January, but it was a closed event after all. Although it was offline, there was no publicity, and there were no audiences or previews. hot.

But this time is different. The slogans about the Major event can be clearly seen on the streets of Katowice.

Little Bee has also seen CSGO players wearing different team uniforms walking on the streets of Cato these days. The game has not yet started, but the atmosphere is gradually building up.

After entering Cato, Xu Beifang also clearly felt the difference between the London Major and the Katowice Major.

If the attitude of the organizers of the London Major is enthusiasm and sincerity, then the attitude expressed by this Katowice Major as the European e-sports capital is professionalism!

Whether it's the communication between the team and the event team, or the team's food, travel, and event follow-up issues after entering Cato, they have arranged everything for you.

The teams that come to participate in the Major only need to play the game well and don't need to focus on other things.

Under this circumstance, Little Bee's training status is also excellent, and apEX feels like he has returned to his peak, but his status is still unstable.

The data produced by NBK and RPK in the training camp are also remarkable, at least they don't feel like they are pulled down to the crotch.

Fulfilling days always pass quickly, and February 12th has arrived before you know it.

The Katowice Major challenger group competition will officially start tomorrow.

On February 12th, Little Bee finally took a short break and entered their media shooting day.

After getting into the commercial vehicle arranged by the competition team, they arrived at the studio of the UFO Stadium.

The staff of the event team have arranged everything here and are about to start taking a final makeup photo for them so that they can place the UI belonging to the players during the live broadcast.

The entire Little Bee team came to the studio and found that the players of the Faze clan team were still filming.

Faze's ancestral barometer waved to Xu Beifang: "Hello Nice!"

Rain God was deeply impressed by Xu Beifei. Whether it was his strength in the game or his previous teammate in the London exhibition game, he would not forget Xu Beifei easily.

"When did you arrive? I haven't seen it before." Xu Beifei walked over and gave the Rain God a high-five.

"I just arrived last night and was pulled over by the competition team for filming." Yu Shen yawned as he spoke, "I didn't even wake up."

Xu Beifang followed his gaze and looked over. NIKO was taking a solo photo shoot under the background. He had his hands folded across his chest and a look of disdain on his face. He gave the impression that he was a mature man.

But privately, all the players know that this is a joke.

It's just that this funny guy is a little bit stronger than a hundred million people.

"I envy you." Xu Beifang said, "We came here a few days ago to make adjustments in advance, and you guys still have some rest."

Dayushen smiled and said: "Why are you envious? You are not also a Major quarterfinalist. You want to run away...but I believe in your own judgment."

The top eight of the last Major can play directly from the top 16 in this event, so Faze does not need to travel and fight in the challenger group.

VP's performance in the London Major was also the top eight. If he stayed in VP, he would also be able to enjoy this kind of treatment.

But Dayushen has also watched some games in Europe recently, and he does not think that Xu Beifang's re-establishment of the team is a wrong start.

At least the fat guy next to him who likes to say "I don't know" is also in the top 20 in terms of strength.

Zaiwu looked at Xu Beifang, who was chatting with everyone in Faze, with some envy in his eyes.

He doesn't understand why Nice can be so good, not only can she speak Chinese, French, and even English so fluently.

With his level of English, if someone comes to say hello, he can only smile awkwardly.

"Who are you going to fight next? The challenger group's battle list should be out." Olaf walked over with a smile.

apEX stretched out his fist and punched him, then pursed his lips at Xu Beifang: "Beat him, my fellow countryman, and fight Tianlu on the first day."

"That Tianlu in Asia?"

Olaf was quite impressed by Tianlu. In the 2018 IEM Sydney semi-finals, they had a pretty exciting game with Tianlu.

"Then it shouldn't be too stressful," said the Rain God.

Xu Beifang shook his head: "Tianlu was also a dark horse last year, and among the teams that could enter the Major, none of them were particularly weak. Whether they can compete or not depends on the competition."

"That's true." Olaf nodded, "Just like in London, everyone thought that VP would die in the challenger group. Who would have thought that your kid would drag them into the championship group?"

Xu Beifang looked at the set area. NIKO's poses kept changing, and he even took the initiative to communicate with the photographer for better moves. It was extremely beautiful.

Apparently had to wait a while for them to arrive.

Xu Beifang also sat on the sofa and started scrolling through his phone to see what was going on in the GO circle recently.

The Major is about to start, and the forums are basically full of discussions about this game.

[Major Challenge Group Assignment, hehe, what currency do you have after completing this assignment? 】

[Tianlu fights Little Bee, the battle between the house manager and the anchor, now it’s interesting]

[Can Tiedan compete with Xiao Xu? Tiedan’s historical honor is zero. He just did a good job in the recent live broadcast. Don’t think too much about him.]

[This one is really worth looking forward to. The confrontation between Xin Tianlu and Little Bee. Recently, Little Bee defeated G2. Let’s see how good Xin Tianlu is.]

[Looking forward to Nice’s performance in the next competition]

Domestic forums are very much looking forward to Xu Beifang's performance, but there are some mixed reviews about Tianlu's change of formation.

Although the results in the last two events were not good, they believe that MO and DD are still capable. It is a bit too anxious to replace them and let two unknown players come up now.

But some people think that if Tianlu wants to achieve results, he really needs to take strong medicine.

MO and DD are already in a somewhat unbeatable state, so it's better to save the last part of their careers.

MO also volunteered to join. Recently, he and Masisi formed CSBOY, intending to become a real commentator.

Xu Beifang doesn't have much idea about Tianlu's formation change. Whether it is good or not will be decided after tomorrow's game.

But he is still looking forward to this grouping situation. After all, he also has a suggestion to torture Danking. It seems that it will be completed tomorrow.

Most of the messages in the forum were about quizzes and competitions. Xu Beifang was also browsing Xiaopo Station, intending to take a look at some of the video creations on Xiaopo Station and pass the time casually.

At this time, the cover of a video attracted him.

The cover of the video is an emoticon of Xu Beifang's head being photoshopped onto Da Chao's body. As a person, it's hard for him not to notice.

Title below:

"Nice: 1200 hours of C+, one day of enlightenment! [Who is C in the 2018 London Major?]"

The author of the video is named: Rampage Nianlan

This video made Xu Beifang a little curious, so he clicked to see what was going on.

“Let’s dance!!”

Exciting electronic music came from the video, and the Rain God sitting next to him heard the music and looked over.

Xu Beifang didn't pay attention to the Rain God's gaze and continued to watch the content of the video.

A hexagonal radar diagram began to appear in the center of the video, followed by various instructions:

The six angles of the hexagon represent the average kills per round, average survival per round, average first kill per round, non-free rate (contributive rounds), multi-kill rounds, and total score respectively.

The next second, data began to appear on the screen, showing the average data of the London Major players.

Average kills per round: 0.65

Round survival 0.31

First kill of round 0.10

Not giving for free rate: 68%

Multi-kill rounds: 16%

Overall rating: 1.02

As the music stirred, the data of each player based on the team began to appear on the screen.

There is a small blue hexagon inside the white line hexagon, which allows people to clearly feel the location of the average data.

Because the video is made by Chinese people, the first thing that appears is the data of Tianlu players.

Xcc, who was the first to appear, was far ahead in the kill rounds and multi-kill rounds. The orange-yellow graphics representing his data almost reached the end of the hexagon.

A piece of [XCC Sorry] above the video began to flood the screen.

Next is our special data. As Tianlu's eldest brother, he plays a supplementary position.

Except for the first kill of the round, which is far below the average, his other five statistics are all above the average, and the overall performance is quite impressive.

Next is the data of Captain MO. His data graph is an isosceles trapezoid, but this trapezoid is a trapezoid in the average data, and it is also very small.

【Whose general is this? 】

[Pay attention to the timing of entering the factory! 】

【Mo Ming Wei】

Xu Beifang couldn't help but smile.

Data does not represent everything. After all, Mo once played an information position in the Tianlu team and did the dirty work.

Otherwise, the rest of Tianlu would not be able to play so comfortably.

Immediately after the second team, the eyes of the rain god next to him lit up, because the player who appeared was none other than the Faze clan.

"Nice, please pause." The Rain God said to Xu Beifei, and then waved to Olaf and others, "Come and watch this video, it's so interesting!"

Xu Beifang didn't have any objections. He put his phone on the table, pulled some progress bars forward, and clicked play.

Members of the Faze clan and Little Bee gathered around, and everyone preferred to join in the fun.

Rain God also explained to everyone that the blue box is the average data of the London Major.

The first player in Faze clan is Olaf.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being one of the legendary players of CSGO. In this hexagonal data chart, round kills, raging, round multi-kills, and non-free bonus rate all overlap with the periphery of the hexagon. Round survival and round First kill is a bit lower, but still above average.

Olaf saw this data and said with some surprise: "It seems that my condition is not bad."

The next player was Rain God. His data in the London Major was relatively mediocre. He could only be regarded as a role player. Four items were above average, but only a little.

The data of Guadian, who appeared immediately, was slightly better than that of Rain God, and the data of Big Cousin, who appeared next, were slightly worse. None of them kept up with the average, but the graph representing the data was still much larger than MO.

Next up was NIKO who was still filming. This time NIKO didn't play proactively. His first kill in the round and survival in the round were just a little above the average.

But as a star player, NIKO's round kill went straight out of the hexagon.

"Good guy, NIKO's numbers at the London Major are just off the charts!" Rain God was a little surprised.

The next team that appeared was NAVI. As the runner-up of the London Major, they were also very curious about how their data looked like in this hexagonal visualization.

As a god of iron, except for the first kill of the round, Fire Man's statistics are on the average line, and the other five statistics are almost close to the end of the hexagon.

The music reached its climax, and along with a cutscene, S1mple's makeup photo appeared on the screen.

"So handsome??"

Everyone in the Faze clan was dumbfounded. They didn't expect that there were factory special effects.

“Too cool!!”

Then they saw S1mple appear on the screen with a look of disdain on his face, with inhuman-like hexagonal data above his head.

S1mple's six statistics are all far above the average. Only the first kill of the round is in the hexagon, and the other statistics are all off the charts!

The most exaggerated thing is the tip pointing downwards, where the non-free rate is as high as 81.6%, which is the highest data in this London Major!

【Gift crab! ! 】

[Is this S1mple cheating?]

【Supermodel God of War】

The professional players present were stunned when they saw this result.

"Who the hell is this person??"

"The average non-free rate is 81.6%, which is a solid C!"

"Today's young people are too exaggerated."

They are also increasingly looking forward to what the subsequent data of 'top players' will look like.

Then they saw NAVI's second data monster.

As the most unlucky player in CSGO, Electronic Girl's statistics stand out as being stable, and she is just short of becoming a hexagonal god of war.

He even got the highest rating in the London Major: 1.36!

After NAVI, VP's data came next. Little Bee looked at the teammates next to him, wanting to see what Xu Beifang's data looked like. Best Rookie was not just talk.

Then when they saw VP's data passing by one by one, they were almost stunned.

Because of the four VPs, only pasha and MICHU reached the average.

What a drag!

But this only made them look forward to it even more.

The exciting drumbeat of music sounded, and a photo of Xu Beifang shouting with arms appeared in everyone's field of vision.

If he remembered correctly, this should be the scene of the Zotac Cup.

The moment the data chart appeared, several people in the room were stunned.

"real or fake??"

"Is your kill so high??"

"If you survive and get higher, all the hexagons will overflow!!"

On the data chart, Xu Beifang barely reached the average except for round survival.

The other five data are all beyond their expected level, covering the original hexagon. The first kill rate is as high as 0.21. It looks very outrageous to stab a corner straight out.

This means that Xu Beifang stably gets a first kill every five rounds, and this data spans the entire London Major, which is enough to show how radical his playing style is!

Rain God looked at the data and shook his head, as if he had met Xu Beifang again.

Xu Beifang also didn't expect that his data would be so exaggerated on the screen.

【Lu Bu! ! ! 】

[Fuck Beishen! ! 】

【Shiyi pressure! ! 】

[Is this the terrifying ability of one-for-four? 】

【What a superman! ! 】

[True to bring evildoers! 】

"Looks like I have to be careful when I compete with you guys next time." Rain God said, "I won't let you beat me to pieces if I meet head-on."

“Young people today are so scary!”

Xu Beifang smiled and said: "I think it's okay. In the past, the results were mainly due to the full resources."

He was able to beat four in the London Major mainly because the members of VP believed in him and were willing to let him improve the data.

The final result was so extreme. The other four members of VP barely reached the average data, but he was like a god of war.

"Where did you watch this video? Is there any other event data?" Gua clicked through the entire video and felt a little unfinished, "Can you see it on Twitter?"

Xu Beifang replied: "Now he should only publish it on the Chinese platform. Let me help you urge him to see if he can publish an English version."

"This video is really interesting." Yushen added, "But now I suddenly feel sad for Tianlu. Why did I meet a guy like you in the first place?"

"They will take the lead in tomorrow's game!"

There is definitely a gap between this kind of data and his performance in the game, but with Xu Beifang's data, Rain God couldn't imagine how Tianlu would limit him.

There are no more updates today, and the month is considered to be a complete one. I will tally up the updates this month later.

Then it’s the last night. Please vote for the end of the month. If you don’t vote, it will be gone tomorrow.

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