CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 191 It’s time for Xiao Xu to be released from prison! (2277)

February 9, 2019, the fifth day of the first lunar month, Saturday.

Suitable for: praying for blessings, offering sacrifices, growing up, begging for children...

Yesterday, we won G2, qualified for IEM Sydney, and then entered a holiday state, which made the team members very happy.

Xu Beifang slept until nine o'clock in the morning. After washing up in his room, he was about to go to the kitchen when he saw apEX wearing sunglasses.

"What's going on?"

Doudou handed a bag of bread to Xu Beifang, "It's fresh from the oven, eat it while it's hot. Are you going out today?"

"What are you going to do?"

Bean twirled his index finger, and the car key on it was also turning, "On my day off, I went home to walk my dog. I haven't seen him for many days. I really miss my puppy. Do you want to come to my house to play?" "

Xu Beifang smiled awkwardly: "Forget it, I'll just stay at the base. Today is Saturday again, and there must be a lot of people marching outside."

apEX didn't understand.

Why does a person who plays so fiercely in the game feel a little bit socially anxious in life?

But since Nice was unwilling, he didn't try to persuade her.

He had to cherish the time he finally had with his family.

Soon after, other teammates also woke up from their sleep.

RPK and NBK also chose to go home separately. For these veteran CS players, their attitude towards their profession is more like a career. They usually spend time with their families on their days off.

Xu Beifang felt a little lonely for a while.

The Spring Festival has just passed a few days ago. If he were in China, he might still be able to have a reunion dinner with his family.

But for the sake of dreams, sometimes you have to give up some things.

Not long after, Zaiwu also walked out of his room, rubbing his eyes.

"Are you going home today too?" Xu Beifang asked.

Zaiwu shook his head, "I'm not going back. I just went home last week. He was very nice to me at first. He made me all kinds of delicious food every day, and then after two days, I had to eat overnight bread."

Xu Beifang patted Zaiwu on the shoulder, "The same world, the same parents, distance creates beauty."

His family is different from ordinary people, but there are also times when his parents are docked.

Xu Beifang can go to his boat to reunite with his family. In the first two days, his mother will always worry about not having enough to eat, and all kinds of delicious dishes are waiting for him.

After two days, no matter what he did, he would be picked on, and the whole person would be in a disgusting state.

"By the way, there are croissants bought by Dou Dou and they are still warm." Xu Beifang pointed to the table in the rest area.

Zaiwu nodded and said he would eat it later.

Seeing this, Xu Beifang also entered the training room, turned on the computer, and prepared to start his daily training.

When the computer was turned on, he thought about it and checked his data panel.

The data in the reaction column made Xu Beifang frown.

[Response: 86-88]

Xu Beifang has not deliberately trained on the attribute of reaction, but with training such as death fighting, deliberate headshots, etc., his upper limit of reaction has been slowly climbing up.

But Xu Beifang has never deliberately trained for this event.

It’s only been 4 months since the London Major ended.

But his upper limit of reaction has not been improved at all.

Yesterday's game against G2 made Xu Beifang clearly feel the importance of reaction.

He and kennyS faced each other head-to-head a lot. As long as the opponent was prepared with countermeasures, it was basically difficult for him to gain the upper hand because kennyS's reaction was too fast.

Even though the accuracy of the sniper rifle was not at its peak, the exaggerated reaction speed still impressed him.

There were several waves where he didn't even have full vision, and was killed by kennyS with one shot.

So he now understands that he urgently needs to improve his reaction speed, otherwise he will sometimes become very powerless when encountering those monsters with abnormal reactions again.

After thinking about it, Xu Beifang edited the text and asked: "Yesterday's game against G2, I fully felt K God's terrifying reaction ability. If you want to improve your reaction speed, do you have any good suggestions?"

He then posted this text on Twitter and Xiaopo.com.

The more CSGO players who see this post, the more likely he is to get advice.

There are still many capable people on the Internet.

Then Xu Beifang opened the live broadcast room as usual and started the daily gun practice session.

People are slowly entering the live broadcast room, and Xu Beifang is also skillfully destroying a thousand BOTs.

After the warm-up was over, he said hello to the audience in the live broadcast room, and then started to check the dynamic message on Xiaopo Station and Twitter on his computer.

"The North is still the same North. Although it is awesome on the court, it is still as humble as ever off the court."

"No, your performance in the game was so outrageous. Your positioning speed, you tell me that you call slow reaction??"

"With Xiao Xu's reaction speed, I would have become a sniper a long time ago!"

"Who can't compete with Beifang? Why compete with God K? His reaction speed is not that of a normal person?"

Xu Beifang rolled his eyes. He had actually expected this scene. After all, his level was already among the top 1%.

In front of Xu Beifang, a professional, the ideas they proposed were like dancing a sword in front of Guan Gong, sawing wood in front of Lu Ban, and playing with a pistol in front of Nidhi's head.

But in fact, his reaction was just that of a basic professional brother, and he did not react quickly.

He often reviews his DEMO and knows that his firing habit is more about locating first and then shooting. He relies on the accuracy of his positioning ability to kill people.

To use a sniper rifle as an analogy, Xu Beifang relies more on positioning to gain an advantage.

If he and kennyS looked at each other while moving and fired at the same time, kennyS would definitely be the one who fired first.

That's the question of reaction.

He believes that he is at the peak of his age and there is still the possibility of improvement. The 88-point response is the upper limit at this stage, not the upper limit of this body!

Some abilities cannot reach their limits without deliberate training.

CSGO players may understand this truth best. When they first started playing, they may not have thought that they would be able to achieve the scene of accurately hitting the gun in one frame.

This is what happens after deliberate practice.

Xu Beifang continued to scan the news, and finally his eyes lit up because he found the guy with a lot of words.

You have many words, let’s mess with you!

"North's reaction ability in the game is indeed a bit more stable than other first-line players. Some people in the comment area said that North's age is such that it is basically impossible to improve his reaction ability. But as a tennis coach and CSGO Fans, I can confirm that reaction ability can be trained. If I want to find an analogy, Faker, the legendary player in the League of Legends next door, often likes to use that kind of perverted positioning mini-game to train his reaction ability and dynamics. Regarding eyesight, Beifang can try to practice it every day between rankings, and his reaction should improve."

Netizens in the live broadcast room saw this comment and started chatting.

[You are indeed right. In the final analysis, e-sports reaction ability is just dynamic vision and hand-eye coordination. 】

[Faker mini-game, is that really played by humans? 】

[It’s over, now I’m really going to be SKT.Nice, learn from my teammates]

[I still can’t get over this joke haha]

Xu Beifang looked at the discussion on the secondary screen and became interested.

【drop! 】

[I received a suggestion to train in the Faker card mini-game between matches. The difficulty is 3 stars. This task is a long-term task. The cumulative time is 1 hour and you can get a D-level treasure chest...]

"Come and give it a try, let me transform into SKT.Nice today!" Xu Beifei said excitedly.

Seeing the possibility of improvement, Xu Beifang also had an idea, and immediately searched for a collection of Faker mini-games on Xiaopo.com, and then found a game called I wanna.

This game also has one of the most classic names - clear the level in one life!

However, because Xu Beifang planned to practice his reactions, not his mentality, so with the help of water friends, he found a map where it was easier to practice his reactions.

At this time, Zaiwu also walked into the training room, and peek came over to take a look at Xu Beifang.

After discovering Xu Beifei's live broadcast, he smiled and greeted the camera.

【Cute things to carry】

【Lovely thoughts...】

[Big round face thinking about things]

[Zaiwu was released from prison today? 】

[When will Zaiwu be released from prison? Follow Xiao Xu every day with two green belts and three red belts]

Looking at the last barrage, Xu Beifang smiled and said: "Don't be embarrassed, we don't live in a dungeon, okay."

Although he lives in Paris, he also knows about the memes in the domestic CSGO community. ZywOo Diary: He knew about this interesting community in his previous life.

But he didn't expect that there would be a Nice diary this time, and he was really stunned when he saw it for the first time.

Xu Beifang also made a simple creation based on the style of Zaiwu's diary: "Here I will answer for you. Fans of Zaiwu, please rest assured. According to reliable informants, recently the prison boss apEX has started to give us some free time, and he promised For us, as long as Li Wenzhe's wig becomes real, 6657 has the pistol round, and Masisi rushes to 5E3700, the two of us will be able to see the light of day again!"

"Confidence abounds, guys!"

[Good guy, I’m preparing to sit in jail! 】

[When the chicken has finished eating the rice, the dog has finished licking the noodles, and the fire has broken the lock...]

【Where are the painted cakes? ? 】

[Laughing, it turns out that Xiao Xu also knows about ZywOo’s diary]


"Would you like to Faceit?" Xu Beigui sent an invitation to Zaiwu.

The little fat man nodded. There was no training match to play, so he just used Faceit's people to practice shooting and maintain his feel.

Xu Beifang invited him into the room and started matching.

Because they are both at the top of Facit, the length of the match is a bit exaggerated.

This is exactly what Xu Beifang thinks, because he just wants to try out the little game called I wanna.

The game is very simple. Xu Beifang controls a small character to avoid various missile attacks that appear on the screen. It looks like an enhanced version of the 4399 mini-game he played when he was a child.

Xu Beifang began to operate the character and slowly moved.

At first he didn't care, but 6 seconds later, Xu Beifang's first life died!

Because there were a huge number of missiles on the screen, he couldn't dodge them and was quickly hit and killed.

At this time, Xu Beifang also discovered an interesting point. These missiles were actually logical, which meant that he needed to find the most suitable path in a short time and then avoid them.

In CSGO, once you are in a desperate situation, such as the famous scene where NIKO was besieged in the arch, you need to process a large amount of information in a short period of time and then find the most appropriate path.

This thing can also train your local information processing ability!

Sure enough, Faker can become the number one player in LOL, and he is already far ahead in terms of basic skills training!

Xu Beifang was killed crazily, but his survival time was getting longer and longer.

Pain and happiness.

Zaiwu didn't know when he came over to watch Xu Beifang play.

"Are you going to become Faker?" Zaiwu asked.

Xu Beifang responded: "I will bring my talent to SKT next year! Replace Faker."

Zaiwu also knew the joke from the previous offseason and laughed.

After waiting for a full 9 minutes, they were successfully matched.

I thought it was an unremarkable match, but it turned out that something was a little off.

The IDs of the two players on the opposite side are Danking and someone!

At first he thought he met a passerby, after all, it was just Faceit.

I have been playing in FPL for the past half month.

But as soon as he entered the game, Xu Beifang saw the pinyin on the public screen.

"Bei fang?"

"OVO!" Xu Beifang replied with an emoticon, then went out to check the other party's information and found that it was Tianlu.

Xu Beifang found Tianlu's channel in TS on his computer. He had played with many people in Tianlu and knew their server addresses.

"What's going on? Danking, why did you call Faceit too?"

Danking's familiar voice came from the voice: "No, don't you watch the news in the north?"

"Now I've been promoted to the main team! I'm training in Serbia, and I will definitely play Faceit!"

Xu Beifang was a little surprised. As a fan of Tianlu, he had a deep impression of Tianlu.

After entering 19 years, captainMO felt deeply in decline and finally handed over the command to BnTeT.

DD was temporarily delegated, and CY1 originally joined the team at this time.

Xu Beifang didn't expect that his fluttering moth had quietly flapped its wings.

The wheel of fate has changed unconsciously.

Danking was originally supposed to join Tianlu's main team 20 years later, but unknowingly it was a year early.

The gears of fate turn, and the outcome may not be good.

But listening to Danking's heartfelt laughter, Xu Beifang just felt so good.

The guy who suddenly called himself to play CS with his brothers has now taken the first step in his career.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone, I’m sure no one eats mooncakes!

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