CSGO: This player is too obedient!

Chapter 190 Where is the limit of Nice?

When NBK broke off and got the last kill, the game screen froze, and Masisi shouted excitedly in the live broadcast room.


"2-0, Little Bee successfully won the final victory of this BO3 game and won a ticket to IEM Sydney!"

Masisi grinned in the live broadcast room.

The Little Bee's opponent in the final is G2, and kennyS's recent form has also improved. Before the game, he predicted this BO3.

If the Bees can perform well with their twin stars, they still have a chance of winning the game, but not much.

Unexpectedly, the final result of the game was 2-0, and picture 2 would be such a dramatic scene.

The live broadcast was replaying the highlight moments of the game, when the P250 endgame appeared in front of them again.

Even if you've seen it once, it's still shocking.

"Oh my God, this Xiao Xu is such an inhumane person. He has been picking off the P250 alone. Ever since he entered Area B, he has been facing the gun-shot people head-on. We in China have our own front-facing boy."

"Hahaha, it's really outrageous. I thought G2 was going to start operating in the second half. A triple kill from shox is already powerful enough. How can I expect it? Here, P250 ends the game 1 on 4! This person is a pervert!"

"French men are good at shooting pistols, but Chinese boys are not weak either!"

The two joked for a while, and Masisi finally summarized the game: "I still want to congratulate Little Bee for winning G2 and qualifying for Sydney. I am very much looking forward to the scene where Little Bee competes with other big teams."

"Yes, congratulations little bee!"

In the CSGO forum.

Before the French city derby between the Bees and G2 ended, there were already many discussion threads in the forum because of the many wonderful kills.

One of the posts was very popular, with nearly a hundred comments in less than half an hour.

The publisher ID of this post is: Veil of Discord.

He is now a big star in the Max CSGO section. He was not famous before and only occasionally expressed his opinions on the game.

I became a fan of Xu Beifang because of his sudden appearance in China, and followed the perspective to Little Bee.

He watched a lot of games, and Aiwujiwu fell in love with the player Zaiwu.

Because of Zaiwu's performance in the game and the fact that the wallpaper of his live broadcast environment looked like a dungeon, everyone also laughed and said that Xu Beifang and Zaiwu were in jail in Little Bee.

‘Veil of Dispute’ has even created a lot of diaries for the entertainment of forum netizens.

But today he was not having fun, but expressing his true thoughts.

[Punching S1mple and kicking kennyS, where is Nice’s limit? 】

Under the bold title is a video of Xu Beifang using P250 to fight G2 in a 1V4 pistol round.

Immediately afterwards in the post, he also expressed his thoughts very seriously:

"As a CS1.6 player, I have been watching the game for a long time. I have been paying attention to Nice since the initial C+ stage of gun training, and I have been watching him slowly grow from C+ to a top professional player. His appearance is of great significance to CNCS. Yan is a surprise because he proved that Chinese people can also play CSGO well!"

"Last year, he led VP to the Major championship group, which was the top eight. He even posted a 1.28 average throughout the year. He was praised by countless people and was eventually named the TOP9 player of 2018."

"But this selection is highly controversial after all. Everyone generally thinks that his data is inflated and lacks gold content. Some people say that HLTV is for the traffic of the Chinese market."

"But is this really the case? In recent months, because he is a start-up team, Nice has not appeared frequently in everyone's field of vision, but even if he encounters teams such as G2, ENCE, and Big, he He can also put up good numbers and lead the team to victory."

"He used his own strength to crush those doubts, and Little Bee also successively won tickets for the Cato Major, IEM Sydney and other competitions."

"As a fan, I can see Xiao Xu's hard work, hard training day after day, actively listening to the suggestions of various players and players, Ji Ge's death-match gun practice, and he still maintains it every day. Practice. He is constantly pursuing his own breakthroughs. An ordinary person has embarked on a career path through hard work and constantly pursues his own upper limit. This thing itself is very touching."

"If the Major is about to start, the Little Bee lineup is well integrated and is in a honeymoon period, which can allow Nice to show its strength. I am looking forward to Nice's performance in the next Major."

"Nice please show us your limits!!"


Veil of Dispute's post was filled with excitement from fans.

Many netizens who had just watched the game saw it and expressed their thoughts.

[Xiao Xu’s journey has indeed not been easy. He tried out Tianlu, joined VP Laotou Le, and formed a new team. No step was easy.]

[Tianlu will probably regret it to death now, if he had been willing to let Xiao Xu join the team and give it a try]

[Who could have imagined this? Tianlu changed his formation several times in the beginning, but if he changed to Tianlu again, he would be dead.]

[Okay, Tianlu’s grades are not bad now, but his personal ability is not as strong as Xiao Xu’s]

[I just came back from watching the game, kennyS was beaten red and warm, and the pistol 1V4 is outrageous]

[The positioning ability is really like a lock. I sat up while watching the live broadcast in bed]

[G2 didn’t lose unfairly. They basically didn’t make any mistakes in the endgame, but they still got turned over]

There were many people discussing under the post, and everyone expressed their expectations for the subsequent Major.

Just like Xiao Xu's ID.

Our game is booming!

Everything is slowly getting better at CNCS.

G2 training room.

shox received the message from apEX after the game.

apEX: "You can't switch to command. Why don't you let kennyS take command?"

Facing the ridicule from his old friend, shox was speechless.

Although it was a taunt after the game, he did not feel any offence. After all, he was an old teammate for many years, and Doudou just came to chat with him.

But shox is not the kind of person who doesn't talk back when faced with ridicule.

Open the browser and take a look at HLTV's performance panel.

He saw apEX's record at a glance: 5-12.

"No, why is this idiot mocking me!" Shox didn't know where he got the confidence.

As the leader of G2, shox managed to score 13-19.

He immediately typed a reply: "Just rely on yourself to have a breakthrough monster in the team, otherwise my head will be smashed by you!"

"As for your lousy commander, how many times have you been teased by me today? Why do you still have the nerve to bark like a dog!"

The opponent's hand speed was also quite fast, and the message came back soon.

apEX: "Teasing? Winning is the real skill!"

shox: "It's not necessarily the result of Nice Sha Er's four kills in the pistol round."

apEX: “Even if Nice has 99% of the credit, don’t I have 1%?”

shox: "Face! You're not careful this time. Wait until the Major to see us kill you!"

"Who are you chatting with? Are you so happy?" In the midst of the passionate exchange of happiness, kennyS's voice came from the side.

shox replied: "We are having passionate exchanges with apEX."

kennyS came over and took a look at the chat history between the two and made a comment:

"As expected of him!"

After exchanging squirts with Dou Dou, shox was in a better mood.

He looked at the data on the screen again:

In Figure 2, Nice achieved a record of 24 kills and 11 kills.

And the average damage per game is as high as 130.2!

The non-free payment rate is 90.2%.

1.91 rating.

Why are you frying fish?

"The two newcomers, Little Bee, are so fierce!" kennyS exclaimed from the side.

This data can only be said to be vigorous.

But they are convinced in their hearts. In this BO3 game, whether it is the purgatory town in Picture 1 or the scorching sand city in Picture 2.

Nice all showed extremely high standards.

"This person's frontal ability is too strong, and his positioning ability is too strong." shox replied, "I can't believe I lost that pistol round now."

In the game in Figure 1, they saw the personal abilities of Nice and ZywOo, so even in a 4-on-1 pistol round, shox, as the conductor, kept them respectful and used the most robust way to win the endgame.

He is just worried that the endgame will be broken one by one. Too many such things happened in G2.

But he didn't expect that Shuang La, who he thought was a safe move, would be instantly killed by the other party.

Shox transformed into the commander of Quanshui early in the pistol round and clearly saw the perspectives of his two teammates.

Hear the sound of dripping bag - pull out from door B.

"Pah! Pah!"

With two P250 blasts, they were all instantly killed.

During this process, kennyS and bodydy didn't even fire a single shot!

Just outrageous.

Subsequently, Lucky had never fired a gun directly, which could be considered excusable. However, JackZ did not immediately replenish the gun for the sake of stability, but seized an opportunity.

In fact, he did catch half of his body, but he didn't expect that the opponent would turn around and get one.

It immediately broke the mentality of G2, and it was so exciting that it stopped ringing instantly!

"What a pity, why did you choose to go to Little Bee in the end?" shox still felt a little regretful, obviously G2 also extended an invitation to him.

Coach Mickey Mouse took off his headphones and said: "Try to adjust. The current state of Little Bee is already very scary. Whether it is the Nice or the load, they are all at the level of TOP20 or above. The next first-line competition may be very exciting."

"Many teams have begun to rise this year. As a strong old French team, we cannot let go at this time!"

Everyone in G2 nodded, agreeing very much with what the coach said.

Inside the little bee base.

The BO3 game has ended, and the night has fallen in Paris.

Little Bee did not go out for dinner, but ate a little in the base kitchen.

Today, Little Bee's staple food is fried dried millet, and the side dishes are grilled chicken legs, blue cheese and tomato stew.

The food wasn't unpalatable, but it definitely didn't suit Xu Beifang's taste.

But after two games, they were already very hungry. Now they were really hungry, as long as they could eat.

After eating a few mouthfuls of slightly dry millet and then eating chicken legs, Xu Beifang slowly felt alive.

He had only finished a few bites, but Zaiwu had already killed two large chicken drumsticks, and he was still eating at an extraordinary speed. Xu Beifang could only sigh at how terrifying it was.

"Everyone played very well today, especially Nice and Zaiwu's performance, which deserves praise." XTQZZZ smiled and put two apples on the table, "This is a reward for you."

"Thank you, coach!" Zaiwu was very happy, even though you can take apples casually in the cafeteria.

The big bald man is in a very beautiful mood. After today's game, the IEM Sydney qualifying tournament has officially ended.

Originally, Da Baldou's idea for this event was to use the game to see the team's adjustments and adjustments.

Now that the entire qualifying round is over, the team still has some flaws in its playing style and coordination, but it basically meets his requirements.

After all, you can't ask the Little Bees to be able to impose orders and prohibitions like Team A in a short period of time, and the two teams have different play structures.

Now my inner thoughts have been verified and I have qualified for IEM Sydney.

It’s a win-win!

"Do we have any other games next?" Xu Beifang asked after taking a sip of his drink.

XTQZZZ slowly chewed the chicken drumstick in his mouth, and shook his head when he heard this, "No, I got the qualification for IEM Sydney today. I will rest for the next two days, and then we have to leave for Katowice."

"You have to set aside a few days to adjust to the jet lag and find your form again."

As he spoke, the bald coach put down his knife and fork and looked up information on his mobile phone:

"In the challenge group, besides us, there are many old friends..."

"NRG, Cowboys, ENCE, AVANGAR, NIP, G2, C9, Black Panther, FNATIC, Vega, Green Dragon, Greyhound..."

"Oh." XTQZZZ said to Xu Beifang, "There are also two teams from China, Tianlu and VG."

Xu Beifang felt pressure when he heard the names of these teams.

Among the teams in the challenger group, there are many teams that have played against him.

G2 has just played a game, and he is still impressed by kennyS's strength.

As for FNATIC, C9, NIP, NRG and Tianlu, he had played against them all before during his VP period, and the results were mixed.

Teams such as AVANGAR and Black Panther that have played against each other are also teams with very obvious styles and strong strength.

"Sure enough, this is the Major, everyone is an acquaintance!" Xu Beifang said.

But the more this happens, the more excited Xu Beifang becomes.

It has only been an hour since the 1V4 beat G2, and now the details are vivid in my mind.

Xu Beifang can still recall the surging feeling in his heart.

He is looking forward to playing against these teams offline. It will definitely be more exciting then!

And when it actually goes offline, the game will enter the home court of Bean, which will be very interesting! !

Zaiwu finally had enough to eat, and now he said to Xu Beifang, "You see that they are acquaintances, and they see that you are also acquaintances. You performed very well in the last Major."

"But this is the first time Vitality has appeared in a Major!" apEX looked at them firmly, "So this time in the Major, we have to make our name known and let everyone remember our name!"

"This requires us to work together." XTQZZZ said with a smile, "So keep working hard, this thing can't be rushed."

He expressed his approval for Doudou's high morale.

But as a coach, he is pragmatic.

The specific step it can take depends on the final performance of the team.

But he just defeated G2, and he can now recall the amazing pistol round before.

XTQZZZ Looking at the young man whose back was gradually becoming more generous, and the little fat man next to him who was just doing the cooking, he also had a glimmer of hope.

Maybe they can really achieve surprising results this time in the Major?

There is one more chapter in the process of coding...

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