Although Xiaosi was in a low mood, he sent the first two characters of his coordinates and lifesaving to Ling Xiao, and immediately informed Ling Lan, and then the whole person was silent.

Xiaosi is self-reviewing. Since he realized the so-called human feelings, he did not serve the signatories according to the rules of the learning space as the original program set. Many times, it is necessary to get the signatories before the action. Recognition, but he still chose to make his own claim.

Fortunately, there was no big mistake in the past, but just because he asked his own boss a little sentence, did not say stupid things, even delayed the rescue time, almost killed his own boss... Xiaosi really regrets this time He decided that he would ask his boss more in the future and he could not come again.

Ling Lan has just communicated with Xiaosi on this side. On the other hand, the Emperor’s master saw his own attack, and it was destroyed by the giant sword that Ling Lanfei shot. The mood suddenly became bad.

"Damn, dare to resist? Go to hell!" The Emperor of the Emperor raised his gun again in anger, this time he was targeting Ling Lan. Compared with Chaucer, he hates this person who destroys his attack. This makes him feel that the majesty of his imperial master is violated. He wants to kill him and tell everyone that the majesty of the imperial master is not allowed. Infringed. When a person faces a horrible emperor. Chaucer may be afraid of desperation because of the strength gap, but when there is another comrade in his class who chooses to resist, the proud and self-sufficient Chaucer will never allow himself to lose to the other side.

Ling Lan dropped this sentence, and immediately rushed to the past, Ling Lan's speed is very fast. Almost blink of an eye came to the side of the Imperial Mech, although the Great Sword has been lost. But she also has a lightsaber, and she raised her lightsaber to each other.

On the other hand, Chaucer jumped almost at the same time and turned on the engine. Fly into the air. Two beam guns behind him suddenly appeared in the armor's hands. Chaucer madly pulled the trigger, and the two beam guns instantly launched countless beams, and they rushed to the Imperial Master like a meteor shower.

Faced with the rebellion of the two people, the Emperor of the Imperial Family angered and laughed: "The worm is a small skill, it is really looking for death!" The original hang-hanging mech suddenly disappeared in place, and the next second appeared 30 meters away, easily cracked. Ling Lan and Chaucer's joint attack. "It’s a pig teammate!" Li Lanfeng, who was sitting next to Ling Lan, couldn’t help but scream. In the face of a long-range attack by a royal master who is proficient in long-range attacks, Chaucer’s head was absolutely shot.

Ling Lan did not say that he saw the beam of rain coming from the face. Not panicked, she calmly manipulated the mech for quick evasion. At the same time, the armor's energy light shield is turned to the maximum. As long as they are not hit by the same weakness, the same level of ace armor shield can still withstand these beam energy attacks.

Of course, Ling Lan does not want to be hit, because after the hit, the mech is fine, the energy will be consumed a lot, and Ling Lan because of repeated battles, the energy in the trump card is not much. This made her have to make careful calculations and save points.

Ling Lan's mech was so fast because of the speed of the dodge, and a beam of shadows fluttered from the sky. The virtual shadow fell on the ground and exploded a lot of dust.

Ling Lan has just flashed the beam of rain, and when Chaucer still has a sigh of relief in the future, the attack of the Imperial Master has quietly arrived.

It turned out that after the imperial class teacher immediately retired 30 meters, Ling Lan and Chaucer both entered his shooting range. When the two small fishes were watching each other's attention, the Emperor's Master insidiously raised the beam gun in his hand and quickly buckled twice.

He wants to kill the two small fish together. He was good at long-range attack. He has already used this kind of shot with no gap change direction.

Ling Lan, who just evaded the beam of rain, and Qiao Wei, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly felt a cold chill in the bone marrow. This is a crisis warning that the prince can have. The two know that the most dangerous moment has arrived. ......

Ling Lan quickly found out where the danger came from, perhaps a life crisis. Ling Lan’s speed was once again erupted. He couldn’t see his fingers any more. Li Lanfeng felt that his eyes could not keep up...

Ling Lan's mech began to whirl and dance, because the speed reached the limit, the whole fuselage appeared multiple virtual shadows, this scene makes the Thunder's twelve machine stunned, because they know that this is the top evasion of the ace mech Technology - virtual shadow flash! Even Chaucer did not completely eat this technology, and absolutely could not be so precise and perfect.

And Qiao Wei, who quickly manipulated the mech back, took the double gun in his hand, and attacked the beam in a frenzied manner. Here, he fully saw the precision of Chaucer's remote, even though the mech was running at high speed, left and right hands. The counterattack, the gun did not fall, when the beam was still more than ten meters away from him, it was finally offset by his double gun energy...

Ling Lan's dodge is effective. The light beam that is directed at her, wipes a virtual shadow of the mech, falls into the ground, and directly blasts the ground into a giant pit with a diameter of ten meters. The power of this light beam can be seen. Even if the ace of the ace, the middle and the upper shot, it is definitely not good.

The response of the two people seems to be more dangerous. In fact, Chaucer is more difficult than Ling Lan, because at that moment, to ensure that every shot hits the beam, Chaucer’s entire spirit and strength are raised to a limit. So when he consumes the energy of this beam with the same beam energy, his whole person has been sweating and he feels his hands are in a rigid state.

Two consecutive attacks, the two small fish who did not see it in the eyes were successfully evaded. The Imperial Master was almost fainted. He felt that this was a shame, so he took it out again from behind. A gun, the gun's muzzle is wider than the original one, and the second half is inserted into the energy block, which is two or three times thicker than the previous one.

When Ling Lan and Qiao Wei saw the gun, their faces changed suddenly, because they knew what it was. This is a powerful weapon with a range of attacks in the Imperial Mech. When shooting, the beam will appear fan-shaped. When encountering such a weapon, whether it is Ling Lan's dodge skill virtual shadow flash, it is Chaucer's beam of light to save energy has no effect. Because these two skills are ineffective for weapons of this range attack.

What worries Ling Ling is that no one knows where the beams that are emitted are actually shot. Uncertainty of uncertainty not only makes Ling Lan and Qiao Yu dangerous, but also makes the two teams on the sidelines also fall into danger.

After the Emperor picked up the weapon, the corner of his mouth finally burst into a cruel smile. At this moment, he never had the idea of ​​playing games. He only wanted to wipe out all the military students, so that his full anger could be calmed down. .

"Go to hell!" The Imperial Division slammed the trigger, not only launched, but fired several hair, because the speed was extremely fast, the light beam actually changed into a semi-circle, slamming into Linglan Chaucer, and the team members below.

"Flash!" Ling Lan and Qiao Wei almost shouted at the same time, compared to Chaucer, Ling Lan heart more anxious, because Qilong they control only after the high-level armor, as long as these energy beams wiped a little It will definitely kill people. The weapon power of the Imperial Mech is too strong. Even if the Ace is armored, all the energy is estimated to be able to withstand a beam energy attack, not to mention the high-level machine that is not as good as the Ace. A.

Everyone is dodging, but the level of the mech is still letting a lot of people fall into desperation. Ling Lan desperately flies to a high-level mech that is closest to her. She can't save everyone and can only save her nearest team. It is.

It is undeniable that Ling Lan has some regrets in her heart. If she knows that this enemy is so powerful, perhaps she should let everyone hide in the air defense station...

"嘭", a sudden light blue beam directly hit these scattered beams even let these energy consumption in an instant. Not only that, the light blue beam still did not weaken much energy, hitting the ground slammed, and there was a big pit about 50 meters. There are a few players who are close to that place, whether it is the Linglan squad or the Thunder squad, they are directly shaken by this violent vibration, the control technology is weak, and even the energy is sent to the earthquake.

The Emperor’s master saw that the blow he had to kill would have been destroyed by a small beam of light. His face changed suddenly and looked at the direction from which the beam was launched. At this time, the original void was in midair. Suddenly there was a distortion, and a huge and quaint armor appeared there.

Behind him, the twelve wings are gracefully unfolding, beautiful and dazzling. The fiery phoenix flies in the fire, representing his identity. The golden five-star sign on the right arm indicates which country he came from...

This mech that familiarizes him and can no longer be familiar with it makes the Emperor's priests suddenly chill. As the existence of the top strategist, everyone has a detailed information of the gods of various countries. This mech The shape and the totem of the chest, he will never admit his mistake, that is, the country is designated as the Chinese Federation, the most powerful god-level sergeant in the next hundred years - the immortal bird!

The imperial master was shocked, and the Ling Xiao team and Chaucer, in addition to Ling Lan, were also shocked. ()

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