Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 386: : Li Lanfeng's disease?

Chapter 386: Li Lanfeng's illness?

Li Lanfeng, sitting side by side with Ling Lan, looked at the majestic giant mech in the night sky. The whole person was shocked and did not react for a long time. He subconsciously grabbed Ling Lan's arm and stammered: "Ling... Ling... Ling Xiao... General!"

Ling Lan saw her father in the most critical moments, such as the gods in front of her, saved everyone, the heart is equally excited, and very proud. Oh, this is her Ling Lan's father! In the heart of every child, the father should be the most powerful, even if Ling Lan of the two worlds, can not escape the psychological psychology of this little daughter.

However, when Li Lanfeng's big hand grabbed her arm, Ling Lan excitedly ran away. She frowned slightly and glanced at the big hand on her arm: she said that she didn't like someone touching her body...

Ling Lan looked at Li Lanfeng with a cold eye and implied a warning. He hoped that Li Lanfeng would remove his abominable hand.

Li Lanfeng may be too excited. He will be very slow at the moment. He did not find the strong dissatisfaction in Ling Lan’s eyes. He still grabbed Ling Lan’s arm and excitedly said: “That’s the general, it’s our federation. One of the twelve god-level sergeants is the most powerful god-level teacher in the future recognized by the human world. He is the most mechanized sergeant. I did not expect that General Ling Xiao appeared here to save. We, I must be dreaming, rabbit, rabbit, I am so excited..."

Li Lanfeng can only repeat the rabbit constantly. I am so excited about this sentence. The performance of this idiot makes Ling Lan very speechless. She glanced at the big hand on her arm again, and took another look at Li Lanfeng's dream, which seemed very idiotic... well. Seeing that the other party worshipped her father, she endured it!

Just as Ling Lan was forced to accept Li Lanfeng’s reverence for General Ling Xiao in the mech, outside, Ling Lan’s team members and Thunder’s people were excited to see the mighty overbearing aircraft hanging in midair. A, there are a few more excited control errors, unable to control the balance of the mech, directly fell down.

but. These are small things that everyone knows. The advent of the great-level sergeant, Ling Xiao, said that all of them were safe, except for the beginning of the glory, trying to play with their Imperial Mech.

At this moment, the imperial master looked at Ling Xiao’s mech. He knows that he is in danger. The Imperial Mech is indeed a lot more than the trump card. It can kill the ace mech, but this is just a fight against the trump card. When it comes to the god-level mech, his end is like the trump card. Like him, there is no room for rebellion.

When he saw that Ling Xiao's mech again raised the beam gun in his hand, his face suddenly changed, and he pressed the amplifier. Shouted: "There is no bird, please don't do it, as long as you let me go. I will immediately withdraw from this battle."

"Let's let go? When you just dealt with these military school students, have you ever thought about letting go?" Ling Xiao said coldly, although Ling Xiao's answer sounded extremely dull, but Ling Lan still heard the implied sky. Anger, the gentle, seemingly unfamiliar father. Will it be angry?

Ling Lan is very smart, she quickly understands why. Let Ling Xiao be so angry because she! Everyone has their own anti-scale, and Ling Xiao's counter-scale, one of them is her Ling Lan.

It’s a terrible daughter’s control! Linglan sighed, and a warmth in her heart slowly passed. She had been cold and expressionless, her mouth suddenly bent, and this curvature was getting bigger and bigger...

Li Lanfeng's original attention was concentrated in Ling Xiao, and suddenly the feeling of coldness around him suddenly became warm. He suddenly turned back and saw Ling Lan's warm smile that was rare in a hundred years and directly hit his heart.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Li Lanfeng's heart slammed into a few times. He subconsciously pressed his heart. Did his illness break out again? Since listening to the rabbit seven years ago, his body has slowly improved, and the pain of the heart's blast is slowly decreasing. After four years, there has been no more episodes. Today, Why did he give him the feeling of the original?

Is it because of the sequelae left by physical exhaustion? Li Lanfeng thought for a long time and only found this possibility. He quickly closed his eyes and did not dare to look at it again. He calmed his emotions and was not too excited. Li Lanfeng still remembers every time he developed the disease. He relied on self-abuse to eliminate this pain from the depths of his heart. He didn't want the rabbit to see him. Although he knew that the rabbit would not look down on him, he was I don't want to be so weak in front of the rabbit...

Soon, the heart stopped this kind of impactful beating, slowly calmed down, and when the emotions completely calmed down, Li Lanfeng opened his eyes. His forehead was covered with sweat. Just now, let Li Lanfeng fear it. .

Ling Lan has returned to normal at this time. Li Lanfeng has just been born. Ling Lan feels it. She took out the recovery agent for the first time, but saw that Li Lanfeng seems to be controlling herself. Ling Lan decided to take another look. Because the medicine is good, it will have certain resistance to eating more. Linglan does not want the partners to appear because of drug abuse, to the critical moment, because of the drug resistance and can not get the painful consequences of treatment.

When she saw Li Lanfeng recover slowly, Ling Lan also put down her concerns. However, she once again confirmed Li Lanfeng’s fragile constitution. She decided that after the new planet ended the battle, the first thing would be to improve Li Lanfeng’s physique. There is a member of the body of Lin’s sister in her own team.

Here, Li Lanfeng almost went wrong, and the outside level of the mechs heard Ling Xiao’s question, and suddenly he was speechless. Ling Xiao originally didn't think about letting go of this nephew who almost hurt his daughter. He didn't want to listen to the other party's explanation. The question was just over, the beam gun in his hand did not hesitate to buckle, and the muzzle violently issued a strong light. Blue beam, direct shot to the Imperial Master.

The Emperor was suddenly shocked. He quickly controlled the mech to dodge. At the same time, he opened the contact to contact his companion and wanted to let the other party come to the rescue. When the main brain feedback could not contact the other party, he felt in his heart. I know that the big event is not good.

This attack by Ling Xiao was successfully evaded by the Emperor. In this regard, Ling Xiao did not feel surprised. This gun, his original intention was not to kill each other, but to force the other party away from his baby daughter. Mech.

Although there are two ace internships below, you can understand your daughter's Ling Xiao, of course, that the close-up ace mech is definitely controlled by her daughter, and the mech is attacking at the Imperial Mech. Within the scope of this, even if the confidence is extremely incomprehensible, in the face of this situation, the first choice is to rescue the daughter from the trap, the killer opponent, and so on.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao could not help but secretly shake his head. According to his intention, he hoped that his baby daughter would choose a safer long-range attack mech, and the spiritual control of the **** gate would definitely become a horrible artillery armor. The powerful firepower guarantees that other mechs can't have the opportunity to be close. On the battlefield, the viability will be guaranteed. Although this choice will not be with the god-level master, Ling Xiao never thought that Ling Lan would become a god-level teacher. Shi, not only because Ling Lan is a girl, the physical reasons almost eliminate this possibility, but because Ling Xiao is clear, the suffering of the **** level teacher has to suffer too much, he is not willing to try his own daughter.

This shot of Ling Xiao has indeed achieved his purpose. The Emperor is not clear. The most powerful god-level sergeant in the Federation will pay attention to the ace of the following. If he understands the identity of Ling Lan, he Do not force to fight the main injury, but also take Ling Lanzhen as a hostage.

However, except for the Linglan team, which is already clear, the outsiders hardly know this. This also made Ling Lan through a crisis.

The retreat of the Emperor was opened, and the distance from Ling Lan was opened. The armor of Ling Xiao disappeared again. At the same time, it appeared in front of Ling Lan's mech, the huge fuselage, Ling Lan's mech. Completely obscured, knowing that at this time, Ling Xiao finally let go of his heart.

"Also move!" Ling Xiao suddenly asked.

"Of course, it’s okay to have another battle. The premise is not to come to the monster of the Imperial Mech." Ling Lan knew that her father asked her, and she replied directly.

Ling Lan’s answer obviously did not have much awe. This made Li Lanfeng, who was in the same armor, once again horrified. He stared at Ling wondering why Ling Lan used this attitude to answer Ling Xiao general.

"Monster? The Royal Mech is also equipped with this word, you are too high to see him." I did not expect that the gentle Ling Xiao will also say such sharp and ridiculous words, "Let you see, in front of the god-level mech, All mechs are ants."

The voice just fell, Ling Xiao suddenly disappeared in front of Ling Lan, almost no time difference appeared in the side of the Emperor's mech, this is the Shenfeng system of the god-level mech, truly reached the theoretical teleport.

The god-level mech is a comprehensive mech, which is the perfect mech of the far-attack and melee ability. Compared with other melee-class mechs, the mech is more balanced and complete. It is also the reason why the mech is known as the most powerful god-level mech.

Therefore, Ling Xiao not only has a strong attack ability, but also has a strong melee ability. I saw a cold flash. The arm of the Emperor’s mech was directly unloaded and fell directly on the ground, pulling out a shallow pit. .

"Well? The dodge skills are very good." Ling Xiao was a little surprised. He originally wanted to pick the control cabin. He knew his speed very well. The ordinary Emperor Mech could not escape this trick. I did not expect the opponent's dodge speed to reach the theoretical limit of the Imperial Mech. (To be continued) ()

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