Chapter 348: The mistake of Xiaosi!

"There is a movement!" Chaucer and others who came to Linglan's side suddenly felt a sense of vibration under their feet.

Everyone was nervous because there was still a blank on their radar, and they couldn’t find out what the vibrations were.

The sense of vibration was gentle from the beginning, and after a few seconds, it became fierce. Chaucer and others understood that something was going to appear in front of them.

"Damn, our radar search has all failed." Until then, Chaucer understood the fact. It’s just that they are not clear. The result is that the Emperor’s teacher has completely shielded the signal source in this area. If Ling Lan has the small four, she will be like Chaucer and others until she meets. On, will find Chaucer and others.

"Be prepared to fight!" Chaucer issued the order directly, no matter what happens, it is always right to be ready to fight. Of course, Chaucer can be sure that it is not the imperial master who caused such a big shock. In the absence of the threat of a royal master, Chaucer’s performance is calm and rational.

"Yes, the head!" Chaucer's calmness also calmed the other members, and picked up the weapons behind them, ready to face this sudden enemy. Of course, friendly forces are also possible, but they were shocked by the imperial masters, and the nerves were tight and they did not dare to relax.

As a team of sharp-knifes, the first one standing at the forefront of the mech saw the appearance of the comer, his eyes showed a surprise. Quickly report in the team channel: "The shape of the mech is determined to be the internship of the military school. The level is advanced. There are five! Ah, there is another one, the armor is - the trump card!"

When the members heard that the other side was manipulating the senior internship of the military academy, they suddenly felt at ease. However, the information that the sharp knife was finally screamed at the end of the octave, surprised everyone...

Because everyone knows. Among the entire military academy, only their heads. Thunder's Thunder King Chaucer is qualified to control the ace mech. They have never heard of a second person in the military academy who can control the trump card. Is it a mentor?

The first thing they thought of was this, but it was overthrown immediately. Because the ace of the military academy instructors have their own ace of armor, they will never choose to manipulate such an internship that is obviously weaker than the military ace.

Is the person inside the contradictory control? Excluding the instructor's control, what they can think of is this. However, they saw the action of the ace mech and vetoed their own guess again. Because the ace of the Mech moves naturally, there is no sense of stiffness, which means that the inside of the sergeant is very easy to control, this is the level of control can not be done, because the leap. They can be difficult to control, and every step of the way consumes a lot of energy and strength from the controller. It is impossible to make this mellow and natural feeling.

I haven't waited for Qiao Wei and others to come up with a reason. In the blink of an eye, the two sides finally got up. When the other party was about 100 meters away, they suddenly stopped their pace. The six mechs were opposite to them. There is no choice to be close.

Just as Chaucer wanted to take the initiative to ask, the air in their air suddenly showed a slight fluctuation. The lost Emperor's mech was once again in front of Chaucer and others.

Seeing this familiar Emperor's mech, Chaucer and others looked pale. Even if Chaucer couldn’t help but scream, he shouted. I did not expect that they still could not escape the other party's clutches. Do they really want to die here today?

When Chaucer and others couldn’t help but despair, the imperial master in midair suddenly spoke: "You two teams listened well, as long as you can kill everyone in the other team, then you have to continue to live. Qualification, otherwise, I will be hands-on, at that time, no one of your two teams can be spared."

Qiao Wei heard his eyes slammed, and did not expect the Emperor's mech to bring the other side. He wanted to see them killing each other. Although he did not know who controlled the ace internship, there is no doubt that this team Like them, they are all military school students.

Originally, the two teams were able to deliver backs, trusted comrades, but now they have to be forced to choose life and death...

Really want to kill them? Qiao Yu’s heart is entangled and there is hope of living. Of course he does not want to die. He believes that the thirteen people who are on the other side will definitely win the final victory, because except one is the trump card and the other five. It is a high-level mech, and on the Thunder side, except that he is a trump card, everyone else is a special mech, regardless of the number of players or the level of the armor, they are absolutely dominant here.

Can you really kill your classmates, future comrades in order to survive? Chaucer slammed a shudder. He couldn't imagine the blood of his hand. If he did, what is the difference between him and the beast?

"A person must do something and do something!" "Since you choose to be a mech, you must have a spirit of sacrifice from the beginning." Tang Yu’s mentor was full of harsh words and suddenly rang in his ear, let Joe The whole person woke up.

Yes, if they really choose to kill themselves in order to survive, as the Emperor said, even if they are fortunate enough to survive, their beliefs are also ruthlessly destroyed.

Chaucer’s eyes went from being confused to clear, from hesitation to firmness... After finally silenced for a few seconds, Chaucer replied: “I, refuse!” Although Chaucer is very proud and self-sufficient, he likes to control genius, in order to achieve his goal. And to make some despicable means, but he will definitely not use the life of his companions to survive.

Chaucer’s resolute refusal made Ling Lan’s eyes flash a bit of admiration, because his rejection was tantamount to giving up his life. Regardless of the aspect, Chaucer’s team is sure to win.

Chaucer’s words made his team’s people exclaimed a few exclamations, but they quickly returned to calm. Perhaps the proposal of the Emperor’s Master did make the members of Chaucer feel a little hearty, but when Chaucer refused, they regretted it. But more is a sigh of relief.

Although Chaucer chooses to kill opponents, it is indeed possible for them to survive, but they will inevitably endure the torture of the soul afterwards, and even they have to worry, one day in the future, whether Chaucer will sell them for their own benefit.

Chaucer’s words made the Emperor’s eyes violently cold. He raised his gun in anger and pointed at Chaucer. He sneered: “I dare to refuse me. I am very angry. If so, I will start from you. "Let's finish," he pulled the trigger, and a powerful beam of light slammed out of the muzzle.

When Chaucer saw it, he quickly controlled the mech to dodge, but the speed of the opponent’s shooting was extremely fast. This speed far exceeded the shooting speed of the Ace’s armored beam gun, which made Chaucer somewhat under-prepared, even though he had already desperately ducked, but only Can avoid the key parts of the mech, when he was about to hit Chaucer's left leg, there was a sharp steel sword in front of him, just in front of the beam.

A loud bang of the "嘭", the giant sword slammed down on the ground. At this time, the giant sword could not see the giant sword, more than a giant sword with several times the strength of the ordinary mech shell, although the light beam was offset. The energy, but the huge energy inside still dissolves the giant sword into a solid large iron block, and even a few small holes appear.

The beam energy finally disappeared, and Chaucer looked at the giant steel sword that fell at his feet in amazement... Oh, no, it can only be said to be a huge big iron block. It’s only a faint view from both ends. The sword looks like. He knows if it is not this sudden giant sword, just the blow, his mech is bound to be damaged in the eyes, and even one unfortunately, may endanger his life.

Chaucer couldn't help but look at the ace of another military internship. His eyes were grateful. The other party's action expressed their position and they did not want to kill each other with their classmates.

Sure enough, Chaucer received the call request from the other party. Although Chaucer didn’t know what method the other party used to connect to their team channel, but they could communicate with each other and decide to work together to fight against the enemy, all this again. Not important anymore.

Ling Lan and Qiao Wei briefly explained the situation. After confirming the cooperation, they asked anxiously about Xiao 4 and whether they contacted her father.

I am conscious of the small four in the sea, and I am also anxious to sweat. I know that my life with Lan’s boss is at stake. I shouldn’t have known what is nervous. I can’t control my emotions. As the main chip of the life, there is a high temperature again... ...

"Boss still has no success, the secret procedure of God-class mech is too strong, I can't invade each other's main brain for a while." Xiaosi wiped the sweat from his forehead and hurried back.

"You just need to send the distress message to your dad." Ling Lan heard that the forehead that had already been covered with sweat had suddenly emerged a lot. I didn't expect Xiaosi to be in a hurry and chose the hardest. One way, Imagine that my father is controlling the god-level mech. If the main brain program of the god-level mech is so good, is it still a god-level mech?

Ling Lan’s words made the whole person suddenly froze. He suddenly found himself doing stupid things. Yes, he just told his father that their coordinates and dangerous news would not be enough? I don’t need to talk to each other at all...

It turned out that the small four habitually invaded the other's mech, connected to the other's channel, and conducted direct communication, but did not expect that they could send a message to let Ling Xiao come to help...

"Boss, I will send a message immediately." Xiaosi was annoyed that he did not dare to look at Linglan's eyes. He must have been cast aside by the boss. Why is he so stupid? The small four heart is gray, and the bright future is suddenly dimmed. He may have to be kicked off by his own boss. (To be continued) ()

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