Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 367: : Pretend to be a ghost!

Chapter 367: Pretend to be a ghost!

It should be said that Gao Xiaoyun's team is very fortunate. Ling Lan arrived in time at a critical moment.

In other words, Ling Lan walked into the catapult channel after the secret space was ready. He used the ejection force of the catapult channel to open the mech engine and flew out of the warehouse and came to the sky outside.

At that time, it was also when Qilong led the new group of more than 100 mechs out of the mech warehouse. Ling Lan overlooked the entire military school in the sky, using the ability of the small four to open multiple video angles of the mech, in an attempt to control The entire battlefield.

In the battlefield that has not yet determined that the new group can adapt to this battlefield, Ling Lan will not directly participate in the war. The first task she entered into the battlefield is to protect as many members as possible. Because Ling Lan is very clear, the highest mortality rate is often at the beginning of the war, once it is adapted, it will not be so easy to die.

Ling Lan understands that if members want to grow up and improve their strength, they must rely on their own efforts to fight, so Linglan will not be like the old hen, guarding the members to the end, once they have passed the most dangerous part In order to adapt to the time, Ling Lan will choose to let go completely, so that the members can take the opportunity to survive.

Ling Lan of the two worlds made Ling Lan's character become very complicated and contradictory. She had a gentle and considerate heart in her past life, and also had the cold-blooded, ruthless and decisive force that was forced out by the learning space in this life... She would not bear the innocent sacrifice of her partners. But it can also be ruthless to break through the self and find a vitality in the desperate.

At this time, the military school area on the entire new planet, the battle has been carried out in full swing, the battlefield that was originally 10 kilometers away from the military academy, which has spread to the interior of the military academy. Every corner of the military academy has ignited the flames of war, and the one in the accommodation area is the most tragic. Almost half of the ground troops are there. The number of attacking mechs is also the largest, accounting for almost half of all attacking armor.

Ling Lan saw it, and the brow was slightly wrinkled. This situation proved. These mysterious enemies, their goal is indeed what she thinks, they are these cadets, but they are not sure, this sudden attack is really against her team.

Ling Lan’s eyes flashed coldly. If it was really exposed, she would have to let her father come forward. The 23rd Army should be the best umbrella for their team. Ling Lan believes. Ling Xiao will certainly protect them from growing up. At that time, they are not the object of arbitrary slaughter by the enemy. The enemy wants to deal with them, but also whether the amount of money can afford to pay the price.

Ling Lan just thought about how to deal with the worst outcomes. Still not relieved, it was attracted by a certain grid in the mech screen, it was the team led by Gao Xiaoyun, they encountered a dangerous situation.

Sure enough, they are all teams of intermediate mechs. It is not so easy to survive on the battlefield, if there is a senior mech. There will be no such a backhand situation... Ling Lan decisively started all the engines, and the whole mech was as light as the place of the Gao Xiaoyun team.

Although Ling Lan's current armor is not the fastest in all ace mechs, the speed is more than doubled or even five or six times faster than the advanced mech. Of course, Ling Lan can drive the speed to the extreme, because she is currently extremely strong. It is completely resistant to the feedback power brought by this mech movement. If it is the body three years ago, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

The result, as everyone sees, is at the most critical moment. Ling Lan rescued Gao Xiaoyun in time, and another move solved the high-level mech.

After Ling Lan and other Gao Yunyun left the scene, they switched the armor's combat mode from the close combat mode to the night stealth assassination mode. This is reflected in the faint glow of the energy light shield originally emitted by the mech. One piece, the whole mech does not have a light source, and it merges with the whole night...

The ace of armor that has been hanging in the air has disappeared without a trace. Ling Lan is not arrogant. She does not know what level of enemies the other party is coming from. She will not stand there obviously and become a target to facilitate enemy attacks.

A minute later, in the distant night sky, under the background of the war, five armor appeared in looming.

"It should be here, the coordinates given to us by m03 are in the vicinity." The four or five mechs seem to be irrelevant, but in their team channel, they are communicating with each other.

"Three minutes ago, m03 lost contact, I am afraid there is a problem, everyone should be careful."

"It is m01." The other mechs heard this voice and echoed in unison. It seems that this m01 is probably the captain of this team.

Soon, they found the m03 armor that fell to the ground. They immediately flew over and landed on the ground. The three mechs made a warning action. One mech immediately rushed to the m03 mech and squatted down. Another armor, seemingly low-lying hands, no defensive action, can be found by experienced mechs, the current posture of the mech is actually the best counter-attack posture, because the thigh of this mech On the outside, two short-range short-range shotguns are suspended.

The armor of this suspension system is called the fast gunner. When you relax the warning because there is no weapon in the opponent's hand, the other party may directly give you a fatal attack, because the opponent can be in 0.01 seconds. Pull out the long-range attack beam gun on the thigh and hit the key to the mech. This kind of mech, there is a name, that is the sneak attacker!

"M01, m03's mech was stabbed in the control cabin, m03 was injured on the spot... See the damage degree of the mech, may fight for a while, otherwise the arms of the m03 mech will not be cut off, preliminary It is estimated that after m03 was cut off his arms, he was stabbed in the control cabin without resistance." Checking the mech of the m03 mech, he quickly reported his analysis to m01.

"M05, do you know what weapon the other party used?" The man who controlled the fast gun mobile phone is the team captain m01. He heard the report of m05 and immediately asked.

"Looking at the scars on the control cabin is a hegemonic cold weapon. It feels very similar to the giant sword that comes standard with the melee fighter in the ace mech." M05 carefully compared the front and rear ruptures on the control cabin. The huge diamond-shaped mouth made him have to think of the overbearing giant weapon.

"Isn't the intelligence said that the armor that Lei Wang is good at controlling is the king of the long-range starry sky?" M01 heard the report of m05, could not help but frown. Although both belong to the trump card, these two controls are definitely two extremes. The various control skills are very different. Generally, the mechs who are proficient in one aspect are less likely to manipulate the different controls. The mech of the technique. The king of the long-range starry sky, and the king of the battle of the melee, are two very different manipulation methods.

"Is there still a ace mech?" m01's question, so M05 was shocked and asked.

"We don't know what happened here three minutes ago, so everything is possible." m01 calmly replied, he also opened the mech search radar to the maximum state, whether it is a long-range starry sky or a close combat The king of life, if they are attacked by the other side, their team will never be able to find it.

Compared with the conceit of m03, m01 is obviously calm and self-aware. In the face of the enemy who has disappeared, he has played all the spirit and is afraid of being attacked by the other party.

Suddenly, what he found on the radar, he instantly picked up the two guns on both sides of the leg and madly attacked the past in a corner. The three mechs in the original realm reacted very quickly. They followed m01 to the place and frantically pulled the trigger of the beam gun.

After a round of attack, I saw that the original grass there had been destroyed by powerful beam energy and turned into a group of ashes. In the ashes, a beam gun has been shot into coke, the energy that was just reacted on the radar. It turned out to be a beam gun.

"The beam gun is m03." The m05 eye is very sharp. Although the beam gun has been deformed, it can hardly see the original pattern. M05 still sees the label remaining on the handle.

"Weird, why does the beam gun suddenly have an energy response? Did someone open it just now?" m01 frowned and asked, the beam gun must be artificially opened. It should be said that the beam gun lying on the ground, if no one is open, there will be no Energy leaks. But if someone opens, m01 doesn't believe it, someone can escape his quick grab, and in an instant, escape from his attack range.

"Is it a **** of a ghost?" M05 also wanted to understand where m01 couldn't figure out, couldn't help but shudder, and blurted out.

"How is it possible." m01 sighed aloud After tens of thousands of years of scientific verification, it proves that ghosts are simply Chinese reverie, there is no such thing.

M05 also feels that he is thinking about it, can't say anything more, can only explain, maybe the switch of the beam gun is broken, so the energy spills out.

At this moment, m01 felt that the radar had responded. It was after m05 that he shouted: "m05, flashing away."

M05 reaction is very sensitive, violently rushing to the side, and the timing of m01 master is very clever, just a scene in m05 has just evaded, the beam gun in the hand pours out, and this time, the three players behind, just follow On the way, they waited for m05 to completely evade the past, and then withdrew the trigger and attacked the place where m01 attacked.

Soon, the end of a round of attacks, this time, it is a beam gun, has been hit into the shape, become a black, m01 see a slight change, because he found that this beam gun, is also m03 Equipped with weapons... Isn't m03 dead, so I want to give them a hint? Or is someone using the m03 stuff to pretend to be a ghost?

"Bastard, don't think of using this trick to scare me, tmd has kind of you to come out!" m01 suddenly switched channels, used an external loudspeaker, and shouted. ()

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