Chapter 368: Strength gap!

Can answer m01 is a silence, although m01 does not believe that the ghost said, but the current inability to use common sense to infer, but also made his mind some not calm.

"Ah..." A sudden exclamation sounded in the team channel, and M01 suddenly jumped. He turned back directly, but saw one of the three vigilants pointing to m05 lying on the ground... Can not see the player's facial expression, m01 can also feel the panic in his heart.

M01 has already felt that the big thing is not good, because m05 has not yet climbed up, it is absolutely not normal. He stepped forward and turned over the m05's mech, which found that the seemingly intact armor, in fact, the front of the control cabin has been directly inserted by a short and precise magnetic blade.

On the ground that had just fallen down, a **** spread was spreading at this time. The player, it is estimated that he saw the blood on the ground slowly fainting and screaming.

"Bastard, you give me out!" m01 saw here, what else did not understand, he stood up violently, shouting at the silence. There are absolutely no ghosts. All of this is the deliberate arrangement of the enemy. When those things are used to attract their attention, they take the opportunity to kill the unprepared m05, and all this happens under their eyes.

I have to say that the enemy's arrangement is very clever. I still don't understand m01. What kind of method does the enemy use to make the light sword and the beam gun react to energy at that particular time? M01 is very clear, and the two places are impossible. Someone went to turn on the energy switch, and there was no other setting in the dark. This arrangement, which could not be extrapolated by common sense, succeeded in focusing their attention on it. Instead, it ignored the unprepared m05 and let the other party find it. Opportunity, quietly killing m05.

There is no doubt that their enemy is an experienced assassin. M01 directly suspects that this person is not the M03 message that is the Thunder King Qiao, Chaucer's talent may be very enchanting, otherwise it is impossible to advance to the ace. But this rich combat experience is not something that a military school student can have.

"We counted it. It seems that the other side used Lei Wang as a bait to attract our people and kill them one by one." M01 thought of it, couldn't help but gnash his teeth, but he immediately retorted himself: "No. They don't know that our goal is Ray King Chaucer. It is impossible to have this arrangement. Unless our plan leaks... and, if it is a trap, they can't just arrange a person to ambush."

Although m01 was a little confused by the scene, it still remained calm enough. He also saw that there should be only one enemy in the ambush here, but this enemy is very strong and dangerous.

"This should be a coincidence..." Suddenly, m01 thought of Lei Wang Qiao's mentor, Tang Hao, the genius who was hailed as the ace of the ace, would it be him?

Think of it here. M01 couldn't help but shudder. Tang Yan, an experienced ace mech, is not a small rookie of Chaucer. These people alone, on the last experienced ace, are forced to die. of. He knew that he could not hesitate any more. Immediately report the news that Chaucer and Tang Hao may be here to the general headquarters, and hope to get support from the headquarters as soon as possible.

"Boss, get their signal source..." Always hiding in the dark, quiet like a beast in the hunt, ready to hit Ling Lan. Looking coldly at the m01 that is not far away. When she heard the sensation of the small four excited in the sea, she couldn't help but hold her fist. She knew that the waiting was over. From now on, it is time to kill the prey.

It turns out that Ling Lan and Xiao Si have tried their best to design this. They all want to get the signal source of the other party. Xiao Si and Ling Lan do not believe that the enemy is like them. They have lost contact with the outside world. Sure enough, this design allows In the panic, m01 directly contacted the general command on the starry sky starship, so that Xiaosi got the signal source of the other party.

The small four who got the signal source was no longer blocked on the ground. He was completely unblocked and became the king of the virtual signal that freely flies into the sky.

When m01 successfully sent the message, the mood just relaxed, and it was found that there was a familiar thermal reaction at a certain point in the radar. The hand of m01 suddenly paused, and a suspicion flashed through the heart. Does the other party want to seduce him? When he attacked the heat reaction, he assassinated his players again?

M01 suspected that the whole movement slammed for a moment, and did not attack the thermal reaction point without hesitation twice. At this moment, the place where the heat had originally appeared was behind the jungle on the left side. Suddenly a mech was flying out. The blink of an eye came to the back of m01... Yes, the opponent’s goal was not m01, but behind him. Responsible for alerting the three players in different directions.

Because there was no command of m01, the three players did not be alert to that point. When they found a mech fiercely rushing up, their only reaction was to desperately buckle the beam gun in their hands, in an attempt to use the overwhelming firepower. The other party forced back...

However, all this was in vain, the mech suddenly flashed, and the whole mech was drawn with a glimpse of light. Their seemingly intensive firepower hit only one of the other's shadows, blinking, the mech was already Came to them.

"Hey!" Three loud crashes, let m01 shake the heart, followed by three screams of screams in the m01 squad channel, the three screams almost simultaneously screaming m01 The hand that the other party wants to shoot, trembles violently...

The attack that never failed, I don’t know if it’s because of this tremor, it’s actually shot... After the mech hit, I suddenly jumped back and fell into the jungle behind me, from the radar of m01. Once again disappeared without a trace...

M01 looked at the front of the scene, only the wind, and the sound of gunfire from afar, no other sound of the jungle, he actually felt cold, a chill hit the heart... Here, his team from one The beginning of the m03, followed by lying down four, the original six-person team, and now he is left alone.

He couldn't help but drop his sight on the three players who had just sacrificed, and his eyes shrank sharply. The three players died too much. They didn’t have any so-called counterattack opportunities. They were killed by the arrogant strength of the other side. The control cabins of the three mechs were deeply recessed at this time. Look, I also know that the people inside may have become a mass of meat at this time, and even if they have not reached that level, they will never survive.

This kind of death method proves that the other side kills them. There is no need to use any advanced combat skills. The strength of the mech and the horrible giant sword can easily kill the three players. M01 has already seen this at the moment, the mech is indeed a trump card, although it is not a strong configuration of the army, but a military school's internship, but because of the controller's strength, still let this only the basic configuration of the trump card machine A shows the fighting power of the scorpion - the king of melee fighting, it is terrible and powerful, which makes him timid.

The difference in their strength from the ace of the arsenal is really too great. M01 has a bitterness in his heart. He knows very well that the other party wants to kill him. As long as he attacks his attack twice, he will do it. Once he is close to him, he has no hope of birth.

M01 looked at the radar without any reaction, and there was a kind of extravagant hope in the heart. I hope that the ace master has left here... He had this timid thought on the battlefield for the first time. In the past, even the dangerous battlefield, There is no fear of fear. M01 knows that he has already lost, and then to the ace of the ace, he is afraid that he will not have the courage to fight a deadly battle. Even at this time, he has a kind of desire to escape, but the soldier’s self-esteem, so that he still stays here. Waiting for the final result.

"Dreaming the other party's information?" Ling Lan, who lurked again, calmly looked at the prey that had lost his calmness, and asked the small four in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"It has been deciphered!" Xiaosi excitedly raised his hands to express his excitement. "He thought that the boss is the ace of the ace of the ace, and he said that Chaucer is here, and he has already requested support from the headquarters."

When I heard the name of Tang Yin, Ling Lan’s mind could not help but show the referee instructor who was faintly biased towards the battle. He is not because of the mentor of Thunder King Qiao, but prefers the Thunder Armor Group. It should be said that their new group can win, and to a large extent, there are reasons for his care.

"Is this said that the other party is going to send a master?" Ling Lan looked serious, she certainly wants to play with the master, but if a group of masters, she can not follow the original plan, waiting for the rabbit here.

"Yes, yes, but I have already got their contact source, I will always monitor each other, I can definitely figure out how many people are coming from the other party." Xiaosi confidently replied, he will not let his boss fall into danger. It.

"That's good, since everything is done, I will clean this guy." Xiaosi's answer made Ling Lan let go of her heart. Since she got the answer she wanted, she didn't have to leave this enemy in front of her eyes. ... Ling Lan really sacrificed a giant sword, aimed at the enemy who was trying to find her.

M01 is staring at his own radar in a complicated mood. I don't know if I hope or don't want to react on the radar. At this moment, suddenly there are several energy points on the radar at the same time. The position of several points is very close to him. There are even three points, just beside him. This sudden situation caused him to raise his guns in panic, aim at the few points, open the bow left and right, and frantically pour the beam energy in the pistol... ()

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