Chapter 366: The boss of Niubi!

"Since it's finished, I will send you to the West." When the ace's mech was cold and said this, the mech suddenly started, and the left hand took out the lightsaber behind him, slamming into the enemy plane and slashing the sword.

When the enemy plane saw it, immediately control the mech to flash back a few steps, avoiding the past, and taking advantage of the high altitude, the two add up. At this time, the strength of the ace armor is not the ordinary high-level mech can compete, even if the enemy plane is in the heart Some contempt for the other side, do not dare to be too big, the ace of the ace is after all the ace of armor, the superiority of the mech grade, or let him scruple three points.

However, the next picture made the enemy plane almost blasted. It turned out that the other side rushed down and seemed to want to attack him. In fact, the target was not him, but the giant steel that was inserted behind him. Big sword. I saw that the ace's mech was about three meters from the ground, and the low-altitude swiftly passed, and then instantly flew back to the air. At this time, the right hand of the ace mech has already had the giant sword.

The right hand of the ace mech gently slammed the giant sword and seemed very satisfied. His left-handed lightsaber hanged back and said: "To deal with you, using this weapon is enough." This sentence makes the high-level machine The half-death of a gas, using this type of cold weapon as a weapon, basically said that in the eyes of the other party, he can not be called an opponent, just the kind of gunfire that casually abused. On the battlefield, the powerful giant weapon is to save the armor energy, but it can quickly clean up the convenient weapons of the miscellaneous soldiers.

"You, find death!" The high-level mech only had time to say this sentence, and was interrupted by the high-speed attack.

Perhaps because the opponent's attack speed came too fast, or because he was too angry and slow to respond, anyway, when the high-level mechs reacted, the giant sword of the ace's mech has hit him.

Without hedging time, he could only be forced to raise his hands and take a hard shot to the sword. The mech is followed by the power of this shot, and the whole mech is taking a step back...

"Oh..." suddenly the place where the two touched each other. A dazzling spark was sent, and Gao Xiaoyun and others who almost staggered the battle, and when their vision recovered, they saw the two intertwined. The ace mech is holding the giant sword with both hands. The sword seems to be behind the high-level mech.

The high-level mech, but at the moment it seems to be ruined, the original Yingying white light flashing the light shield, the light has been dull, the armor's arms have been cut, only the broken elbows are exposed, exposed At the moment, the circuit is still shining with sparks that have not disappeared, proving that its defects are just emerging.

"How is this... maybe!" The senior machine officer is squeezing out this sentence, with pain and unbelief. Even an experienced ace mech, want to kill him. It takes a little time to do it...

"You are so much..." The ace's mech was still cold, and with this, he suddenly pulled back against the giant sword on the back of the high-level mech.

The ace of the ace keeps the original action, and Gao Shuyun may not see what happened, but the ace mech recovers his giant sword. Everyone understands why the high-level mechs say that.

After being pumped back to the Great Sword, the high-level mech that originally seemed to be a broken arm, its control cabin, suddenly shot two blood arrows in tandem, Gao Yuyun, they only saw clearly, it turned out that the giant sword Not only against the back of the high-level mech, but the control cabin that has pierced the advanced mech. Just look at the width of the tools and try sword, they know, which advanced armor disabilities, must be directly cut into two sections Sword, absolutely no chance of survival up.

"...... ...... bad luck ......" Advanced armor disabilities exhaustion of the last life, this only out of the last four words.

He really is bad luck. Because not that he met Ray Wang Qiaoting no combat experience, but learning space is full of encouragement abuse for 16 years, after numerous death was desperate to grow up Ling Lan.

Ace Mech quickly see neat solution to that frame advanced armor, high Jinyun face complex expression flashed, but quickly becomes happy together. He was about to speak, I heard ace mech first step with him speak.

"Gao Yunyun, your team is not suitable for acting alone. You will quickly take your person to the front right side of your two kilometers. The coordinates are xx.yy. We have other teams. After you join them, they will act together."

Gao Yunyun heard the words and looked back immediately: "Yes, the head!"

"And, after meeting the team, immediately leave here, the farther away the better, don't come back." The original tone of the ace mech suddenly became severe, and there was a tolerance in the tone. tough.

Gao Yunyun heard the words and did not agree to it. Instead, he asked seriously: "Why, the head?"

"The enemy is coming soon. The enemy plane, I am afraid I have already told the teammates of the news that Ray Wang is here." The ace mech tells Gao Qiyun about his guess.

Gao Yunyun is also a clever person. As soon as he heard this, he immediately understood the plan of the ace mech. His face changed aloud: "Head, you are alone here to deal with them, it is too dangerous." So many enemies who have heard the news are against each other. This is too risky. In order to be a new group, he must stop it.

"This is a rare practical experience, I can't miss it, and, as long as there are no people around us, so that I don't have any worries, even if I can't beat it, with this mech, it's more than enough to escape. You don't have to worry." Ace is cool. Go back.

Gao Gaoyun wanted to stop, and suddenly stopped at the throat. He found that the other person said yes. If they didn’t drag their legs, his powerful head, relying on this ace mech, from the attack of a group of high-level mechs. It’s still very easy to escape. At this time, Gao Yunyun still didn’t think that if he came to a group of ace mechs, even if his head commanded the ace mech, it would be hard to escape.

Gao Yunyun, who is not rich in practical experience, did not think of this at all. Therefore, he felt that his head was right, so he agreed, and soon left the team members there, like the head said. The goal is to rush quickly.

Along the way, the players who listened to his dialogue with the trump card mechs were actually confused. They all thought that the trump card was the head of the Thunder's mech group, Lei Wang Qiao, and heard the captain of the team call the head of the other team, although it felt a bit strange. It is conceivable that Lei Wang is the head of the Thunder Machine Group. There is nothing wrong with calling the head. They are just strange. When did their captains have a relationship with Lei Wang, they even let Lei Wang come forward to save them, and even let them The team below him joins and works together...

Isn't it, the boss of his own secretly betrayed Lan's boss and voted for Lei Wang? More than one team member thought of this, and their hearts were shocked and faint. Because they still admire Lan’s boss, the leader who is strong enough to defeat the first person of the senior Thunder body, they believe that as long as the time is given to Lan’s boss, it will be the second Lei Wang...

"Three brothers, how do you know the king of Lei?" Finally, the youngest team couldn't hold it, halfway, asked.

Gao Yunyun heard a word: "Lei Wang? I just heard him, I don't know."

"Then why, do you want to listen to his orders, and join their people to act together?" The players listened, and their hearts were even dissatisfied. Have you to cover up now? When are their third brothers, are they brothers?

"Listen to his orders?" Gao Yunyun has been worried about whether the battle of Lan's boss will be safe, so the attention is not concentrated at all. The response to the players' questions is obviously slow. I heard the players say this. He felt that something was wrong, as if his team members had misunderstood something.

He concentrated on his mental strength and immediately understood what the players had misunderstood. Gao Xiaoyun suddenly smiled and said: "Do you think that the ace teacher was Ray Wang Qiao?"

"Isn't it? The only one who has been promoted to the ace of the military academy, who else besides Lei Wang?" Another team member asked inexplicably.

"Yeah, the senior mech enemy, not to say it, is he King Ray?" Someone presented evidence.

Gao Xiaoyun heard the words of the players and immediately sighed: "Yes, everyone thinks that only the Lei King has advanced to the trump card in the first military school, so no one will think that some people are born to be enchanting, you can't understand. A kind of existence... I can only say that we are very lucky with the boss, the new group, will inevitably become the most powerful force in the military academy."

Gao Yunyun’s words made some players feel confused. I don’t know what the captain wants to say. The quick response people immediately realized the meaning of Gao Yunyun’s words. One of the players blurted out in amazement: “Three brothers, you Said that the ace teacher is our head of the boss Lan?"

This question asked all the players to suddenly catch up. The team that had been progressing in an orderly manner because the players forgot the control in their hands, suddenly there was a slight rear-end collision. Two or three mechs directly hit together, and almost everyone turned over.

However, although the Gao Xiaoyun team is only a medium-level mech, the team's control techniques are still very solid. How long will the team resume the original order and speed and continue to approach the coordinates.

Silence marched for more than ten seconds, and finally a member suddenly screamed excitedly in the team channel: "Ah, ah, ah, ah, our head is actually a ace, he is only a first grade, first grade. Ah..." The screams almost shattered the ears of other players, but no one uttered anger at him, because what he said was what other people wanted to say.

Oh, their head is too strong! Sure enough, as the captain said, they are the boss! ()

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