Chapter 328: The imaginary power!

Li Lanfeng's suggestion made everyone in the team shine. Han Jijun looked at Li Lanfeng deeply and once again felt the invisible pressure that the other party gave him.

Ling Lan immediately made a decision, using Li Lanfeng's method. Qi Long and Xie Yi are the two strongest teams in the team. They are more mature and have military appearances. The two quickly replaced the uniforms of the two soldiers and separated them on both sides of the gate. In addition to Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng, others were hiding in the passage with two comatose soldiers.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Linglan and Li Lanfeng's original black combat uniforms slowly became the uniforms of the base soldiers. They were exactly the same as the military uniforms that Qilong Xieyi had replaced. The only difference was their epaulets, Linglan’s choice. It was the rank of major, and Li Lanfeng chose to be a big man, and he fell behind half of Ling Lan.

This move made the Linglan team's impression of Li Lanfeng rise again. It should be said that Li Lanfeng was always interested in brushing the Linglan players, and he also achieved his goal.

When everything is ready, Ling Lan will direct the fourth to open the door. With the door automatically opened, Ling Lan proudly stepped into it, and Li Lanfeng respectfully and rigorously followed Ling Lan's back.

And Qi Long and Xie Yi, both facing each other, stood straight on the door, and respected a standard military ceremony, until Ling Lan and the two entered the door, this puts their hands down, everything looks so normal. .

The two soldiers inside were suddenly opened to the gate, and inexplicably came in with two officers, and suddenly bowed. They looked suspiciously because they did not receive the above notice, and someone would enter the base at this time.

However, the standard salute of the soldiers on duty at the door of the door, so that the two did not dare to judge. Maybe there is an emergency, and I can't wait for the notice. However, in charge of the position, one of them still shouted: "Password!"

Li Lanfeng and Ling Lan had already entered the door at this time, and heard the word password, his heart slammed. The steps could not help but slow down. Only Ling Lan's pace is still stable. It seems that he has not been affected by the password of the other party. He continues to move forward steadily and raises his head. With the extremely cold sight, they greet the opposite person.

"Well, it performed very well." Ling Lan spoke up, faintly praised, and the two men frowned, and she stepped forward again. When the two men changed their faces, they continued, "Password..."

When I heard the password, the nervous emotions of the two men suddenly eased, and it was at this moment. The whole person of Ling Lan, such as the cheetah, rushed to the past and instantly reached the two.

I saw her hands open, violently bombing, two cold light flashed through the air, followed by her hands shaking. Two barely visible strings flew out of the wrist, instantly entangled the two hands. Pull them hard and pull them away from their original position.

Ling Lan’s attack looks complicated, but it’s just an instant. The attack came too suddenly, so that the two did not have time to respond, and was directly pulled into the air, Ling Lan pulled the next hand. The two men who were about to hit together in midair suddenly changed the direction of flight and slammed down. Ling Lan took a step and came to the bottom, and firmly caught the two men.

At this time, the two men were already unconscious. Ling Lan quietly placed them on the ground.

Li Lanfeng rushed to Ling Lan's side and saw Ling Lanyuan surpass his speed and mobility. Li Lanfeng had a deep sense of frustration. He was worse than the rabbit regardless of the mech control or body skills. It seems that I really want to achieve what I want, and fight with the rabbit, he has to work harder.

"Just you obviously stabbed them with anesthesia needles, why should you pull them out?" Li Lanfeng, although not as fast as Ling Lan, had excellent eyesight and completely saw Ling Lan’s moments.

Ling Lan did not answer, just signaled Li Lanfeng to see where the two stood. Li Lanfeng went suspiciously, and bent down to take a serious look and his face changed suddenly. It turned out that the position where the two men stood was actually the starting device of the alarm bell.

In fact, the two seemingly stable soldiers, in fact, their respective heels are suspended, that is, they stand with the first half of the foot, the heel is slightly suspended, as long as the fault is found, the heel is stepped down. The alarm bell can be turned on instantly.

This kind of device is extremely secretive and is not easy to be discovered. It can even be guaranteed that if the police officers are not responding in time, they will be killed. There is no way to maintain the hanging heel, and it will surely follow the body's loss of control, so the alarm will still start smoothly.

After seeing Li Lanfeng's face and fearing to come back, Ling Lan also quietly wiped out the cold sweat from his forehead. In fact, at the beginning, she did not know that the alarm bell would be arranged in such a way. If Xiao 4 suddenly found out and promptly reminded her before the attack, Ling Lan would definitely be fooled. Even if she successfully killed the two men, she could not escape the alarm bell. As a result of the start-up, in the end they could only be forced to flee and return without success.

Seeing Linglan succeeded in knocking down the policemen inside, Qilong, they rushed over. When they saw how the alarm device here started, they were afraid of it. They lamented that this setting was really bt, but it was always new. This setting is very interesting. He is interested in studying on the ground, and his mouth is whispering and seems to be calculating something.

Without too much staying, in the eyes of Chang Xinyuan reluctantly, Ling Lan continued to sneak into it. This is indeed a bit difficult, but it is much easier later. Perhaps the chief of the secret base is very convinced that they have this bell design. The latter levels are not so complicated and complicated. The Linglan team easily advances to the center of the base. .

When Ling Lan took the team members, they stopped the action, because it was the scope of the virtual ability monitoring. Xiaosi had reported to Linglan long ago. This secret base has two virtual powers sitting in it. As soon as they enter their surveillance, they will be ruthlessly attacked and directly killed. Ling Lan at this time, but did not know how to explain to the players, how she knows that there are virtual abilities here.

Only the imaginary ability can sense the imaginary power, and who can sense it first, it depends on who is more powerful. The hacking ability and the virtual ability are two opposite powers, and they can hardly awaken in one person at the same time. Even if there is an accident, some people have awakened these two talents that can hardly coexist, and there is no way to make both of them powerful at the same time.

Because the more powerful, the greater the strength of the two abilities, the federal has done an experiment, so that the two talents of the awakening can enhance both abilities at the same time, but the final result is that the carrier can not afford this more and more powerful In the fight against energy, the last brain was directly destroyed by the energy of the two capabilities against the eruption, turned into a vegetative person, and finally did not wake up again.

Since then, the federal government has restricted, even those who awaken these two abilities can only choose one evolution. This knowledge, when awakening talents, was carefully told by the Tutors of the Scouting Academy. They were very clear about this. She couldn’t explain why she had such a powerful hacker ability and she had a strong virtual ability. It is. It can only be said that the existence of Xiaosi is too embarrassing, so Linglan wants to explain it with a reasonable explanation.

At this time, some of the silent Li Lanfeng's face, which was hit by Ling Lan's skill, suddenly fainted. He seemed to have sensed something and immediately interrupted the spiritual connection with Ling Lan. When everyone was stunned and Ling Lan’s heart was realized, an extremely dangerous atmosphere appeared on his body, slowly spreading.

Everyone felt the breath that made them feel uncomfortable. They felt that their mental power began to fluctuate violently. Even when there was a kind to be swallowed up by this breath, Ling Lan’s mental strength suddenly rose and quickly turned seven. The human spirit is wrapped up.

Ling Lan's protection made the seven people's mental strength suddenly stabilized. Everyone was astonished. Only Han Jijun looked at Li Lanfeng with a sullen look. What he seemed to think of.

Li Lanfeng couldn't take care of his friends at this time. He felt that the two dangerous energies were in front. Like his virtual ability, he seemed to be a little bit worse than him. From the fact that they have not found his existence, this can be proved. .

But Li Lanfeng did not loosen his Because there are two people on the other side, Li Lanfeng is not sure if he can contend with these two people and protect everyone in the team. In order to fear that the other party found him, he quickly converges on his virtual ability. His face looked sullenly to Ling Lan: "Rabbit, there are two virtual abilities in it, the ability is very strong, once they enter their surveillance range, they will be attacked, and we are likely to be in danger."

He has confidence in the previous one, luck is good, and even can defeat each other, but two, Li Lanfeng is not much sure. After all, the virtual ability inside is only a line worse than him. If the two cooperate with each other, he would like to protect everyone in the Linglan team, and they are afraid of some flaws and being caught.

Originally, Li Lanfeng once suspected that Ling Lan also had a strong virtual ability, but with the full manifestation of Ling Lan's hacking ability, Li Lanfeng did not have much hope for Ling Lan's virtual ability. Ling Lan, what they know, Li Lanfeng also knows that hackers and virtual abilities, although they may exist at the same time, cannot simultaneously become powerful. Perhaps when Ling Lan had these two abilities, he chose to evolve the hacking ability rather than the virtual ability, which made Li Lanfeng somewhat regrettable.

Because almost all of the imaginary powers are controlled by the Federal Military Department, Li Lanfeng, as the first heir to the Li family, certainly cannot become the shackles of the military. Especially in his grandfather, Li Lanfeng’s spiritual power is very unique, and it is probably the legendary illusion. The ability to completely block the news. This is why Li Lanfeng was not discovered by the military. ()

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