Chapter 327: Spiritual Sharing!

After about a minute, Ling Lan suddenly stopped and gestured to indicate someone in front. The people who had been somewhat relaxed because of Ling Lan’s bold behavior were always cautious.

Ling Lan thought about it and decided to expose her ability. So she spread her mental strength, divided the eight tentacles, and began to connect the spiritual strength of several people in Qilong.

The spiritual strength of the awakened person is higher than that of the ordinary unawakened person, and the spiritual power of Ling Lan originally existed in the brains of several people in the Qilong, so they immediately contacted, and the machine was repaired with Li Yuyu. Awakening is an auxiliary talent, there is no attack power, so Ling Lan has successfully contacted despite some time.

Only when he came into contact with Li Lanfeng, he was directly swallowed up by Li Lanfeng’s imaginary ability. As a result, Linglan’s mental strength was extremely high, and the foundation was strong and swallowed, and there would be no more harm. Just the original full of mental strength, suddenly missing a corner, Ling Lan still feel some discomfort. She frowned, quickly ran a little bit of mental power, and instantly filled the devoured mental power.

However, Ling Lan has no feelings here, Li Lanfeng over there, but directly scared his face. He knows what his abilities are, not his hacking ability to Ling Lan, but the horrible ability of horror. The instinct of virtual ability is to devour and obliterate. If Ling Lan suffers from permanent trauma, he really regrets his life.

Li Lanfeng regrets the abnormality in his heart. Maybe he should honestly explain it at the beginning. What is his true ability? It will not let Ling Lan now use his mental power to connect him.

"Rabbit, you are fine." In a hurry, Li Lanfeng forgot Linglan's warning to blurt out.

rabbit? This special name and everyone's ears are high, and Qi Long and others quickly glanced at each other and saw each other's eyes. Sure enough, his boss is the rabbit armor that caused a sensation in the novice area.

Li Yuyu and Chang Xinyuan are extremely upset. They really can't connect the harmless and cute creature of the rabbit with Ling Lan.

"I'm fine!" The first Linglan moment has come to the end. She used her index finger to resist Li Lanfeng's lips. The cold and sharp eyes warned Li Lanfeng to scream. There are soldiers in front of the real export, she does not know whether the other party is still a real person, if, the fourth can block all of this, but if it is a real person, there is no guarantee that nothing will be lost, so Ling Lan does not dare to neglect.

Feeling that his lips had uploaded the temperature of Ling Lan's fingers, Li Lanfeng was as scared as he was, just stupidly staring at the cold face that Ling Lan suddenly appeared in front of him, motionless.

"Let your protection open, so that I can connect your mental strength." Ling Lan's voice almost sounded in Li Lanfeng's ear, the warm breath made Li Lanfeng's ears start to red, and finally turned red.

Ling Lan reminded Li Lanfeng that he was allowed to extend his mental strength to try to connect Li Lanfeng. Li Lanfeng had the reminder of Ling Lan, desperately restraining his imaginary virtual ability, which enabled Ling Lan to successfully connect with his mental strength.

Soon, the situation behind the channel truly reflected the sea of ​​consciousness of everyone in the team, which is the unique trick of God's control door - spiritual sharing! It is necessary to know that the team of Ling Xiao can compete for a long time, in large part because Ling Xiao also has this ability.

After successfully connecting Li Lanfeng's mental strength, Ling Lan ordered with mental power: "Qilong, Luo Lang, you two hands."

When Qi Long and Luo Lang heard the order, they immediately came out of the crowd. Because of the sharing of mental power, they knew that there were only two guards and soldiers behind the passage, and they knew everything about them. They control their own pace, do not make a sound, quickly come to the forefront of the channel, lurking, ready to attack at the most appropriate time.

Everyone was attracted to the past by Qi Long and Luo Lang. Didn't find out, the last Li Lanfeng, his right hand quietly holding his chest, seems to be pacifying something.

At the moment when Ling Lan approached him, Li Lanfeng, who saw Ling Lan’s face at a close distance, suddenly found that the rabbit was very nice... I don’t know if it was scared or surprised, Li Lanfeng’s heart actually beat at that moment. Next, the temperature of the whole person has soared a few degrees...

However, Li Lanfeng has a strong self-control ability. After a few seconds, he has returned to calm. At this time, Qi Long and Luo Lang, who have long been ready to go, saw that the eyes of the two soldiers were not at the moment of the passage. Slammed out, like two cheetahs lurking deep, suddenly attacking the prey.

The two men covered the other's mouth with their left hand for the first time, and held a tiny syringe in their right hand and slammed into the neck of the other party.

The micro-needle is prepared by Li Yuyu, and the special anesthetic in the syringe is also provided by Li Yuyu. However, the ordinary syringe became an attack, and even the deadly weapon of four people was indeed ordered by Ling Lan. Since Li Yuyu joined the squad, Ling Lan did not think about letting Li Yuyu be a treatment medic, but to make full use of the knowledge of Li Yuyu's medicine, so that Li Yuyu developed various pharmacy weapons to improve the squad's combat effectiveness, such as this is the simplest. A miniature anesthesia syringe that is easy to carry.

When the two soldiers were tied in the neck, they announced their final result. Li Yuyu’s special anesthetic is even more powerful than the military’s special anesthesia gun. Originally, Qilong and Luolang were preparing to cope with the other side's counterattack. I didn't expect the syringe to stab the other side. The muscles of the other party suddenly slackened, and the next second was directly unconscious.

Qi Long and Luo Lang carefully placed the two on the side of the door, and everyone who saw their success in the sea of ​​consciousness came out from the passage. When Qi Long saw Li Yuyu coming out, he showed his greedy expression and asked in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Yu Yu, the anesthesia micro-needle that you got out is so good, I will prepare a few more for us next time. ”

Powerful, able to make enemies in an instant, small size can be carried in large quantities, even if it is used as a hidden weapon. For this kind of sinister, easy-to-use weapon, Qi Long is of course blind, but unfortunately the anesthetic in the micro-needle can only be used once, the next time it must be refilled with anesthetic, and Li Yuyu is more resistant to doing these, the team each The person only got three micro-anesthesia syringes. After using it, he still needs to see when Li Yuyu is in a good mood and is willing to help you fill it... The sleeping medicine is controlled in the hands of Li Yuyu. He refuses to do it. No one can take him.

Hearing Qi Long’s answer, Li Yuyu’s white face was suddenly black. Hey, he is a military doctor, an angel of life-saving healing, not a devil who specializes in making these harmful weapons...

"Yeah, Master Yu Yu, with your anesthetic weapon, we don't need to kill." Ling Lan faintly kicked and kicked two unconscious soldiers lying on the ground. "You let us avoid sin." I don't know how to thank you." Linglan mouth said thank you, can see Li Yuyu's sight is extremely cold, seems to tell Li Yuyu, he can not do it, at most let these teenagers commit early Sin, hand dyed blood.

Li Yuyu bit her lip and looked at the front of the group. When she was innocent, she was soft again. She said, "I know, I will help you with some time. I will fill it up after I finish using it." ""

Well, Ling Lan completely grasps the weakness of Li Yuyu's heart. Li Yuyu does not have the heart to let these elementary schoolmates who are in the first grade, prematurely contact with killing and sin, withstand the pressure and condemnation of the soul, become terrified, night Can't be jealous

Li Yuyu will not forget that at the Military Medical Research Center, he has seen several cases, all of which are rookies who have just entered the battlefield. After the first murder, they can’t get rid of their sins, and finally fall into severe depression and even commit suicide. Propensity……

If Li Yuyu knows that the first-year teenagers in his eyes are innocent and pure, they have participated in folk adventure groups before they entered school. They have been exposed to killing and blood. The heart has become extremely powerful and cold, and will definitely regret their decision. It should be said that Li Yuyu is like a kind and pure white rabbit. For a group of rabbits in his eyes, they are actually wolves in rabbit skin, refreshing his bottom line again and again, subverting his original three views. Unconsciously evolved toward the black rabbit...

When Li Lanfeng saw that Li Yuyu chose to give in again, he knew that his lovely and pure younger brother was almost gone, and he felt mixed in his heart. He didn’t know what to say, but he could only turn into a sigh...

Li Yuyu’s answer made several people in Qilong scream in excitement in the sea of ​​consciousness. Li Yuyu had some depressed feelings. When she saw the happy appearance of these schoolchildren, she disappeared instantly.

Back to them, it seems that they are studying the door of Seeing the corner of the mouth is slightly tilted, how is Li’s chief so deceived, the same is the Li family, the leopard is blacker...

Xiaosi did not open the door. He reflected the situation behind the gate to Linglan’s sea of ​​consciousness. Of course, Linglan shared these with the players at the first time. The players who were still excited were calming down. Knowing that this is a difficult time. Because behind the gate, there are also two soldiers staring at the door at a distance of ten meters. As soon as they open the door, they will know, and the distance of ten meters, even if they choose to attack in the first time, is enough for them to react and start the police. The bell is up.

"Boss, what should I do?" Everyone looked at Ling Lan and waited for Ling Lan's instructions.

If it is in reality, Ling Lan can use the mental attack to knock down the other side. Now in the virtual world, it has restricted her killing. When Ling Lan wants to solve it perfectly, Li Lanfeng proposes: "I am with Lan. They are hackers and can do some camouflage.” He pointed to the two soldiers who were lying unconscious and continued to say, “The team had two people, pretending to be the guard standing at the door, and I was disguised as a base with Lan’s boss. The people walked in, I think they will not doubt for the first time, as long as they can get close to them, I and Lan have the opportunity to solve them before they start the alarm." rs()

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