Chapter 239: Please fight!

Li Lanfeng has not encountered a similar kind in the virtual world for so many years, which makes him feel a little lonely. This is also when he has not recognized Ling Lan is a rabbit, he thinks that the other party is likely to have virtual ability and noticed Ling Lan. I even want to find out why. The romance content is updated faster than the rocket. Do you dare not believe it?

"You are not a hacker, but a virtual person." When the boys were shocked by what Li Lanfeng said, Han Jijun suddenly whispered.

Han Jijun’s words surprised the rest of the team. They all knew that the virtual powers represented what they were in the virtual world. No wonder they had a feeling of great difficulty. At that time, the dangerous atmosphere was probably a virtual power.

Li Lanfeng nodded and apologized: "Yes, I am a virtual person. In order to hide my ability, I lied to you, sorry!"

"I know that this thing, you also know that there are almost no imaginary people who live in the folk, so for the safety of the leopard, I did not let the leopard say this." Ling Lan suddenly said, "I hope this thing is here. So far, everyone has to understand that if someone else discovers that the leopard is a virtual person, he is in danger."

Ling Lan’s words surprised everyone again. Indeed, the imaginary power has always been the primary target of the attempted assassination of the federal hostile countries. As long as they discover the true identity of the imaginary powers, they will kill them at any cost. This is why the Federal Army has controlled all the imaginary powers. The federal government must protect these imaginary powers. Of course, there are also some reasons why those who are not controlled by them will create a shocking case in the virtual world.

In the virtual world, the imaginary power is synonymous with death, and no one can resist it except the same imaginary power. Even in the real world, the powerful warrior, the powerful leader of the high officials, in the virtual world, in front of the virtual power, like a baby without any self-protection ability. Let the other side kill.

Therefore, those in power in various countries love and fear the imaginary power. Love them can be a weapon they threaten the enemy, and they are afraid that they will injure themselves. This also creates a cup that has no freedom for the illusory person in his life. Those who are not in power are willing to let these horrible abilities that can endanger their lives in the virtual world. For their own safety, they will inevitably choose to control, even ruthlessly obliterate!

"Yes, Boss!" Everyone in the team wanted to understand the meaning of Ling Lan, and Li Lanfeng chose to tell the truth, actually delivered the life to them, this is his trust in the team members. This made Zilong and others feel moved. From here, Qi Long and others really regarded Li Lanfeng as their partner, not a friend of the boss. Halfway in, I don’t know if it’s a temporary or fixed player.

Han Jijun looked at Li Lanfeng with a complicated look. He was very impressed with Li Lanfeng's decisiveness. He used all the methods that he could agree with his partners and joined the team at a very fast speed. He had a hunch in his heart at this time, Li Lanfeng is probably the most powerful opponent in his team position...

Han Jijun secretly pinched his fist. Telling himself that he wants to refuel, he must not lose to Li Lanfeng, a member of the team who joined in the middle of the road. He will not give up his job as a military division!

Hearing Ling Lan's maintenance, Li Lanfeng was extremely grateful. He is very clear that he has never told Ling Lan that he is a virtual person.

This should be the confidant friend mentioned in the book. He will help him and accept him at a crucial time. Maintain him. Li Lanfeng’s heart slammed again and again, a kind of unspeakable warmth.

Just when everyone decided whether to continue the mission, Ling Lan expression cautiously asked Li Lanfeng: "Leopard, can you resist the virtual ability of the two people to attack?" Those who can resist the virtual ability can only be the virtual ability, Ling Although Lan has the virtual **** of Xiaosi, he is not afraid of the imaginary power inside. But still have to ask Li Lanfeng, after all, Li Lanfeng is on the face of the virtual ability.

Li Lanfeng seriously thought about it and then replied: "In terms of pure defense, there should be no problem, but there are more members of the squad. Once dispersed, I am afraid that I will be caught by the other party." There is no problem with confrontation, that is, there are a lot of people, and his defense area is not very wide. Once it is out of scope, he cannot guarantee the protection of the team members without fail.

Ling Lan and so on is this sentence, she decided to let Qilong they wait here, she and Li Lanfeng went in and explored.

This decision was resolutely opposed by other members of the team, who said they would also go along with Ling Lan. And promised to follow the orders, one step away from Li Lanfeng's side.

Li Lanfeng saw that none of the team members wanted to retreat. They suddenly felt passionate and said: "Bunny, I will do my best to protect them, let them go in."

Ling Lan thinks that there are still small traps, and there should be no big problems, then nodded and agreed.

Ling Lan took everyone to come all the way, the biggest one in front of the door, in fact, everyone knows, they have been going down, do not know how deep in the bottom, but see this door, partner We all think that I am afraid that I have reached the depth of two or three hundred meters underground.

The scenes inside the door are presented to the players with spiritual sharing. It is no longer a few soldiers to protect this door, but a small squadron, about fifteen people.

There are two iron walls on both sides of the door. There are three beam machine guns from the inside of the shooting port to the entrance of the gate. At the end of the iron wall, that is, thirty meters in front of the gate, six armed soldiers are holding each other. A heavy firearm stared at the door. There are three more, hidden in the corner of the iron wall. The three men don't have to worry about it, as long as they don't show up, they can't attack them.

Ling Lan, they are not afraid that they will sound the alarm, because once they enter, the virtual ability will find them, and the Labula alarm will be exposed.

And now they have to deal with the imaginary powers, but also prepare to deal with the enemy originally not intended, that is the mechs. Ling Lan spirit shared the feedback from the internal scene, the space inside is very wide, the ground to the top is about 50 meters high. This proves that there are not only some ground-based infantry, but also likely to have a mech.

The people first put down this possible enemy and began to study how to deal with the current situation. The six beam machine guns must have been dealt with by Lan Lan, and only Ling Lan had the strength to accurately shoot into the hidden weapon from the shooting port to solve the six shooters inside.

Li Lanfeng is going to fight against two imaginary abilities. When he enters, he has to go all out. There is no way to free up his hand to attack. Therefore, to deal with the top six heavy firearms soldiers, it is necessary to rely on several other people to solve.

Of course, there are no problems for the five people in Qilong. They have been abused by Linglan since childhood. Even the weakest Han Jijun is no worse than others. The key is what the sixth person should do. After all, no one can deal with one person. The extra person will leak out and let the other party have time to fire.

Qi Long seriously thought about it. He felt that he was still somewhat sure. He wanted to say that when the rest of the person was dealt with by him, Li Yuyu, who had been sitting next to him, suddenly asked the war: "The sixth person, I will deal with it."

This is the first time that Li Yuyu has taken the initiative to do something, which has surprised everyone and looked at Li Yuyu. The scorching eyes of the players made Li Yuyu feel a little discomfort, and the white face suddenly appeared a blush.

"Yu Yu is a military medical research major. Is the fighting ability somewhat weak? If the injury or accident occurs, the team's loss is very large, I think it is not appropriate." Xie Yi first raised objections, they were injured and Li Yuyu Helping the treatment, if Li Yuyu is injured, they will be helpless.

Xie Yi’s words made other people silently nod. They thought that the sixth person’s shot by Li Yuyu was not very proper. Chang Xinyuan moved his mouth. When he just wanted to say that he came, Li Yuyu had already retorted coldly: “Although I am A military doctor, but my fighting skills are not bad."

Li Yuyu has been calm in the eyes, and at this time exudes an angry flame. Xie Yi’s words made him feel insulted. When he retorted, his expression was very proud. This expression was very familiar. When Li Yingjie was proud of his arrogance, he would show such an expression. This made Qilong not to overdo it, and couldn’t bear to look straight: it’s Li’s family, still in the bones. Proud and arrogant.

"Cough, in fact, Yu Yu's fighting ability is very good, we Li from childhood to focus on training the inheritance of people's fighting skills, Yu Yu's fighting ability, according to my knowledge, is much stronger than Yingjie young master." Li Lanfeng suddenly smiled The socket said that although the expression looked sincere and incomparable, it seemed that he was explaining something to Li Yuyu, but Ling Lan still felt a trace of violation, and he could not help but start a goose bump.

"Since we are all a team, I will call you Yu Yu later." Li Yuyu glanced at Li Lanfeng gratefully, and then seriously said to Li Lanfeng. Li Yuyu is actually very disgusted with the name of the young It was only in the military school, he could not bluntly refuse. After all, this is related to the status dignity of Li Jiazhi, but now that he has become a teammate, Li Yuyu does not think It should be called again.

Li Lanfeng heard the words and laughed. He nodded. "That's okay, Yu Yu."

When I said this, Ling Lan was sensitive to the feeling that Li Lanfeng was very happy.

Seeing that Li Yuyu was fighting for the battle, Li Lanfeng’s words helped each other, and Qilong’s people were not good at refusing to speak, so they looked at Ling Lan and waited for their final decision.

Ling Lan nodded and nodded: "Since Yu Yuyu is sure, then it is fixed." She looked violently, "Qilong, Luo Lang, Xie Yi, Han Jijun, Lin Zhongqing, Li Yuyu, front six The person will be handed over to you, and you must complete the task."

"Yes, Boss!" "Yes, Captain!" Although the answer was different, but at the same time responded, Li Yuyu has no way to call Ling Lan as the boss.


Mid-Autumn Festival, there will be extra surprises! Wait patiently! ()

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