Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 326: : The oriole is behind!

Chapter 326: The oriole is behind!

"Reassured, d1, d2, d3 are sitting there, and we will notify us once there is something." A black robe around d1 calmly replied, "And, the two top imaginary abilities of our empire are watching there, even if someone really touches it. There, the imaginary power can also destroy them directly."

"We have already fished the biggest fish, and believe that other people don't have the ability to get there," added another black man.

"Yeah, d1, don't worry too much, still think about how we should solve these big fish, saying that we haven't hunted the imaginary power of the Chinese Federation for a long time." Another black robe smiled grimly. .

"D10 is right, d1, let them see our means, we work together, we can definitely turn the group of hackers to play." The black robes in the corner sneered slyly, can play the Chinese Federation Top hacker, he is very interested.

On the other hand, the Qilong people who had fallen asleep suddenly felt that their liaisons began to vibrate. They jumped up and quickly put on the night battle suits they had prepared in their packages. It didn’t take long to see them. Go to your own door and do not move. Outside the door, Ling Lan and Li Lanfeng were all armed and stood there.

"Boss, we are ready." Qi Long whispered excitedly.

"They won't wake up suddenly." The machine always repaired the new source and pointed to the three soldiers who were sleeping in the side, asking without worry.

"No, I have already set it up. This room will not wake up until dawn. If you wake up, they will still think that you are sleeping in the room." Linglan patiently explained when he saw the worry of Changxinyuan. One sentence. There is a virtual world in the virtual world, and Ling Lan really does not worry that these will find their flaws.

Ling Lan carefully looked at the players in a circle, and then whispered: "This action is very dangerous, even life-threatening. Now it is too late to withdraw." Li Yuyu and Chang Xinyuan are joining halfway, Ling Lan does not want to force them. Take risks with their team.

When it comes to the danger of life, everyone looks shocked, and several people in Qilong quickly recovered. They were born and died together with Ling Lan from an early age, and they are not afraid of this. However, Li Yuyu and Chang Xinyuan’s eyes flashed a little doubt. They don’t know where this life’s danger is, because in the virtual world, even if they die, they will not really die. At most, their current characters will start again. Wasting some time.

Only Li Lanfeng heard a slight change in his face. He thought of something and looked at Ling Lan’s eyes. Become darker and firmer.

Everyone is silent. Although Li Yuyu is addicted to military medical research, he is extremely intelligent. He understands that Ling Lan’s sentence is actually to him and Chang Xinyuan, so he replied categorically: "Since I decided to join Lingtian The team, that means I am willing to live and die with the Lingtian team. No matter now or in the future."

Li Yuyu’s words were puns, Ling Lan raised his eyebrows in amazement, and the surprise in his eyes flashed. Another meaning implied in Li Yuyu's words is that in real life, he will make the same choice.

Chang Xinyuan listened to Li Yuyu's words and nodded, saying that he was the same. People who like to engage in mechanical research do not have so many curved and thoughtful thoughts. He did not know that there was something in Li Yuyu's words. He just thought that since he came to do this task, of course he has to do it in the end, and he is not a person who flees, otherwise he will not be able to fight Lei Wang for three years.

"If that's the case. Then act." Ling Lan saw it, turned decisively, and the first step into the thick night.

The players saw the situation and silently stepped out of their firm steps. They didn't know it at this time, and this step came out. This life was caught in a hurricane, followed by the birth of his captain until the end of their life.

As soon as they left the accommodation room, the door closed quietly, and in the room, the three were still very familiar...

The direction of Linglan is in the corner of the west side of the base. Here, during the day, it is a large dining hall where soldiers can eat. Once there is a meal, it will become full of people, and in the evening, except for the warehouse, it is the most In a quiet place, no one will come at all. Everyone did not know that there was a small secret base under the ground of the large dining hall.

There is no one on duty in the big dining hall, but Ling Lan knows that under the reminder of Xiaosi, there are at least three top hackers who control countless hidden surveillance equipment and perform carpet-type sweeping around, that is, even one Only the ants climbed from here, they can see clearly.

In this way, almost no one can sneak into their eyes, unless they come to the top hackers, taking control of the monitoring equipment from them in order to enter smoothly. But in this way, they will definitely find out immediately that this is one of the reasons why d1 thinks nothing is wrong.

It’s just that they can’t think of it. There is such a magical existence in the world. It’s just under the eyes of the three top hackers, they have successfully done their hands and feet and passed the false pictures to these hackers, so that hackers think that here everything is normal.

Ling Lan came to the big dining hall here, and patiently waited for the response of Xiaosi. After one minute, he saw that the fourth child held the v-shaped gesture and screamed his ass, and he realized that Xiaosi was successful.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Ling Lan directly pointed a finger and flew the smug of Xiao Si directly. In order to prevent the small four from being too proud of unnecessary omissions, Ling Lan resolutely carried out a cruel blow, so that Xiao 4 will never be complacent.

Ling Lan gestured to the team members behind him, and she walked to the entrance of the dining hall without any cover. Everyone can’t help but feel secret, so it’s really okay to go over in the past?

Li Lanfeng saw that the front step was firm, but she was thin and abnormal, and her heart was full of enthusiasm. Compared with other people who did not understand the hacker's ability, Li Lanfeng was the clearest. Ling Lan was so bold because she had already controlled the monitor here. It is. And in such a short period of time, Ling Lan's hacking ability will definitely not be lower than the king.

He thought of the legendary king-level hacker in the bombing of the headquarters of the squadron. I am afraid it is Linglan himself. The stronger the rabbit is, the more he should be proud and proud. But deep down, a sense of crisis is getting stronger and stronger, just like the person he is chasing is getting farther and farther away from him.

Never let the rabbit kneel down! Li Lanfeng secretly gritted his teeth. In the past, he had been worried about his physical reasons. He had been restrained in practicing the mechs. Even if the pressure that Lei Wang gave him was so great, he still did not let him change his practice and blindly practiced.

Li Lanfeng always knows what he wants to do and will not easily change his plan. But now, he has an urgent desire to become stronger*. He felt that if he continued to do so, he would not be able to keep up with the pace of the rabbit, and he might be farther and farther away from him. In the end, he could only regretfully become a passenger in the life of the rabbit.

He Li Lanfeng, never accepting such a passer-by, even if it is an important passenger, he does not bother. Because he wants to have a long-lasting friendship with the rabbit, until both of them are white-haired, they can still enjoy the wine together, look back, and laugh at the ups and downs.

This is the greed that Li Lanfeng had when she lost her contact with the rabbit at the age of 13 and regretted it. Seven years later, God gave him the opportunity to renew his friendship. He never thought about losing again.

The door was quickly opened, and Ling Lan took the players directly into the canteen, while the entrance to the secret base was in the small kitchen of the cafeteria. The kitchenette is only for the highest commander of the base, and the chef is also the commander of the commander. In order to ensure the safety of the commander's diet, the small kitchen does not allow other idlers to enter at will, which also protects the privacy and security of the secret base.

Ling Lan is familiar with the road to the small kitchen. In the face of this situation, Qilong has become accustomed to it. They think this is the strength of Ling Lan. Only Li Lanfeng curiously picked an eyebrow, because he knew that the hacker did not have the ability to find the entrance in an instant, nor the ability to sense secrets from a distance. Because the virtual ability also has these boundaries, only a close distance can play a role.

Li Lanfeng does not know the existence of Xiaosi. As a kind of agent, Xiaosi is not restricted by hackers and imaginary powers. This also makes the fourth is the unique existence of the virtual world. Imagine that if all hackers and imaginary abilities have the ability to be small four, then this virtual world is really chaotic.

Just entering the small kitchen, the position of the chef's spoon broke open. Ling Lan jumped without hesitation. Xiao 4 had already presented the following situation in Ling Lan's mind three-dimensionally.

The distance between the entrance and the bottom is about 20 meters. At this distance, Ling Lan jumped down and there was no problem at all. Seeing that the boss has set an example, Qilong jumped without hesitation. Li Yuyu thought for a moment and jumped decisively. Chang Xinyuan hesitated a moment. This jumped, and Li Lanfeng finally pressed. As a virtual person, he must constantly monitor the situation behind him to ensure that he is safe and no one is tracking.

Although Li Lanfeng's approach is somewhat redundant, Xiaosi will control the range of several kilometers around the team. There will be some wind and grass, and the fourth will know. However, Ling Lan will not tell the truth. Once she has to give Li Lanfeng the opportunity to accelerate his integration into the team. On the other hand, some things should be concealed. After all, the existence of Xiaosi is too strange, really honest, she also explained that the existence of Xiaosi, she simply confessed Li Lanfeng's behavior, but also let Qilong, they are happy for Li Lanfeng's participation. Sure enough, the team has one more hacker, and their safety is much safe.

Unconsciously, Li Lanfeng slowly integrated into the Linglan team. Qilong, they more or less felt the importance of Li Lanfeng. They no longer only use Li Lanfeng as a squad's thug (the lowest position of the thug, because it can be replaced anytime and anywhere). It is a member of the real team.


In the next few days, I will slowly take the time to update and I will not update it later. This latest pregnancy test was told that I can’t stay up late...()

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