Chapter 30, 08: Pick up the mission!

The first time I met, the five people in Qilong and the machine were all repaired. They felt that the person who was thinking of the sky felt quite good, and the gentle attitude made people feel like a spring breeze. Only love is priceless, that is, Li Yuyu is somewhat confused, because the other party's breath gives him a familiar and intimate feeling, just as Li Lanfeng gave him the same feeling...

Li Yuyu couldn't help but shake her head and laughed that she was too sensitive. Maybe this person is a very good-tempered person like Li Lanfeng, so he feels similar... Li Yuyu knows that he is sensitive to this kind of atmosphere because of the lobby brother. This body also has this kind of atmosphere, but the lobby brother can not become a mech-warrior in the real world like Li Lanfeng, and it is impossible to enter the mech world to become a senior mech-like person like Nian Tianren.

Although the mech world is a virtual world, its promotion is still combined with the physical conditions of the registrant in real life. The real body does not meet the standard of promotion. In the virtual world, there is no way to advance.

Therefore, Li Yuyu did not think about the possibility that her brother in the lobby could enter the mech world and become a senior mech. His inertial thinking made him miss the opportunity to discover the truth. It was only after many years that he suddenly realized that he had already touched the truth at the beginning, but he ignored the past.

After several people met each other, Ling Lan took them to the capital city of Hongyang City, where they took over the task of setting up the team. Ling Lan wanted to complete this task today.

In the square, all the squadrons watched the team rush to the city government. Basically, they must definitely set up a team, and they couldn’t help but sigh... Why aren’t they one of them?

There is a good armor who can't look at other people. I can't help but curse in the dark: "I hope they are not lucky, they have not received the task..."

In the mech world, the task of establishing a team is not so easy to pick up. The source of the tasks currently published in the official forums is really strange and different. It was received directly from the city owner, and was also received from the office of the city government. There is also a team that is even more wonderful to receive from a city owner's house sweeping clean old people, and even the team has not been able to receive the task several times... Not only that, but also the task is also difficult, some teams are lucky When it's good, the task is super simple, and it's very likely that you will get a letter to get the building token. Thus, the team is successfully established, while some are difficult, and the group may not be completed several times.

Therefore, my heart is awkward. Without the team's individual players, it is inevitable that such resentment will be issued. I hope that these squad missions that are qualified to stand the team will fail.

Conversation with the mechs guarded by the gate of the city government. Knowing that the task can only be entered by the team leader, Ling Lan let them wait for her at the gate of the city government. Then I talked to the mechs and chose to build the team mission. The next second was sent to the city government. Once inside the city government, it will automatically separate from the mech, and it will appear in the original face. Otherwise, the tall mech must be flattened.

The location of the transmission is random. Just as the task is also random, Ling Lan came to the corridor. This makes Ling Lan could not help but frown. To know that the best is to transfer to the hall of the city hall, so it is convenient to find the office or the main office of the city. The success rate of the task is much higher, and the corridor is hard to say. Because you don't know which one you choose to export, it's all about luck.

Can you really take a chance? Ling Lan did not look anxiously to find a way out, but stood still and thought about it calmly.

It is said that the establishment of the team should not be limited so much. After all, the formation of the team can organize the individual aircraft, and greatly cultivate the cooperation between the mechs and the energy of the mech. It can be said that this pre-established team mode will enter the legion of the whole team, which obviously reduces the running-in period of the army recruits, and can form a very high combat power in a very short time.

Undoubtedly, this is an extremely excellent model of all-people soldiers. At the crucial moment, ordinary people can be transformed into a very veteran veteran, and they also have the ability to cooperate with the team.

Why can such a good model limit so much? Even if you take a task, it makes people so unpredictable? Ling Lan couldn't help but think of the relevant assessments when the Scouts entered the school and the military school enrolled. She is a flash of light, is this also an assessment? It’s just that they’re the captains of the team... The federation needs a good captain to lead the players to grow together, not the captains who are incapable of overcoming the team’s future.

This kind of thinking can also explain why the establishment of the team in the mech world will limit so much, Ling Lan even thinks that those captains who can not get the task, in fact, are not bad luck on the bright side, but enter After the city government, his choices and actions were judged by the main brain of the mech world as unsuitable as captains, so he lost the qualification to take over the task.

In other words, after entering the city government, the assessment of the captain has already begun!

Ling Lan thought of this, could not help the forehead black line, how much love in the world is secretly assessed, even if you play a game, you can't escape this level... Ling Lan, who has the judgment, of course raised his own 12 points. After all, this is related to the establishment of the team, she is not for herself, but also for her younger brothers and friends.

"Small four, the corridor is broken into small pictures, can not let go of a small corner, I have to understand everything here." Ling Lan finally opened the door to the small four.

The small four or two words do not say, directly divide the picture of the corridor into a number of pictures, and then placed in Ling Lan's mech screen, Ling Lan from the first picture, click and pull in to study, in a short while, will All the pictures are finished.

Ling Lan’s brows are getting wrinkled and tighter, because she didn’t see anything different. It should be said that the corridor is absolutely normal, only two mouths, one is Ling Lan’s body, it is estimated to be imported, and the other is at the end of the corridor. It should be an export...

Is it my heart? Ling Lan couldn't help but think about it. Suddenly, he thought of something. He suddenly chose one of the pictures. It was the corner of the corridor. Next to it was a large garden with a gardener working hard.

When she took over the task, there was such a strange person in the garden. Ling Lan felt that this was very problematic.

"Small four, this gardener, give me a good check." Ling Lan pointed to the sweaty gardener in the picture, and told the little four.

Xiaosi immediately took the lead and began to turn the ins and outs of the gardener's presence. Finally, he came back with excitement and looked at Linglan with his eyes shining. He said, "Boss, as you might expect, this People are very problematic. "If the boss doesn't feel that something is wrong, the little four who did not take the initiative to pry into the peep will miss the opportunity to understand the truth.

Ling Lan heard the answer from Xiaosi, and suddenly he said: "If there is a problem, who is he?"

"He is not a gardener, but he is the owner of the city's main government, and he promotes the city's owner Luo Yuxuan." Xiaosi proudly replied, as long as he wants to check, even if the main brain of the mech world can hide it, he can't escape his little four. The eyes of the fire.

"That said, the task of setting up the team is on his body." Linglan's mouth was slightly tilted, and it really took no effort, and his luck was really good. However, the main brain of the mech world is very mean. Even a city owner is disguised as a gardener. If she does not carefully study the situation of the corridor, she may go all the way to the end. If she does not know where it is, it is very likely that the task will not be received.

"He appeared on the road to the boss's mission, and it is the head here. It is estimated that it will not leave ten." Xiaosi also recognized Ling Lan's judgment that the mission must be on the owner's body.

Since the goal was found, Ling Lan went straight to the gardener and waited quietly for the gardener to finish the work. Ling Lan’s patience is very good, and she thinks that when others work, don’t bother. ,

When the gardener planted the saplings in his hand and was about to take a tree seedling from behind him, Ling Lan, who was standing behind him, was shocked. He changed his face and pointed Ling Ling angrily and asked: "Hey, Why are you standing behind me? Don't you know that this is scary?"

"Scared? If an ordinary gardener, maybe this is possible, but is you really an ordinary gardener?" Ling Lan said faintly, with her cold face, the attitude can not be said to be good. However, Ling Lan did not know at this time, because she always talks with whom she is.

"I am not an ordinary gardener. Who are you? You are a mad I must tell the city owner to drive you out..." Ling Lan couldn’t call a polite expression and words. The gardener was angry.

Ling Lan heard that the eyebrows were picking up, and the corner of the mouth was slightly swayed: "Are you old or not the city owner?" Ling Lan’s expression is obviously ridiculous in the eyes of the gardener. It seems that it is interesting to play this idiot game. ?

The gardener's face suddenly became extremely difficult to look at, and his heart was so angry that he was too arrogant. He even dared to laugh at me. He didn't know how to respect the old. So, his perception of Ling Lan fell directly from the general. Negative value.

Poor Linglan has long been accustomed to holding a frozen face. In fact, the curvature is still squeezed out by Linglan. I hope that the city owner will give her a good impression and be able to give the task refreshed, and not too difficult. It’s just that her painstaking efforts are in vain. Sometimes she often wants to do good things. In fact, the more she gets worse, the Ling Lan is so.

The gardener did not seem to want to give Ling Lan's mission. Although Ling Lan had already broken his real body, he still did not hear it. He just let Ling Lan leave the garden and not disturb his work. (to be continued

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