Chapter 307: Team members!

Although Han Jijun and Qi Long are pitiful, Li Yuyu, who seems to be extremely sad and seemingly innocent, can deeply admire the boss’s big hand and tie Li Yuyu to their chariot.

After all, the team has such outstanding military doctors as Li Yuyu. Once they enter the battlefield, their lives will have a guarantee. Linglan undoubtedly added a talisman to them. Thinking of this, the five people in Zilong are more grateful and respectful to Lan Lao.

As for the other two newcomers mentioned by Lan’s boss, Qilong’s few people are not very clear. They only know that one of them is a mech-reformer and the other is the main-armor mech controller.

Time is coming soon to 13 o'clock. Lin Zhongqing, who has been observing the surrounding situation, suddenly shouted in the channel: "Don't talk, the boss is coming!"

Several people who were in full swing were still standing still, and they turned around to look for the boss. They saw their right front, and the three mechs were approaching them quickly. Two of them were intermediate mechs, and the other one was another. It is a high-level mech.

"There should be one of the two intermediate mechs." Lin Zhongqing added that he often contacted Lan's boss and knew the level of Ling Lan's current mech.

When the voice just fell, the three mechs stopped in front of them. The five people received Ling Ling’s private letter almost at the same time, let them join her team. After Qi Long received the private letter, he immediately dismissed the team of the five of them, and then received a notice of invitation from Ling Lan.

All the machines are repaired and the screen flashes quickly on Ling Tian fighting, Ling Tian abacus, Ling Tian package, Ling Tianjian knife, Ling Tian substitute several unified names in the name of Ling Tian before the name, one by one to join Ling Tian a line The team, the heart suddenly excited.

Some time ago, he was still guilty of his future, because he did not know if he would be accepted by the team. His grievances with Lei Wang, in the mech world, have also been a sensation, it is estimated that the powerful team of this past will not be willing to accept him and offend some of the forces in the mech world.

And if he wants to graduate smoothly from the military academy. You must join a team, otherwise you will not be able to complete the relevant courses. At a time when he was somewhat confused about the future, he couldn’t help but think that Ling Tian’s line had taken the initiative to contact him and asked him at the door. Have any interest in joining his team.

This is undoubtedly a life-saving straw. The machine wants to agree to the first reaction. Fortunately, he is still rational, calm down, and wants to join the consequences. He can’t help people who have helped him, even though Ling Tian’s line is indeed Very strong.

So the machine will ask Ling Tian a line without repair, why should I invite him to join the team? Also asked Ling Tian first line to know the consequences of inviting him to join? That will offend the power of the King of Thunder, which may affect the future development of the first team of Lingtian.

I didn’t expect Ling Tian’s first line to return only four words: “How about that?”

This made the machine all touched and very speechless, and he asked Ling Tian a line. Doesn't he want his team to develop? You must know that the powerful forces have been oppressive to find trouble, and even destroy all the tasks that have been taken. His team will never be able to develop, and can only survive under the influence of Lei Wang. I believe this is not the result that Ling Tian wants to see. .

I did not expect that Ling Tian did not answer his question. Just ask the machine all the time, do you dare to fight with him once?

Ling Tian did not say anything. He was not afraid of Lei Wang, or he said that as long as he was far away from the power of Lei Wang, these extremely empty words, he simply asked the machine to repair Bobo, proving that he had long thought of the invitation machine to join. The serious consequences of the team. This means that his invitation is not a momentary impulse, but a thoughtful one.

All the machines were repaired and heard the question of Ling Tian. No hesitation, I promised it. All the machines remembered that when he promised to come down, his tears flowed uncontrollably. Perhaps one person was against the huge Thunderwang force. His heart was already very tired. Suddenly there was a willingness to support him to accompany him. friend. His heart is like a shot of strength, and hope again. The machine swears secretly, if he and Ling Tianyi really smashed this level, he will serve the team of Lingtian first-line team for a lifetime, and the comrades in trouble and suffering will be worthy of his life.

It is very clear that the machine is repaired. If there is no invitation from the team, he will only have two roads, one is to retain his self-esteem, and finally he will drop out of school, while the other is to lower his proud head, break his proud bones, give up his self-esteem, become the king of Lei Wang. ... These two roads, he does not want to choose which one, Ling Tian first-line invitation is undoubtedly the third road to survive every time ... Although the future is awkward, but the machine is all willing to go to Bo.

"The machine will be repaired, it will be the future armor reformer of our team. If you have any problems on your mech, you can find him directly." Ling Lan pointed to the thoughts of thousands of machines and repaired them to others.

"Ah, you are the one who was oppressed by the King of Thunder and was going to go nowhere." Ling Tian was the substitute, and Xie Yi was the first to exclaim.

As a representative of the team's external communication, Xie Yi has been collecting all the information in the military school. Of course, he is very clear about the things he has repaired. He knows that the machines are all in real life, but now they are only virtual in the mech world. The team, Xie Yi is also not clear whether the machine is a fixed member or a temporary signing team member, so before Lan Laos did not directly indicate his identity, he still carefully used the name in the mech world to call the machine.

"Ah, you know it too..." The machine laughed and laughed. I didn't expect his things to be spread so widely.

"Yeah, in the novice town, it has been blocked for nearly three years. I have not succeeded in taking a step. Your deeds have been greatly promoted in the official forum of the mech world. I have inadvertently seen it." Xie Yi smiled Go back.

"It seems that after three years, Lei Wang still didn't want to let me go." The machine is all embarrassing. "I am very grateful to Ling Tian for inviting me to join the team. But now you also know that Lei Wang has refused so far. Let me go, once I join the team, I will be in trouble later. If you disagree, it is still too late."

"Why don't you agree? The boss decided to do everything, of course we all support it." Ling Tianjian knife, that is, Luo Lang directly back.

"Lingtian is the boss of your line?" The machine was all exclaimed. He never imagined that Ling Tian, ​​who controlled the intermediate mech like him, turned out to be the boss of these senior mechs. However, the surprise of the machine was quickly disappeared, because he thought that when Ling Tian was in the control of the rabbit internship, it was shocking. Perhaps for some reason, the other party has not changed for a better mech. . Nothing to repair and start to infinitely beautify Lingtian line, no one wants to believe that the powerful Lingtian line is really just an intermediate mech in the mech world...

"This is the pricelessness of our love, our future doctors." Ling Lan pointed to the pricelessness of the love, said faintly, far from the introduction of the machine all carefully.

All the machines repaired and heard the introduction of Ling Tian's first line but the silence is still priceless. Although he came with the other party, Ling Tian did not introduce him to the other party at the beginning. And this way, love has no price, no snoring, it seems a little cold and not very good. The machine is all about dark dreams. The other party is also like him. It was recently invited by Ling Tian to join the team. Because the name of the other party is the same as him, it is not Ling Tian.

Different from the enthusiasm for repairing the machine, Lingtian fighting five people heard the introduction of Ling Tian's first line, suddenly silenced, and then the channel only heard a few low welcome voices, like some perfunctory, but also like the spirit Lack of confidence. The last awkward welcome was from Lingtian fighting.

"Love brother, the younger brother's body will be handed over to you, but please don't make any more accidents..." After the welcome, it was a paragraph of Lingtian fighting, with a bit of wry smile, still with A trace of fear, this makes the machine all curious to look at the love is priceless, is there any mystery here?

Originally, it seemed to be priceless and boring. When I heard Ling Tian’s fighting, I seriously said: “I will not commit twice the same mistake. Please rest assured.” Li Lanfeng can no longer remain cold in the face of his own responsible person. Go on, even though he doesn't see much about the captain of Ling Lan.

At this time, Ling Tian’s abacus, that is, Han Jijun seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a bit dull, and he transferred the topic and asked: “Boss, don’t you say that there are three new people, and one more?”

Ling Lan replied: "I have told him to come over."

When the voice just fell, I saw a high-speed mech flying high-speed, and then suddenly stopped in front of them, there is no such inertia This action fully proves that the opponent's control is extremely powerful Let Qilong Luolang’s eyes suddenly slam, and they can see that the other’s control is absolutely top-notch, especially Qilong, and the heart is burning a war. I really want to fight with each other immediately. See who is better.

The team owner soon saw a message on the screen of his mech: Tiantian was joined by the people.

"Looking at the sky, another member of our team, the mech controller, is a combat member." Ling Lan said. Everyone greeted the people with enthusiasm. Only Han Jijun greeted him and raised his eyebrows slightly, because he felt that his boss was introducing the celestial person. Although his tone was as dull as before, he still heard some differences, which made Han Jijun’s confession People pay attention to it.

When I saw the first names of the same lines as the Lingtian line, I know that these five people must be the most fixed members of the Lingtian team. They greeted them with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. Tian Yu is also not sloppy. Since he wants to truly integrate into the Ling Tian team, he must establish a good relationship with each team member. Li Lanfeng does not dare to relax.


Only one more, tomorrow night should be added.

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