The 30th chapter: sss level!

Ling Lan really has no choice but to open the door and say: "Luo Xuan Xuan, I am here to pick up the task of building the team, we will not circle again, each other wasting time."

When I heard Ling Lan directly called out his name, the city owner Luo Yixuan knew that he was definitely seen by the other party. Because of the external, his message is to promote the city owner, the name will not be displayed. It is very likely that the other party has found a hint to find out his true body elsewhere. This also shows that he can't give up the task of establishing a team.

But he didn't want to be so cheap. He didn't know how to be polite. When he got a chance, he released a big turntable and said coldly: "Give you a task, but if you can get it, look at your own luck."

Ling Lan saw the familiar big turntable, but the inside is no longer a variety of mechs, but the task selection of the team. Even more than half of them are failed words. I know that this is definitely the owner of Luoxuan. Handwriting. She thought of going to the rabbit armor twice, and couldn’t help but feel guilty, in case she was not lucky...

Ling Lan did not worry about the words of failure. Because she had failed for a week, she could continue to pick up the task. She glanced at the shocking sss-level task in the big turntable, and couldn’t help but swallow a sip of her mouth. If I go to this, it is definitely more sad than failure. According to her, the sss-level task has not been completed yet. She does not want to spend this life on this task.

"How? I am afraid that you can choose to give up directly, and come back next week." Luo Yanxuan, the city owner, embraced his chest with his hands and was cold and authentic.

Oh, her luck can't always be so bad! Ling Lan will not choose to give up, she decisively pressed the handle of the big turntable, and saw the big turntable began to turn quickly, Ling Lan rubbed his mouth, and prayed in the heart not to really have a sss-level task... The turntable finally stopped.

Ling Lan was the first time to look at her own hands, her hands are so white and tender. Why is the hand so dark, even she began to hate, what sss level task I want to change when I turn, don’t you know that the more you don’t want it, what will it come from?

Ling Lan wanted to cry at this time. I couldn't help but sigh in the sky. It turned out that the big turntable really was in harmony with her. In the end, the pointer decisively pointed to the task of the three-story difficulty. Ling Lan thought for the first time whether she should choose to give up and wait for next week.

But before Ling Ling chose, he saw the city owner who was also shocked by this result. He quickly woke up, and he took a token from his pocket and threw it into Ling Lan’s arms. Then... go straight away.

Listening to the laughter of the gloating glory of the city owner who has not disappeared, Ling Lan silently looked at the task token in his hand, and the blue veins in the brain could not help but pumped it... Even if the city owner did not wait to see her, he could not be so irresponsibly Drop the task token and run, at least for a mission introduction. It is really irresponsible to make some useful suggestions. Ling Lan decided that she would complain to the city owner of the city, and it would not be so shameful to do it.

Linglan had no way to look at the token information herself. She just put the token right and a piece of information flashed out of the mech's screen.

"Set up the team mission, mission level: sss level; mission content: the Xunyun border stationed troops Xunlong fleet sent a very hidden distress signal a month ago. Because it is too short, the federal military can not determine whether it is a mistake It’s still true. Although the investigation team was sent to investigate in the past, no abnormalities were found. Although it shows that everything is normal, the Federal Military Department did not fully believe that it was decided to secretly send a folk adventure team to the nebula boundary to find out. What the signal is for, to complete the task, the Federation will officially grant the folk adventure team to the official team of the military, while enjoying the same level of military treatment..."

"Sure enough, it is a sss level task, it is really troublesome." Ling Lan saw the introduction of the task. The mood has become very bad. This task is not simple. First, the people who are going to contact are not clear. Second, the situation of the nebula boundary is unknown. Third, as a folk adventurer, enter the place where the federal army controls... It is definitely looking for death, a fleet, even inside. The people can squander their entire team and drown them all.

What's more, how secret they go to the nebula boundary is also extremely difficult. In short, this task, from the beginning, is difficult to do, the more difficult it is to get to the back. Also, Ling Lan did not believe that the military had really sent only their team. It is very likely that when they acted, the military also sent a team of investigation teams to secretly sneak into the nebula border investigation. After all, they are only the target of attracting the defenders of the nebula border.

"Perhaps, giving up is better for us." Ling Lan believes that this task is currently impossible to complete with the strength of the team.

Ling Lan is not a blind and confident person. When the difficulty of the task is different from the strength of the team, Ling Lan calmly chooses to give up because she does not want to take risks with her partners, even in the game, although the game The death in the death is not really death, but Ling Lan is afraid that he will develop a character that is adventurous. This kind of character is unacceptable. In real life, it is likely to harm everyone. Ling Lan is always alert.

Ling Lan, who has the decision, doesn't want to, and throws the token directly on the ground. In the mech world, whether it is equipment, materials, pharmacy or materials, as long as it is thrown to the place, it will be refreshed as soon as it is. The same is true for the task token. As long as you choose to discard, the main brain will determine that the task has failed... Then you can re-take the task after one week. Of course, after the failure, the person picking up the task will pay a price. Linglan thinks it is worth more than the innocent risk. .

However, what happened nextly showed that Ling Lan’s abacus was wrong, because when Ling Lan chose to discard it, the system actually suggested that the task was bound and could not be abandoned... that is, the task she received was A dead order, no refusal.

Seeing this prompt, Ling Lan sitting in the control cabin couldn't help but point the **** to the screen: Hey, the main brain, you are too shameless!

However, since it has become a reality, Ling Lan has not been discouraged and panic, she decided to go back and discuss with the partners how to complete this task.

Ling Lan quickly returned from the original road, and sent back from the entrance to the gate of the city's main government. Linglan, who returned to the outside of the palace, resumed the middle-level mech again. When Qi Long and others saw the boss, they were excited to ask Ling Lan. Is it a task?

Ling Lan did not answer, but asked them to find a quiet place, and then shared the information of the task to them. Everyone saw the content suddenly silent.

Ling Lan smiled, it seems that this task is still shocked to the partners, she just wanted to explain, I heard Qilong excitedly screaming: "Boss, you are too arrogant, even received hundreds of years have not appeared After the sss-level task, I really followed the boss, there is something to do..."

"Yeah, I didn't expect to do this kind of stimulating thing so quickly." Xie Yi is equally excited.

"I just thought about it. The boss may give us a very difficult task. I didn't expect the boss to be a sss class. My courage is still not as good as the boss." Han Jijun sighed.

Han Jijun has always tried to understand Ling Lan's mind as the highest goal, but it turns out that he still failed this time. The boss is even more embarrassed than he imagined, but this is their boss and always do things that others can't do. Han Jijun did not know that this task was **** Ling Lan’s head, not Ling Lan’s initiative.

"In any case, the boss decided what to do, what do I do." Luo Lang had no idea at all, he had long decided to follow the boss unswervingly.

"If this level of task, I have prepared the material defects that I had prepared before, I have to fill it up as soon as possible." Lin Zhongqing has now directly thought about how to make up for it, and has no idea about this level of task.

Ling Lan looked at the group of people who were daring, and the forehead suddenly had a few black lines: Yes, she forgot, few of her partners were normal people, I thought they were scared, it was definitely her brain short circuit. Thoughts.

Ling Lan turned to look at other silent three people, thinking that the three should be shocked... After all, like her few non-normal partners are still a minority.

Therefore, Ling Lan opened his mouth and said nothing to the machine: "The machine is all repaired, this task is unexpectedly difficult, invite you to join the team, you can consider it again." Machines are all repaired after all. If they can't complete the task, Ling Lan doesn't want to drag on the machine.

"No, I want to join the team, and I have to go with you..." The machine rushed back and heard the words of Ling Lan. "I was just excited. I actually participated in the sss-level mission. It’s unbelievable.” The sound of the machine is full of The sss-level mission that is rare in a hundred years is indeed very necessary, and I believe you need my treatment more. ability. "Love has no price to change the past indifferent, become very active, and the sss-level task is equally attractive to him.

Linglan’s mouth couldn’t help but pumped it. Hey, what kind of team members did she collect? One task that is more than normal, even if it’s not suitable for ordinary people, so longing... She couldn’t help but look at it. Heaven is by people, her leopard should be like a normal person...

Li Lanfeng touched his chin and asked with interest: "You said, will the rewards obtained for this task be legendary?"

"Legend level?" Everyone took a breath... Ling Lan seems to have heard the numerous sounds of drip from the mech channel.

Ling Lan is speechless, and she really can't have high hopes for her team members. It is not a member of a normal person (shemale), nor a normal person...


The second is more complete! so tired! Everyone has to go to bed early!

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