The instructors held these research reports in silence, and only after a long time they discussed them carefully. After talking with the instructors, Li Yuyu bit his teeth and went to Linglan to apologize: "Our pharmacy has been used by countless people, and there has not been a situation like Qi Long, which is likely to be a special physical problem. But anyway, this is our mistake, sorry, Ling Lan."

"I'm sorry, I just want to know, is there any sequelae in the future of this alignment?" Ling Lan's cold eyes directly directed at Li Yuyu seemed to warn Li Yuyu not to want to get away with it.

"I don't know, because this is a special situation, I have never seen it before, so I don't know if Chiron will have related symptoms in the future, but I can be sure that this medicine will not align with the body of the dragon." Sexual damage can even be said that even if it occurs later, it will only bring benefits, not disadvantages."

In fact, Li Yuyu wants to say no, this is just an unexpected situation, but in the responsibility of the patient, Li Yuyu can't say it. He doesn't know. Qi Long's situation is a temporary one, or it will lurk for a lifetime. After all, Qilong The situation is too weird, and no one can say no.

Ling Lan heard that the violent momentum rose again. She suddenly grasped the white shackles of Li Yuyu's chest and pulled him to her face. She looked murderously: "What is the permanent damage? What is it? Every episode is good? You know, Qilong will go to the battlefield in the future. If this kind of emergency happens in normal times, we can also send it directly to the doctor for treatment. If it happens to be on the battlefield, on the battlefield, As long as there is a mistake, this will kill him. Do you think that in this situation, can Qilong survive?"

Ling Lan’s question made Li Yuyu’s mouth move weakly. Indeed, Ling Lan’s situation is likely to happen. If the drug attack on the battlefield, waiting for Qilong’s fate is death, the enemy will not wait for Qilong’s death. For a while.

Li Yuyu has a flaw in his heart. Although he intended to be good, he wants to add some strength to his friends. But he can't think that this medicine is not suitable for all physique people... Their previous clinical verification has loopholes. And imperfections.

At this time, I thought that the mentor of the Military Medical Research Center came over and apologized with deep apology: "Sorry, this student’s reaction is something we have never discovered. We must know that we have tens of thousands of people using this medicine. There may never be the same case as this classmate. This may be a special case, but it is undeniable that this is the mistake of our military medical research center, we will be responsible, what are your requirements, though, as long as we can do it. ”

When Ling Lan heard the instructor come out, he let go of the hand that grabbed Li Yuyu’s chest and faintly said: "Requirement? My request is only one, that is, my brother must not be killed because of this potion, as long as you can solve this. One thing, I can think of nothing as happening..."

Ling Lan’s request made the instructor feel uncomfortable: “Sorry, this classmate, we have not yet developed a drug that can relieve this condition in an instant. It may take a while to...”

The instructor can't promise. After all, they always thought that this was only the reaction that occurred after the injection of the drug. As long as it was over, it was not done. It was not considered to alleviate these reactions, because the gene S changed the drug only to break through the tear. The pain of the patient can get more benefits for the patient's body. At most, like Qi Long, add a little recovery agent, restore some physical strength and mental strength, help the patient to support the past...

“How long will it take? One year? Two years? Three years? Or five years? Ten years? Even longer?” Ling Lan’s mouth hangs a hint of ridicule, and the eyes of the teacher are somewhat embarrassing, but he There is no way to refute Ling Lan's words. The military medical professional's tutors have always used data to say that they can't say a specific time for things that have not been studied yet. As Ling Lan said, it may take ten or eight years.

"Don't you ask my brother to be on the death line during your time to study the remedy? One accident, it will become the first victim of your pharmacy?" Ling Lan sneered back.

"No, we don't have this kind of thinking. If we can, we can give the military a physical examination. Qilong students can be saved from the battlefield and become a logistics soldier..." The instructor explained hurriedly and proposed him. A solution that can be thought of.

"Teacher, do you know what our profession is? We are a professional in the armor. We chose this major because we want to fight on the front line of the battlefield, instead of hiding behind to be a coward. Your proposal is undoubtedly insulting. I also insulted my brother." Ling Lan heard the words and shouted.

Ling Lan’s anger and anger made the tutor deeper and felt that he had lost his word. He hurriedly said, “That, what do you want to do?”

Ling Lan's cold eyes swept a circle of military medical research centers. Everyone couldn't help but bow down and dare not look at it. At this time, the audience was overwhelmed by Ling Lan's arrogant momentum, including those who were ruthless. Mentors.

I only heard Ling Lan slowly said: "I hope that the military doctors who graduated from the military medical research discipline will join my team. Long-term treatment will monitor the physical condition of my brother, because those who receive your treatment, in addition to the problems that are now in the Chiron, there are My other brother, Luo Lang!” Ling Lan pointed to Luo Lang who continued behind him. “I can’t be sure if this brother will have such a situation. After all, he received old injuries after receiving treatment here. The recurrence."

Ling Lan’s line of sight was on Li Yuyu, and Li Yuyu’s brow was slightly wrinkled. Regarding Luo Lang’s injury, Li Yuyu’s heart was very positive. This is not their problem, but he can’t afford strong evidence now. He can only pick up this black pot. .

"And the consequences of these two, responsible for the treatment of my two brothers is Li chief, I hope that Li Chief assumes this responsibility, become a member of our team, and **** the team members of my team." Ling Lan finally will be their own real The purpose is said.

"No, this is impossible. Military medical students will not join the team. This is the school's regulations." The instructor retorted excitedly that the students from the military medical profession are the most outstanding elite physicians in the medical profession. They need Serving all the soldiers, not just serving a small team, this is too big. In particular, Li Yuyu is the most outstanding talented student in the military medical profession. The mentor has placed high hopes on him and hopes that he will eventually become the most powerful hand of the military in the military field. How could the genius who made them wholeheartedly cultivated, how could they be willing to hand him over to a small team?

"Teacher, as far as I know, the military academy does not have this explicit stipulation. At most, it belongs to the stipulations of the military academy. You should know that there is no clear agreement on everything. It is impossible to break. In fact, both of my brothers are in Li. There is a problem in the hands of the chief. According to the twenty-eighth case of Article 68 of the Military Academy, in the event of an accident (including competition, medical accidents, various dangerous studies, etc.), according to who is responsible for the handling, according to This requirement, my request is not excessive." Ling Lan, while reading the relevant regulations given by Xiao Si, asked the teacher, "Does the military medical research center want to shirk this responsibility? Or do not want to implement this regulation?"

"No, it's not like this, this...this..." The tutor was dumbfounded by Ling Lan's harsh words. He was Li Yuyu, and Ling Lan, who did not stop aiming in front of him, was suddenly anxious. Such as the ants on the hot pot, do not know how to be good.

Other instructors saw the situation, and quickly opened the contact, secretly contacted the director of the military medical profession, I hope he will come over to solve this sudden incident, as Li Yuyu's mentor, they do not hope that Li Yuyu's future can only be in a small team. Development.

At this time, Li Yuyu, who calmly pondered for a long time, suddenly shouted loudly: "I am willing to take responsibility!"

Li Yuyu thinks that Ling Lan is right, not mentioning Luo Lang, the problem of Qilong today is indeed that their military medical research center has made a mistake, and it is he who applied for Qi Long’s use of genetic S to change his medicine. This responsibility cannot be shirked.

Of course, Li Yuyu originally hoped to enter the best treatment department of the military after graduation to study and study more profound medical treatments and therapeutic agents. Because of this, he is more confident in treating the strange illness of the cousin. But he does not want to evade responsibility. Since Qi Long has an accident in his hands, he is willing to use his future to make up for this crime.

Li Yuyu secretly said sorry to his cousin, because his decision will undoubtedly make the cousin suffer more crimes, but he believes that as long as he studies hard, although it is slower in time, he still has confidence to thoroughly treat The weak body of the cousin. It is because of this self-confidence that Li Yuyu will take up his responsibility decisively.

I heard Li Yuyu’s answer to the ironclad Ling Lan’s heart slammed a fist and shouted “YES, success!”

After all my hard work, I finally grabbed the genius into the team. Although her methods were somewhat despicable, for the safety of her brothers, she would have to do it even if she was despicable. Ling Lan has no regrets about her actions. She is not the Virgin. She can't consider the whole army of the whole federation. She can only consider these brothers around me.

Therefore, when Ling Lan looked at Li Yuyu, his eyes were calm and self-sufficient. Ling Lan firmly believes that people do not destroy themselves, and the classic sentences handed down from ancient times will never be wrong.

Subsequently, the director of the military medical rushed to hear that the two parties had reached an enthusiasm, Li Yuyu promised to join the team, suddenly heartbroken. In the face of a firm Li Yuyu, there is no way to change the final decision. Finally, Ling Ling promised not to let Li Yuyu join the team. Because the director did not want other outstanding students in his profession to be bred by more teams...

Ling Lan’s wish has been reached, of course, will not refuse the director’s request, and he has promised it. In this way, Ling Lan’s team first appeared as a military medical student and the only team with a military doctor. At this time, Li Yuyu did not know that his legend is about to kick off.

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