Chapter 305: Question!

In the afternoon of the mech world, it belongs to the promotion city of the big city of the mission. At this time, many mechs sit and rest in an empty space not far from the gate of the city, or they are standing there boring and closing their eyes.

Most of these mechs are high-level mechs, and there are a few low-level and medium-level mechs. They may take time to rest at noon, but more are to find like-minded friends, or wait to join a team ready to complete the task. However, the team lacking majors, perhaps this is their chance to join the team...

Yes, here is the gathering place of the squadrons. If there is no team, they will come here to try their luck and see if they have the opportunity to join a certain team. Even if they are temporary, they are better than they are. . You know, to become stronger, joining the team is a must, because after you want to become stronger from the high-level mech, you have to go to a more difficult place to explore and do the task, and all of this has a premise. That is, you must have a team, otherwise you will not be able to access these tasks, and you will not be able to enter those dangerous places.

As mentioned above, not everyone has the possibility to join the team, and the formation of the team, only the privilege of military students or military personnel. Therefore, the number of individual passenger aircraft, in the mech world is extremely large.

At one corner of the venue, there is a row of high-grade mechs sitting side by side on the ground, sitting on the same chin movement, five armor one action, it seems a bit unique, this is obviously a group of mechs, let other mechs around For the sake of it, envy, and even a lot of mechs intentionally or unconsciously walked in front of them, hoping to draw their attention.

Because, as long as there are three mechs to form a mech squad, six can form a mini-team, the squad is guessing whether they are looking for the last person, and then to do the task of building a team. Whether it is or not. As long as this is possible, the individual passengers hope that the last lucky one is himself.

At this time, the chat channels of the five mechs are very lively.

"Ah, ah. How come the boss hasn't come yet?" Ling Tian's fighting voice, that is, Qilong's big voice directly suppressed the whispers of several other people.

"The boss is talking about 13 o'clock, now it is only 12:47, and there are 13 minutes. What are you worried about?" As a buddy, Han Jijun, who is called Ling Tian’s abacus, ruthlessly criticized directly, when can this guy As calm as the boss? I know that I have a honest and honest face to deceive people.

"I am not excited, I have to set up a team. I am looking forward to it, there are still a few new people." Qi Long said here. Suddenly snickered.

This made the other people, the face could not help but pumped, especially Luo Lang, but also the black face of Li Yuyu, once again could not help but silently for Li Yuyu. Who told him to be fancy by his boss... This is his life!

Luo Lang’s mind could not help but start thinking about the scene that took place at the Military Medical Research Center...

Ling Lan was braving the cold, glaring at the five big three thick, Qi Lun, who was curled up at this time, took a few people with Luo Lang and violently killed the military medical research center.

Luo Luo actually did not know why Qi Long suddenly became ill, but Lan Lan said that it was time to find Li Yuyu. Along the way. They already know that the purpose of Lan’s trip is to break the consensus of the military academy that the students of the military medical research department do not participate in the forces of the team and only remain neutral.

Yes, Lan Lan, who is about to set up a team in the mech world, wants to earn the income of Li Yuyu, the chief student of the military medical research profession. Ling Lan, a seemingly impossible goal, made Han Jijun Luo Lang and others shocked. After being shocked, it was even more exciting. If it was really done by Lan’s boss, it was definitely a pioneering work. Only Lan’s boss dared to think so. Do this... even they think that as long as Lan’s boss wants it, there is nothing that can’t be done.

I have to say that Ling Lan has made many big moves, so that Han Jijun and Luo Lang are full of confidence in Ling Lan, and they think that their own Lan boss has no possibility of failure.

Ling Lan went to the door of the Military Medical Research Center and thought that he didn't want to, and he gave the door to the fly.

The bang of the bang, the power of this horror and the sudden loud noise caused all the staff of the research center and the students of the military medical profession to be scared directly. They mistakenly thought that the military school was captured by unknown enemies.

Followed by Ling Lan, a few people in Luolang looked at the front as if they had climbed out of hell. A violent Ling Lan, the body could not help but shake, even if they knew that their anger was disguised, but at this time, they were also their own The thick suffocation from the boss gave a cold sweat.

The military medical research center, the only standing straight, one-faced and fearless to keep calm is their chief student Li Yuyu, Ling Lan, who looked at the door and made a destructive move with a cold face, suddenly gnashed his teeth: "Ling Lan, what crazy are you doing? What is it here?"

"Go crazy? You should be glad that I am not crazy, just a little anger... Otherwise, I don't guarantee that I will do anything. Li Yuyu, I trust you, but how do you treat me with this trust? Secondly, my brother has had problems because of your treatment. Do you want to explain it to me? Um?" Linglan was cold and cold, the eyes of the cold and the words she said, suddenly let Li Yuyu's heart The anger disappeared.

"What do you want to say? What happened this time?" Li Yuyu frowned, said helplessly. He now has some regrets. At first, a soft-hearted promise to rescue Ling Lan's brother. Now this kid seems to be staring at him. As long as his brother has something, he likes to find him trouble. Although Ling Lan’s attitude was extremely rude, Li Yuyu still did not lose his calmness and still calmly asked Ling Lan why.

Ling Lan's eyes quickly flashed a touch of praise. As a military doctor, he must maintain extreme calmness. Even in the face of teammates' doubts, he must calmly explain the ins and outs of things so that he can get the trust of his teammates. This is an excellent job, and it really deserves to be a talented student in the military. For him, it is worthwhile to pay for it.

Ling Lan's recognition in the heart, the face is still cold and cold said: "Luo Lang old injury recurrence is no problem, I did not expect Qilong to recover, the same thing happened, Li chief, you have to explain to me." As soon as the voice fell, Ling Lan came to Li Yuyu's face and laid down the painful Qilong, indicating that Li Yuyu came up to see.

Ling Lan’s words made Li Yuyu’s white face suddenly rise, and this abominable school student repeatedly questioned his healing ability again and again. This is definitely an insult to his profession, even if Li Yuyu is calm again. Calm, at this time, I couldn’t help but suffocate my chest.

Even so, Li Yuyu did not refuse to treat Qilong, but there were injuries in front of him. As a military doctor, he must abandon all personal grievances and treat the patients wholeheartedly. He hurried forward and took Qi Long’s hand and felt his pulse. Then, Li Yuyu's face changed again, because he took the pulse phase and even had the inevitable reaction after using the gene s they developed to change the drug. This made Li Yuyu suddenly sweating coldly. Is there any sequelae of genetic s? Can the previous clinical verification, and did not find this situation?

Li Yuyu was somewhat uncertain. He immediately asked the staff to put Qilong in the recuperation cabin and treated Qilong with a special recovery agent. The original painful body shivered Qilong, after treating for dozens of seconds, the original The face began to slowly ease, and it seems that the healing agent has an effect.

"I want to know, what kind of medicine did you use for my brother? Why is this happening?" Ling Lan looked at Qilong's state of improvement, and the frost on his face suddenly lost a lot. When asked about Li Yuyu, his attitude eased. .

Li Yuyu was silent for a moment. Then he replied: "When he is in a better state, I will conduct a comprehensive inspection of him. At that time, I will know what the reason is."

After Li Yuyu finished speaking, he ignored Ling Lan. He immediately contacted several of his professional instructors. When the instructors heard the reaction of Qi Long, they suddenly became nervous and said that they would come immediately to study this special case together.

Ling Lan heard that Li Yuyu began to look for the mentor to come and study together. Although the surface was still calm, my heart began to feel uneasy.

Xiaosi felt the uneasiness in Ling Lan’s heart and immediately came out to appease: “Boss, please rest assured, I found all the information about their genetic s and pharmacy, and purified and improved the genetic agent brought by my father’s secret. The gene s is the same as the drug, and they will never find it." Xiao Si said this, very proud. In the aspect of genetic purification, no one is more powerful than him.

Ling Lan heard the small four-pack ticket and let go of it. In fact, even if he didn't feel relieved, it was as if the arrow was on the string and had to send it. When things get to this point, even if they are seen by the other side, they should sing hard.

So Ling Lan still stood there coldly, and Luo Lang was not sure what happened to Qi Long, so there was no expression other than a worried face. This makes Li Yuyu, who quietly pays attention to them, secretly stunned. Is it true that Qilong’s situation is true? Is it really the fault of their research center?

Soon, the instructors rushed over, and at this time, Qi Long’s state was better than most, not as painful as the beginning. So the instructors began to conduct a variety of examinations, blood draws, research studies. It was reported very quickly, and it was found that the various reactions of Qilong’s reaction were definitely the inevitable reaction of injecting the gene s into a drug.

This argument has changed their face. Is it that the gene s has a latent period for the drug, and it will erupt from time to time? This is undoubtedly a serious sequela, evidence that their genetic agents have a major shortcoming.


Sorry, let everyone wait. Originally thought that today's company will be fine, you can sneak codewords, did not expect to temporarily increase the work tasks, and finally can only go home codewords, get a chapter now.

The second is still in the code, it is estimated that it will be completed after a while... Well, the person who wants to wait will continue to wait, because I know that you will not wait, you will not listen to me...

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