Chapter 219: Design!

In Li Lanfeng's villa, there are three other guests, and his face is extremely dignified. It is Zhao Wei, Han Wei, and Wei Ji.

Sitting in the living room, Li Lanfeng, who was reading the video material, saw that they suddenly came to visit and looked at them inexplicably. They asked, "How are you three ugly faces? What happened?"

Zhao Yuyin calmly said: "According to our latest news, Lei Wang has gone out."

Li Lanfeng's finger on the sliding screen trembled fiercely, then continued to slide silently: "Has he advanced?"

Han Wei sneered: "Yes, he became the first genius of the military graduating class in our military school. Everyone said that he would be the next big singer!"

"This is a good thing. When we test the Legion, it will not be like this year. The Legion does not pay much attention to it. It only sent some small shackles to deal with it." Li Lanfeng did not care.

"Li Lanfeng, don't read it." Han Han blocked Li Lanfeng's screen in his hand. He stared at Li Lanfeng. "Don't you know what it means?"

Li Lanfeng regretfully put the miniature display in his hand aside and looked up: "I know that Lei Wang has advanced to the ace of the ace, and he represents that he really became the first person in the military school. We have no way to compete with him. ”

"Not only that, I am worried that he will take the opportunity to dominate the military academy, and even integrate all the forces of the military academy to become the real king of the military academy." Wei Ji frowned, the original calm and watery temperament has disappeared at this time, showing that Lei Wang advanced The ace of the ace, the blow to him is great.

"No, he just advanced to the trump card, the realm is still unstable, and Lei Wang will not do it to us so quickly." Li Lanfeng thought about it and directly vetoed it.

"He will one day stabilize the world. We all know that Ray Wang has been a real king of the military school for a long time." Han Yu worried.

"Wang?" Li Lanfeng said that it was floating. A chill seemed to envelope the three of them, but I didn't feel it for the next second. They looked at Li Lanfeng with suspicion, and the other side still smiled, and the warmth of the whole body did not change. It seems that the just meaning is just their illusion.

"I want to stop him from becoming the king of the military school, only we become stronger." Li Lanfeng did not seem to feel the alarm of the three people, directly raised his own ideas.

"Although we have all advanced to the special mech division, but in addition to Zhao Wei, I and the Wei Ji are the rookies of the special mech division, it is not easy to stabilize this realm, let alone upgrade, and only Zhao Wei has I hope to advance to the ace of the ace." Han Yu looked forward to seeing Jian Wei, the mighty and mighty, and hoped to get good news in his mouth.

Zhao Wei shook his head: "I never felt the possibility of advancing to the ace of the ace. In the short term, I can only consolidate the ability of my special mech-class division."

Zhao Wei’s words made Han Yuwei’s face disappointing. A stable ace master can easily compete with the top five or six special divisions. Even if they have a special mech division, they are not the king of Lei. Opponents... not to mention the strong teammates around Lei Wang. They can also be special class divisions.

"I didn't say that becoming strong means to advance to the ace of the squad. That is something that can't be met." Li Lanfeng knew that they understood the meaning of his fault and explained it.

"Can't advance to the ace of the ace, how can we become stronger?" Han Hao's face suddenly gloomy, he hated Li Lanfeng, the face that everything is in control, seems to prove their stupidity indirectly. However, they are currently inseparable from Li Lanfeng's suggestion, each time looking for Li Lanfeng. Han Hao always felt that the face of his head was fanned by Li Lanfeng.

"Since the monomer can not match, we can only use the amount to win." Li Lanfeng did not seem to be aware of Han Hao's indecent, still calmly said his advice.

"Quantity? Thunder is the first force of our military academy. The members are the most one of all forces. What kind of quantity do we use to win?" Han Yu heard that his face was darker. Is Li Lanfeng playing with him?

"Thunder is indeed the largest number of forces in our military academy. No one of us can match it, but what if we add up two forces? Or three or four forces together?" Li Lanfeng believes that it should not be It’s time to fight alone and fight against thunder.

Li Lanfeng’s words made Han Yuwei’s eyes bright and Han’s heart was moving. I can't help but hesitate: "I don't know the secret plane, and they don't want to cooperate with the Doha Center." If they cooperate with each other, even if Lei Wang advances to the ace of the ace, there is no way to eat it.

"I want Doha to join us. I have a method. Now the telescope is at its lowest point. If you both challenge at the same time, I believe that our ranking will rise by one liter, and we will become the second force. With Doha joining, and then uniting with other forces, even if there is no secret, it will not affect the Thunder." Li Lanfeng is very responsible to tell Han Hao about his plan. As for the Promise, can you take it to the next level? Is there any effort?

Han Hao’s face changed rapidly. He looked at Wei Wei and exchanged opinions. Li Lanfeng’s suggestion is that Han Han’s deep itch in the heart is hidden. He dare not deal with the Thunder, but he can see the status of the second force of the Tianji. So now, under the reminder of Li Lanfeng, it is a great opportunity to seize the second force. ...he is moving!

Finally, Han Han stood up fiercely and punched the box on the coffee table in front of him. He said, "Dry."

With the direction of Han Weiwei, they hurriedly bid farewell to Li Lanfeng, and Zhao Wei is ready to stay for a while. According to his words, Han Weiwei was busy planning to arrange this, and he was the most annoying, and he was not looking for him. As long as they are negotiating, tell him the time and place of action.

Han Weiwei is not difficult for him. He knows that Zhao Wei is a fierce man with a simple mind and limbs. They really go back to the top of the Wujiji Group to discuss it. How to use this opportunity, and Doha teamed up to turn the sky down. In one fell swoop, he took the position of the second force. As a foreign partner, Zhao Wei and Li Lanfeng are not very suitable for attending the Promise High-level Meeting.

Zhao Wei sent the two people out of Li Lanfeng's villa, and returned to the living room again. After carefully watching Li Lanfeng for a few seconds, he asked: "Are you really so kind?" Li Lanfeng, who has always been black, secretly likes to hang people, Zhao Wei does not believe This time it is really unselfish and I have such a good suggestion.

Li Lanfeng lazily raised a lazy waist and lost a condemned look back: "I have always been very good!" He definitely does not admit that he is a black guy.

"Always?" Zhao Yu grinned silently. This is a lot of falsehood.

"Well, I do have some thoughts. I want to know that after Lei Wang has advanced to the ace of the ace, there is still no way to become the real king of the military academy. Will he be vomiting blood?" Li Lanfeng also felt that he was not reliable. Then he smiled and said bluntly.

"Lan Feng, do you really hate Lei Wang?" Zhao Wei asked after a moment of silence.

Li Lanfeng smiled fiercely, and he looked back stunnedly: "Zhao Wei, how do you think so?"

"In fact, the reunification of Lei Wang does not unite the forces of the military academy. There is no relationship with us. We can be a promising partner today, and tomorrow is not. We have no conflict with Lei Wang, but every time you design your plan, They are all setting a barrier on the road to King Ray, I have to be so skeptical."

Zhao Wei said very thoroughly. Like Li Lanfeng, he came from the third-level planet. It can be said that it is definitely possible to be admitted to the first men's military academy, so their respective planets, except them, No one else has been admitted, which also makes them have no sense of belonging to other forces. Many times, Zhao Wei feels that Li Lanfeng is in the game world. He uses a very clever way to provoke a few major forces of disputes, just like the one just now, especially hope they fight.

Zhao Lan’s words made Li Lanfeng laugh again: “I don’t have any opinion on Lei Wang, but you imagine that Lei Wang, who is in control, because we are small fish from the third-class star, let him call the king Is it very difficult to succeed on the road, is it not very interesting?"

"You..." Zhao Wei looked at Li Lanfeng in surprise. He did not expect Li Lanfeng to have such an idea.

"I just want to prove that even if we are from the third-grade star, we can still make this military school a hurricane..." Even if I am still weak, I can still stop the man from claiming to be the king... Li Lanfeng in the smile, cleverly put himself The true thoughts are hidden deep inside, and some secrets are ulterior motives.

Zhao Wei heard the words and shook his head helplessly: "Well, your words are very persuasive. I also want to see if the Thunder King can rule out all the difficulties and climb the top military school." What is watching, what is his favorite? It’s a thing.

Li Lanfeng, despite his face laughing his eyes, through the void, only endless cold.

"I still have a question. Since I want to unite with other forces to fight against Lei Wang, why do you want to challenge the heavens with the Promise? It is obviously not suitable." Zhao Wei quickly raised a question, he is not Han Han, they think The mind is simple, and the things that should be understood, he knows better than Han Han.

"Compared to Lei Wang, you hate the secrets more." Zhao Lan, who knows Li Lanfeng, said with a slap in the face, "So, even if the time is wrong, you still want to let them start with the secret machine. Why?"

"Don't you hear the tragedy that happened in the past few days?" When Li Zhao asked this question, Li Lanfeng's smile finally disappeared.

"Shi Mingyi was killed?" Zhao Wei immediately thought of this.

"Since the secret machine has such a despicable deputy head, it is time to pay the price." Li Lanfeng was cold and cold, and there was no warmth on his body at this time. It is obvious that he hates this kind of thing...


Second more! So tired, climbed to sleep...

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