Chapter 292: Ambition!

Outside the head of the headquarters of the Thunder, Lin Zhidong suppressed the timidity that he wanted to escape, and pressed the doorbell with a hard scalp.

"Which?" A cold voice came from inside, the voice of Chaucer, the current head of the Thunder.

"Head, it is me, Lin Zhidong." Lin Zhidong took a breath and calmly spoke.

"Come in!" At the same time as Joe Lin sounded, the door slammed to the left. The first one to enter Lin Zhidong's eyes was sitting on the right sofa, a young man with a strong figure and a serious cold. He is Chaucer.

And a sofa next to him, sitting with a face full of evil, age is younger than Chaucer, at this time looking at Lin Zhidong with a smile. In fact, this person is more likely to be noticed by Chaucer than the person who entered the room, but Qiao Lin is too imposing and can't be ignored. This is why Lin Zhidong can only see Qiao Lin at first sight.

Lin Zhidong saw the young man, his face changed slightly, but he quickly recovered and forced to walk into the door calmly. As clever as he is, at this moment, he already knows that this young man must have already made a small report to the head of Qiao, which is probably not easy for him to pass.

"Sit!" Chaucer pointed at the sofa opposite him and told Lin Zhidong to sit down and talk.

Lin Zhidong sat down cautiously, and as the enemy approached, the young man’s mouth showed a very light ironic smile.

"Listen to Xiaolin, a month ago, did you take the initiative to launch a gambling gambling defeat?" The serious young man’s brow, now wrinkled two very deep dents, and his mood was not very good.

Lin Zhidong bowed his head and said: "Sorry, the head of the team, I am careless."

The young man who played the small report, but Qiao Lin’s younger brother, Qiao Lin, knew that he would explain it again, and he couldn’t resist the words of the head of the group’s brothers. The head of the group must have been preoccupied, so it’s better to admit it. It also allows the head of the team to open the net.

Chaucer did not say anything. The right hand resting on the sofa, the **** of the index finger and the thumb were rubbing fiercely. This was the habitual movement of his thinking.

Chaucer’s silence made Lin Zhidong even more afraid to boo. Can only wait quietly for Qiao Lin’s verdict.

“Is it a freshman?” Chaucer seems to be asking, and it seems to be talking to himself.

"Yeah, that is the gang of new students, but also created a new group, do not know the second year, after entering the mech control, this new group can still be established." Qiao Lin looked back angrily, he 狠He glanced at the opposite Lin Zhidong and hated the earth. "And our deputy head of Lin. Before I understood the details of the other party, I rashly proposed a gambling troupe and lost all of our thunder's face. Once contributed to the momentum of the new regiment..."

Lin Zhidong can only pull his head, even if he knows that these words are dissatisfied with his position. Deliberately crack down on burying him, but the other party’s words are half-baked. In this matter, his responsibility is indeed the biggest one. The mistakes in decision-making have greatly frustrated the reputation of the Thunder. If it was not the event that happened to happen at this time, it attracted the attention of the whole school. I am afraid that the situation of the Thunder is worse than it is now.

"Zhidong, so rushing to fight against the taiwan, the gambling contract is the whole group incorporated into our Thunder, is there any special reason?" Chaucer stopped his finger rubbing and stared at Lin Zhidong.

Lin Zhidong looked up and did not expect that the head of Qiao Wei would still listen to him. This made Lin Zhidong extremely grateful, and his loyalty to Chaucer went one step further. He focused on the following: "Yes, there is a very important reason. I think that the new group has been absorbed. Our Thunder's power can go further."

"Even if we don't accept those kids, our Thunder is still the first force in the military academy." Qiao Lin did not believe Lin Zhidong's words and thought it was his sophistry.

Lin Zhidong wants to stop, and Qiao Yu sees it and says: "If you have anything to say, Xiaolin is my brother, he will not go out to talk." When Joe Lin heard this, another anger came over. I think that Lin Zhidong is deliberate and wants his brother to think that he is not doing things well.

Lin Zhidong knows that this is really going to offend Zhu Lin, but Lin Zhidong has no way. Whoever asked Zhu Lin to see him is not pleasing to the eye, he still does not understand why.

Although Lin Zhidong thinks that Qiao Lin is not suitable for hiding secrets, but since the head of the group said so, Lin Zhidong is no longer concealed. He handed a piece of information that he brought with him to Chaucer and gestured for him to see.

Chaucer opened a chapter at random. He was sitting on the sofa and slammed his face. The expression on his face began to dignify, and when he was turning his first page, Qiao Lin leaned back. In the past, I glanced at it and saw that there were excellent and excellent results behind the row of names. He was also scared.

Chaucer slammed the information and asked seriously: "Is this information true?"

Lin Zhidong focused on the key: "I got it from the s-level area of ​​the military school's main brain. There will be no mistakes."

Chaucer stood up, pacing back and forth, and turned around again and asked: "Who else knows this information?"

Lin Zhidong replied: "The other deputy heads of the Thunder know, but I have already told them clearly that this news is limited to a few of us. All the information was destroyed after they saw it..."

"Okay, do it well!" Joe slammed loudly, and his serious face finally showed a smile. He walked back and forth in the hall with excitement. He couldn't help but shake his fists and cheered: "The addition of them not only makes us thunder further, but even allows us to truly rule the entire military school..."

The words of Qiao Lin made Lin Zhidong excited. He smiled excitedly. "Yes, I thought so at the time, so I wanted to take these new talents before other forces discovered it." Here, Lin Zhidong The smile disappeared, and there was no excitement and excitement. Only endless regrets were left. "Unfortunately, I was screwed up by me. I didn't understand the true strength of the new group, but it encouraged their reputation."

Lin Zhidong’s words calmed down Joe’s passionate feelings. After he thought about it, his mood improved again: “No, this gambling is not very bad, although the reputation of the Thunder is indeed a loss, but the other’s gambling is also given. The opportunity for our next merger."

Lin Zhidong suddenly looked up. I don’t know why Chaucer’s head said so. Is it just comforting him?

"No, this is not to comfort you." Chaucer felt Lin Zhidong's confusion, and he said, "We are not pledge to help the new group to block the harassment of other forces in two years? This means that the new group is in these two years. , still under our eyes, will not be merged by other forces."

"This bet, let us have an excuse to put the new group under the wing, to eliminate the embarrassment of other forces, the two-year full, is the opportunity for our Thunder to take another shot!" Qiao Wei eyes and God, on this information, It is worthy of Thunder spent two years waiting for a plan.

Thinking of his chance to complete this great cause, Chaucer’s face showed a touch of red light. Finally, he resisted the excitement in his heart and turned to look at the confusing Qiao Lin who was confused by them. "Xiao Lin, today you see everything you hear, you can't let anything leak out, otherwise, don't blame my brother for peeling your skin!"

Chaucer’s cold eyes made Joe Lin scared and hit a sly, and shook his head again and again: “No, I will never!”

Qiao Lin did not dare not listen, he knows that his brother is a sultry person, and he can do it. He doesn't want to be really cramped by his brother.

"But two years later, the head of the team entered the internship of the regiment. If the new regiment had another one or two geniuses, I am afraid that our gambling win rate is not very high." Lin Zhidong became extremely cautious when he lost once, without Chaucer. Sitting in the town, he always felt a little flustered.

Qiao Lin heard the words and said: "Reassured, after two years, I will be able to provoke my brother's burden and carry forward the Thunder." Qiao Lin always thought that he was the next head of the Thunder, and Lin Zhidong's words once again provoked him. Yes, he hates Lin Zhidong so much because the other party simply looks down on him and thinks that he can't afford the fight. He can clearly understand that his mech ability is very good. In the class, he can also enter the top five... I didn't think that his mech class was not a special class, but a regular class.

"Xiao Lin, give me a shut up!" Qiao Wei, who has always been very angry with his younger brother, heard Joe Lin so ignorant of the sky, and suddenly angered.

Qiao Lin heard Joe's anger, and looked back with disappointment, but his eyes were already red, and there was a kind of injured eyes in it.

This kind of Qiao Lin can only make Joe sigh with helplessness. "The mech control is not as simple as you think. When you get to the intermediate machine, I will take you to the team once, let you have a good experience." The depth of the mech control."

For his own reasons, there is not much mech control talent, Qiao Lin does not listen to the discouragement of the family, insisted on applying for the first military school's mech professional, although he can only enter the ordinary mechs class with his ability, it is impossible to have him in the future. Such development. But Chaucer knows that Qiao Lin did not give up He worked very hard. When no one knew, he had been training the mechs, and the talent was not enough. Qiao Lin was willing to make up for it, which made Joe If you can't say cold water, you can only turn into a sigh.

The thing between the Chaucer brothers, Lin Zhidong cleverly flashed aside, pretending to know nothing. After Chao Yu comforted Qiao Lin, he turned to Lin Zhidong and said: "Reassured, the military school has a six-year career. Even if we go to the military internship, we are still a student of the military academy, still able to play on behalf of the Thunder."

Lin Zhidong looked up in surprise: "Head, you mean..."

"Yes, two years later, I will take my mechs team and come back again to host this gambling!" After accepting the new group, in the final year, completely integrate the entire military school and complete the unification! The ambition in Qiao’s eyes flashed past.

The new group has been in the heart for the next two years, always pay attention!


The first one, the second is still in the code, we don't wait, no three hours can't come out... and I can't guarantee whether I can support it... Maybe it's half asleep, I have to die, go to sleep, Finally, it is very likely that the day and afternoon time period will be updated.

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