Chapter 294: Top Powers!

The examination of the military academy officially kicked off, and the sight of all the cadets was almost attracted by this big assessment. As a team leader, Ling Xiao always wanted to attend the first day, which made Ling Lan feel that time belongs to her own.

In the past few days, Ling Xiao has been letting Ling Lan take him around the entire military school. The excuse he is looking for is the college that wants to know his daughter. In this regard, Ling Lan is very contemptuous of Ling Xiao, is it true that when his father said this reason, he forgot that he graduated from this military school more than 20 years ago...

Of course, Ling Lan understands that this is the reason for her father to look for opportunities to contact her. After all, for 16 years, no matter whether Ling Xiao or she, she needs such an opportunity. Therefore, Ling Lan contempt for contempt, but still accept the task, accompanied by his father for a few days. It should be said that the effect is still good, at least the two do not have to be as few as before, relatively silent, and finally can get to a topic.

However, Ling Lan, who had been vacant for a long time, was tested by her father’s life after taking lunch. After Ling Xiao exposed his face, he found an excuse to come back.

When I came to the rest of Lingxiao, I saw a cloud of light and light in the doorway, and then I looked at the outside of the sky and looked at the sun, and suddenly felt that it was not a good idea to go out at this time.

Seeing Ling Lan frowning and looking outside, Ling Xiao also glanced at it, and some embarrassedly scratched the bridge of the nose: "Hey, it seems like the day is a bit hot."

When he thinks he can meet his daughter again, the weather is not something that Ling Xiao can consider. "Or, take a break at home?" Lingxiao’s temporary residence is also a villa, which is more advanced than Linglan’s.

Although Ling Lan was not afraid of heat, he did not want to go out and be battered by Liyang, so he readily agreed. However, when she and Ling Xiao drank the third pot of iced black tea, she felt that it was stupid to drink tea with her dad.

Ling Xiao seems to have discovered this, which makes Ling Xiao somewhat discouraged. A few days ago, he was able to talk about the topic he had been looking for. Until now, he really didn't know what to say. Do you want to ask the questions of the previous few days again? Will this make my daughter can't stand the direct flash? Or is it angry and bursting into the direct fist?

Looking at the cold-blooded daughter, Ling Xiao believes that the probability of Ling Lan flashing is higher... This makes it difficult for him to find a chance to get along with his daughter. Ling Xiao began to think hard, what should I ask? The 16-year-old daughter should have arrived at the beginning of the sinus. Do you want to ask if Ling Lan has recently liked it or is it a person who appreciates it?

At the time of the entanglement, Ling Lan, who had been silent for a long time, touched the cup and finally said: "Father, do you have a virtual network login cabin here?"

Ling Xiaoyi. Busy: "Yes, on the third floor!" In order to entertain the Legion's assessment officers, the villas they live in are equipped with virtual login cabins, which are convenient for these officers to spend time on the virtual world.

Ling Lan put the teacup on the coffee table. Looking up and looking at Ling Xiao seriously: "Since my father is free in the afternoon, I will go to the Mech House with me."

"Go to the mech world?" Ling Xiao thought about it. Since he was promoted to a god-level teacher, he seems to have not been there for a long time. He is about to forget the young age. He was also a obsessed member of the mech world. His heart moved. I have some interest. Of course, the most important thing is that this is the personal invitation of his baby daughter. Even if he has never entered the mech world, he has to go in and have a look.

"Okay." Ling Xiao readily agreed. So the father and the daughter quickly came to the third floor and lie in the virtual login cabin. Ling Lan was in the moment before entering the virtual cabin, did not forget to tell Ling Xiao that her name in the mech world is Ling Tian.

“Lingtian first line?” Ling Xiao looked at the login cabin that had closed the login door. Thoughtful smile.

At this time, in the mech world, in a mezzanine fighting room that was closed and refused to watch, two mechs were undergoing fierce battles.

One is a federally advanced machine. The traditional blue-and-white body, with the exception of the body-loadable parts, uses some personal habitual weapons, and there is almost no modification or change.

The other one is unique in appearance and color. It is different from the blue, silver and red colors of the general machine armor. Instead, it uses the black that is less used by the Federation. The overall armor shape is compared with the standard machine. A, it looks a lot more burly, twice as many as the standard armor, not to mention the weapon of the equipment, is a strong weapon in the cold weapon, at first glance, this mech is absolutely close combat Mech.

As long as people familiar with the mech world know that this extremely unique mech is a special mech, the one who can control them is inevitably a super-class mech.

Generally speaking, when a senior squad encounters a special sergeant, there will be a one-sided phenomenon in the battle. That is to say, the special sergeant will be able to achieve the final victory, and in the end, after winning a few moves, it is necessary to see the gap between the two. What is it?

But this battle is a bit different. Although it seems that the senior mechs have always been at a disadvantage from the whole game, it is only because of the disadvantage, and there is no one-sided situation. On several occasions, there was a dangerous situation, and it was almost pressured by the other side. In the end, the senior mech was still quite over.

As a result, the battle became a protracted war. The final competition was not the technique of mech manipulation, nor the performance of the mech, but the endurance of the controller.

The two mechs were once again in the air, and they made a strong collision. Close melee, the high-level mech is obviously a bit disadvantageous, and I can see this from the distance needed to bounce off the two.

After this attack, the two mechs did not continue to entangle and stand together, but they were stunned.

"Calling..." The two mechs opened their common channels directly because they were not disturbed by outsiders, and they could hear the intense gasping in the channel.

"Oh, Li Lanfeng, you bt." The first thing that slowed down the sharp gasping was the black mech, and finally could not help but snorted. It is Zhao Wei who has been promoted to a special mech.

"Oh..." Li Lanfeng smiled weakly. The gap in level is not so easy to make up. He can do it without being defeated by Zhao Wei. He has done his best. The result made him a little discouraged and didn't feel too happy about the results that surprised others.

"Several times, no, almost, have you been defeated?" Li Lanfeng gasped and said intermittently. In terms of physical recovery, he is not as good as Zhao Wei’s physique.

"Cut, aren't you coming over? Just like you can't fight." Zhao Wei complained, and Li Lanfeng, his heart is always very wrong, obviously there is a feeling of being able to beat each other, but it is worse. One breath, several times, the victory that is about to be passed by him, his depression is not less than Li Lanfeng.

"How did you train? The senior mech can resist the attack of my special master. If you advance to a special master, how can I mix?" Zhao Wei feels that his first master's status is somewhat precarious. It seems that he has to step up hard, so that after Li Lanfeng is promoted, he will not be mixed.

Zhao Wei was very awake. Since he knew Li Lanfeng's enchanting, he made up his mind to follow Li Lanfeng. His mind is actually not stupid, but after being repeatedly attacked by Li Lanfeng, he does not want to worry about it, so he will position himself as a super beater... Hey, no, it is a super master. But now, he found that this goal is so difficult to achieve.

"Reassure, I have to wait for a special time for a special division. At that time, I guess you can also touch the barrier of the ace master." Li Lanfeng finally recovered and finally said something, "So, you still Can press me, so some mixed." Li Lanfeng smiled and comforted.

"Are you comforting me or mocking me?" Zhao Wei was dissatisfied...

At this time, a red and bright system announcement shocked everyone and interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Heavy news, the great top of the mech is driving the mech world. Does his arrival mean that other top powers will appear one after another? It can be expected that the mech world will be raging again..."

"!" Zhao Wei and Li Lanfeng almost exclaimed at the same time, the name is too familiar, the name of the god-level master Ling Xiao is the name, although I don't know what the name of Ling Xiao in the mech world, but the name is once with the top The strong people are connected, so that they have to wonder if this person is Ling Xiao himself.

"Fake, how does General Ling Xiao have time to come to the mech world?" Zhao Wei could not believe his face, he first denied. They are very clear that General Ling Xiao is preparing for the establishment of the 23rd Army. He is very busy. Even if he has time, he will not come to this mech world, which is almost occupied by young people. He wants to find someone pk, and will also belong to the Federal Military Department. He can only enter the virtual battlefield of the armor who is qualified to enter the army. I don’t know, but these top powers are basically ten. Old monsters a few years ago or even decades ago, maybe he may not. Compared with Zhao Wei’s unbelievable, Li Lanfeng did not obliterate this possibility. Maybe Ling Xiao’s general will have a temper, and he may come to relive the feelings of the young boy.

Not to mention that Zhao Wei and Li Lanfeng were there to speculate, and everyone in the mech world was shocked by this heavy news. It can be said that the world of the entire mech world is a quiet, and even a lot of mechs who are fighting in monsters are killed. But all this is not a problem. Soon, the mech world began to pick up... They all asked their partners, who is this top powerhouse?

There are a few people who are smart and smart, and they are looking for information on the official website of the Mech World. Unfortunately, they are disappointed. Because the information of the top strong can only be obtained from the same level of the strong, they go to check, just wait for your strength is not enough, the authority is not enough to respond, and did not find any clues.


This is the first, and the second is still in the code. It is estimated to be two or three in the morning. If you can sleep late tomorrow, you can stay up late with me. If you get up early tomorrow, you have to sleep. You can see it in the morning. anxious……

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