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Chapter 271: Making friends?

When Luo Lang turned over, he came to the front seat and called up the information that the other party had just entered. He wanted to change the route, but found that the destination had been locked by the opponent and could not be changed.

Of course, this is only for the ordinary cadets who are non-hacker professionals in Luolang. The powerful hackers can still crack this relatively junior lock. Unfortunately, Luolang has no ability in this respect and can only watch the suspension car. The goal set to the other party is annoyed.

Luo Lang knows that if he wants to stop the trip, unless he uses violent means to destroy the locomotive... However, he sensibly rejected this idea because the levitation vehicle is flying at a speed of nearly 100 meters, once the violence is destroyed, even the car With people falling together, this height, even if Luo Lang has confidence, can not guarantee that he will land safely, one unfortunately, may be hit again.

Luo Lang can no longer fall into the hands of Li Yuyu, although the other party's treatment is indeed superb, and the means of tormenting people are also superb. The most important thing is that he is famous for your good, you have no way to resist, even I want to thank him for being wrong...

Another point is that Luo Lang wants to know who the other party is. The unknown enemy is often the most terrible trouble. If you can find the details of the other party, it is undoubtedly very beneficial to the new group. More importantly, Luo Lang is afraid that he will escape this time. Will the opponent turn his head and start to other freshmen? In addition to Ling Lan Qilong Wushu, compared with other members, Luo Lang’s strength is obviously better than escape. The probability is also higher than others. For these reasons, Luo Lang decided to go deep into the tiger's den and explore the other side's bottom.

With the decision of Luo Lang, regardless of the suspension car, he directly tied the stunned blue-shirt seniors with the other's belt, the bundled technique is of course the one that Ling Lan taught them, and then lost the other party. In the back seat, I stared at the front with a stern look and began to remember the route of the suspension car.

The speed of the suspension car is very fast. Less than twenty minutes later, the suspension car began to slow down from the rapid movement, and Luo Lang began to guard against it because he knew that the destination was coming. The enemy is in front of you.

Although it was only less than 20 minutes, but according to the speed of the suspension car, I am afraid that it has already opened hundreds of kilometers. It has been far away from the military medical research center. The environment around it is also very strange to Luolang. Towering peaks and dense forests, in addition to not knowing what the beast Ulaula is calling, quiet people are a bit worried, Luo Lang uses the suspension car light brain to pull the surrounding environment, found that all but the mountain peaks only The mountain peaks are dense. No signs of human presence.

Luo Lang’s brow began to tighten up. He thought it was directly to the other’s base camp, or a temporary stronghold, but he did not expect to come to such an uninhabited place, which made Luo Lang somewhat unprepared.

The suspension car is slower and slower. The height also slowly declined. In the end, Luolang only felt that the suspension car plunged into a narrow canyon. After passing through it, it was a small grassland that was not too small, and it was green and covered with numerous colorful flowers. This piece of green. It makes people feel beautiful and abnormal.

At the edge of the grass, there is a sea of ​​trees. Luo Lang heard the sound of the stream flowing from the sea of ​​trees, and made everything look so beautiful and peaceful, so that Luo Lang’s original vigilant heart was loose. However, this is only a matter of moments. Luo Lang soon wakes up and no longer cares for the beautiful grass, but pays attention to the movement of the suspension vehicle under him.

The suspension car slowly drove to the grass and landed. Know the ground, then hear the mechanical sound of the suspension car: "Your destination has been reached, please get off."

With this sound, the door was suddenly opened, Luo Lang did not choose to get off, but the first time to open the light brain, want to see if you can enter a new address. In this extremely strange place, Luo Lang chose to leave the back road for the first time. He wanted to set up a floating car and waited for ten minutes before starting to return to the military school.

Luo Lang soon discovered that he had failed. The other party had already thought of this point. The floating car arrived at the destination. The light brain turned off automatically and became a shutdown state. It could not accept the new instructions of Luo Lang, and Luo Lang could only stay here.

When Luo Lang saw it, he could not help but be surprised by the arrangement of the other party. It is necessary to know that the military school's suspension vehicles will not stop. The power source they use comes from light energy. Whether it is sunlight or starlight, it can bring energy to the suspension vehicle. Therefore, the suspension vehicle can theoretically always drive. Go on, unless it is a mechanical problem or a light brain problem.

Now in this case, Luo Lang knows that there is absolutely a senior hacker there. He changed the operating system of the light brain to automatically shut down the suspension car after reaching the destination.

Their arrangement forced Luo Lang to stay, because there is no store behind the village, there is no station with a special suspension vehicle. That is to say, once the person coming here, riding the original suspension car, it is not called. The new levitation car came to pick them up, unless they used the liaison to ask the military school head for help...

Luo Lang was almost certain at this time, his contactor certainly could not communicate with the outside, the other side thought so comprehensively, it is impossible to leave such a large loophole.

Sure enough, Luo Lang glanced at his contact, and did not know when he started. His liaison jumped out of confusion and could not contact the text prompts, but his attention was always in other places and he did not find it.

Luo Lang knows that it is a hard battle, and the other party will lead him, but it will not be a chat. He took a sigh of relief and walked out of the levitation vehicle and set foot on the beautiful grass.

He leaned back on the floating car and swept in the front three directions. He found that there was no one. Just when he was confused, he heard the sound of the suspension car coming from behind him. Luo Lang jerked back and saw. Three suspension vehicles were quickly moving closer to him, and finally they gradually landed on him in three aspects.

Soon, seven or eight people came out of the three floating cars. The one who took the lead was dressed in a white uniform and looked at Luo Lang with a smile. He is a very handsome man, and his face is handsome and extraordinary. It is definitely the image and body that Luo Lang dreams of possessing, but the other pair of shiny peach eyes make Luo Lang somewhat unhappy, always feel that it is not worthy of the appearance. The original perfect feeling hit a big fold.

The other few are people wearing blue uniforms. They should be at the age of twenty, and they must be the seniors of the military academy. It is not clear that they are a few years old. They stood at random, but they just surrounded Luo Lang in their encirclement.

Luo Lang looked at each other with vigilance. The other party’s behavior made him know that these people were designed by him. The two sides silently stunned for two or three minutes and did not speak to each other.

Luo Lang bit his teeth and looked at the situation. The other party refused to take the initiative. He decided to take the initiative to attack the young man in white uniform who was obviously the head of the group. I don’t know which professional chief student was cold and cold and asked: "You let People design me here?"

The white youth smiled and took a shot: "Smart!"

"Looking for me, what is it? I think, I have never seen you, I should not offend you." Luo Lang asked.

The white-dressed youth smiled back and said: "Haha, of course not. In fact, I just want to be friends with you."

Luo Lang heard the words ridiculously: "Be a friend? Use this despicable means?"

The white youth frowned and looked depressed: "Don't you tell me, Yongguang, are you looking for you?"

"Using short messages to lie to me to go to the Military Medical Research Center, and to go to the inspection center to check the body and lie to me on the suspension car, forced to come here, what do you think?"

The white youth heard the words and hate the earth: "Yongguang mistakes me, I just said that I especially appreciate your game in the ring. I can beat the opponents stronger than myself. This makes me admire. I admire you most. I don’t admit defeat, so I said to him, if you have the chance, meet with you and make a friend..."

The white youth said here, bowing his head and talking to himself, "Ming Ming Yongguang said, he can help me to do this, why is this?" He said here, suddenly looked up and asked Luo Langdao: "Yongguang? I am looking for him to ask, what is going on? I obviously let him invite you to come here, here is my favorite place, I think you will like it too, so I will meet you here."

The true meaning of the young man in white is like this is the case. Luo Lang was said by him, but some doubts are true, is that Yongguang wrong?

However, ~www.ltnovel.com~ Lan's reminder soon sounded in his mind: "When you are not sure that the other party is a friend, you must treat the other party as an enemy to prevent..."

Luo Lang was shocked and had a cold sweat on his back. He unconsciously relaxed his vigilance. He stared at the white-looking youth’s seemingly sincere face and said coldly: "No, he is mine now." Hostage, or talk about what you want to do."

Luo Lang’s vigilant eyes made the white young man’s mouth slightly pumped, and his expression quickly fell into disappointment: “I really have no malice.” He said that he was a little sad.

"Since there is no malice, then help me to unlock the settings of the suspension car, time is not early, I should go back." Luo Lang replied coldly, anyway, what the other party said, he absolutely does not believe, who will make friends, If you make such a strange thing, how can you look at it?

The young man in white has no choice but to say: "Well, I really don't know why this thing has become like this. All this is done by Yongguang. You just need to wake up Yongguang, he should be able to solve it."

Luo Lang looked deeply at the white-shirted youth and did not divert his gaze. His hand plunged into the back seat of the suspension car and immediately awake the man named Yong Guang.

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