Chapter 270: Setting up a bureau?

For the command of General Ling Xiao, the senior officers who have already been in place in the 23rd Army are extremely puzzled. As the supreme leader of a legion, he personally led the team to preside over a small assessment that could not be small. This is definitely the identity of the head of the lost army.

Although in the eyes of the major Scout students, the first men’s military school is the place they admire, but for the major legions, the first men’s military school students will not be too much attention if they have more talents... The second assessment is only the routine work of the Legion, and will not let them pay attention to where to go...

Of course, if there are peerless geniuses, the major legions will change their original perfunctory attitude and send real power to grab the tie team. If this is the case, General Ling Xiao will personally lead the team and have some persuasive power. But this year, the first men’s military school did not hear any outstanding figures. Ling Xiaoda’s actions in this regard are not worth the loss. It’s better to stay in it. The base camp and the heads of the major military teams dig their talents and make more achievements.

However, they are all people who have been transferred from various legions. They are not the confidants of General Ling Xiao. Therefore, despite the unexpected decision of Master Ling Xiao, although there are disagreements in the heart, few people dare to speak out, even if there are a few I want to oppose it. In the face of the gentle smile of General Ling Xiao, I can’t say it... I cough and cough. I don’t need the will and courage to say that smile.

In the end, this decision is of course no objection. Ling Xiao is very easy to become the captain of the appraisal team. This makes Ling Xiao secretly glad that there is no cronies in the legion, but it is also beneficial...

Of course, Ling Xiao is still sensible. It is extremely inappropriate to know that he is going to take the assessment as the head of his army. So he changed his name and changed his former general military uniform. This makes the officers of the 23rd Army greatly I was relieved, although the younger team was a bit exaggerated, but it was not too far off the mark. Not too much to lose the face of their twenty-three army.

Lan Luofeng knew Ling Xiao’s decision, and his heart was happy and sour. He was pleased to go to the first men’s military school to see the situation of his daughter Ling Lan, and secretly sad that his daughter could not recover. Must be a man at the first men’s military school, mixed with those men for at least four years...

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao once again had a cup, and was driven out of the bedroom that night, stayed in the study for one night... Of course, Ling Xiaomei’s name was for business, and in fact everyone knew what it was.

Finally, when Ling Xiao traveled, Lan Luofeng decisively let Ling Xiao bring a few large boxes of things, so that Ling Xiao must be handed over to Ling Lan in any case. As for how to give it, it is not a question that Lan Luofeng wants.

Ling Xiao’s request for Lan Luofeng was impossible to refuse. In the bitter laughter, these were brought to the warships... The things that Ling Xiao had to commit were much more. That is how you can unconsciously give so many things to Ling Lan!

At this time, Ling Lan did not know that the father of her family had public rights and private use, and pretended to be in the military school to preside over the assessment. Ling Lan is currently being annoyed by a sudden incident...

Because of Li Yuyu's shot, the original need to rest for a month's Luolang, after ten days. I am back and forth.

Ling Lan did not feel relieved, he carefully checked the body of Luo Lang, and found that all recovered, without any sequelae. What surprised Ling Lan was that Luo Lang’s physical fitness actually improved a lot on the basis of the original, which made Ling Lan curious about Li Yuyu. I don't know what method Li Yuyu used to make Luo Lang's body recover so well...

Perhaps Li Yuyu is a person who can cooperate! Ling Lan is very satisfied with Li Yuyu's treatment. In order to ensure the safety of their own team, it is necessary to tie a strong military doctor. Ling Lan decisively extended the thief's hand to Li Yuyu.

At this time, Li Yuyu, who is studying the physical information of Li Yingjie and Qi Long at the treatment center. Suddenly, I sneezed a big sneeze, which made my tutor worry. Is my beloved disciple too tired recently, and the body's resistance has dropped?

The tutor's worries also made Li Yuyu somewhat uncertain. He quickly gave himself a full-body examination and found that all the indicators of the body were above the standard line. This made Li Yuyu very inexplicable. Why did he suddenly sneeze? As the chief student of the military medical research profession, he attaches great importance to every signal that the body gives him...

However, since he checked it out, he was busy, and he quickly threw the sneeze into his mind and re-entered his newly researched treatment plan. He looked at the two people in the treatment cabin and could not help but sneer. These two guys have a good taste, and the genetic s has changed a lot!

At this time, he could not help but regret that Luo Lang was too fast. He did not expect the gene s to change in his body. This made him extremely surprised. Unfortunately, Luo Lang was not very heavy, and a can of genetic s was changed. Just let his injury recover from 7788, so that he did not have the opportunity to use the second time, but also let him lose a pharmaceutical experiment.

Li Yuyu was there to cherish it, and Luo Lang, because of the great benefit of the canned genetic s pharmacy, the original training task that Luo Lang barely supported, was completed without any effort. This puts the major instructors in charge of physical training to the heart. They are afraid that Luolang, who is absent from the ten-day course, will not be able to keep up. Finally, it will affect the ultimate assessment. I did not expect Luolang to go through the battle, but not only the realm of physical struggle has stabilized. The body is much better than before, which makes the tutors extremely excited...

Because Qi Long has not recovered, Han Jijun and Lin Zhongqing are not the same professional. Ling Lan boss has already exempted the physical examination, so he will not attend the physical training course. These days, Luo Lang basically went to class with Xie Yi.

On this day, Xie Yi and Luo Lang just wanted to go back to the dormitory together, and they were temporarily stopped by the classmates. Luo Lang originally wanted to wait for Xie Yi. I didn't expect this time, he received a notice from the treatment center and asked him to go to the Military Medical Research Center for a re-examination.

Luo Lang’s heart was a bit strange. When he was good, Li Yuyu’s face was stinky and said, you can roll, no need to come here again! Why do you want him to go back to the re-examination now?

Luo Lang was only a little surprised, but decided to go once, whether or not to re-examine, go to know what happened. So he said goodbye to Xie Yi, one person left first.

Luo Lang came to the suspension station nearest to him and was ready to take the bus. The military school was like a city. He walked on two legs alone. It didn't last for an hour or two. Luolang certainly chose convenient transportation. It is.

Suspension car took him to the door of the Military Medical Research Center. Just got off the bus and saw a blue-clothed schoolmaster greeted him at the door. He asked, "Is Luolang?"

Luo Lang nodded: "Yes, it is me!"

"Lee chief asked me to take you directly to the inspection center, please come with me." The blue-haired chief told Luo Lang to go with him.

Luo Lang didn't think much, but followed the blue-shirted schoolmaster and walked a long way. He saw a floating car parked not far ahead. The president of Blue Clothing explained: "The inspection center has a certain distance. In order to catch up, we will make a suspension car."

In the late stage of treatment, Luo Lang also went to the inspection center. It is true that there is a certain distance, and there is no point. The two are seated in front and rear. The blue-shirt senior has input information on the light brain of the suspension vehicle, and the suspension vehicle is flying fast. Go to the destination.

However, soon Luo Lang discovered an abnormality, because this road is extremely strange, not the road he used to go. Luo Lang was shocked and asked: "This road does not seem to go to the inspection center."

"Before going to the inspection center, I have to go to the dormitory to get an inspection report." The blue-shirted chief smiled back and apologized. "This report is going to be sent to the inspection center today. I originally thought about sending it together. I didn't expect me." I forgot to go out, I am sorry, let you accompany me to this, but rest assured, your time for the inspection is half an hour later, my dormitory is not far away, can arrive in the specified time."

Luo Lang heard the words: "It turns out, I know."

Having said that, Luo Lang has already felt that something is wrong. He began to think back to the information from the beginning and the people who greeted him. In fact, it is very inexplicable. If he really needs to test, why is it the work of the treatment center? What happened to the staff? To know that in order to track their recovery, Li Yuyu knows the contact numbers of the three of them. Li Yuyu can send a message to him personally...

And if you need to go to the inspection center at the beginning Why not let him go to the inspection center directly, but first to the military medical research center? The more Luo Yao thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable, so he said: "Let's go, the senior, you go to the dormitory to get the report, I still go to the inspection center first, maybe Li Chief has something to explain, or it is better to go earlier, in front There should be a suspension station, you just put me down."

The headmaster smiled back and said: "Nothing, Li’s chief did not go to the inspection center. This is a routine test. As long as the inspection report comes out, give it to him."

At this time, Luo Lang has confirmed that the other party is definitely not sent by Li Yuyu. I am afraid that any person or force wants to deal with him. He wants to enter the military school. He has been following Qilong and is desperate to complete physical training. Who is offended, this time the establishment should not be against him, is there any other force that wants to deal with their new group, want to take him as a hostage dangerous Lan boss?

When Luo Lang was willing to let go, he felt a move and suddenly pointed to the front, his face shouting loudly: "Schoolmaster, what is that?"

When the blue-study master saw it, he turned back suddenly, but found nothing. When he was confused, he felt a pain in the back of the head, and his eyes were black. The whole person was unconscious... ()

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