Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 272: : The mission of the new group!

Chapter 272: The mission of the new regiment!

Yongguang snorted, and then he opened his eyes and found that he was **** and his face changed. He just wanted to yell and found his companion standing outside. His face shouted: "Hee brother, save I."

The young man in white sees his face and his face is cold. "Yongguang, I want to ask you, I am not saying that I want to make a friend with Luo Lang? Let me help him to come out and meet him. Why do you give me this out? ?"

Yongguang’s eyes flashed. He looked at Luo Lang and looked at the white youth. After considering it, he said: “In fact, I also want to go out loud and loud, but the partners around him are very alert, every time I am As soon as I approached, the person would not let me close. Although I said that there was no malice, I just wanted to get to know each other, but the other party still refused to believe it. In the end, there was no way, I used this trick. I wanted to reach the destination and explain the situation. I didn’t expect to anger Luo Lang, and I knocked me out halfway."

Speaking of this, Yongguang apologized and apologized: "I'm sorry, Luo Lang, let you misunderstand."

"Is this all really just your idea?" Although the other party explained it, but did not let Luo Lang relax his vigilance, his right hand fingers still pinch the other's back neck, as long as there is a little change, they will immediately solve each other, and His action also secretly warned others not to shake, and his hands were hostage.

When Yongguang heard Luo Lang’s inquiry, he replied: “Yes, I am a hacker professional, so I can only use the hacker’s method to get you out.” Yongguang is proud of his own means, but he is quickly discouraged. Up, "I originally wanted to use the system of the Military Medical Research Center to send you a short message. But it was too difficult to break there, and finally had to use the treatment center. Fortunately, you have no doubt."

Yongguang’s words explained why it was the news from the treatment center, which made Luo Lang believe in three points. However, my heart secretly cast aside myself, just as Lan boss said, he only has the courage of Wufu, but there is no wise man. Such a simple loophole has nothing to see, if it is not something that happens next is too much Common sense, I am afraid that he will not be aware of it at the end.

At this time, Luo Lang decided in his heart that he had the opportunity to find Han Jijun to open a small stove, even if he could not become a smart person like Han Jijun. I can't let the other person adjust him out with such a simple strategy. It's too shameful. He can expect that after going back, he will be laughed at by his friends.

"Is the suspension car also your hands and feet?" Luo Lang continued to ask.

Yongguang swept away the waste and looked like a proud face: "Of course, these are small cases." For his professional ability, he is still very confident.

The other side's touch, the suspicion in Luo Lang's heart disappeared. It seems that I understand that the coldness on Luo Lang's face has disappeared. The white youth immediately said: "Look, Luo Lang, I am really not malicious. I just feel that I am very close to you, so I want to get to know you." Here, there was a hint of grievance on his face.

Luo Lang saw it. The heart could not help but be soft, but Ling Lan’s cold face once again appeared in front of his eyes. The cold eyes pierced Luo Lang’s heart and made his heart tighten again. The softened heart has become cold again.

When the white youth in the eyes of Luo Lang recovered to the cold again, the body could not help but shock the earthquake. The original grievances seemed to be stiff...

Ling Lan, who is doing the task in the mech world, suddenly stopped the action and asked the little four around him to ask in confusion: "Boss, what happened to you?"

"My mental strength has been touched!" Ling Lan frowned and replied.

"What happened?" Xiao Si was surprised. He didn't feel that there were virtual abilities in the virtual world nearby, and it was even less likely to attack the boss.

"Is it a virtual world?" Ling Lan asked the small four, the virtual world, the little four is more clear than her.

"No, there is no imaginary power in a hundred miles, unless there is another existence in the world that is equal to me. Even so, it is impossible to escape my feelings." Xiaosi replied confidently.

Ling Lan’s brow wrinkles are even tighter. Since it is not a virtual world, where did this attack come from?

At this time, Ling Lan has forgotten that when she was fighting, in order to protect Qi Long and others, she released her own mental power and deposited it in their brains. At that time, Ling Lan was afraid that they would faint, and the crisis would be impulsive to make the wrong decision, so leave this mental power and stimulate them to calm down.

After the original big fight, it was necessary to recover it. She was assassinated. She was assassinated. She was seriously stunned and left home. When she woke up, she went to Mu Shuiqing and cultivated her ability to control her. She forgot to find her friends. Take back the mental power of her deposit.

Over time, these mental strengths were finally assimilated by the spiritual strength of the partners, and they became a part of them, but they had an unexpected advantage, that is, when the partners were attacked by the mental ability, Ling Lan There will be some feelings here. Only at this time Ling Lan did not know this reason, so I was very puzzled as to where the attack came from.

"I have to go offline, I always feel a little uneasy." Ling Lan decided to loyal to his feelings, and immediately quit the virtual world.

Among the villas of the Linglan team, a room on the third floor is dedicated to the virtual world login cabin. When Xie Yiyi returned to the team dormitory, he ran directly to the third floor. As long as they have not yet eaten, Lan Lan, they will be in the virtual world, and he must first ask Lan Lan to discuss how to advise Luo Lang to take over the military school when Luo Lang still does not know about the matter. task.

Ten days later, it was the first time for the fifth-grade students to apply for the major legions. It can be said that this is definitely related to the future of those candidates and the reputation of the first men’s military school.

Because this first qualified student will get the best resources of the Legion, get the best training, go to the best and most able to develop the troops, and the next few assessments, there is not so good treatment, this It is also an assessment that all military academies are fully striving for.

The assessment team dispatched by the Legion not only came to the first men's military academy, but also had several test sites to go to other military academies. It would focus on the assessment of all other military academies, which is extremely competitive. Therefore, the most important thing for the military academy every year is the assessment of this first game. It must be known that the first men’s military school occupied half of all qualified students, which is why the first men’s military school has always been above the major military schools.

The military academy certainly hopes that their honor will continue. This will raise the requirements for each link. I hope that I can do my best and leave an excellent impression on the appraisers of the major legions. I hope that at the time of the assessment, I will be able to Passionate. The most crucial aspect is reflected in the reception...

Because the first men's military school is a big man, so unlike other mixed military schools, you can send beautiful girls to meet. This time, they got the news, their rivals, the Federal General Military Academy will send the team of the most beautiful girls to welcome the examiners, which makes the top of the first military school very nervous.

If they still send a sly boy to meet this time, with a contrast, will it annoy the examiners? When they think about the results that may affect the candidates, they are anxious and think about countermeasures. I don't know who proposed it, saying that boys also have beautiful looks, such as Luolang in the first grade (Luo Lang has been familiar with many people because he participated in the gambling, even if the top is heard), which makes them a straw. The decision was made to find some beautiful and careful teenagers to do this.

In the end, all the people who are the first-year freshmen are the best for this job. They are simple, there is no slippery life from the old people. If you accidentally make mistakes, I believe that in their younger age, those examiners They can also be ignorant.

In the end, this matter was handed over to the new group, who let Luo Lang be a new group, and the new group is the only recognized organization of the new students, who can find them without looking for them.

Xie Yi was stopped by classmates. In fact, it was for this matter. Their first-grade director tutor asked the classmate to tell him and let him go to the office of the director's mentor. (Since Qi Long Li Yingjie was injured, Xie Yi temporarily replaced them. It became the deputy of the monk and helped the monk to deal with the new group, which is why he was asked to find Xie Yi.

When Xie Yiyi went to the director's tutor, he saw that the monk was also there, and it was a faint feeling that it might be a new group. Facts have proved that Xie Yi did not guess wrong. The director tutor directly told the seniors of the military academy that they were responsible for the reception work, and that they had intentionally or unintentionally spoke of the excellentness of Luo Lang in front of them. He led the team most suitable for Wu Hao and Xie Yi heard a bitter smile, the director's words let them understand the plans of the military high school, they fancy the face of the male and female Luolang... However, Luolang originally I hate someone who is talking about his woman's face. They don't know if Luo Lang knows the plans of the senior military school. Will it be violent to directly overturn the principal's desk?

After the event, the two of them discussed each other and felt that they could only settle Luolang. Only the boss of Lanzhou was the only one. So Xie Yi went straight to the third floor to find Linglan to discuss this matter.

Xie Yigang stepped into the room of the login cabin and saw that the login cabin belonging to Lan’s boss slammed the door open. Ling Lan sat up cleanly and was preparing to come out of the login cabin.

Xie Yi saw the joy and said: "Lan boss, I just have something to discuss with you." After the talk, Xie Yi took the exclusive Linglan towel from the counter and walked over to hand to Ling Lan.

"What is it?" Ling Lan handed over the towel that Xie Yi had handed over and asked while walking. She is going to the side of the washroom and wash her face. (To be continued...)

Ps: So tired, I have to go to bed, my parents have to rest early, can't learn me... ()

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