Chapter 241: The Truth!

"Slightly safe!" Faced with the companion's questioning, Lin Zhidong was not angry, but calmly replied.

"Indeed, we are all Thunder people, all partners, have a good time to say, Mu Ying, don't worry, don't listen to Zhidong's explanation." A young man sitting beside Lin Zhidong is so eager to persuade Mu Ying, who was angry, threw a look at Lin Zhidong and asked him to explain it as soon as possible.

"Actually, if the head of Qiao is retreating, I will directly suggest that the head of the group will personally appear and accept those people." Lin Zhidong did not explain, but said his thoughts.

"Why are you so anxious? Can't you do it slowly? Do you know that your actions will discredit our image of Thunder?" Mu Ying heard Lin Zhidong's words jump again, almost pointing to Lin Zhidong's nose, angry and authentic.

Lin Zhidong used his hand to open the finger in front of him and turned to ask other people: "Do you think so?"

The young people who had done the same thing suddenly smiled and said: "Zhidong, your actions have been excessive in the past few days. The head of the delegation said before the retreat, we must go through the collegial meetings of several of us before we can act on behalf of the Thunder. You directly Jumping away from us, just so swaying each other..." He looked at the others and then continued. "We feel very passive."

Lin Zhidong’s mouth was a little sneer. He looked at other people. Their eyes did not hide their dissatisfaction. He said coldly: “I don’t want to tell you, but I’m afraid to tell you, this secret meeting. It was leaked, at that time. The loss to our Thunder is not a little bit."

"You don't believe us?" Mu Ying jumped up again.

"Yes, I don't believe you." Lin Zhidong replied unceremoniously.

"You..." Lin Zhidong's words made the other people in the face change. I feel that this is an insult to them.

The young people who are doing things are not busy in the second place: "Zhi Dong, how can you say that, for so many years of partners, isn’t there even trust in this?"

After listening to this, Lin Zhidong began to calm down: "I don't trust you. I don't believe people around you. You know that the more people you know, the more secrets are more easily leaked. This matter is related to us. The Thunder can finally unify the future of the military school."

"How do you say that?" Lin Zhidong made everyone move.

"You have to swear with spiritual strength, the secret will come to you, or I will not tell you." Lin Zhidong is surprisingly tough about this matter. It also made other people angry. I almost went away.

And the young man once again opened his mouth to adjust: "Zhidong, really need to do this, it is not a trivial matter to swear with spiritual strength..."

"The secret that I want to say is also of great importance to the Thunder. I believe that the head of the delegation knows and will agree with my approach." Lin Zhidong calmly replied.

Mu Ying jumped out first: "Swear to swear, but Lin Zhidong, if you say the secret **** is not as good. I will report to the head, expel you from the Thunder."

Lin Zhidong proudly said: "If you think this secret is not worth swearing with spiritual strength, don't tell the head. I automatically request to leave."

"Well, Lin Zhidong, you have to talk and count!" Mu Ying said after the first use of spiritual power to swear, other people saw Mu Ying have done this, can only helplessly follow.

When I saw a few people in the room swear, Lin Zhidong took out a piece of information from him. He handed the young man who was closest to him.

When the young man opened it and his face changed slightly, he forced the urge to ask and passed the information to the next one. Similarly, his expression appeared on the next person's face, and soon the information was transferred in the hands of everyone. Once again, I finally returned to Lin Zhidong’s hand and was thrown into the energy converter by Lin Zhidong. The energy converter that had already been prepared was melted directly into a gas, which was transformed into an energy and finally input into an energy. Concentrated in the block.

"Everyone has seen it. This is why I didn't inform you and directly challenged each other." Lin Zhidong said coldly.

"How can this be possible?" Mu Ying couldn't believe it. "One or two I can still believe that the new life of a spaceship is like this. This is too exaggerated."

In the face of Mu Ying’s disbelief, Lin Zhidong’s entire face was gloomy. “Don’t you believe in my hacking ability?”

One of them couldn't help but say: "Zhidong is the best one in the school hacker. We are convinced of your ability. It is just the above content. It is really exaggerated. Let us have some doubts. ”

“Will it be cheating?” One of them took a look at Lin Zhidong and slowly said, “Is it still fake material from Zhidong?” After all, they still don’t believe that this is true.

The mistrust of his companions made Lin Zhidong's face extremely ugly. He resisted his anger and sneered: "This information, I found it in the most insurance s class of the military school's main brain. If the s class has to put such a fake information, I don't know where the real information is to be placed. Is it to be placed on the s level of the federal master?"

"As for cheating, do you believe this reason?" Lin Zhidong said with sarcasm. "We are all judges who have tried their lives on the battlefield. Do you want them to help you cheating? I don't know what price to use to impress. They said that if they cheated, would they be so obvious? The students on the entire spaceship are so good? No one failed?"

Lin Zhidong’s remarks made other people calm down. Indeed, the s-class of the military school’s main brain will never put a fake information, and Lin Zhidong said that it is s-class, and it will definitely not make a mistake. After all, Lin Zhidong’s s-level The fresh materials obtained by the district are very accurate. It is impossible to get the wrong information in the wrong direction this time. Also, if it is really cheating, this kind of practice is also too stupid. Their extraordinary achievements will definitely attract the attention of the school, and will be verified by multiple parties to prove whether it is true. No one will be so bold and do such stupid things.

"I believe that, sooner, the hackers of other forces should also be able to get this information. At that time, we wanted to swallow these people, there is no hope." Lin Zhidong squinted and continued: "You know, Qiao The standard of long-term income, only those who pass the examinations of new students, especially those with good grades, even if they use the means, he will not miss it. We can not let the head of Qiao miss these talents when Qiao’s head retreats. ""

Lin Zhidong's remarks made other people look serious. They are very clear about Chaucer's style. If you know the results of these new students, you will definitely use all means to get them into the bag.

"However, since they are so good, I am afraid it is not easy to conquer." Excellent talents are loved by everyone, but often these people are self-respecting and proud, and they are not willing to lose.

"So, I set up this game, even if we are a bit arrogant, we must let the other party pick up our gauntlet, and then set the gambling, let them join us in the thunder after the defeat." Lin Zhidong has already thought about how to do it.

"Would they be afraid to accept the gauntlet?" After all, they were the first force in the school. I am afraid that these new students have softened their names.

"This is better. If you don't dare to fight, you can join us in the Thunder. We can never go wrong. If they dare to join other forces, we will see it once. In the mech world, they will completely block their growth. What we use, we must completely ruin them." Lin Zhidong sneered, the other two attitudes he is good, will not let them escape his palm, he must do this before the head of the customs .

"If it is a confrontation with the new students, the school regulations can only be physical combat, and those students from Doha, Doha is the most important body fighting, I am afraid we do not occupy too many advantages."

"Even if they fight stronger, they are only freshmen of the first grade, the chicks that have just come out of the Scout Academy, and we are all four or five years old. The mech fighting is not only mech, but for us. The surgery also has a promoting effect. In the past few years, the fighting experience is enough for us to abuse them." Lin Zhidong sneered, "Even if we have a bad fighting, three years is enough to make up for the gap in talent, you think Do they have a chance?"

"That is also true." The crowd nodded. Although in recent years they have focused on mech fighting, but in their spare time, they will also go to the gymnastics fighting hall to fight with people. They also feel the benefits of mech fighting for physical combat, fighting When you can find the other person's vulnerability in an instant. There is no doubt that their physical and mental strength has improved a lot since they first entered school.

"Don't the other forces not intervene? If they know the information of those people, they will not let us go Someone has raised new questions.

"The hacker, there are only a few of the records on our military school, and only the first four forces have it. However, I was the first to get the information. In order to delay the time, I made some hands and feet. They have to spend some time to decipher. Although I don't know when they can decipher, I have been watching their progress, but this matter should be sooner rather than later. If it is late, and they get real information, we will probably get a basket of water..." Lin Zhidong explained, "So, we must go to the new group to solve the problem. When we successfully compile it, then they will understand the truth. If the head is there, they will not offend us."

"That's good, it seems that we have to go to war as soon as possible..." Several of the audience finally achieved reunification and began to discuss when to write a new book to the new regiment.


This chapter Ling Lan figure has appeared in the wood, are small supporting roles, just to explain the cause of the provocation event ... everyone watching the subscription! Recently, my code code is a bit numb, is it really down? Tears!

Ok, I have to go to sleep. I have no code words during the day. I can only come at night. Sometimes I have a card, and I am stuck directly to the middle of the night. Fortunately, I am not very sleepy recently. ()

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