Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 240: : The purpose of the Thunder?

Chapter 214: What is the purpose of the Thunder?

"Should not, Lei Wang is now retreating, ready to break through the promotion of the ace master, there should be no such time to manage this small matter." Xie Yi suddenly said this information.

Lei Wang retired to advance to the ace of the squad, this news has spread throughout the first men's military school, even if they are new students, they can know one or two, after all, the military school has such a super genius, how to vigorously promote publicity.

Ling Lan heard a heartfelt move and said: "Wait, let me think, this may be our chance to develop once."

Ling Lan’s words made a few people’s eyes bright, and they were so excited that they couldn’t dare to disturb Ling Lan’s contemplation.

You know, the new group now looks good and can't see the conscious pressure of other forces. In fact, those forces are like a knife hanging over their heads, always in crisis. Because they don't know, when those forces will be forced to oppress, and finally they have to be forced to join those forces.

The students of Scout Center have always been a group of students with excellent talents, so they are extremely proud. They are not willing to make unreasonable choices due to external pressure. This is why they quickly achieved unity and established a new group. Where.

The original Scout Center Academy, represented by Zhang Jingan, is an excellent sanctuary for them. Unfortunately, when the grade represented by Zhang Jingan was in the big fight, it was their defeat, so the new students did not want to let a man defeat them in the future. After all, they did not see Zhang Jingan, which is one of the reasons why Zhang Jingan’s lobbying failed.

Of course, Ling Lan’s existence is one of the reasons why they do not want to join Zhang Jing’an. If Ling Lan is not there, many people will be under pressure from reality. Will temporarily join Zhang Jingan's forces for stability. Ling Lan came to the first men's military school. In the eyes of the new students, they led them to win big battles, and successfully seized the control of the spaceship Linglan, which undoubtedly made them more trustworthy. This is one of the reasons why the new group was established smoothly.

"Fighting army. You said that the other side is so obvious provocative, and does not hide the power from it, is it really just to kill chickens and monkeys?" Ling Lan began to doubt the purpose of the other party.

Generally, in order to play a better deterrent, it will create the commanding heights of moral paradox, push the responsibility of provoke war to the opponent, and finally prove their tallness by overwhelming victory, this time. With this momentum, it is much easier to take some good freshmen by plane...

The Thunder’s approach is a bit impatient. Their obvious is to provoke the anger of the new students as soon as possible. The means are low-level and rude. Even if they win, the Thunder will get an nickname for bullying and smashing newcomers, even Let other freshmen worry. Fear of being crushed and bullied, but it affects the effect of their income. Ling Lan did not think about what was wrong.

"No, for what? Is it just a simple suppression of mergers and acquisitions?" The military can't think of any other purpose. "Although we have a large number of people, we can compare with the number of all new students. It is too far away. We must know that nearly 7,000 new students enter the school every year."

Han Jijun’s words made Ling Lan suddenly think of something, she suddenly asked seriously. "If they do, do they know the assessment results of our new students?"

The results of the freshman assessment will be recorded in the student's file, and this achievement will affect the teachers and materials that the military school gave to the student. In fact, it has already been reflected now. These students have entered the best classes in their chosen majors, and have received the best instructors and the best materials for learning and training.

Just like Ling Lan's mech control class A, not only the major instructors are outstanding figures, but even the mentor who guides the real machine control are the mech masters above the trump card. Not only that, but when it comes to the distribution of real machines, you can often get one of the best mechs in the school. Of course, to what extent, it depends on the virtual manipulation of the mechs in recent years.

Han Jijun heard the words, like what he thought of, his face changed slightly: "Is the other party getting the results of our freshman assessment? There are hackers..." The military academy has a special hacker class, and there are hackers in the power. It is quite normal. .

"Isn't the military academy not doing a good job of protection?" Knowing that there are hackers among students, it is so easy to get new learning materials, which makes Han Jijun somewhat dissatisfied.

"Or, this is also an assessment given to the hacker students by the military academy." Ling Lan does not feel strange, any protection is a means to be broken, but it is different from whether it is successful.

Ling Lan’s words made Han Jijun relieved. This is also very likely. To make the hackers try their best to decipher, they must have sufficient benefits, and the new assessment materials are undoubtedly the most attractive to these hackers. After all, even if the hackers don't pay attention, their organizations will be heart-warming, and they will not be allowed to do it.

"It seems that Lan Lao’s suspicions are correct. They are not trying to kill chickens and monkeys. The real goal is actually us. This war seems to be that we can’t escape.” Ling Lan’s reminder made Han Jijun understand. I couldn’t help but worry.

"Thunder is a must for us, so even if the Lei Wang retreats and lacks the leader to sit down, he should also conquer us as soon as possible. They are afraid that other organizations will know this information and will eventually insert a foot." Ling Lan Basically understand the purpose of the Thunder, "It seems that our assessment information has no other forces to know..."

Ling Lan at this time in the sea of ​​consciousness told Xiaosi to go to the main brain of the military school to see if someone has deciphered the protection and intercepted their information.

Soon after the fourth answer, there was indeed a person who successfully entered the database, downloaded a copy of their document, and left a layer of protection, while several other hackers were deciphering the protective layer. Their progress is estimated to be successful in a week and get their information.

Since Ling Lan knows this, of course, Xiao 4 will reinforce their information again. She does not want their information to be known to others. The more people I know, the more dangerous it is for the new group. Because they are like the children holding a cornucopia, they don't have enough strength to protect their own wealth, and the final result can only be taken away by other strong people...

Xiaosi got Ling Lan’s order and solved it. Of course, he took his small chest and promised that no one in the world would get this information under his protection, unless the military school is qualified to watch. Information person.

"However, no matter what the purpose of the Thunder is, this is a bad thing for us. In fact, it is not a bad thing for us." Ling Lan solved this hidden danger, and she was relieved. Now she can concentrate on dealing with the Thunder, even if it is Thunder. It is the first force of the school, but only one force, the pressure will be much smaller.

Han Jijun’s flash of light flashed and said: “Yes, this is really not a bad thing for us.”

Qi Long was squandered by his own boss and his own ruthless party. He couldn’t help but ask: "What the **** are you talking about? What good things are bad?"

Han Jijun rarely answered Qi Long’s question, but continued to speak with Ling Lan: “Other forces in the military academy are afraid that the Thunder will wait for our results because of the unknown situation.”

"If we can't cope with the thunder's blow, even if we don't want to go to the Thunder, we can't stop other forces. The final result of our new group must be disintegrated and swallowed and absorbed by them." Ling Lan said faintly about the final of their new group. As a result, "However, if we resist this time, although we are on the Thunder, as long as our freshmen's assessment results are not known by other forces, they will not want to go to the Thunder, annoy the King of Lei, and intervene in this matter. After all, Freshmen are not just us. They are willing to let us compete with the Thunder, so that Thunder can't take care of other new students, so that they can collect people."

"Right to the Thunder, although we are likely to lose very badly, but also our opportunity. Thunder will become our opponent, but also become our amulet." Han Jijun said, "just to ensure our information Not being won by other forces?" Han Jijun began to commit crimes.

"This matter, don't worry, I will handle it well." Ling Lan decisively replied. Han Jijun remembered that their Lan boss was probably an unfathomable hacker. He proved this in the spaceship, and he suddenly laughed.

At this time, several other people also understood. Xie Yi asked: "Is this said that although we seem to be very dangerous, the situation is not as bad as it is outside?"

Ling Lan shook his head and said: "You can't say that, you can only say that each part is half the success or failure."

Ling Lan said that he turned to look at Han Jijun and told him: "Follow the army, you contact several heads of the new regiment and come to our villa tonight. Since you have decided, you must tell them."

"Okay! Boss Han Jijun replied, but he asked with some concern, "What if they retreat?" "This is not a big fight. The strength and number of the Thunder are really more than they are. They just came to the college and have not yet established a foothold. I am afraid many new students will be worried."

"First tell them, if you don't want to do it, you can let them quit." Ling Lan said faintly, "I didn't want them to shoot."

Han Jijun glanced, then his eyes slammed: "Boss, you mean..."

Ling Lan did not answer, Han Jijun did not expect Ling Lan to answer, because he had an answer in his heart.

At this time, in the accommodation of a certain grade of military academy, many people looked at the person in the main seat with anger. One of the young people with a savage face asked, "Lin Zhidong, what are you?" What kind of ghost? If the head of Qiao knows what you are doing, you will wait for the head to be sued."


Ok, I am really kvin... I am dead and dead! The second is still in the code, is it going to be wanted today? ()

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