Chapter 242: The next battle!

In fact, the new group received an earlier essay than Linglan expected. Two days later, the head of the new group’s Ming Dynasty Wu Hao received a gaunt from the Thunder!

That day, it was at noon, Qilong Wushu and other mechs who controlled Class A just ended the brutal physical training in the morning, exhausted to the military school cafeteria to eat, just sit down, did not eat a few mouths, listen At the entrance to the canteen, an arrogant sound sounded, and the otherwise noisy canteen was quiet.

"Which is the head of the new regiment, give me out of the battle book!"

Speaking to a student wearing a blue military uniform, the arrogant look at the people in the cafeteria is like watching a pile of rubbish, followed by five or six students wearing uniforms of the same color. Just look at the uniform color, you know that they must belong to the top 500 outstanding students in the military school.

The basic color of military uniforms is green, which belongs to ordinary students, while blue belongs to the top 500 students with comprehensive scores. The chief students of each grade are wearing white uniforms with their special glory. This is a reward for the pride of the Son of Heaven and a respect for them. For example, Lei Wang is the chief student of the fourth-grade mech control professional. His uniform color is the only white in this profession.

There were originally a few people who were also dressed in blue uniforms. Because they were bothered by their faces, they were so angry that they looked slightly different when they saw the badge they wore on their chests, and their anger suddenly caught. Because they know which force the badge represents, this is not what they can get...

Wu Hao and Qi Long looked at each other and their eyes were clear. That evening. Ling Lan has already called them and told her guesses about the leaders of Wu Hao, Li Yingjie and other teams. So they have been waiting for the Thunder's action, and now they are finally here.

"How, the new regiment did not grow so much, did not dare to pick up our Thunder's gauntlet?" Blue uniform youth face ridiculed. He has already received the above notice and must anger the leadership of the new regiment. Let them take the impulsive action. Of course, if they don't pick up the ridicule, they will sigh directly and let the head of the new delegation personally go to the Thunder headquarters to find a few deputy heads to apologize, otherwise it will not be light.

Qi Long threw a look at the monk. For this kind of confrontation scene, his honest face is not suitable. According to Lan’s boss, Qi Long grew a silly face. It is more suitable for the new group to bully others and then do the innocent bleaching.

The martial arts mastered the gods. He knocked the tableware in front of him with chopsticks, and then slammed it again. The chopsticks hit the metal table on the metal table and gave a crisp, originally quiet restaurant. Because of this crisp sound, the atmosphere became dignified. .

Wu Hao mouth with a sneer. The whole person leaned back on the seat, clasped his chest with both hands, and said faintly: "I am the head of the new regiment. If you have something to say, let the fart be put!"

Lan boss said that you must not lose the momentum of the new group!

In these years, although Wu Hao has been pressed by Ling Lan Qi Long, he was able to seize the control of the spacecraft. The monk has always been the main planning participant. These victories have made him confident and calm, and because there have always been more excellent people, so that he will not become too proud. At this time, even in the face of the first force of the military academy, he was equally calm and not guilty.

This attitude of the monk is obviously beyond the expectations of the Thunder. Their faces are full of anger, especially those who take the lead are stepping forward, angered: "Kid, you speak clean!"

The monk looked at the past and said faintly: "How? Do you have any opinions?"

The obvious contempt in the eyes of the monks made those people collectively take a few steps, and the anger seemed to want to teach the monks.

But before they got close, the freshmen who were sitting quietly in the restaurant suddenly stood up and looked at the thunderous people. They seemed to be warning, and one step closer, don’t blame them. You're welcome.

When I saw that there were more than 300 people standing up, the five or six people from the Thunder suddenly changed their faces and stopped. At this time, the blue uniform of the leader who changed the face changed a few times and laughed. "Ha ha, just just making a joke, seeing the new group so united, we thunder are also gratified, you are qualified to fight our thunder!"

When the face is very thick, flattering the new group, and not forgetting to raise his power, he smiles at the monk and asks: "The head of the group, do not know how to call it?"

The monk put down his arms and gently tapped his finger on the table. He smiled and stared at the leader. This familiar expression made the people of Qilong unable to resist the acid. Please, worship my boss, and don’t need to learn him. Look at it, look cold.

Perhaps this kind of affectionate martial arts is very stressful. In the end, he couldn’t hang up the smiling face. Finally he stood there and didn’t know how to end it.

Sure enough, Lan’s expression is so lethal, he used it much later, enough to rob some small characters. Wu Hao retracted this expression with satisfaction and whispered: "My name is Wu, you can call me the commander!"

"The head of the martial arts, really great, the new group is led by you, there is definitely a future." The blue uniform leader directly gave a thumb, expressing the heart's sigh. Since taunting and oppression can't be done at all, it can only be embarrassed. As long as the other party accepts the challenge book, this shame will be recovered.

Even if the leader concealed, the resentment in his eyes was seen by several people in the Wuyi Qilong, but since he had decided to go with the Thunder, he would not be offended.

"Please ask the commander of the martial arts to pick up our Thunder's gauntlet, and you can have such excellent opponents. We are also ecstatic." The young leader of the blue uniform walked nervously under the roar of more than 300 people. At the monk, there was a long card pulled out of his pocket and his hands were passed.

At this moment, one hand intercepted the card, it was sitting on the side of the monk, and he had already stood up, pulled the card with one hand, and then handed it to the monk.

The monk took it, opened it and saw that it would be in the fighting hall after three days of writing. A two-party fighting battle was held, with five people on each side. The outcome is determined by a five-game three-win system, and there are extra bets. Of course, the bet will be raised on the day of the fighting and cannot be rejected.

Sure enough, the target of the Thunder is their new group. Lan boss guessed it right. When Wu Hao saw this, he knew it well. The bet was definitely for the new group to join the Thunder...

"Well, after three days, the fighting hall will not see you!" Wu Hao slammed the card and slammed it back. This has already been agreed, and the monk should of course be down on the spot.

"Well, the head of the martial arts is really refreshing. After three days. The Fighting Hall is looking forward to your visit!" Seeing that he had completed the task, the leader of the Thunder said with a smile.

At this time, on another table, Li Yingjie glanced at the cold eyes and said: "If the nonsense is finished, you can roll it!"

The Thunder’s men had just been pressured by the monks and the more than 300 people, and now they are being insulted by another kid who doesn’t know where to come. The annoyance in the heart is abnormal. They think that since there is no way to fight against the leader of the new regiment, there is nothing wrong with teaching this arrogant boy. So a few people went to Li Yingjie with a gloomy face.

Li Yingjie licked his finger and kicked the chair behind him. He sneered: "How do you want to fight?"

With this sound, I heard the sound of the chairs in the restaurant moving, and then I saw the more than 300 people who had stood glaring at them, and even opened the chair. A look of anger rushed toward them, and many people began to flex their muscles and prepare to dry.

Under this time, they still don’t know that this arrogant boy is definitely the top of the new regiment. The young man in blue uniforms can no longer bear the anger of his heart. He pointed to Li Yingjie and put down the words: Ok, after three days, wait and see!"

When they finished, they walked away with sloppiness, but behind them there was a wave of rolling, which made them feel shameful. Since joining the Thunder, they have always been high and are the role of casual bullying. Today, they have tasted the ruthless insults of bullying, and almost let them bite their silver teeth.

The people watching the Thunder sneaked out of the cafeteria, and the monk handed the gauntlet to the opposite Qilong. Qilong opened it and immediately sneered: "There was no expectation of the boss, the Thunder really was our new group. The fish on the plate is free to slaughter."

At this time, Wu Hao was already anxiously looking for his own chopsticks. Just to create momentum, he chopped the chopsticks to the table. Now I don’t know where to go. Poorly, he is hungry and hungry, and he will not eat again. It became the first head of a hungry stunned. In order to fight the momentum of the new regiment, he is easy...

"No, let's use your chopsticks!" Seeing Qilong's chopsticks placed on the tableware, the monks can no longer hold back, pick up directly, mad food... Hey, morning physical training has been After draining his energy, if he doesn't add it, he will die.

"No, that's mine!" Qi Long angrily lost the gauntlet in his hand and wanted to take back his chopsticks. But the monk did it one step earlier and flashed to the table next to him, not forgetting to remind: " I played with you in such a play, you always have to repay me. If you borrow double chopsticks, you will be grateful."

Qilong gave the monk a contemptuous gesture, but did not continue to catch up, because the monk said yes, he should have come out to pick up the book... but he is also very hungry, although he eats the contest He has a little more, but he has a natural appetite. How can he meet the stomach that he is equally hungry?

When I turned my eyes, I saw that Han Jijun, who was around me, was taking a small bite and eating a little bit. It was slow and unhurried. It seemed that he was not hungry at all, just to complete the task of eating...

"Follow the army, since you are not very hungry, take care of your brother first!" Qi Long smiled and quickly took away the chopsticks in the hands of Han Jijun in the state, and then sat up with a satisfied meal.

Han Jijun stared blankly at the right hand who had nothing at this time. He looked up at Qilong, who was eating happily. He almost wanted to pour the food in front of him directly on Qilong’s head. Is there anyone who is doing this dead party? Do not harm others, but actually harm yourself?

Another table of Lin Zhongqing, seeing this scene, sighed a little, took a small bag from his pocket, pulled out a few short iron bars from the inside, and then picked up two small pieces of screwing, several Going back and forth, a pair of normal length chopsticks was quietly handed to Han Jijun.

Han Jijun, who got the chopsticks, only suppressed the fire and began to eat the food. He decided that the next time he would no longer help Qilong, even if Lan’s boss would abuse Qilong again, he would hang high and treat everything as nothing. Did not see.

The high-profile mission of the new group was quickly spread throughout the military academy. Those forces that have been suppressed by the Thunder will certainly be gloating. I didn’t expect the powerful Thunder to be hit. However, they did not believe that the new group could stop the Thunder's next revenge. They waited for the new group to be disbanded, ready to fish in troubled waters, and took the opportunity to collect those who were worried about the development of their own forces.

Just when everyone saw the dying new group, only Li Lanfeng heard the news, but his face was dignified and silent.


One yard is up to 3,500 words, but the result is over 12 o'clock... Why don't I wake up before 12 o'clock, in fact, 3000 words should be full at that time, tears! Well, since the code is 3,500 words, it will be 3,500 words.

I want to ask, there are still a few relatives, nights, etc.... I really can’t help it. I thought I could finish it before 12 o'clock! ()

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