Crossing to the Future, it’s Not Easy to Be a Man

Chapter 239: : Killing chickens and monkeys?

Chapter 239: Killing Chickens and Monkeys?

Ling Lan satisfactorily touched the newly-formed human-shaped low-level mechs. The whole exterior of the mech was dark gray. Although it was not very eye-catching, the mech was raised from a solid security to a weapon. Steps.

It not only has a destructive heat weapon beam energy gun, but also has a high-alloy steel sword of the main battle cold weapon, and two broken thorns hanging on the back waist, and a high-alloy steel short blade on both sides of the thigh. The degree of firmness is obviously not comparable to the short blade on the internship. However, it is still low-level after all, so the lightsaber is not qualified, but Linglan does not need a lightsaber at this time, because she has a hundred times better than the lightsaber, the main battle cold weapons do not regret, use the ace machine A is not awkward.

Ling Lan appreciates this low-level mech, which is pressed by the remote control button. The originally closed armor control compartment is suddenly opened. Ling Lan did not choose to lower the ladder, but a step jump, in the mech. When the hands and feet flew, they flew directly, and in the blink of an eye they sat in the control cabin.

Ling Lan randomly closed the control cabin, started the mech, and waited until it was fully opened. This only controlled the mech to do a few basic actions in his own login space. It feels that the control is much smoother than the internship. If you take it now, This mech **** machine has all been repaired to Xinyang City. Linglan believes that even if there is no need for weapons, the ability of the mech alone can solve those big shackles.

After Linglan became familiar with it for a while, he satisfactorily took out the regrets in the backpack and replaced the ordinary high-alloy steel sword equipped with the low-grade machine methyl. Since there are better weapons. Ling Lan certainly chose to use it, and only if he would not be familiar with his own arm, can he exert the power of regretlessness to the extreme.

Ling Lan will retract the high-alloy steel sword. As long as she is not long ago, she will also sigh with the carrot blade that is far less than the high-alloy steel sword. It is a sigh: this person is so happy and tired. Seeing good. It would be ruthless to give up those bad things ruthlessly.

Some hurt the spring and fall in the autumn, Ling Lan finally burst into the so-called girl's sentimental thoughts, which calmly chose to enter the mech world, because Ling Lan has been replaced with a low-level humanoid mech, and Sanyo town, Almost half of the mechs are such mechs, so her appearance did not attract the attention of the town.

Since the new machine is exchanged. Ling Lan was not interested in going to the Mecha Taiwan Pavilion to abuse the novices. Ling Lan felt that it was time to contact them with Qi Long, so. Ling Lan directly lost the name of Ling Tian fighting. Lost the request to add a friend.

Soon, Lingtian Fighting passed her friend's application. At the same time, the main brain of the mech suddenly said: "Lingtian fights to call you?"

Oh, the response is very fast! Ling Lan certainly chose to agree. Then a sound that could break her ear veins sounded in the control cabin: "Boss, you finally contacted me!" It was Zilon's loud voice.

At the same time, the system sounded a sly message in Linglan's ear, Ling Tian abacus, Ling Tian package. Ling-day knife, Ling-day substitute request to join friends ......

Ling Lan decisively by these requests. She knows who they are, Ling-day thinking is Han Jijun, Ling-day package is Lin Zhongqing, Ling-day knife Los waves, Ling-day bench, there is no doubt that thanks should be a.

Of course Ling Lan side by side heart Tucao, this group of stupid, is what takes the name of a ghost? That level at all.

When Ling Lan to other people through, Chilon will be a few other people pulled into the into the channel, and, in attendance heard Long excitedly asked: "? Lan boss, the rabbit is not you."

Ling Lanyi: "What rabbit?"

"It is the rabbit armor that kills the same level of armor. The newbie has seen the 100 games in the match. We have all seen it." Qilong’s words are all you don’t want to hide, the strength of Linglan’s mechs. Several other people are clear, except for the last coming Xie Yi.

"No!" Ling Lan decisively vetoed, she would not admit that the cute rabbit is her, which affects her image of the stalwart on her tall.

Ling Lan decisively veto makes Qi Long speechless. In his heart, only Ling Lan can control the internship machine to attack the enemy. This is the style of Ling Lan. In the Scout Center, it is not so advanced to the top five. Name? Finally met him and Luo Lang, and did not continue the style.

"Not the boss, who else? I can't imagine anyone else can do this." Luo Lang also did not believe.

"Well, since Lan boss does not want to talk about the rabbit armor, we should not ask!" Han Jijun decisively stopped the road, of course, he did not believe Ling Lan's denial, in his eyes, this is an unquestionable fact . However, since Lan boss does not want to say, there must be some reason, Han Jijun does not want to make Ling Lan embarrassed.

Although Han Jijun stopped this topic, from their speech reaction, Ling Lan knew that her words were not believed, but she could only bite her teeth at this time. Anyway, she would never admit that the rabbit armor is her. As for Qilong, what they think is not what she can decide.

A few people in Qilong couldn't wait to meet Ling Lan. Ling Lan thought that she was already a low-level mech. She also had a record in Xinyang City, which can be sent to Xinyang City, so she proposed to go to Xinyang City.

I didn't expect this proposal to make a few people scream, and Qi Long laughed even more: "I will say, ... Who else can I be besides the boss?" The first half of the sentence was clear, and Ling Lan didn't have to think about it. I also know that Qi Long said that it is definitely a rabbit armor.

"What? Is there anything wrong with Xinyang City?" Ling Lan asked curiously.

"This is the case. Xinyang City is the capital of the strong. Only the mechs who pass through the faith channel in each novice town are eligible to enter Xinyang City..." Han Jijun explained, "Every novice town has four channels." They lead to different cities, and the three channels are relatively difficult. As long as they are step by step, they can enter the major cities, but another channel of the town is to Xinyang City. Xinyang City is very much in the mech world. Unique, it can only be entered by the strong in the novice town. Those who enter other cities from other channels cannot enter Xinyang City by other cities."

"So, the mechs who can enter Xinyang City are all outstanding and strong. Xinyang City is also the mech holy place in the minds of all the mechs. It has not only a lot of tasks, but also all kinds of weapons and equipment. It is also the promotion of all professions. The special hall. It is like our machine, who wants to advance from the senior machine to the special division, must go to Xinyang City for assessment." Luo Lang added.

"It turns out that, but the passage of Xinyang City is not very difficult. As long as you learn the mech control, you can pass it." Ling Lan did not agree.

"Which is so simple, even if it is a high-ranking machine, it may not be able to pass it. I want to be at the beginning. We have been killed three times on that road, and we were lucky enough to pass it." Qi Long looked back and saw the passage of Xinyang City. How hard is it.

"Even if the Xinyang City Passage is a little difficult. I can't live by myself. Please help a master, don't do it." Ling Lan does not believe that Xinyang City people really fight on their own, such as the machine is not repaired, not her Escort the past?

"Which master is willing to bring a burden when playing the channel? To know the more people, the number of beasts will increase with the number of people. The strength will become stronger, and the only people who can pass the Xinyang channel can play, like us. Those who pass the customs cannot enter the passage."

Han Jijun talked about the restrictions of the Xinyang City Passage. This is why the average life player can't enter Xinyang City, unless he joins the organizational power family. It is possible to make a unified arrangement and bring some talented life players to Xinyang City for development.

Ling Lan heard this, could not help but scream a loss, I knew that Xinyang City was so difficult to fight, she did not need to repair the machine when she did not regret it.

Soon six people met in Xinyang City and saw five silver-blue, graceful humanoid mechs. Linglan then looked at his dark and bloated body, and suddenly felt bad... This scene Absolutely like the feeling of an ugly duckling running into a swans.

This scene does make some high-level mechs or special mechs around me, but they speculate that this low-level mech is likely to be brought into Xinyang by these senior machine, which envied this low-level machine. A lucky, like the mid-level mechs of the previous few days.

"In the past few days, I have concentrated on the mech world. Is there anything happening outside?" Ling Lan and Qi Long, they just joined together. The first sentence is this. I don’t know why she always feels a little uneasy in her heart. It feels like Something is going to happen.

"It is true that the situation outside these days is not quite right." Compared with the sturdy Qilong, the careful Han Jijun did find something wrong.

"What's the matter?" Ling Lan asked with a frown.

"According to Wu Hao, someone who bullied our newbie group yesterday, Li Yingjie certainly couldn’t see the eye, and directly took people back to fight back. But when the man left, Li Yingjie was careful and his attitude was extremely arrogant. At that time, I suspected that it might be a forceful person," Han Jijun said.

"Tentative? Or is it a provocation? Have you found out which force the other party belongs to?" Ling Lan looked calm.

"The monk later found out that seems to be related to the Thunder Machine Group. That person is the younger brother of the Thunder Machine Group. Now I don't know if this is the meaning of the Thunder, or the personal behavior of that person. "Han Jijun said that the brows here are also slightly wrinkled. They have not yet established a firm foothold in the military academy. It is undoubtedly extremely unfavorable to confront the school's first force, the Thunderbolt.

"Thunder? Lei Wang?" Ling Lan thought of all the machines, and sighed: "Even if it is not the meaning of the Thunder, they will not let this opportunity, I am afraid this time, Lei Wang will shoot." Kill the chicken, they The new group is really suitable for this chicken.


Sorry, Kavin, I don't know what to code... I have to clean up the clues, how to write below. Recently, the inspiration has disappeared, nnd, the baby in my stomach is definitely a straw bag!

In addition, I would like to explain why Li did not think that Wang might be the queen. The text has been written since the beginning. Because women are born with physical weakness, they cannot become powerful mechs, especially ace masters! The word "king" generally refers to those who are king-level teachers, or god-level teachers... So, Li said that the king can only be a man.

There is also a phoenix... Didn't the parents pay attention to Ling's totem is a fire phoenix?

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