Chapter 220:

A meteorological zone in the United States was originally a federal interplanetary flight channel. However, hundreds of years ago, the meteorites in this space began to wander around, and the trajectory of action was very different. It had repeatedly caused the spacecraft to crash into a crash due to evasion. So this channel was gradually abandoned by the Federation...

Everyone does not know that in the center of the meteorite zone, there is a space fortress disguised as a large rocky mountain, which houses a secret military base of the Federation...

The small meteorites around the action are actually the guardian satellites of the space fortress. Once they find the unknown spacecraft that deviates from the channel, they will crash into the past and drive away from each other. If the other party insists on entering, the guardian satellite will create a tragic impact event and directly destroy the spacecraft.

Time has arrived in the afternoon of the Federation. In the space fortress, several monitors who are responsible for monitoring the situation around the meteorite zone are drinking hot tea at this time. After a busy morning, they can finally relax after eating lunch. Chat for a while.

"I didn't expect to receive nine of the spaceships of the military academy in the morning, so we were busy enough..." One of the young corporal monitors stretched out and complained.

"Xiao Lin, you are a new recruit who has just been sent here, so I don't know. At this time of the year, it is our busiest. All students admitted to the First Military Academy will be received here." Another young officer of the rank of Lieutenant laughs. "This is just the beginning. I believe that we will be busier in the afternoon. The spaceships of the new planets will definitely arrive today."

The ensign of the second lieutenant let the other non-commissioned officers nod and nod. They have been working in this fortress for two or three years, so they are all aware of this situation.

The corporal named Xiaolin heard this and exaggeratedly asked for a waiver: "Hey, what more in the afternoon? I will be tired."

Lieutenant knocked him with a hammer and said with a smile: "This is too tired? It's really useless guy."

Xiaolin, who had been taught, quickly pointed out to the captain that he was not afraid of hardship and tiredness. This trick made the monitoring platform laugh, and the tiredness left in the morning seemed to disappear slowly in laughter.

Although the fortress is in good condition in all aspects, the work is relatively monotonous compared to other bases. In particular, these monitoring personnel are likely to have an annoyance when they are facing the ever-changing meteorite zone for a long time, so they I learned to adjust myself and I will not be silent and quiet during working hours, but like now, talking and laughing and regulating emotions.

After laughing for a while, Kobayashi thought of something, and suddenly he laughed.

He took a look at him and asked, "What happened to you?" This kid will have some situations every day, and the ensign is already strange.

Kobayashi smiled and said: "I just laughed at the military academy freshmen. When I got off the boat, I was squabbling. I was like a rabbit. I always thought that I could be admitted to the first men’s military academy. Or a arrogant thing..."

Lieutenant laughed and said: "That is now, it used to be different, just as you said it is unruly..."

Xiaolin was curious and asked: "Captain, why do you say that?"

Lieutenant said: "In fact, I have not experienced that period. I listened to my old captain. In the past, those military academies were not so embarrassed. As you said, all kinds of hard work, messed up here. Finally Or the head of the base couldn’t stand it, and reflected it to the above. Later, the situation improved, and it gradually became like this. The military freshmen were all very embarrassed."

“Is the quality of the new students improved? Or has it been guided by the Scout Academy?” Xiaolin questioned.

Shao Shao said with a smile: "How is this possible? Our Federation has always been a strong person, and the Scout Academy is not limiting students' competitive personality in order to cultivate strong people."

"Then why are these new students so embarrassed?" Kobayashi couldn't figure it out.

At this time, one of the sergeants smiled and said: "That is because the spacecraft that came from these new recruits are the most outstanding ships of our military. The members are all hundred soldiers. Even if these new students are the pride of heaven, the genius of the world. In the face of these soldiers, we can only bow down to the court. Besides, the instructions given by the military are to let the veterans of the spacecraft convinced the pride of these days and let them know that they are still very small and not qualified to be arrogant... ”

Kobayashi opened his mouth in surprise: "That is, these new students have been convinced by our soldiers?"

"Positive solution!" Another sergeant smiled and teased. "It’s rare for our Xiaolin to be smart again..."

Xiaolin didn't seem to feel the teasing of the sergeant's words. He said very slyly: "That is, I have always been smart!" This led to the laughter in the monitoring station.

"Everybody noticed that there was another spaceship outside!" The smiling young man suddenly found a spaceship entering their surveillance range and was busy reminding his team members.

The crowd immediately rallied and laughed, each returning to their work seat and starting their own work.

"Check the information, the initial determination is to go to the Dora Star's horn!" One of the sergeants took the spacecraft's information and found out the object of compliance.

"The signal sent by the other party to request access, the source of the signal password is correct!" Kobayashi analyzed the signal source sent by the horn, and reported the captain after the confirmation.

Li Shao nodded and said: "Connect the signal source!"

With this sound, the transparent glass in front of the monitoring station suddenly lit up, and then a familiar figure appeared on it. The original viewing window that looked at the starry sky was also a huge screen.

When Lieutenant saw the figure, he immediately stood up and said: "Tianfang University! Hello!"

The Tianfang University, the captain of the horns, said with a smile: "Hello!"

"Please wait a moment, we will arrange the dock of your spaceship." Shaohao sent the information of the horn to the guiding department, and soon led the department to feedback back the information and connected the channel of the horn.

When the figure of Tianfang University disappeared on the big screen, the younger one took a sigh of relief. Even if it was just an image, the pressure brought by Tianfang University was still very large. This is the strength of the strong.

Kobayashi wiped the cold sweat of a sweaty forehead, and some of them said with trepidation: "Just seeing the avatar of the Tianfang University, it makes me feel breathless. So powerful, what is the sacredness of the Tianfang University?"

The ensign of the Shaolin face reveals: "He is the only master of the starship to enter the field level. Although he is not a full-time mechmaster, his mech control has already reached the ace of the squad. It is our federal world. Land engine!"

"Ah, he is the land engine in the heavens and the earth." Kobayashi’s eyes are admiring. Compared with the legendary figure of the god-level master, the acemaster is undoubtedly more grounded and admired by countless soldiers. The object you want to be.

"How can such a powerful person be sent to do this task?" Xiaolin is worthless for the Tianfang University.

"He went to Doha, where there is a freshman at the Scouting Center College. It is the place where our federal outstanding genius. There is no such role as a big school. Can you live with the top geniuses?" Shaohao reprimanded Xiaolin's shallowness, although near In the past few years, there have been no top geniuses in Doha, but you should never underestimate these old-fashioned Scouting Academy, which may have a enchanting out.

The Tianfang University did not know that because of the arguments he had appeared in the monitoring station, he had now let out the position of the captain, and looked depressed at the screen in front of the screen to see the busy work of the new students in the main control room.

Although the students studied after a day and night, the manipulation of the spacecraft still seemed to be a bit oyster. On several occasions, the coordinates of the spacecraft to the fortress were not controlled, and the guides of the other party began to be somewhat dissatisfied.

Tianfang University feels shameful. He knows that the fortress must be saying that the Tianfang University is absolutely drinking... He feels that the name of the world has been lost here, but it cannot be explained to the outside world because the facts are even more shameful.

Lingfang’s school saw that Ling Lan, who was sitting in the captain’s seat, still had a calm face. It seemed that he was not worried that the new students would get out of control of the spaceship. He couldn’t help but ask: “Why are you not nervous at all?”

"It’s going to rain, my mother wants to marry! What to do if I don’t do it!” Ling Lan replied in an understatement. As long as she didn’t completely destroy the spaceship, she had no opinion at all. Anyway, the spaceship was not hers.

The captain suddenly groaned and depressed: "I haven't seen you so daring."

Ling Lan bent the corner of his mouth: "Otherwise I can't take your ship." He did not hesitate to poke a knife on the captain's heart.

Captain's temperament hate authentic: "I don't know who raised you like a crazy son... Hey, it's not something that people dare to do."

Ling Lan’s mouth is slightly curved: “Why, do you want to know? Or have a good discussion with my father?”

I don't know why, the captain once again felt an unprecedented sense of crisis. His instincts told him not to answer the best, but the heart of his heart made him blurt out and said: "Of course, I can't play small, can't I beat the old?" ”

Ling Lan slowly approached the captain and said softly: "Welcome to the generals!"

"Ling...Large general!" The captain opened his mouth and was shocked by this answer, but he did not doubt, because it was possible to give birth to such a enchanting son, only the general. At this time, the captain has forgotten the assertion that the descendants of the god-level divisions cannot excel.

When the major saw Ling Lan leave the captain's room and saw the captain standing alone, he curiously walked over and pushed his dead party: "Why are you standing stupid?"

The captain smiled bitterly: "We are not losing." rs()

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